One Hundred and Twenty-first Commencement Exercises OFFICIAL JUNE ExERCISES THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME NoTRE DAME, INDIANA THE GRADUATE ScHooL THE LAw ScHooL THE CoLLEGE oF ARTs AND LETTERS THE CoLLEGE OF SciENCE THE CoLLEGE OF ENGINEERING THE CoLLEGE oF BusiNEss ADMINISTRATION On the University Mall At 2:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) Sunday, June' 5, 1966 1 ! i PROGRAM PROCESSIONAL CITATIONS FOR HoNORARY DEGREES by the Reverend John E. Walsh, C.S.C. Vice-President for Academic Affairs THE CoNFERRING OF HoNORARY DEGREEs by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C. President of' the University PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES by the Reverend Paul E. Beichner, C.S.C. Dean of the Graduate School by Joseph O'Meara Dean of the Law School by the Reverend Charles E. Sheedy, C.S.C. Dean of the Coiiege of Arts and Letters by Frederick D. Rossini Dean of the Coiiege of Science by Norman R. Gay Dean of the Coiiege of Engineering by Thomas T. Murphy Dean of the Coiiege of Business Administration THE CoNFERRING oF DEGREES by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C. ·· President of the University PREsENTATION oF THE LAY FACULTY AwARD PREsENTATION oF THE PRoFEssoR THoMAs MADDEN . FAcULTY AwARD CoMMENCEMENT AnDREss by Lady Jackson London, England THE BLESSING . by His Eminence Juan Cardinal Landazuri Ricketts Archbishop of Lima, Peru 3 Degre~s Conferred The University of Notre Dame announces the conferring of: The Degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, on: Honorable David E. Bell, Washington, D. C. Reverend Joseph M. Bochenski, O.P., Fribourg, Switzerland Mr. William R. Daley, Cleveland, Ohio Reverend Godfrey Diekmann, O.S.B., Collegeville, Minnesota Dr. Helmut A. Hatzfeld, Washington, D. C. Lady Jackson, London, England . Dr. Julius W. Pratt, Notre Dame, Indiana His Eminence Juan Cardinal Landazuri Ricketts, Lima, Peru Honorable Richard T. Rives, Montgomery, Alabama Dr. Walt W. Rostow, Washington, D. C. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL The University of Notre Dame confers the following degrees in course: The Degree of Doctor of Mediaeval Studies on: Leslie S. Domonkos, Junior, Youngstown, Ohio B.A., Youngstown University, 1959; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1960; M.S.M., ibid., 1963. Dissertation: A History of Three Early Hungarian Universities: Obuda, Pozsony, and Buda. The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy on: fCarl G. Adler, Greenville, North Carolina B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1961. Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: The Application of the SU(3) Shell Model to Be9. tRobert B. Ashmore, Junior, St. Paul, Minnesota Ph.B., Studiurn Generate of St. Thomas Aquinas, River Forest, Illinois, 1959; Ph.Lic., ibid., 1960. Major subject: Philosophy. Dissertation: The Analogical Notion of Judgment in St. Thomas .Aquinas. Sister Monica Asman, Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity, Redwood City, California B.S., Loyola University of Los Angeles, 1955; M.S., University of Notre Dame, 1960. Major subject: Biology. Dissertation: Cytogenetic and Develop­ mental Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Aedes Aegypti (L). Theodore Joseph Barth, Colorado Springs, Colorado B.S., Regis College, 1961; M.S., University of Notre Dame, 1963. Major subject: Mathematics. 'Dissertation: The Normality Domain of a Set of 'Divisors. Robert C. Boguslaski, Grand Rapids, Michigan B.S., Aquinas College, 1962. Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: Some New Aralkyiamines. George Robert Bramer, Mishawaka, Indiana A.B., Drury College, 1954; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1958. Major subject: English. Dissertation: The Quality of Love in Jane Austen's Novels. t Degree Conferred February I, .1966 5 Ronald Charles Bruzina, Cincinnati, Ohio B.A., The Athenaeum of Ohio, 1957; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1961. Major subject: Philosophy. Dissertation: Logos and Eidos: A Study of the Phenomenological Meaning of "Concept" According to Husser! and Merleau­ Ponty. Joseph Anthony Buckley, Cleveland, Ohio B.A., Providence College, 1956; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1959. Major subject: Philosophy. Dissertation: The Dimensions of the Real (The Metaphysical Structure of the Existent in the Philosophy of Jacques Maritain). t A. Martin Buoncristiani, San Francisco, California B.S:, University of Santa Clara, 1960. Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: Mass Splitting of the Resonances in the Scattering of Pseudoscalar Mesons. John Robert Burns, Somerset West, South Africa B.A., University of South Africa (Pretoria), 1956; Honours B.A., ibid., 1959. Major subject: Engluh. Di>sertation: Thoreau's Use of the Bible. tRobert Joseph Caiola, Saginaw, Michigan B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1958. Major subject: Chemutry. Di>sertati01i: The Preparation and Polymerization of Some Vinyl Monomers Containing the 1, 3-Dioxolane Group. Charles W. Chappius, Wilmington, Delaware B.A., University of Delaware, 1955; M.A., Ohio State University, 1959. Major subject: Hi>tory. Dissertation: Anglo-German Relations 1929-1933: A Study of the Role of Great Britain in the Achievement of the Aims of German Foreign Policy. Sister Mary Francine Cordes, School Sisters de Notre Dame, Omaha Nebraska B.A., •Duchesne College, 1961. Major subject: Chemi>try. Dissertation: The Normal Vibrations of Imidazole, Benzimidazole, and Some of Their Metal COinplexd. James V. Crivello, Grand Rapids, Michigan B.S., Aquinas College, 1962. Major subject: Chemutry. Dissertation: The Synthesi> of Conjugated Polymers. Sister M. Dominique Crump, School Sisters of St. Francis, Milwaukee, Wisconsin B.S., Alvemo College, 1954. Major subject: Biology. Dissertation: Effects of Gamma Radiation on Membrane Potential and Spontaneous Contraction of Frog Sartorii. Thomas Ray Dehner,· Richmond, Indiana A.B., Earlham College, 1962. Major subject: Chemi>try. Dissertation: Chelat­ ing Polymers: The Study of Some Model Chelating Compounds and Their Metal Complexes. tirnee John D'Haenens, Thousand Oaks, California B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1956; M.A., University of Southern California, 1958. Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: An Experimental Study of the Periodic Schottky Deviations from Rhenium and Thin Films of Molybdenum on Rhenium. Brother John Paul Driscoll, Congregation of Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Indiana B.S., St. Edward's University, 1954; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1961. Major subject: Education. Dissertation: The Dimensions of Satisfaction With the Religious Life Among Scholastics in a Community of Teaching Brothers: A Descriptive Study. William Andrew Fessler, Richmond, Indiana A.B., Earlham College, 1962. Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: The Synthesis of Monomers and Polymers with Special Properties. 6 tJohn Joseph Fortman, Dayton, Ohio B.S., University of Dayton, 1961. Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: An Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Study of Some Pentacyanonitrosyl Complexes. ·i tWilliam Joseph Frascella, Los Angeles, California B.S., Loyola University of Los Angeles, 1962; M.S., University of Notre Dame, 1964. Major subject: Mathematics. Dissertation: Block Designs on Infinite Sets. Rev. Angelus Gambatese, Order of Friars Minor, Paterson, New Jersey B.A., St. Bonaventure University, 1955; M.A., ibid., 1962. Major subject: Philosophy. Dissertation: The Commentary of William of Ockham on Aristotle's Perihermenias. David John Gorman, Buffalo, New York A.B., Holy Cross College (Massachusetts), 1953; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1955. Major subject: History. Dissertation: Frank Hayward Severance: Historian of the Niagara Frontier. - tSister Sara William Hanley, Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Albany, New York B.A., College of St. Rose, 1961; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1963. Major subject: English. Dissertation: The Unity of George Herbert's The Temple. Carlos Alfonso Holzmann Poisson, Valparaiso, Chile University of Chile, 1956-58; Catholic University of Valparaiso, 1958-60. Major subject: Electrical Engineering. Dissertation: On Nonlinear n-Coupled Net• worb. tNorris A. Hooton, South Bend, Indiana B.S., The Clemson Agricultural College, 1957. Major subject: Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science. Dissertation: Interaction of Defects in Ionic Crystals. Anthony C. Hughes, Baltimore, Maryland B.S., Loyola College (Maryland), 1961. Major subject: :Mathematics. J>isser.. tation: Evaluation of Stable Secondary Operations in Low-dimensions. Wood Eugene Hunter, La Grange Park, Illinois B.A., Bellarmine College, 1962. Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: AJka. line Decomposition of Some Aliphatic Disulfides. tMatthew Dennis Kelleher, Wantagh, New York B.S.Engr. Sci., University of Notre Dame, 1961; M.S.M.E., ibid., 1963. Major •uhject: Mechanical Engineering. Dissertation: A Steady Conjugate Heat . _ Transfer Problem with Conduction and Free Convection. tJohi\ J. Kroepfl, Bloomington, Indiana B.S., DePaul University, 1960. l\fajor subject: Physics. Dissertation: Energy Level Structure of Be" and B•. Rev. Peter A. Kuo, China B.A., Pontifical University of Propaganda Fide (Rome), 1950; M.A., Loyola University (Illinois), 1954. Major subject: Sociology. Dissertation: Religion, ·Educational Aspirations, and Career Choice Among Chlnese Teenagers in Singapore. Joseph Hector Norbert Lacroix, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada B.S., University of· Ottawa, 1962. Major subject: Mathematics. Dissertation: Two-Dimensional Linear Groups Over Local Rings. William H. Leahy, Notre ·Dame, Indiana B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1959; ·M.A., ibid., 1960. Major subject: Economies. Dissertation: The Arbitration of Discipline and Discharge Issues Involving Union Representatives. 7 tJohn Francis Lefelhocz,
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