Editor & Director Dr. R.K. Thukral Research Editor Dr. Shafeeq Rahman Compiled, Researched and Published by Datanet India Pvt. Ltd. D-100, 1st Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi- 110020. Ph.: 91-11- 43580781, 26810964-65-66 Email : [email protected] Website : www.electionsinindia.com Online Book Store : www.datanetindia-ebooks.com Report No. : AFB/MH-253-0118 ISBN : 978-93-5293-337-2 First Edition : January, 2018 Third Updated Edition : June, 2019 Price : Rs. 11500/- US$ 310 © Datanet India Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical photocopying, photographing, scanning, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. Please refer to Disclaimer at page no. 148 for the use of this publication. Printed in India No. Particulars Page No. Introduction 1 Assembly Constituency - (Vidhan Sabha) at a Glance | Features of Assembly 1-2 as per Delimitation Commission of India (2008) Location and Political Maps Location Map | Boundaries of Assembly Constituency - (Vidhan Sabha) in 2 District | Boundaries of Assembly Constituency under Parliamentary 3-8 Constituency - (Lok Sabha) | Town & Village-wise Winner Parties- 2014-PE and 2014-AE Administrative Setup 3 District | Sub-district | Towns | Villages | Inhabited Villages | Uninhabited 9-15 Villages | Village Panchayat | Intermediate Panchayat Demographics 4 Population | Households | Rural/Urban Population | Towns and Villages by 16-17 Population Size | Sex Ratio (Total & 0-6 Years) | Religious Population | Social Population | Literacy Rate Electoral Features Important Dates of Last Elections Held | Electors by Gender | Service 5 Electors | Voters | Voters Turnout | Polling Stations & Average Number of 18-23 Electors per Polling Station | Electors by Age Group | Present Elected Representatives Historical Summary Election Results Vote Share of Major Parties | Winning Margin (Number & Percentage) | 6 Polarity of Parties | Summary Result of Assembly Segment of Parliamentary 24-42 Elections 2014, 2009, 2004 and 1999 | Summary Result of Assembly Elections 2014, 2009, 2004, 1999, 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, 1978, 1972, 1967 and 1962 Polling Station Level Election Results Name and Number of Polling Station 2014-PE and 2014-AE | 7 Polling Station-wise Electors, Voters & Voters Turnout 2014-PE and 2014-AE 43-126 | Polling Station wise Elections Results 2014-PE and 2014-AE Share of Assembly Constituency 8 Share of Assembly Constituency - (Vidhan Sabha) in State, District and 127 Parliamentary Constituency - (Lok Sabha) Socio-Economic Amenities Access to Administrative Units | Agricultural, Manufacturing and Industrial Commodities | Demographic Indicators | Education | Health & Manpower | 9 Drinking Water Supply | Sanitation | Entertainment and Recreations 129-143 Infrastructure | Power | Food Allocation Distribution and Marketing of Agriculture Commodities Infrastructure | Transport and Road Infrastructure | Communication | Banking and Financial Services | Land Use | Irrigation Source 10 Abbreviation & Sources 145-146 11 Disclaimer 148 Sangola Maharashtra Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Location & Political Map 7 Sangola Maharashtra Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Administrative Setup List of Village Panchayat & Intermediate Panchayat (Block) Name Intermediate Panchayat Village Name Village Panchayat Name Name Achakadani Achakadani Sangole Aglavewadi Aglavewadi Sangole Ajanale Ajnale Sangole Akola Akola Sangole Alegaon Alegaon Sangole Ankadhal Ankadhal Sangole Bagalwadi Bagalwadi Sangole Balvadi Balwadi Sangole Bamani Bamani Sangole Bandgarwadi Chikmahup Sangole Bandgarwadi Chopadi Sangole Bhalawani - Pandharpur Bhandi Shegaon - Pandharpur Bhopasewadi Bhopasewadi Sangole Buddhehal Budhehal Sangole Buralewadi Medatoni Sangole Burange Wadi Burangewadi Sangole Chikmahud Chikmahud Sangole Chinake Chinake Sangole Chincholi Chincholi Sangole Chopadi Chopadi Sangole Devale Dewale Sangole Devkatewadi Manjari Sangole Dhalewadi Mahud Sangole Dhayati Dhayati Sangole Dhondewadi - Pandharpur Diksal Dilsal Sangole Dongargaon Dongargaon Sangole Ekhatapur Ekhatpur Sangole Contd.... 11 Sangola Maharashtra Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Demographics Number of Villages by Population Size - 2011 Less 10000 100- 200- 500- 1000- 2000- 5000- Total than and 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 Village 100 Above 0 0 0 11 36 56 12 2 117 Number of Towns by Population Size - 2011 Less than 10000- 20000- 50000- 100000 and Total 5000-9999 4999 19999 49999 99999 Above Town 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 17 Sangola Maharashtra Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Electoral Features Electors by Male & Female Year Male Female Others Total Year Male Female Others Total 2014 PE 141840 124710 0 266550 1995 AE 96138 93400 - 189538 2014 AE 144399 126977 0 271376 1990 AE 90777 87890 - 178667 2009 PE - - - - 1985 AE 73096 73913 - 147009 2009 AE 130802 121672 - 252474 1980 AE 63731 63365 - 127096 2004 PE - - - - 1978 AE 58543 58677 - 117220 2004 AE 125557 117279 - 242836 1972 AE 46324 45420 - 91744 1999 PE - - - - 1967 AE 83122 - - 83122 1999 AE 103631 96575 - 200206 1962 AE 76040 - - 76040 Note : AE : Assembly Election, PE : Assembly Segment of Parliamentary Election 19 Maharashtra Sangola Assembly Factbook™ Assembly Constituency Historical Summary Election Results Summary Result of Assembly Election - 2009 Candidate Name Party Votes Votes % Ganapatrao Annasaheb Deshmukh PWPI 86548 47.16 Adv. Shahajibapu Rajaram Patil INC 76744 41.82 Deshmukh Shrikant Appaso JSS 13997 7.63 Adv. Machhindra Aappaso Patil IND 2506 1.37 Dethe Navanath Bhagawan BSP 2078 1.13 Walake Jalindar Shivaling SHS 1651 0.9 32 Maharashtra Sangola Assembly Factbook™ Assembly Constituency Polling Station Level Election Results Number and Name of Polling Stations (PS) (2014 AE) Number of Number of Polling Name of Polling Stations Polling Name of Polling Stations Stations Stations Z. P.Girls Primary School Bhalvani New Buildingroom 1 G. P. Pra. Sha. Itaki Kholi No. 1 22 No-2 Zilha Parishad Primary School Bhalavani (Girls) 2 G. P. Pra. Sha. Navin Imarat Shendagevadi 23 Room No. 2 Zilha Parishad Primery School New Building (Girls) 3 G. P. Pra. Shala, Kesakaravadi 24 Room No.3, Bhalavani Zillha Parishad Primary Centre School ,Mahim West 4 Krushi Vidyalay West Side Room No 3 Shelve 25 Side East Facing South Side Room No 1 Under Ground 5 Krishi Vidyalay West Side Room No. 2 Shelave 26 Zilha Parishad Primery School Room No.3, Mahim Zilha Parishad Primery School Khed Bhalavani 6 27 Zilha Parishad Primery School Room No. 4, Mahim Western Side Room Zillha Parishad Primary School , Karandewadi Zilha Parishad Primery School West Side Room 7 28 ,Mahim West Side East Facing South Side Room No (Shatkoni) Khed Bhalavani 1 Zillha Parishad Primary School Bhandishegaon In 8 29 Zilha Parishad Primary School Katfal Room No. 1 Village East Doar Slab North Side Room 1 Zillha Parishad Primary School Bhandishegaon In Zilha Parishad Primary School Katfal West Side 9 30 Village East Doar Slab Building South Side Room Room No. 2 G. P. Pra. Shala Gaonthan Dakshin Bajukadil Kha Zillha Parishad Primary School Sherewadi Room No 10 31 No. 3, Bhandishegav 1 Sherewadi (Katphal) Zilha Parishad Primary School Khavasapur Room 11 Z.P.P.School Dhondewadi East Side Room No.1 32 No.1 Zilha Parishad Primary School Khavasapur Room No. 12 Z.P.P.School Dhondewadi East Side Room No.2 33 2 Zilha Parishad Primary School Khavasapur Room No. 13 Zilha Parishad Primery School Supali Room No. 1 34 3 Zp Satarakara Residential Building South Side 14 Zilha Parishad Primery School Supali Room No.2 35 Elementary School North Of The Room, Satarkar Wasti Zilha Parishad Primery Schoolwest Side Room No.1 Zillha Parishad Primary School West Side Room No. 15 36 Jainwadi 2 New Lotewadi Zilha Parishad Primary School Jainwadi Western Zp New Elementary School On The North Side Of 16 37 Side Room No. 2 The Building South Door Of Room No.2 Lotevadi Zillha Parishad Primary School New Lotewadi South 17 G. P. Pra. Shala West Kholi No. 3 Bhalavani 38 Side Building Nourth Facing Door Room No. 1 Old Lotewadi Z. P.Primary School Bhalvani East Side Door Slab 18 39 Zilha Parishad Primary School Achakdani Room No.1 Room G. P. Pra. Shala Navin Imarat Dakshin Baju Kho No. 19 40 Zilha Parishad Primary School Achakdani Room No 2 1, Bhalavani Z. P. Primary School Bhalvani Iron Roof Sauth Side Zilha Parishad Primary School Thombarewadi Room 20 41 Room No-2 No.1 G. P. Pra. Shala Navin Imarat (Mulinchi) Shala Kho Zilha Parishad Primary School Bandagarwadi Room 21 42 No. 1, Bhalavani No.1 Contd.... 50 Maharashtra Sangola Assembly Factbook™ Assembly Constituency Polling Station Level Election Results Polling Station-wise Votes Secured by Overall Top Five Parties in Sangola Assembly in Assembly Election (AE) under Madha Parliamentary Constituency in Maharashtra (2014) Winner - Runner-up - 3rd - 4th - 5th - Number Deshmukh Adv. Deshmukh Aldar Jagdish Total of Ganpatrao Shahajibapu Shrikant Sambhaji Lalaso NOTA Other Votes Polling Annasaheb Rajaram Appsaheb Ramchandra Babar Secured Station (PWPI) Patil (SHS) (BJP) (IND) (INC) 36 282 150 19 5 8 5 27 496 37 487 193 19 16 13 2 60 790 38 552 55 5 8 1 0 21 642 39 251 166 90 15 5 2 38 567 40 359 141 86 5 11 1 21 624 41 223 53 8 6 2 0 14 306 42 405 181 3 6 0 1 9 605 43 157 783 35 3 4 4 45 1031 44 136 459 4 3 9 5 28 644 45 236 528 4 7 7 2 27 811 46 188 574 16 3 6 3 41 831 47 282 364 20 7 22 1 21 717 48 369 310 21 10 13 4 26 753 49 403 491 16 6 8 3 20 947 50 571 370 13 15 15 3 24 1011 51 311 197 2 5 1 0 9 525 52 161 378 5 2 0 1 13 560 53 227 189 15 1 3 4 9 448 54 416 179 9 1 2 0 20 627 55 424 399 22 12 9 3 22 891 56 240 332 28 4 5 4 16 629 57 275 382 7 4 11 5 13 697 58 268 369 13 12 4 5 26 697 59 415 140 15 9 4 0 13 596 60 487 439 46 9 3 0 35 1019 61 341 408 1 4 6 0 27 787 62 189 611 34 7 4 1 22 868 63 102 370 19 3 13 2 22 531 64 72 284 6 2 6 2 14 386 65 271 266 7 5 6 0 16 571 66 334 330 20 9 16 4 50 763 67 336 430 13 6 16 1 33 835 68 243 455 7 9 13 3 38 768 69 114 437 32 4 29 2 29 647 70 173 576 74 3 35 6 64 931 Contd...
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