Russian Entomol. J. 23(3): 191–194 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2014 New species of the genus Nganasania from Upper Cretaceous of Taymyr (Coleoptera: Cryptophagidae) Íîâûé âèä ðîäà Nganasania èç âåðõíåãî ìåëà Òàéìûðà (Coleoptera: Cryptophagidae) G.Yu. Lyubarsky1, E.E. Perkovsky2 Ã.Þ. Ëþáàðñêèé1, Å.Ý. Ïåðêîâñêèé2 1 Zoological Museum of Moscow State University, Bol’shaya Nikitskaya str. 6, Moscow, 125009 Russia. 2 Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogdan Khmelnitski str. 15, Kiev, 01601 Ukraine. KEY WORDS: Cryptophagidae, Nganasania, Upper Cretaceous, Taymyr amber, Russia. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Cryptophagidae, Nganasania, верхний мел, Таймырский янтарь, Россия. ABSTRACT. Nganasania taymyrica sp.n. Lyubar- monotypic genus, its relationship with other genera of sky et Perkovsky is described based on a fossil inclusion the family are not established, in the revision of the in Upper Cretaceous Taymyr amber (Russia). The new family [Leschen, 1996] it is not included, so that its species differs from fossil Nganasania khetica in shape position in the family is unclear. of pronotum, weakly narrowed anteriorly, in less long Ponomarenko [1977] presented a general character- elytra, and shorted length of body. ization of the Upper Cretaceous beetles. According to him, that time was dominated by Cenozoic forms. The РЕЗЮМЕ. Nganasania taymyrica sp.n. Lyubarsky replacement of Mesophytic flora by Caenophytic flora et Perkovsky sp. n. описана из ископаемого янтаря had already occurred, gymnosperms were replaced by верхнего мела Таймыра (Россия). Новый вид отли- angiosperms, so that the reshaping of the beetle fauna чается от ископаемого Nganasania khetica слабо had already been completed, although there are some суженой кпереди переднеспинкой, менее длинным relict groups that appeared on the background of a надкрыльям и меньшей длиной тела. possible crisis of Upper Cretaceous communities. Now this view dominates, although much more details have Introduction been discovered [Wang, Zhang, Jarzembowski, 2013]. The angiosperm radiations provided new food resourc- es and habitats, and had a profound effect on beetles and The family Cryptophagidae is one of the primary other insects. lineages in the superfamily Cucujoidea-Coleoptera, Most fossil insects of the Upper Cretaceous are which includes about 30 families. The family has about preserved as carbonaceous compressions on the surface 60 genera and 600 described species. The Cryptoph- of stones or, more rarely, remains in resins. The fossils agidae are distributed in all biogeographic realms. The preserved in resins allow for a more accurate descrip- natural history of the family is described in Leschen tion of the details of the structure of the Mesozoic [1996, 2010]. beetles, and therefore are of special value. Fossil records of Cryptophagidae described so far In this paper, we describe a new fossil belonging to are scarce. Many recent findings are from Baltic and the Cryptophagidae family, from the Late Cretaceous of Rovno amber [Spahr, 1981; Hieke, Pietrzeniuk, 1984; Taymyr amber (Russia). The finding represents a new Lyubarsky, Perkovsky, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013; Perk- species belonging to the genus Nganasania Zherikhin, ovsky, Lyubarsky, 2014], and there are some fossil 1977. impressions as well [Scudder, 1876, Wickham, 1913, 1914, 1916; Cockerell, 1926; Piton, Theobald, 1935; Zhang, 1989]. Basically, all the finds belong to recent Material and methods genera Atomaria, Cryptophagus, and Micrambe. Mesozoic finds are quite rare. First of all, from the The specimen studied here was collected from the Lower Cretaceous of southern China Atomaria creta- Upper Cretaceous, Taymyr, Khatanga region. The spec- cea was described [Cai, Wang, 2013]. In this work of imen has been found as an inclusion in the fossil resin Cai & Wang, there is a brief overview of the fossil (retinitis), by analogy with Baltic amber called amber Cryptophagidae, including Cenozoic Era. From the [Zherikhin, 1977]. Upper Cretaceous of Taimyr Nganasania khetica Zhe- Based on the study of collections of the expeditions rikhin, 1977 was described [Zherikhin, 1977]. This is a organized by Paleontological Institute of Academy of 192 G.Yu. Lyubarsky, E.E. Perkovsky Sciences of USSR in 1970 and 1971, a number of beetle Side borders visible from above along the entire length, not specimens have been identified from Yantardah: Ptili- edged, straight, not serrated, pronotal carina absent. Posterior idae, Staphylinidae (Micropeplinae, Tachyporinae, Ale- angles obtuselateral. Base of the pronotum without depres- ocharinae), Cerophytidae (Aphytocerus communis sion. Sagittal view archlike, with common convexity of pro- Zher.), Melyridae, Latridiidae (Succinimontia infleta notum and elytra, pronotum in a total arc with elytra, without decrease. Prosternum short, punctured. Anterior coxae trans- Zher. ), Cryptophagidae (Nganasania khetica Zher.), verse, protruding, very close together, coxal cavities out- Melandryiidae (Archixylita zherichini Nikitsky and wardly open. Pseudohallomenus cretaceus Nikitsky), Mordellidae, Shape of tibia parallel-sided. Spurs of tibia are not visi- and a number of other beetles, tentatively attributed to ble. Tarsal formula 5–5–5. Tarsi without lobes. certain families. Unfortunately, most of the beetles men- Elytra long oval, moderately arched, without elytral de- tioned were badly damaged by castor oil. pressions, weakly curved at sides, broadest approx. at first Expedition PIN RAS 2012 was collected another 80 third of length, 2.2 times as long as pronotum, 1.2 times as long kg of samples including retinitis from Yantardah, among as broad combined. Surface shining, disorderly and moderate- others the inclusion described in this article. ly closely punctured, punctuate stria are absent. The punctures Photographs were taken at the Paleontological Insti- in the basal part slightly smaller than those on the pronotal disk, and approximately 1–1.5 diameters apart from their tute, Russian Academy of Sciences (PIN PAS) in Mos- lateral neighbours on an average. Elytral humeri not toothed. cow by Alexandr P. Rasnitsyn using a Leica M 165 Epipleuron present beyond level of posterior margin of metaster- microscope and Leica DFC 425 camera. num. Metasternum is long and punctured. Coxal lines absent. Metacoxal cavities are located close to each other. Length of ventrite 1 longer than each of the remaining Taxonomical part ventrites. 5 ventrite arcuate, not lobed. Family Cryptophagidae Kirby, 1837 Length 1.4 mm. ETYMOLOGY. The specific epithet is derived from the The specimen belongs to family Cryptophagidae. name of the geographic region in which the animal lived. The specimen has characteristic features of the family: the incomplete epipleuron which extends to the posteri- or edge of the 1st ventrite, and the length of ventrite 1 Discussion which is longer than the other ventrites. The specimen is partially obscured by the opacities in This new species can be attributed to the extant the resin, so some details of the structure can not be Cryptophagidae as supported by a combination of sev- determined. Zherikhin described a new genus Cryptoph- eral characters: 1st ventrite longer than each of the agidae from the same locality, Taimyr. The genus differs remaining ventrites, tarsal formula 555, tarsi not lobed from other genera by arcuate shape of sagittal section, [Leschen, 2003]. Epipleuron is present beyond level of depressions at the base of pronotum absent, lateral prono- posterior margin of 1st ventrite. The latter feature occurs tal margin unmodified, pronotal carina absent. in Erotylidae (Leucohimatium, Macrophagus etc.), and Cryptophagidae (Anitamaria, Tisactia, and Antheroph- Nganasania Zherikhin, 1977 agus). Epipleuron of Catopochrotus and Hypophagus Nganasania taymyrica sp.n. is present beyond level of posterior margin of metaster- Figs 1–2 num. MATERIAL: age, formation and locality. # 3311/711, 712, Nganasania khetica is characterized by epipleuron 713, 714, 715,716. Holotype: Russia, Taymyr, Khatanga region, present beyond level of posterior margin of 1st ventrite, right bank of Maimechi river, 3 km above the mouth, Yantardakh 1st ventrite longer than each of the remaining ventrites. mountain, Upper Cretaceous, Coniacean-Santonian stage, Kheta formation. Syninclusion with Diptera: Ceratopogonidae, Chirono- On these grounds the new species is attributed to midae. The type specimen is stored at the Paleontological Institute. Cryptophagidae, Nganasania. This genus was de- DESCRIPTION. Body unicolorous, testaceus, elytra with scribed from the same locality, Khatanga, Yantardakh elevated pubescence. mountain (Taymyr). Zherikhin [1977] identified the Eyes normal, well development, with small facets. Ocular new genus by shape of sagittal view. In particular, the setae absent. The antenna is inserted near eye, the distance shape of sagittal view differentiates Nganasania from between antennal insertions greater than the distance between st Atomaria. From the standpoint of Zherikhin, Ngana- insertion and eye. Antenna is inserted into small concavity. 1 sania is closer together with Ootypus. In addition, joint of antenna elongate, cylindrical in shape. 3rd antennomere up to 2x the length of the 4th antennomere. Antennal club is 3– Nganasania khetica differs from many genera of Atom- segmented. 9th and 10th antennomeres strongly transverse. 11th ariinae by shape of scutellum. Scutellum in Atomarii- antennomere elongate, symmetrical and more or less flattened. nae is transversal,
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