DOCUMENT RESUME ED 310 870 PS 018 276 TITLE Beyond Child Survival: Towards a New Future. Report of the Bernard van Leer Foundation, 1986-1987. INSTITUTION Bernard Van Leer Foundation, The Hague (Netherlands). PUB DATE Oct 88 NOTE 81p. PUB TYPE Reports General (140) Reports Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC04 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Child Development; *Community Development; *Developing Nations; *Foundation Programs; *Parent Education; Program Descriptions; Social Support Groups; *Teacher Education IDENTIFIERS Africa; Asia; Bernard van Leer Foundation (Netherlands); *Child Health; Europe; Program Review; Western Hemisphere ABSTRACT This report on the Bernard van Leer Foundation's early childhood grant program of 1986-1987 is organized by geographic region. Regional sections cover Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and the Western Hemisphere. Each regional section contains an introduction, a table of major projects being supported in the region, and feature articles on specific projects that illustrate the work being undertaken. Special reports concern Mozambique, Singapore, Italy, Ireland, Colombia, and Trinidad and Tobago. A total of 116 major projects are listed in tables of projects. The tables, which are supplemented by maps, identify each project by title and the name of the sponsor, and provide data on date initiated, duration, and amount of funds (in Dutch Guilders) committed to the project as of December, 1987, and during 1986-1987. The four regional sections are followed by information about the activities of the foundation's as of December international Network for projects, including a selection of network events which took place during 1986-1987. The report also describes publications and media projects that have been produced by the foundation and projects that it supports. A financial report completes the review of 1986-1987. (RH) ******`**************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. * ****t*********************************t******************************** gl eat e s1)0 ss lilleI eall sit t1011 Oh then I 1111I1 le intellek.l0,11 pOtellnal In aless' call\ \Cal`,alinlillills/Ittn1 dI/111111alL'd the I 01.111dat1011 s ink I). en so. cleat sums hk.gan to eineice of the ocntual chat acid! lire Origins 01 the I OW1\1,111011 s piogianime \umtmnn the hut ol theI ( hildhood and Development of I dittInonl'InjeCt in lamatk.a designed to Imptme the paid, of teak.Inn: in Basil 1Ti I 111,,k ess i,l4 Ik T Mid, h t. gm..din IL rmisifirsanzi tf66li1411611tf66 \\hick has lOnSidelahiC Influence thilnIghtnit the (iilhhran, enn1hasi.Ing the 110,,-101111,11. L01111111.11111\ edit\ L111111110011 ClintMt)I 01111) I 01 it. is In q1,111,1 k: I C o i )) ith pi Huai). and pie-p)1111,11l edillatins to Meet the painoilai need. 01 \okkiiginai chilkiten and then patent.I hese thk.01.11L11 Illdiast11,111st Plotek.ts undeisLoied \ \ hat \ \ as to hel(lille a IILe: lt,11Ilded thk.Lompati) ))111(11 was tit [stk.I 01111datInitesilet. Itin and ultimatel% lu hek.onie thk. \an Iell ()tour ol Id the \ allies and III-Illness 01 (kiiiranie, a woildwide enteiplise specialistme IOLA intone ul paeka):tn):. matk:tials aml ploiltiLt.. that at the (.11(1 111 \\ as itahilsIlkAl III11/ ltrlliltlIL. and 1 10111 those eat' \ ben11111M_s \\ It 11 diet' etu brit. WWI\ 11101C than I-; people 011 tilting the dllidhi the sChiml, hloleet e\I \t.11ence has de111011stlatell that a mote \ t 11 k.1)11s111sshi I \ 13cinaIdan I Let al.() inn:pan:LI api)loaLli that emotti ages a reshaping mined his entik.pienettital spun and Ins 01 the school to meet the nod. of the LInIk1the kit t:ant.ational abilit to humanitat Ian Lund) and the Lommiinit. 1. of mote long- endLa%010.\inong the ni\ in,111,ffions to henelit 1)eneht nom Ins genelosit w etc the t.111\e1sII\ \nl.tcldanl to 11\ pelhaill. (0,%)t,en Ilin hcgdn a.a goletal plitlanthiopiL hod\ with tank) the Roal 1)ittk.11I ilesaI n tkicl a hioadk-delined intelet in human %%am:, ha. Iltcho,tt and 1)0,1111t /Us s s a nunlhll k) heLome .poiali.ed institution lot the benefit nt.1,11n Itit)11S \mu the 1)10(.11 .katall and Lultulall di.adantaged addle!" Lommuntt with an esdelist%e and.till ghtmillil hod of 1)1010:1-1).1',Cd e\pCIICIILCin the lick! of ettil Inlq-1,) he tooka LICCIIon to line (.1111(11100d Late and education impak.1 on (11.,t(1)antaged Lommunine in man\ part. ot the \wild In con.ultatmn hi. l'011% and hi..kin. and ().Lai lit:mai (I \ all eel drilled to hentleilth his 1,10pilet,11\ illtelests In the ( 011111,111\It/ a humanitat Ian institution he established in I theme 11/ctlanil where Ile then Incd 1. pm) hi. death in 19"l., the clime shale capital 01 the \ an I eel (Itoup of ( °Hyalite p,,01 to this \\ Ina had \ drtlncd \ esI Ills InstIttitInn I01.111\I Its ultimate ittlm in 1972 with the establishment of the 13cinaidan I eelI oundanon in the \ etheiland.I hi. I Olinda,)n hum. pail of the \ an Leo emit). together iitth the \ an I eel (i101111I ()midtown, a separate legal hod% %%Inch actuall% holds and tidnumstets the shale Capital and accumulated te.ei %es, and Rmal Pak..kaging Industlies \ an I eel, Much gem:lazes the pionts whik.h make po..thle the ))(kik of the Reinaid Ian I refI (minimum \ \ as 19()-t. the Muster. 01 the I ()ululation had to doctor, a speoth, I ten. Ini the acll\itles of the I Otindan011It\\ as decided that the I OUndin1011 \\ Oidd concentiate on the It...dining plonk:in. 01 en% nonnientalh, di.ad% (Imaged childien and()nth Iiinn;, in an% ill f'INUI,ldltlttIN 111:s Lounn))11cie the \ an I eel ('onceit' is Winn! unless ollnlilise established. who ale impeded I)\ the social and Indhile(1, ale 1)1 (own's, cultural inadequao 01 then backpound and of HI !Ile plop emnonment (to help them) achioe the Beyond child survival: towards a new fiturc Report of the Bernard van Leer Foundation 1986-1987 7c, 13ernatd van Leer Foundation ISSN 0921 5921 he Hague. ()ctohei 1988 /tit 111 01,111( I1h'il( -lea/ 01i/ //,'ital !IN I !!! Hits tN dam ed ea( h seal alto ( (Dirndl in twill (I/e/, the men .inil Isonien tuts )11 Nil, the Man phi ittlitlit, the lhatettite` illIll lice I he flee' IN tilled I' ith h(1110( .IN and hide piesenis Ilan:wit:than ribbonslhes we wearing eoloutlai a lolhes f stbiloailncio seAorS Cor kornbreS PalaIre torten el Senoresfa/ tocarla0Su 1.);-tarra, IasrirWL. POSaS En elgrb 12\ ''IZy"Y°" " e( res ne las Pi465* eaSIenle5 Cobre ropas ¢ teSSerioles Contents page Introduction b\ the Chan man of the Board ofI rustees 1 Programme Resio, 1986-198'71, the I- wenn\ c Director The Foundation's programme in 1986 and 1987 The h allle\ Ork of the report 7 The programme in Atrica special report Mocambique 11 The programme in Asia and the Pacific 15 special report. Singapore 19 The programme in Europe 23 spt.cial report hal) 19 special report Ireland 33 The programme in the Western Hemisphere 37 special report' Colombia 45 special report- "I rinidad and lobago 50 The Foundation Nets\ ork in Action 54 - A selection of Nemoik esents durini! 1986 and 1987 55 International seminars 61 Publications and media 63 Financial Report Introduction 66 Balance sheets and income and evenditure accounts for 1986 and 1987 67 Notes on the Financial statement 69 Auditors' report 71 U The Bernard van Leer Foundation at work 4 the knob is the key to the child clopmcnt A child de.elopy best in a healthy environment, with proper nutrition, lining care, and actne stimulation IL One of el at 12 poster,. about the torl, at the loundanan produ( edur 19S" in 1.n1;1111 and .Sparmn 2 1. Mexico: loving care 2. Germany (FR) ihrlush parents and children play and learn together 3. Belgium a grandfather helps the children read ti 4. Malaysia breastfeeding provides a healthy start in life 5. Morocco shelling peas together can be a teaming experience MIL' . 3 S headquarters were moved from two canal houses to a modem office building with its own pailiculai Ban'1 he [lime hom Koninginnegiacht to I tscnhuaellaan was a Illottlent011 one toil Introduction those imm"hat,..k, in\ oked, and tot otherswe hope that the Hummed facilities in the new by the ottices w 11 enhance the Nei% ices which the I ()imitation is able to oiler Chairman Dining the two seals !Andel Ieslew the Board 01 of the Board of instees apposed support tot 33 mato' new protests and 28 e \tensions of punk:cis, including dissemination and outleach phasesI his Trustees amounted, in total, to a sum at applommateb, 1)11s4 million in money calmaiked tor piojects I his tem esents. howcwei. only pan of the total funding duccted towards the needs of chsackiditaged children thiough the Foundation's the last esei public account of the work ul OK intei%ention lo that sum can be added an Bernard can I eelI oundation was published amount of applo\imaiel the same older which lust two seals ago Publication of the lepoit. IS a% allablc in itifilltelpatt tunding and sel %ices under the title \heillaMe in earls childhood which come tiom the Foundations partners care and education was an indication of the throughout the world growth III the minium of the oigamsation, of a feelino that. afire almost two decades at It is this pahneiship which is the hallmaik of the piomoting new approaches to the education (It 0Whi,111011.N operations 1 he Foundation is the chsathantaged child, the Foundation was Mel% ,Mate of the 11111Ittlt1011 of what 1110fleV leads to make a public testimonial On its alone can do and.
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