V.'’ FRIDAY, MARCH S, 1961 Average Daily Net Press Ron The Weather P A G l SIXTEEN iianrh^st^t Ew^ttittg raU> ' For the Week Ended Forecnat of C- 8* Weather Boreas Dee. 81, I960 Oeeaaloaal rain this afteraeea, rain and* mild ton l^ t nod Sunday. Munsies Observe 13,314 Low tmight near 49. High Sun­ About Tow n 40lh Anniversary Member of the Audit day around 88. Announce Engagements ONLY AT Bureau of Obenbitlo^ Manchester— A CUy of Village Charm Army Pfc. Walter F. Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. James V. Munsiei 90. aon of Mrs. Margaret Gleason, 296 Cooper Hill St., were honored 3S Tvler Circle, recently partici­ VOL. LXXX, NO. 130 (TEN PAGES— TV SECTION) . MANCHE^ER. c o n n ., SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1961 (Cloaolfled Advertlalng on Page 8) PRICE FIVE CENTS pated with the 4th Infantry Tivi- by friends and'relatives at a aur-, aion in Exercise l/»ng Pass, a pr party in celebration of their; mobility training exercise, at-the 4( * wedding annlvei'sary last ^ C3ark Air .Base' in the Philippines. Gleason's unit returned to its home evening. The party was given a t : HOUSE Pressure on Dollar Cut Liz Taylor 111; ihe Imnie of the couple's son and State News ataUon, after the exercise. He ^ daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mia. Al­ ■ ....................... ......... la I m4a ■«. ■ in I ■ ^ a radio-telephone operator at Fort. ton” Munsio. 88,Bridge S t.' Doctor Reports Le^^'is. Wash. A 195S graduate of,, Among the guests W'ere William , I Roundup Manchester High School. Pfc. Munsie, wlio was best man, and', I Gleason entered the Army in June BIG A\AR- Mrs. William Hall, bridesmaid at j Bonn Revalues Lungs Infected . -V ■ . 1959. ■ j the wedding. The Munsies were ‘ I given flowers and an electric aip-' Sunset Rebekalj Lodge will meet ! pliance gift. Mrs. Alton Mnnsie London, March- 4, (JP)— Meeting Fails Monday at 8 p.m. at Odd Fellow.s j .«erved a buffet -supper' wlUi an- Movie actress Elizabeth Tay­ To End Strike Hall. After a business meeting, I niversary cake centerpiece. Mark fo r U.S. lor came down with pneu­ there ■will be a kitchen social.' with ! Mr. Munsie.and the former Alice monia today and her doctor Mrs. 'William Ewing and Mrs. Rob­ By Bus Union ; McCabe of Manchester were mar- MARLITE TOP described her condition as ert Armstrong in charge. P.c- 1 ried March 2. 1921, at the Salva- Frankfurt,. Germany.^leadlng magnet for apeculatlve freshments will. aen-ed by Mrs I tion Army by the late Col. Wil- . money. Th« 29-year-Qld film star was ^ 4 -A Johii McAUlster and committer. lliam Mile's, T'liey are members of;| March 4 (JP)—The West Ger­ The revaluation created ■ o m e I Hartford, March (JP) I Uie Salvation Army Corps here. man mark was revalued to­ confusion in banking circles and placed in an oxygen tent In herJ strike against the Connecti- The' Rev. Ruasell E Camp, res- ' I T^v Mnn.sies have one son and two day in the strongest move yet there were no official lists of the suite at a downtown luxiify hotel, cut Railway & Lighting' Co. ’ grahdchildren. new exchange , rates available. Her physician, Dr. Carl Heinz sixth day to- ident chhplain at SUte's Prison., TO ease the pressure...bn the Goldman, waa summoned to the , ....... Wethersfield, and former pastor Some financial houses, like branch­ Violence The engagement of Miss Bever- The engagement of Ml.ss Agnes American dollar. hotel at 4:30 a.m. and immediately day with union and manage- of the Stafford Springs Congrega- Pasqualini to Joel Dodge Ls an- Effective immediately the dollar es of the Deutsche Bank, declined caUed for .an oxygen tent and the ment as much m disagree- tionBl Church, will be guest speak­ IvIV LeonaruLeonard loto uajunCohn Foxro.-k isii. an- 1 -----„ temporarily to exchange any for­ liou'nced bv her parents. Mr. and r.nnnced by her 4»arents. Mr. and Elliott to Reach 'will buy only" 4 marks instead of assistiance_Qf two other doctors; fnent as ever. er at a pieeting of the Rotaiy Club 4 marka and. 20 pfennings and all eign currency, saying they were ' Dr. Goldman said Miss, Taylor's Negotiations broke off again Mrs Harold Leonard. 150 BisseH l-Mr.s. Angelo Pasqualini, 65 Bald- awaiting further, instructions. of Manchester Tuesday at 6 30 5, ; win Rd., .Mancheeter. other foreign currencies were ad- lungs were severely congested with yesterday after about four hours M ounting p.m. at the Manchester Counfrv Age 99 Tu^i^ay The Dresden Bank, one of those Her flanee is the son of Mr. and I Her fiance, who lives at 33 Nor­ a sUphylococcuB InfecUon. She had federal and state Club. "Wbat's 'Four Altitude?' ^"¥he mewur'e"^ disclosed by the V^Wch to '""vert w Mrs. Julius Fox. 31 Edgerlon St wood St., Manchester, is the son Edward C. Elliott.yWho will bo I a temperature of 103 dem et. rnedlators said there apparently will be his topic. Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt, was “ i f ' “She ia very seriously 111. Dr. hope for an Immediate 'The bride-elect is a 1960 gradu­ of Mrs. Walter Dodge of South­ 99 years old Tuesdi^ will be hon­ ate of Manchester High School, ington and the late Mr. Dodge. confirmed by the West German ‘"K the rate by 8 i» r c m t . Goldman said. , . , settlement of this dispute.’ Steadily Anderson Shea Aiixiharv. VFTV and IS employed by Pratt and Miss Pasqualini is a graduate ored by friends amirelativea at an i economics ministry. Details were Most Germw Industrial leaders Some strains of the Staphylo- .pjjg company’s bus service In w-ni hold a card partv tonight at Whitney Aircraft in East Hart­ of Manchester High School, and is open house^ Sujtaay from 2 to | expected to be released at a Bonn had been any revaluation ^occl family of gorma have ^ ilt Bridgeport, Waterbury, New 8 o’clock at the post home. news conference tomorrow. becauae of iU impact on their By PATRICK MASSEY ford. aemplpyed by Putnam------ ----and- Co..---- sf5 yp.m. .in . savat his»•»<» hdme, 18 Orchard St. up a strong resistance to mMcm B^taln and Norwalk areas has Mr Fox attended . Manchester Manchester. Mr. Dodge is em- nonagenarian ^yas born The move was preceded by a ®weg abroad antibiotics and treatment of in- been halted since early Monday by Leopoldville, The Congo, , ..........— -------- -------------- In I flurry of stock speculation and a To almost a half million Amerl fectlons involving them can be ' The Regina r italia Society w ill High Siehool. and is employed by ployed-by Mitchell Electric Oorp. Prome,— Eln^land,. .March . -7. 1862,1 the strike of 550 drivers and March 4 (JP) — Congolese meet Monday at 7 p m. at the Harr>'( F: Sweet' of Manchester, Manchester. rapid •Weakening of the dollar in can servicemen, their families and highly difficult. mechanics In a contract' dispute. and came, to this country 80 years the German market. It came after, civilians living' in -West Germany, troops battled United Na- Italian American Chib. tree siirgeon. An August wedding is planned. ago. He,'was formerly employed , Lord Evans, physician to Queen It had been ho'pe<i that yester­ The wedding will take place . o'Brsiiford Bsrhrsch Phnio repeated denials by both the Bonn move meant a 8 per cent cut in Elizabeth II, called at the hotel to l.ions soldiers in the vital port . by Chehey Bros, and as custodian . g o ^ m e n t and the Deutsche Uie mone^ available for spending day’s negotiatiojis In the office of April 22 at St. James" Church. at the Miinicipal Building. A meni- see Miss Taylor in mid-momlng. State Labor Commissioner _ Re- town of Matadi today as anti- Bank of any revaluation plans. in Germglly. Living In the hotel suite with IJ.N. violence gathered pace ber.ef the Salvation Army since, Rumors of revaluation^ of the- t 0..4 to aiirImost a half million for- nato Riccluti. with mediators slt- 1888. M,r. Elliott is thehit oldest AMESin DRIVES 1941B Classmates I1 X0170, . llsAllULL la : ymcisi. German mark, long recognized as flP* would end the strike. But through The Congo. Hospital Gare.Ups ' ■ 11 ^ • living member of the Manchester, one of the strongest currencies In Ians, It meant more money being mediators Issued a statement U.N. sources reported fighting ■ A>T> 1 O A I a n K e U n i O n jSalvaUon Army Corps. He reads ; sent home to support their fami­ children by previous marriages— „hirh m IH • broke out in Matadi streets around I the Bible- and newspapers daily. ' Europe, have cropped up period­ Michael Wilding Jr., 9, Christo- -vtdenre midday and raged for two hours Welfare Spending ically over, the past few years. lies. PARK AREAS * < II___efiloys sports-on tele\ision, “and is For the miUlons ..of German tour with mortar and small arms fire. -------- - I ■- 'TheThe 1841B1941B Classclass otof Mancnefieg,.Mancheftegi . ^health. Purch^e of isls got^^ '’“ m IsT t S hVs",ifered?t^ries both “.Tdes were holding to First reports gave no indication of Welfare costs doubled in Janu-. High School is starting plans fori u , turn k Mriw V s t position taken by them just CnislMd Driytway *_______________ KAA a T'AAr ••Alininn . XllfHe hasil&S iWOtwo Cdaughters. Mrs. Wil­ of allmenu i lnce early last Oc-j At this point It casualties but said houses and ar>’ over Januarj' 1960, from9A 14,694 a 20th year reunion.' ?J?I^rtwr c K u t i o “ ” the!'"O'"* veations.
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