Minutcs of 3lSrh Virtull) of thc Nc'fli hckl ontTrl' srd 2{lrh 2121, l'he 315'r' Merctirrg (Virrull) ol'Northcnr Rcgional committcc (Nltc 'l"cncher ), National Council lbr hlduc:ltiorr rvls hcld on lTthand 20tl'August, 2020 at lloom No. 313 (3"r lloor) NRC, NCTEPIoI No. G-7 Sccror-10. Dwsrka. New Dclhi. I'he follorving nrernbers of the Committee attended the rneeting: t. Dr. Ilanwari Lal and 2020 1 Dr. Surendra Kumar Sharma Member and A 2020 3. Dr. Vivek Kohli Member and 2020 .t. Dr. R. Member l7'n August, 2020 -5. Shri Jagdish hasad State Representative, l7'n and 20"' Augus! 2020 Uttarakhand 6. Dr. Sarvendra Vikram Bahadur State Representative, Uttar l7'' August, 2020 Singh Pradesh 7 Dr. Madhup Kumar State Representative, l7'' Augusl2020 Haryana 8. ShriAshit Kumar State Representative, 20"'August, 2020 HimachalPradesh 9. Dr. RammurtiMeena Regional Director & l7'n and 20* August,2020 Convenor, NRC The following members the ittee not attended the meeting: Dr. Jaya Dave, Member 2. State Representative of Puniab. 3 Representative of NCT of Delhi. 4. Representati ve of Chandi garh. The minutes of the 3l4th meeting were read and confirmed with the following amendments. Tle Committee conlimed the minutes of 314'n6Virtual) Meeting as under: s. S.No./ Decision taken in earlier meeting To be read as No. Meeting/ Code/ Course I 51314 Meeting The original file of the Institution The file No. DH-184 rnentioned in the (Virual/ DH- alongwith other related documents, minutes of 314CI Meeting rnay be read as 184/B.Ed.t NCTE Act, 1993, Regulations and DH-154. Institute of Guidelines issued by NCTE from time Vocational The original file of the Institution to time, were carefully considered by Studies, Awadh alongwith other related documents, NCTE Bhawan, F'C-l I NRC and the fbllowing observations Act, 1993, Regulations and Cuidelines Sheikh Sarai were made that: - issued by NCTE from time to lime, were Phase-ll, lnstitutional l. The compliance of Revised carefully considered by NRC and the Area Ncw Recognition Order by the Committee made fol lowing observations: Delhi irrstitutions in respect of B.Ed., B.P.Ed. and M.Ed. courses was l. Certified registered land documents decided at S.No. 134 in 281" issued by the Registering Authoriry or Meeting of NRC to issue Show concerned authority has not been Cause Notice under Section l7(l) L i trlinutts pf Jl$rh of lhr. Nl(( ', N( "1'l: hclrl un l Tll' Hnd 201& A 2{12(0 tlt).|, ol' N(' l'li Aut. I 2. tituc piinr ni'appri,vci,tt lluiliing4 plan .:.'l'hc ('urnnritk"c hns tlccitlerl trr signcd hy thc L'ornlnenl fit:vl lhitle llteir r:rtrlicr tlccisirrn tttkctt itl Authority indicating thc namu of thc llrr: tllilller rt[' issrttr$t:t: ol" Show c(rursc, namc irl'thc institution, Khasra ('nuse Noticc undcr liection l7(l) No./ltkrt No., total land arca, tntalbuilt- rrl' N(' l't: Act. l()t)3 kr thc up arsa with the mcasurements of thc eorrccnrcd institutirrns ullcr Multi-purgxlsc l-lall a$ well r-rthcr vr:rillcntion rrl' lhc uuthcnticity inliastructural facilities such as class llxrul original rccognitittn ordcr ol' r(mm$ ctc. has not been submittcd. 'l'he tlrt: institution. carlier dccision L l,and [Jsc Certihcatc issucd by the ol"thc nrr"uting is rcpnxlucctl hclow: Competent (iovernmentAuthority to usc the land for educational purposehas "NR(' thridt:d thal ;ihow-c:uuse not been submitted. Noticc he i.r:suer/ to all suclt 4. Non-Encumbrance Certificate issued by irtstitutions x,hich dicl not submil the Compelent Covernment Authority uffiduvit .fin" cctmpliance of NCTE indicating that the land is free from all Rcgulathnt 2014 in respecl c{ encumbranceshas not been subrnined- tht:sc cour.sc.r. l"fte (lommittee alsa 5. Certified copy of site plan wkh dcc'lvd tlmt ilrrow-cause notice he demarcated land area Ibr running r.r.rlcr/ to all suc:h in.stitulion which different courses has not been did not suhnil compliance of the submitted. revi se d recogni I i o n o rde rs " 6. Building mfety certificate from the , Competent GovernmentAuthoriq' has 'lhis decision will be applicable for such institutions under the similar 7. Fire safety certificate issued b1, the category and apprised the same CompetentGovernmentAuthorit)' has I accordingly with the direction to subnrit thcir reply within 30 days after 8. Certificate to the effect that the building , the issue ol'the SCN. is difTerently abled friendly tiom the , Competent GovernmentAuthoritl, has not been submined. 9. tluiltling Completion Certificate signetl by the Competent Governrnent , Authority has not been submitted. I 0. Thc latest/currentlaculty ! ist approvcil& signed each page b1' cuncerncd affiliating body in eiriginal rvith the details of their tcaching suhject. date of birth, date of selection. date of joining. academic qualitications, teaching experience, NH'UPh.D.(NCTE's COt datcd 09.06.1017). sulaq,.. structure and rclatcd documents duly altested b1, authorized manirBtlment representative not submitted. And. notarized original allidavit of Rs. 100/- on non-judicial stamp paper by the management and Rs. l0/- non-judicial stamp paper by sqle_qle_d/rypqtt9d thc _9TI_ "!o.u t tr: jl 2 '1,: !\linuk'r of J t $th l\lrrtirrg {!'lrlrnl} n[ llru Nla('. N(' f h*kl rn;7rk snrl 2llth Augrut ,zlt2ll N( "1 l', prc*critrcrl pfifirma ure reqrilretl lc lrc xuhmilted. I L I)ctlils ol' rrlary dichurwrl tu thc l*culty ohrng with rix rrrtnth$ Ilank slfllcnlcnt a,r<J accrrunl nurfircr ul each firculty mcmhcr has nrI heen rubrnitrsd. 12. ('opics of" validl;ixed lJ*prsit llccciptsNationaliscd/Schcdulcd tlank lowurds lindowmcnt & Rcscrve ['und in ths joint operation modc with RD. NttC. N(l'fV. &Managcment alongwith duly fie ld lJank Form "A' in original,verilicd/signetl by the Manager of thc Bank as per NC"l-[: Regulaticrns, 2014 arc has not hecn submitted. lJ. Downloadcd copies of documents from the website of the institution with hyperlinks of the same as per provisions of 7(14) of the NCI"E Regulations, 2Al4 ha.s not been submitted. Hence, First Show Cause Notice under ' Section 11 ol the NCTE Act, 1993 be issued to lhe institution to submit their reply accompanied with notarized affidsvit of Rs. lfi)/- on Non-judicial stamp papcrby the authorized representative of the Management within 30 days from the date of issue of show causc notice. Witlr thc pcrmission ol" the Chair, thc agentla was placed betbre the Conrrnittte membes alongwith thc oflicr: rocords. lt{rm-wise rJccisions takcn by NllC are as under: s. filc No. Name and eddresr of Coursc Decision of NRC Nrr, lhc institution l. :{lt(.tAtrlr- Itiiirchanrl Viclyapceth t|.tid. 'lhc original lile ol' the lnstitution t1045 Iiducational lnslitutc, alongwith other relnted documents" NC'lli l'lot I Khasra No. 104, Act. 19q3, Rcgulations antl Guidelinr's 105, Strect / Itoad - NA, issued by NC"I'E t'rorn tirne ttt tintc. uere Villagc - Mohd. carelirlly considcrcd hy NRC and thc Muradprrr lJl(l; Shoulda, (lonrnrittcc rnade lirllorvirtg ohservatiuns: f'oql Ollicc - Mohd. ln complianuc with thu l-lon'hlc l"ligh Couil Murad;rur llltl; Shouleftr. 'lchsil / 'l'aluku ol' Dclhi in Writ Petition No. li88ll020 3 lllinuterr o[ J I $ri Illt'rt Vlrlrrpll rtf lltr' Nl{( '. N( "l't: lu'hl nn l?'fr snrl 2{lrf' A l$2{t Itl:rrrlutlr. IIrrurl( rtv rlrllr:rl 7ll' l'chrrrrrry. 2(l}ll. l\lt'r'flt|. l)isllir"l I\lrrcrrrt" Slillrr - llltur lhc Nl{(' rlccirkrl lr conrtllutr Vi*iting 'l'cnmlirr l\rr,lcslt intpeu"tion of the in-,tilutirrn,,uhjcct trr suhtni*iun ol'r*quircel inl;rcctir,n l$r: a", pcr N('ll:" l(cgulatirxrs, 2014 hy inrtrtutirrn. t)t I )istrie l lrtslitulc ol' I)i;rlonrl in lhc nrigirral lile rl lhe Inrtitution lrducrttion nlrd l'nrirtitrg, Larly :tkrngwith othcr relnlcd drrcument$, N( I f ; (ihutrtan I lcm. llr"lhi ('hildhootl Acl, lrr93. Rcgulationr and (iuir[r:lineii ntrl lrnrly issucd hy NC"l-ll lnrm timc tei timc, wcre l'rimary carclully considercd by NRC and the i (lommiltc.c l:'lducation madc flollowing ohscrvalions: ] (DI:('l:l'b.) 'l'hc (undcr l. institution has nCIt submitted the reply of l,etter of lntcnt dated lnnovative) 29.05.20 te. Hcncg show cause notice under $cction l4l15 (3Xb) of the NCTE Acl, 1993 he issued to the institution to submit reply within 30 days from the date of issue of , show cause notice. -.l DL. District lnstitute of Diploma in The original file of the Insthution Hducation and Training, Early alongwith other related documents. NCTE Rajinder Nagar, Delhi. Childhood AcL 1993, Regulations and Guidelines and Early issued by NCTE from time to time. w*ere Primary carefully considered by NRC and the Education Committee made ftrl lowing observations : (DECEPE) (lnnovative) l. The institution has not submined the reply of Letter of lntent dated 29.0s.2020. Herce, show causr rotice under Scction : l{/15 (JXb) of thc NCTE Act, 1993 be' issued to the institutiou to submit repl;* within J0 days from the date of issut of , show causc noticc. 4. ,-iri".: Iiiiiiiiir i,iitit,l*- ol' Diploma in 'l'he original lile of the lnstitution Htlucation and'l'raining, Llarly alungwith other rclttcd clucuntcnts. NC I't: Ansari ltoad, I)aryaganj, (lhildhond Act. l9qi. Rcgulations *ntl Cuitlelirres Nuv Dclhi- 110002 and [urly issued b1' NC'l'li lium timc tr) lirlld. rrr'rt' l)rinrary carclirlly corrsidercil hy_ NRt, lttd 1ty , 4 Minut$.r otJtSth Mtr(i Vlrlurr oJ lhr. Nlt(' N("1'1,: trckl onlTrl' nmrl 2llil' 2tt2$ liducntiort ( hrnmillcc lnadc ft rllowinl4 ohscrvations: (t)ticlit,ti) l, 'l'hc institution has not submittcd thr ( lnnovntivc) reply of l,cttcr ol' lntsnl dated 0 t .05.2019.
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