STATED SESSION MEETING AGENDA Grace Presbyterian Church Library; 7:00pm; Tuesday, November 17, 2015 CALL TO ORDER AND OPENING PRAYER – The Rev. Trey Little CLERK’S REPORT & ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS – David Finck, Clerk of Session • Consent Agenda MODERATOR’S REPORT – The Rev. Trey Little • Examination of Class of 2018 Church Officers • Election of Ruling Elder Commissioners for ECO National Meeting (January 26 – 28, 2016) • Facilities Improvement Team Update • ECO Discipleship Pilot Phase Update • Resolution to Dissolve Pastor Nominating Committee • Calling of a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, January 10, for the Purposes of: o Electing Class of 2018 Deacons and Trustees o Electing Church Officer Nominating Committee o Electing Grace Endowment Fund Trustees COMMITTEE REPORTS: ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE GRACE SCHOOL • See written report attached • No written report provided • Pastors’ Compensation MARRIED LIFE ADULT & JOY • No written report provided • See written report attached MISSIONS CONGREGATIONAL CARE • See written report attached • See written report attached WORSHIP EVANGELISM • See written report attached • See written report attached YOUNG ADULT & COLLEGE FAMILY • See written report attached • See written report attached CLOSING PRAYER NEXT SESSION MEETING: Tuesday, January 19 STATED SESSION MEETING AGENDA – November 17, 2015 Grace Presbyterian Church Session Business Meeting CONSENT AGENDA Tuesday, November 17, 2015 § Approve Minutes of the October 20, 2015 stated Session meeting. § Approve Minutes of the November 1, 2015 called Session meeting for the purpose of receiving new members. § Clerk’s Report for November 2015. 2 GRACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SESSION MEETING MINUTES HOUSTON, TEXAS October 20, 2015 MODERATOR The Reverend Trey Little ASSOCIATE PASTORS The Reverend Chris French The Reverend Dr. Michael Fry STAFF Hardie Morgan, Executive Director of Ministry Support Sabrina Hergert, Missions Coordinator Denise Phelps, Director Older Adult Ministries Susan McElroy, Pastor’s Executive Assistant The Session of Grace Presbyterian Church, Houston, Texas met in a STATED MEETING in the Library of Grace Presbyterian Church on October 20, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. ELDERS PRESENT: Okey Akwari, Ronnie Braden, Russ Chase, Paul Craig, Jim Davis, David Finck, Monika Frazelle, Morris Harper, Debbie Kaplan, Kevin Kiniry, Doris Looper, Doug Lunn, Scott Maham, Dan Malaguilla, Myrna Maldonado, Paul Mancillas, Kerry Moore, John Musgrove, Ken Purgason, Lisa Schwartz, Wanda Schwarz, Rick Siegel, Jim Weatherall, Sarah Williams. ELDERS EXCUSED: Phil Grant, Matt Kiker, Mandy Weber. CALL TO ORDER, OPENING PRAYER AND DEVOTION: The Session Packet was provided to the Session with an agenda for this meeting, the minutes of the prior Session meeting, committee reports, and other data for the Session’s review and analysis. The clerk took roll and declared a quorum. The Reverend Little called the meeting to order and Jim Davis opened the meeting with prayer. CLERK’S REPORT: Motion was made for approval of the Consent Agenda as stated below: • Approve the minutes of the September 15, 2015 stated Session Meeting. • Approve the October 2015 Clerk’s Report and all action items therein. • Approve Minutes of three called Session meetings for the purpose of receiving new members: 3 o September 27, 2015 after the 9:00 a.m. service o September 27, 2015 after the 11:00 a.m. service o October 4, 2015 There was a second and an invitation for discussion. The motion to approve the Consent Agent was then voted upon and the motion passed. MODERATOR’S REPORT: The Reverend Little presented the proposed structure for mission teams to replace the current committee structure. A handout, attached hereto, was provided to view as The Reverend Little explained the plan. It was made clear that this is an overall plan and that details will be worked out over time. It is possible that changes to the structure may be made as the plan is put in place and necessary changes become obvious. The plan was very well received by the Session. There was discussion on various topics after which there was a motion to: 1. Authorize the plan and structure with the understanding that details will be worked out over time; and 2. Authorize Reverend Little to select the first three members of the Leadership Development Team (class of 2015, 2016 and 2017). There was a second and the motion passed. The Reverend Little reported that he spoke with Jim Sheppard who is the consultant previously hired for the anticipated capital campaign. A donor paid the full amount of the consultant fees. Jim Sheppard confirmed that the $75,000 payment was not just for work already done, but for the cost of consulting on the entire campaign. The Reverend Little discussed the ECO Discipleship pilot program, which was discussed in prior Session meetings. Grace has been invited by ECO to participate in the pilot program with 3 to 5 individuals including Trey Little, Chris French and Francisco Garibay. There was a motion to submit the application to participate as described, a second and the motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS Administration & Finance: The committee submitted a written report which was provided in the Session Packet. Adult & Encore Ministries: The committee submitted a written report which was provided in the Session Packet. 4 Congregational Care: The committee submitted a written report which was provided in the Session Packet. Family Ministries: The committee submitted a written report which was provided in the Session Packet. Grace School: The committee submitted a written report which was provided in the Session Packet. Married Life: The committee submitted a written report which was provided in the Session Packet. Missions: No report. Evangelism: No report. Worship: Lisa Schwartz reported for the committee. She described the current process to prepare for Communion, the number of servers required and the difficulty in securing sufficient volunteers. It was noted that service of Communion by intinction requires fewer servers. After discussion, there was a motion to have Communion by intinction at the 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. services in the Sanctuary while keeping the existing service methods in the Chapel. There was a second and the motion carried. Lisa also discussed a Task Force that Reverend Little asked her to chair to study the Sunday worship service. Lisa asked for volunteers or suggestions of who might serve on this task force. They will consider the worship service overall including times, summer schedules and all aspects of the service and will then make recommendations. Young Adult: The committee submitted a written report which was provided in the Session Packet. New Business Hardie Morgan discussed the Grace School Foundation and the need for the Session to appoint members of the board. This issue, along with a recommendation, was set out in the session packet. The following motion was made: It is resolved that the following individuals be appointed to the Grace School Foundation board for terms ending December 31, 2016 or until their successors are named, whichever occurs later: • Liz Walgamuth – Grace School Head of School • Les Davis – Grace School Finance Committee Chair • Sarah Williams – Grace School Committee • Jerry Hanlon – Grace School Committee 5 • Hardie Morgan – Grace Church Executive Director Ministry Support There was a second and the motion carried. Hardie Morgan then discussed the Grace Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund and the need for the Session to nominate members of the Board for the Congregation to consider in electing such board members. This issue, along with a recommendation, was set out in the Session packet. The following motion was made: It is resolved that the following individuals be nominated to stand for election to the Grace Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund Board of Trustees Class of 2018 • Scott Maham • Robert Whitten There was a second and the motion carried. CLOSING The meeting was closed in prayer. Respectfully submitted, David Finck Clerk 6 CLERK’S REPORT TO SESSION GRACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, HOUSTON, TEXAS OCTOBER 20, 2015 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ NEW MEMBERS, BAPTISMS, WEDDINGS and DEATHS SINCE SEPTEMBER 15, 2015 NEW MEMBERS October 4, 2015 September 27, 2015 Gwynn G. Nalley Salome Ebode Julian “Skip” Nalley, Jr. Serge Mefan Ryan MacDonald Linda Bityeki-Mila Katherine Michelle Linman Kim Collinet Itoe Dae Il Kim Jennifer Rene McClanahan Patrick McClanahan BAPTISMS Evelyn Grace Paulson, daughter of Eric C. Paulson and Rachael Salinas Paulson, baptized October 15, 2015 DEATHS Mrs. Elizabeth Jiral Bruyere died September 21, 2015 Virginia Hughes died October 4, 2015 Nelson W. Karro died October 11, 2015 Christopher Cole Knight died October 13, 2015 WEDDINGS Lynn Ashley Shafer and Colby Morgan Sorota married September 19, 2015 by The Rev. Bob Rutherford and The Rev. Dean Pogue Hailey Tait Thomas Lambert married October 2, 2015 by The Rev. Chris French Emily Dee Cave and Johnny Eugene Hyde married October 10, 2015 by The Rev. Dr. Michael L. fry ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REQUESTS FOR SESSION ACTION ON OCTOBER 20, 2015 REMOVE FROM THE ROLL Mr. & Mrs. Stephen (Susi) Zeal and their children, Jaime Zeal and Jordan Zeal DISMISSALS Mr. and Mrs. Matt (Tamma) Howell After Session Action at OCTOBER 20, 2015 StatEd MEEting The MEMbership of Grace PresbytErian Church is: 835 MalEs; 1153 FeMalEs Total MembErship
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