VOLUME 21 NUMBER 3 WWW.BROWARD.EDU/OBSERVER SEPTEMBER 11, 2006 READ WHAT’S September 11, 2001: INSIde Our big CAMPUS NEWS RENE PAZMINO, We will never forget... JR., IS problem THE NEW By phillip campos to end all wars, yet we certainly By nathan phelps CENTRAL STAFF WRITER repeated with another war “to end SCI-TECH EDITOR AND WHC STUDENT all wars:” World War II. Shall we GOVERNMENT September 11, 2001 marks the repeat wars indefinitely until we The debate over global warming PRESIDENT. day America stopped, cried, and are no longer here? Despite be- is over. According to the National ▪ PAGE 3 overcame one of its greatest tri- ing much smaller in scale, a mere Academy of Sciences the Earth’s als our homeland has ever seen. two decades ago the world as we temperature has risen by about 1 Despite the fact that two majes- degree Fahrenheit over the past SPORTS know it was in peril. One can only SEE THE tic steel titans came thundering imagine if the Cold War had esca- century. Scientists expect the aver- PREVIEW down, up came the even grander lated. Will World War III becom- age global temperature to increase OF THE LADY will of the people. The want to ing an inevitable consequence an additional 2 to 6 degrees over the SEAHAWK recover and rebuild our habitual of time, or an easily avoidable next hundred years. The evidence VOLLEYBALL IN OUR need to overcome adversity was conflict, one we can ascend past is strong to suggest that much of CENTERSPREAD! present. Overcoming a national and break the repeating cycle of this change is due to human ac- ▪ PAGES 10-11 tragedy not only depends on the history? As a nation, we must ask tivities. Even though this does not economy, but how the country is that question and understand why sound like much, it could be dev- affected; it depends on its people. we must never forget. astating to the Earth’s climate. At ENTerTAINMENT THE WHOLE September 11, 2001, may have As we look forward in the the peak of the last Ice Age, 18 WORLD MOURNS been the infamous day, however, present, and guess about the fu- thousand years ago, the tempera- THE LOSS OF THE UNFORGETTABLE it is the repercussions that fol- ture, war has definitely changed ture was only 7 degrees colder that STEVE IRWIN. lowed that will dictate our future, from the time of our fore fathers. it is at present and glaciers covered ▪ PAGE 9 our children’s future, America’s War is now a game of numbers much of North America. the twin towers PHOTO COURTESY OF future, and ultimately what the MARCOS EFRON and statistics with shiny buttons, Temperature is not the only world will become. where a mere click and command thing being affected by global ScIENce AND The United States may have been Israel are again making headlines. of a mouse can destroy an entire na- warming. Greenhouse gases, TECHNOLOGY the country that was stricken, how- Just like in 1992, the war on Iraq tion. War is no longer restricted to a which are essential for life on the ALL ABOUT NASA’s SPACE SHUTTLE ever, Al Qaeda as well as other ter- is a major factor in politics, and the battlefield or a flag. It is in our streets, Earth, have risen to their highest PROGRAM rorist organizations target the entire economy. Just like the 70’s, cars are in our phone lines, in our neighbor- levels in the past 650,000 years UPDATE AND modern world. London, England, becoming smaller, and oil prices are ing nations, and especially now an and are continuing to climb. The THE Madrid, Spain, and countless other skyrocketing. The country is divided unfortunate part of our daily lives. use of fossil fuels is the major con- EFFECTS OF GLOBAL WARMING nations have been targeted and be- on how to deal with immigration; is September 11 was a very hard tributor to rising levels of carbon ON OUR WORLD. came victims of terrorist attacks. it good or bad, have we met our quo- reminder of the horror of genocide. dioxide in the atmosphere. Our ▪ PAGES 12-13 Conflicts old and new are reemerg- ta? Or do we owe to those that came, Statistically speaking the casual- lives and lifestyles revolve around ing as we move deeper into the 21st and are still coming? ties of September 11 are quite small the use of oil and oil-based prod- century, and our past seems to haunt Where have we gone since the when compared to the 6 billion ucts which account for over 80% COLLEGEWIde us. In an endless repeating cycle of 70’s? Is the United States in Déjà vu of the world’s energy usage. The P’an Ku, THE people in the entire world or just STUDENT LITERARY history, North Korea again becomes with another Gulf War? Ironically, fact that we have made ourselves AND ART MAGAZINE, a threat, as Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and World War I supposed to be the war so reliant on this type of energy IS GEARING UP FOR ▪ TRIBUTE continued on page 7 A NEW SEMESTER. source has proven to be a huge det- riment to repairing the damage we ▪ PAGE 17 have done to our Earth. Month af- ter month, the effects of rising car- FeaTUreS bon dioxide levels become more STACIE Hurricane Ernesto fails to impress evident. These repercussions are By cami carr TURNER in the forms of killer hurricanes, IS A STAFF WRITER MODEL floods, droughts, and major wild- FOR HOPE. fires. This is undoubtedly one of Though Tropical Storm Ernesto the most imposing scientific and ▪ PAGE 16 filled South Florida with anxiety, technical challenges that humanity shut down all colleges and schools has ever faced. in the Broward County School OPINION It is becoming ever more evident District, the facts show the expected STUDENTS RECALL that decreasing the current amount THEIR MEMORIES hurricane was just a dud. Coverage of CO2 emissions is imperative in AND LET THEIR on the storm extended to all major FEELINGS BE order to help repair the damage KNOWN ON, ABOUT, news channels and 24 hour coverage that has already been done. To hold AND AFTER THE on the Weather Channel. After last ATTACKS OF 9/11. global emission levels constant year’s run-in with Hurricane Wilma while the world’s economy contin- ▪ PAGES 18-19 and then total destruction of Katrina, ues to grow is a daunting task. The the Southern states all feared for the technology to accomplish this al- worst. All over Broward, Dade and ready exists, but it will take tenac- Palm Beach counties, lines could be INDEX ity and determination to bring it seen for blocks at gas stations and the rush to gas up in preparation for hurricane PHOTO BY CHRIS CUTRO to fruition. Wasting less energy is Collegewide ................7 hardware stores flowed with a steady ernesto left many fuel stations backed up. ▪ Brains continued on page 7 the quickest, least expensive way stream of customers stocking up Central .........................3 to stem carbon emissions. Simple for a potential emergency situation. of all BCC campuses for Tuesday, administration offices for all cam- South ...........................4 solutions such as adding sufficient North ...........................5 Ernesto never bumped up from its Aug. 29 came at 4:40 p.m. on puses was flooded with both faculty insulation to buildings, highly ef- WHC ...........................6 category as a tropical storm with Monday, Aug. 28. The closure no- and student complaints. High force ficient windows and doors, as well winds at a high of only 43 miles tice for Wednesday, Aug. 30 came at winds and beating rain forced many Entertainment ...........8-9 as illumination, compressed air per hour when it slid over Broward 1:20 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 29, both students to stay at home, fearing rain Sci-Tech ...............12-13 systems and heating and cooling Features ................15-17 County. As compared to the highs of comparably late when put against would impact traffic, not to mention systems can reduce the demand for Opinion ................18-19 Wilma, which were a whopping 175 Broward County schools and all walking outside in the many outdoor MPH at its most torrent moments, other colleges in the affected areas. Sports .............10-11, 20 Ernesto was just a heavy rain storm. After Hurricane Rita and the inci- ▪ GLOBAL WARMING The first announcement for closure dent of the campus non-closures, the ▪ ERNESTO continued on page 7 continued on page 12 SEPTEMBER 11, 2006 CENTRAL THE OBSERVER 3 Central SGA has new leader Students psyched for BY DANIELLA DORCELUS CENTRAL BUREAU CHIEF BY DANIELLAannual DORCELUS comedy show Rene Pazmino Jr., President of CENRAL BUREAU CHIEF BCC Central Campus and WHC Student Government, has lived in Fort Lauderdale since the age of The Student Programming 13. He gained most of his political and Development Entertainment knowledge and experience early Series (S.P.A.D.E.S.) will host the in life by observing his father at Laughapalooza Comedy Show work. Rene Pazmino Sr. was a on Sept. 23, 2006. The event commissioner for the city of Santo will feature Benji Brown, Rob Domingo in Ecuador. During that Stapleton and Buzz Sutherland. time, Pazmino took advantage of The show is held annually at BCC the opportunity afforded to him Central Campus. in the field of government by It first started three years ago shadowing his father and helping Rene Pazmino, Jr., the new Central and WHC SGA PHOTO SUBMITTED BY in September 2004 and included out with campaigns.
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