The ‘As Tim (Gordon) said, we’re two Serving our Community different industries.’ Since 1888 Robert Zeglarski, Millburn school district Item superintendent for business. Reference made at the League of October 6, 2005 Women Voters forum Sept.29 regarding the schools and the town 75 cents weekly of Millburn and Short Hills sharing services with the municipality to hold down property taxes. www.theitemonline.com ‘ARTY’ DAY FREEHOLDER RACE Candidates speak out Two candidates for the 4th District talk to The Item about county government. The 4th District represents 11 towns, including Millburn. Shore pursues Cavanaugh sets another term sights on seat By Harry Trumbore By Harry Trumbore of The Item of The Item The sole Republican on the Essex County Board Linda Lordi Cavanaugh said when the county of Chosen Freeholders, Muriel Shore, said this week Democratic organization tapped her as a candidate much of her work on behalf of 4th District con- in a concerted effort to capture the Essex County stituents has been done outside the board. Board of Chosen Freeholders seat for the 4th District, Shore is a founding member of Committee to she was more than happy to run. Change County Government, Cavanaugh has not only served which is comprised of mayors and twice as an at-large member on the representatives of Essex County board, she is a past deputy legal ADAM ANIK/THE ITEM municipalities and based, in large counsel to the board and once part, on the debate over secession served as assistant to the county Jennifer Smith as Annie, above, sings about her ”hard luck life” as the Paper Mill Playhouse and the value of county govern- executive. education department’s Children’s Theater on Tour presents a medley of popular hits at the ment. “I grew up in politics,” said town’s annual Art Fair Sunday. Below, Isadora Seibert, 17, tries her hand at card tricks with “Voter dissatisfaction and seces- Cavanaugh, “and I’ve lived in Essex magician Bill Wisch at the fair, sponsored by the Millburn-Short Hills Chamber of Commerce Shore sion issues are far from dead,” Cavanaugh County all my life.” and held on Millburn Avenue. See story, additional photos, Page B10. Shore said this week. “They reflect For the past three years, the distrust of county government by residents who are North Caldwell resident has served as assistant direc- fed up with high property taxes.” tor of law at the Garden State Parkway Division, New The committee, she said, is exploring short-term Jersey Turnpike Authority. Now, she wants to re-enter strategies to reduce costs, such as shared services, county government. and long-term strategies to educate the public. The It is very different running for a district seat rather committee also is discussing changes in county gov- than an at-large position, Cavanaugh said this week. ernment with legislators outside Essex County, The perspective is different. Shore said, including from Union County and as far She is campaigning to wrest the 4th District seat away as Massachusetts. away from incumbent Muriel Shore, the sole Repub- Although the committee work takes place outside lican on the freeholder board, and said there is no the freeholder offices, Shore said she makes a point benefit to be gained by having one person sitting in of reporting on the committee’s progress to her fel- a contrary position. low freeholders. “A ‘no’ vote doesn’t get you anything,” Cavanaugh “They need to be much more informed about the said. There is a constant fight for resources from the dissatisfaction of the residents in Essex County,” same pool of funding, she said, and what is important Shore said. is that freeholders speak their minds and advocate for She added, however, she was disappointed when their constituents. County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo appointed his Although the current county executive already has own committee to study county government. appointed liaisons to the municipalities, Cavanaugh “It was a big misstep,” she said. “They never went said she considers it reasonable for residents to expect SEE SHORE, PAGE B12 SEE CAVANAUGH, PAGE B12 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS FORUM Property taxes hot topic By Patricia Harris superintendent for business, Judith and the township’s Building Code of The Item Cambria, financial analyst for the Department provides plan review New Jersey State League of for school projects. Although the municipality and Women Voters, and Ben Wolfe, a As another way of realizing sav- the Board of Education (BOE) director in the public finance ings, Zeglarski said, the school dis- ZONING share certain services and equip- department of Merrill Lynch. trict participates in a state cooper- ment and work together to main- Gordon made his remarks while ative purchasing program with oth- tain playing fields, they are essen- discussing ways the township and er districts and participates in the tially two separate entities offering school board can work together to Essex County Purchasing Coop for different services, Timothy Gor- realize tax savings and thereby Schools. Oakey Tract cell tower don, township business adminis- reduce residents’ tax burden. Dur- Both Gordon and Zegalarski trator, said Sept. 29 during a forum ing his presentation, Zeglarski discussed state aid and constraints sponsored by the League of echoed Gordon’s assessment, not- in setting their budgets. Although Women Voters. ing, “As Tim said, we’re two differ- state aid to the township has hearing moved to Nov. 7 Gordon was the first speaker ent industries.” Zeglarski did, how- increased over the past eight years, during the forum on property tax- ever, point to areas of joint venture: from about $3 million to nearly By Harry Trumbore would have to be removed,” revolve around several issues, es, held at the Millburn Free Public the purchase of salt for winter ice $3.4 million, the aid has not kept of The Item Babinski said. including the effects on health, on Library. Approximately 35 resi- and snow, the sweeping of parking pace with the consumer price The company still wishes to property values and visual aes- dents attended the session, lots by the township and equip- index, Gordon explained. A company proposing to build construct an 82-foot tower on an thetics. “Finally, a lot of people designed to educate residents ment sharing. In addition, he said, Pensions are a sore point for the a telephone cell tower in the L-shaped portion of land owned don’t think it should be in a resi- about the municipality’s financial the Joint Facilities Committee and township, according to Gordon, Oakey Tract will continue its pre- by the New Jersey American dential area,” Roth said. processes. Also speaking at the Fund collects fees for the use of because for a period of about six sentation at the township Zoning Water Company in the wooded Babinski said although people forum were Robert Zeglarski, the playing fields and funnels the mon- Board of Adjustment meeting area near the intersection of declined to speak with her Sept. Millburn school district assistant ey into maintenance of the fields, SEE PROPERTY, PAGE B12 scheduled for Nov. 7. Hartshorn Drive and Highview 26 after she was granted the con- The board first began delibera- Road. Originally, a one-piece tinuance, she intends to answer tions on the site plan application monopole was to be transported the concerns of the residents at ELECTION from Cingular Wireless in August. to the site. the Nov. 7 meeting. Because of the high number of The revised plans, according to “I could push and say I’ve Civic Association holding Candidates’ Night tonight minus Republicans applications already on the agen- Babinski, call for a sectional pole already answered that question da for the board’s next meeting, to be assembled on the site. Few- with testimony, but I won’t,” The Wyoming Civic Association will give their reasons why they Republicans have declined, Kral the attorney representing Cingu- er trees will have to be removed to Babinski said. “I will bring all of hold its annual Candidates’ Night should be elected. said, due to an inability to reach lar, Judith Ann Babinski, agreed to construct the sectional tower and my witnesses back, including a tonight from 8 to 10 p.m. at According to Alan Kral, chairman an agreement with the debate continuing expert testimony at the the work will not intrude upon safety expert.” Wyoming Presbyterian Church. organizers on the ground rules for Sept. 26 meeting. surrounding land owned by the According to testimony heard of the local Republican Babinski was present at the Board of Education, she said. in August, Cingular wishes to Democratic candidates for the Committee, the two Republican the evening. Sept. 26 meeting, but only to The Board of Education owns build the tower to service a gap in Township Committee will be candidates will not be The public is invited to attend the request a continuance to the the 32.7-acre Oakey Tract and coverage that extends from as far meeting scheduled for Nov. 7. leases it to the township. west as South Mountain Reserva- available to answer questions and participating in the debate. The event. “Our reason was we had to A number of objectors to the tion, south as far as East Lane and redesign where we put the pole,” cell tower appeared at the Sept. east along White Oak Ridge Babinski said. 26 meeting, including Hartshorn Road. The newly designed mono- COLUMBUS DAY The attorney made the point Drive resident William Roth and pole will not be camouflaged to that a company review of the ini- his wife, Debra. look like a tree, Babinski said this Holiday closings tial plans determined too many “It’s fair to say there were a lot week.
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