Nineteenth European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference Proceedings of the International Conference held in Paris, France 7 - 11 June 2004 Edited by: W. HOFFMANN RWESCHOTT Solar Alzenau, Germany J.-L. BAL ADEME Paris, France H. OSSENBRINK European Commission - DG JRC Ispra, Italy W.PALZ World Council for Renewable Energy P. HELM WIP-Renewable Energies Munich, Germany i Volume II Table of Contents of Volume II Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon PLENARY SESSION 3BP.1 Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon 3BP. 1.1 Silicon Heterojunction Cells R&D in Europe 1321 F. Roca, J. Cdrabe, A. Jdger-Waldau 3BP. 1.2 Thin Film Silicon Solar Cell Up-Scaling by Large-Area PECVD KAI Systems 1328 J. Meier, U. Kroll, J. Spitznagel, S. Benagli, T. Roschek, G. Pfanner, Ch. EUert, G. Androutsopoulos, A. Hugh, G. Biichel, D. Plesa, A. Biichel, A. Shah 3BP. 1.3 Advanced PECVD Processes for Thin Film Silicon Solar Cells on Glass 1334 T. Repmann, W. Appenzeller, B. Sehrbrock, H. Stiebig, B. Rech 3BP. 1.4 Characterization of the I-V Curves of Multi-Junction Solar Cells/Modules by High-Fidelity Solar Simulators and their Irradiance Dependence 1340 Y. Hishikawa, S. Igari 3BP. 1.5 Development of Nc-Si:H Solar Cells on Novel Transparent Conducting Light Trapping Oxide (TCLO) Superstate with IMO, ITiO or Surface Textured i-ZNO/IMO & I-ZNO/ITiO Bilayer 1346 J.A. Anna Selvan, Y-M. Li, S. Guo, A.E. Del ahoy ORAL PRESENTATIONS 3AO.7 Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon 3AO.7.1 Thin Film Silicon Solar Cells on Insulated Metal Substrates 1352 P. Van der Vleuten 3AO.7.2 Light-Trapping in A-Si:H and uC-Si:H Solar Cells Via Nano-Textured Glass Superstates Made by Plasma Etching 1355 N-P. Harder, D. Le Bellac, E. Royer, B. Rech, G. Schope, Jo. Miiller 3AO.7.3 Light Confinement Strategies for Thin Silicon Solar Cells on Plastic Substrates 1359 J. Escarre, F. Villar, M. Fonrodona, D. Soler, J.M. Asensi, J. Bertomeu, J. Andreu 3AO.7.4 Degradation of a-Si:H/a-SiGe:H Solar Cells Prepared on Different Substrate Materials 1363 M. Sendova-Vassileva, Y. Feng, D. Lundszien, A. Lambertz, W. Reetz, H. Stiebig, F. Finger 3AO.7.5 Hydrogen Diffusion in P, I and N Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Layers and its Consequences on Solar Cells Efficiency 1367 F. Kail, A. Hadjadj, P. Roca i Cabarrocas 3AO.7.6 Effect of Hydrogen and Crystallinity on Transport Properties of Microcrystalline Silicon 1371 J. Kocka, T. Mates, S. Honda, M. Ledinsky, K. Luterova, H. Stuchlikovd, J. Stuchlik, A. Fejfar ORAL PRESENTATIONS 3AO.8 Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon 3AO 8 1 High Efficiency P-I-N a-Si:H Solar Cells prepared in a Large Area Single Chamber Process on LPCVD ZnO 1374 U. Kroll, S. Benagli, J. Meier, A. Hugli, J. Spitznagel, G. Androutsopoulos, T. Roschek, Ch. EUert, A. Biichel, C. Bucher, A. Shah 3AO.8.2 Development of Large Area VHF Plasma CVD and its Application to Si Thin film Solar Modules 1378 Y. Takeuchi, A. Takano, H. Mashima, K. Kawamura, Y. Yamauchi, H. Takatsuka 3AO.8.3 Large Area Deposition of Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon - New Tools for Industrially Applicable Mass Production 1382 S. Wieder, J. Liu, T. Repmann, R. Carius, J. Kuske, U. Stephan 3AO.8.4 Amorphous Silicon Multilayer Solar Cell Deposited by PECVD Method 1387 K.H. Jim, H. Stiebig, Jo. Miiller, B. Rech, W. Beyer 3AO.8.5 Key Parameters in Silicon PECVD. The Example of Microcrystalline Silicon 1391 J. Carabe, J.J. Gandia, L. Urbina, G. Bruno, M. Losurdo 3AO.8.6 2D Self- Consistent Modeling of the Microcrystalline Silicon Deposition Process 1395 B. Lykas, E. Amanatides, D. Mataras ORAL PRESENTATIONS 3CO.7 Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon 3CO.7.1 Microcrystalline Silicon Cells Deposited at High Rates by Combination of VHF-PECVD and High Working Pressure 1399 Y. Mai, S. Klein, J. Wolff, A. Lambertz, X. Geng, F. Finger 3CO.7.2 Large Area (30 cm x 40 cm) Nanocrystalline Si Materials and Solar Cells Using the Pulsed PECVD Technique 1403 A. Madan, U. Das, J. Hu, D. Zhong 3CO.7.3 High Efficiency and High-Deposition-Rate Microcrystalline Silicon P-I-N Solar Cells 1407 T. Matsui, A. Matsuda, M. Kondo 3CO.7.4 Stability of ZnO-coated SnO2:F for High-Deposition Rate Hot-Wire CVD of P-I-N Solar Cells 1411 MM. Franken, M.K. van Veen, C.H.M. van der Werf, J. Loffler, J.K. Rath, R.E.I. Schropp 3CO.7.5 Development of Surface-Textured Zinc Oxide for Thin-Film Silicon Solar Cells By High Rate Reactive Sputtering 1415 J. Hiipkes, B. Rech, B. Sehrbrock, O. Kluth, Jo. Miiller, HP. Bochem, M. Wuttig 3CO.7.6 Modelling the Effect of Spectral Variations on the Performance of Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells 1419 H. AlBuflasa, T.R. Belts, R. Gottschalg, T.G. Infield VISUAL PRESENTATIONS 3DV.1 Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon 3DV. 1.1 Stability of Microcrystalline Solar Cells Under Treatment in Water, Air and Vacuum 1423 M. Sendova- Vassileva, S. Klein, A. Lambertz, F. Finger 3DV.1.3 An Investigation of Modified Intrinsic Layer in Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells 1427 K. Luczak 3DV. 1.4 New Crystallization Method of a-Si Film by Direct Resistive Heating for Thin Film Solar Cell Applications 1430 D.Y. Kim, C.K. Suh, M.S. Shim, M. Gowtham, D. Mangalaraj, J. Yi 3DV.1.5 Optoelectronic Characterization of a-SiC:H Stacked Devices 1434 M. Vieira, M. Fernandes, P. Louro, A. Fantoni, N. Carvalho, G. Lavareda 3DV. 1.7 The Study of P-nc-Si:H Thin Film Material by VHF-PECVD 1438 F. Zhu, X. Zhang, Y. Zhao, C.C. Wei, J. Sun, H. Ren, Y. Wang, H. Song, X. Geng 3DV.1.8 The Effect of Doped Layers on the Characteristics of uc-Si Solar Cells 1441 X. Geng, F. Zhu, G. Hou, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, H. Song, Y. Zhao 3DV. 1.11 Monitoring of the Polymorphous/Silicon Interface Properties in the Hit Solar Cell by Surface Photovoltage Technique in an Expanded Spectral Region 1445 V. Svrcek, Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller, A.S. Gudovskikh, J-P. Kleider, J. Damon-Lacoste, P. Roca i Cabarrocas, C. Jaussaud, P-J. Ribeyron 3D V. 1.12 Choice of the Substrate for Heterojunction Amorphous/Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells - a Simulation Study 1449 Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller, N. Le Quang, G. Goaer 3DV.1.13 Plasma Treatments of the Interface in n-Type Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon / p-Type Crystalline Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells 1453 J. Damon-Lacoste, P. Roca i Cabarrocas, A.S. Gudovskikh, J-P. Kleider, P-J. Ribeyron, V. Svrcek. Y. Veschetti 3DV.1.14 Fixed and Continuous Substrate Flow VHF PECVD of Silicon Alloys 1457 K. Schade, J. Kuske, S. Rohlecke, F. Stahr, O. Steinke, U. Stephan, A. Kottwitz 3DV. 1.15 Modelling of J-V Characteristics of c-Si / a-Si Heterojunction Solar Cells 1461 J. J. Gandia, J. Cdrabe 3DV. 1.16 Microstructure of Hydrogenated Polymorphous Silicon and its Influence on the Transport Properties 1465 O. Saldane, C. Longeaud, S. Lebib, P. Roca i Cabarrocas 3DV. 1.17 Influence of the VHF PECVD Microcrystalline Silicon Properties on the Solar Cell Performances 1469 P. Delli Veneri, L. V. Mercaldo, E. Bobeico, P. Spinillo, C. Privato 3DV. 1.19 Micro-Structural and Electrical Evolutions of Boron-Doped Microcrystalline Silicon Thin Film on Glass Prepared by VHF-PECVD 1473 M-T. Kuo, J-C. Liu, L-C. Kuo 3DV. 1.20 P-I-N uc-Si:H Solar Cells Grown by Hot Wire Cell Method 1477 S. Hiza, Y. Ide, Y. Saito, A. Yamada, M. Konagai 3DV.1.22 Simulation Study of Enhanced Light Scattering and of an Interlayer in Tandem Micromorph Silicon Solar Cells 1481 J. Krc, K. Bred, F. Smole, M. Topic 3DV. 1.23 Effects of Plasma Conditions on Density of Microcrystalline Silicon 1485 A. Biebericher, A.R. Burgers, C. Devilee, W.J. Soppe 3DV. 1.24 Effect of Cell Width on the Device Performance of Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells 1489 C. Monokroussos, R. Riither, R. Gottschalg, M. Kong, D.G. Infield 3DV. 1.25 Comparison of APCVD Deposited SnO2: F Layers on Glass as TCO Superstrates for Amorphous Silicon Pin Solar Cells 1493 J. Loffler, A.M.B. van Mol, F.J. Grob, J.K. Rath, R.E.I. Schropp 3DV. 1.26 AFORS-HET, a Numerical PC-Program for Simulation of Heterojunction Solar Cells, Version 1.1 (Open- Source on Demand), to be Distributed for Public Use 1497 R. Stangl, A. Froitzheim, M. Kriegel, T. Brammer, S. Kirste, L. Elstner, H. Stiebig, M. Schmidt, V. Fuhs 3DV.1.27 Role of He Dilution in the Improvement of Microcrystalline Silicon Thin Films from SiRt and SiF4 Based PECVD 1501 M. Losurdo, M.M. Giangregorio, P. Capezzuto, G. Bruno 3DV. 1.28 Exploitation of the Electric-Field Dependence of Photocarrier Properties by Application of the Steady-State Photocarrier Grating Technique 1505 R.I. Badran, R. Briiggemann 3DV. 1.29 Effect of the Substrate and Temperature on the Structural Properties of Microcrystalline Silicon Thin Film for Solar Cells 1509 X. Zhang, Y. Zhao, F. Zhu C. Wei, C. Wu, Y. Gao 3DV. 1.31 Correlation Between TCO-Contact Layers and Performance of Microcrystalline Silicon P-I-N Solar Cells 1513 L. Feitknecht, R. Schliichter, J. Steinhauser, S. Fay, A. Shah 3DV.1.32 Numerical Analysis of Texture Structure to Improve Optical Confinement in Thin Film Solar Cells 1516 Y. Kobayashi, K. Satake, S. Sakai, N. Yamashita, Y. Yonekura 3DV. 1.33 Efficiency Dependence of Microcrystalline Solar Cells on the Crystalline Structure 1520 R.
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