VOL. XXIII NO. 7_______________________________________________________________________________________________ TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY’S Bush leads hunt to find aid for Iraqi campaign WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ sharing effort just last Thurs­ dent Bush is dispatching two day and on Monday officials high-level missions this week on were still scrambling to put to­ a global search for billions of gether itineraries for the dollars to support the economic hastily scheduled trips. and military campaign against The fact that Bush was send­ Saddam Hussein — a strategy ing two of his closest Cabinet some say is unbecoming of a advisers served to emphasize superpower. the importance the president One delegation, led by Trea­ was attaching to the task of sury Secretary Nicholas Brady, getting other countries to share leaves Tuesday for stops in the burden. However, adminis­ Paris, London, Seoul, South tration officials conceded that Korea and Tokyo, passing the the sales job was not going to plate in search of as much as be easy. $25 billion to help defray the Bush’s effort has also raised expense of the American troop questions about the propriety deployment and to aid nations of issuing a global call for do­ suffering hardships from the nations to support the U.S. economic embargo against military. Critics charged that it Iraq. left the appearance that Amer­ Secretary of State James ica’s soldiers are up for hire as Baker leaves later in the week mercenaries. on a similar whirlwind trip “ I don’t want to leave any looking for assistance in the impression in the world that we capitals of oil-rich Persian Gulf pay for our soldiers and our AP Photo countries. President Bush was applauded by members of his cabinet yesterday as he prepared to brief members of Bush announced the burden see BUSH / page 4 Congress on the Persian Gulf crisis. Bush was greeted by (from left) Vice President Dan Quayle Secretary of State James Baker, Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney and CIA Director William Webster. Koreas begin peace talks Time helps ease fear, panic PANMUNJOM, Korea (AP) — The group is the first to cross If a ll goes w ell, a second North Korean Prime Minister the border since 1985 and only round of talks is to be held Oct. after U of Florida murders Yon Hyong Muk and 90 of his the third delegation to travel to 16-19 in North Korea’s capital countrymen crossed the heavily the South since the end of of Pyongyang. GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) — Police said they have eight armed Korean border into World War II in 1945. “ The Korean peninsula still Campus life was returning to suspects, but warned resi­ South Korea on Tuesday for a South Korean Prime Minister remains in the grip of the Cold normal Monday for many dents against dropping their historic visit aimed at easing Kang Young-hoon was to meet War era that has placed South college students frightened guard. four decades of hostilities. the North Koreans at a luxury and North Korea in a state of by a string of mutilation “ Students should know Yon and the six official North hotel near Olympic Park, offi­ mutual distrust and confronta­ murders, but police warned that the killer has not been Korean delegates to the cial headquarters for the talks. tion,” said Unification Minister that the killer could still be apprehended — the killer is premiers’ talks were welcomed The prem iers’ meeting is seen Hong Sung-chul, spokesman on the loose. not in custody — and assume by their South Korean counter­ as a new phase in capitalist for the South Korean delega­ Students returning to the that person or persons is parts at the truce village of South Korea’s efforts to coax tion. University of Florida for the still in the area,” Lt. Sadie Panmunjom inside the Demilita­ the totalitarian Communist “ This continued national second week of classes said Darnell, a police rized Zone separating the rival North out from four decades of tragedy should not be permitted they were less worried than spokeswoman, said Monday. Koreas. isolation and begin a thaw in to go on endlessly,” he said. they were last week by the “A Korean proverb says a their Cold War. “ Every effort must be made to deaths of five students who Police said an emotionally thousand miles start with a South Korean officials say establish regular dialogue be­ were found slain in their troubled University of first step,” said South Korean the meeting will be the first in tween the two sides.” apartments. Florida freshman, in custody Unification Minister Hong which both sides recognize the The Korean peninsula was di­ “ All you can do is be very in Brevard County for al­ Sung-chul, who was among legitimacy of each other’s gov­ vided at the end of World War careful. I’m usually in my legedly assaulting his those to greet the visitors. ernments. North Korea has II into the Communist North room before dark,” said grandmother, remained a The North Koreans were and capitalist South. The two Ava, a sophomore from Fort suspect. given bouquets of flowers, a steadfastly refused to recognize sides fought the 1950-53 Ko­ Lauderdale who refused to traditional Korean gift of the Seoul government since the rean War but a peace treaty give her last name. Edward Lewis Humphrey friendship, and tea, before be­ Koreas established separate was never signed. “ Everyone I know is calm­ was held on $1 million bond. ing escorted to South Korean- capitals in 1948. The border between the Ko­ ing down,” said Aaron So- Public Defender J R. Russo made sedans for a 35-mile trip During the visit, the North reas remains the most heavily tala, 20, a sophomore from said he would seek a hearing south to Seoul. Korean prime minister is ex­ fortified permanent demarca­ Copper Harbor, Mich. “ It Tuesday to request reduced A military helicopter hovered pected to make a courtesy call tion in the world, with more has been almost week, but the bond. overhead as the motorcade of of South Korean President Boh than 1.5 m illion armed men on there is still tension on the 12 cars and three buses pre­ Tae-woo, possibly delivering a either side behind bunkers and campus.” see BOND / page 8 pared to move south toward letter from North Korean barbed wire. There is no travel, Seoul. leader Kim II Sung. mail or other communication Survey: educators disagree about role of ethics in courses By PAUL PEARSON tion. Only 38 of them were re­ surveys were not returned. about the role of the professor Assistant News Editor turned. According to the report, According to the survey, less in discussing ethics. Comments “ One interpretatio n of nonre­ than 50 percent of the faculty ranged from “Not feasible,” to sponse to this survey is lack of members responding do not in­ “Irrelevant!” According to a report submit­ interest or support for this clude ethical issues in the With regard to these com­ ted to University Provost Ti­ idea.” classes they teach. However, ments, Taylor said “I like to mothy O’Meara, some faculty Committee chair Father Pad Two of a two-part series more than 50 percent of the think that, if it comes up in members of the College of Oliver Williams, associate faculty members believe that 'a class discussion in some way, Business Administration are provost and associate said that me,” W illiam s said. discussion of ethical issues fac­ they would handle the issue.” not in favor of integrating he finds this lack of response According to the faculty sur­ ing engineers and architects Williams believes that some ethics into business courses “very troubling." vey, more than 70 percent of should be treated in a separate of these responses may be due taught at the University. Representatives of the College the faculty members responding ethics course, either exclusively to the increasing specialization The report was presented by of Business Administration do include ethical issues in their or along with discussion in of faculty. “Very good scholars the Committee to Review the could not be reached for com­ classes. Nearly 60 percent of regular engineering courses. get intensified in one particular Ethical Dimension of Education ment. the faculty members said that a In response to these statis­ area, and they forget the at the University of Notre Williams does not believe that discussion of ethical issues tics, James Taylor, associate broader implications of their Dame. According to the report, all of the nonresponse is due to facing business managers dean of the College of Engineer­ actions.” he said. this committee was formed to faculty apathy. Instead, he said, should be integrated into the ing, said Monday, “ Some p ro ­ Another factor, according to “make recommendations with “in looking back, I think we College of Business curriculum, fessors who teach Advanced Williams, may be that, “A lot of regard to ethics in the curricu­ should have been more aggres­ either as a part of all business Math or a course which is faculty members think They lum and programs of the vari­ sive in our data gathering.” courses or in a separate highly technical would not think can think these things out for ous departments and colleges.” “From my experience, I would course. that a discussion of ethics is themselves. ” Williams dis­ To assist in its findings, the say that there is maybe 20 per­ Another faculty survey was part of an appropriate course.” agrees with that. “The world is committee sent a faculty survey cent of the Business School sent to all faculty members of The survey sent to the College now so complex that you need to 83 faculty members of the faculty who would show apa­ the College of Engineering.
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