Price € 1,00. Back issues € 2,00 L’O S S E RVATOR E ROMANO WEEKLY EDITION IN ENGLISH Unicuique suum Non praevalebunt Fifty-third year, number 32-33 (2.659) Vatican City Friday, 7-14 August 2020 75th anniversary of Pope expressed solidarity with Lebanon and requests help from the international community Hiroshima bomb Beirut brought to its knees Thursday marked exactly 75 years since 6 August 1945, the day hu- manity felt for the first time the Over 150 dead and thousands injured in a devastating blast devastating power of nuclear wea- pons, in the bombing of Hiro shi- ma. Ever seeking that such “de- On Tuesday, 4 August, “in the port s t ru c tion of human life and prop- area of Beirut, massive explosions erty” never be repeated, Pope caused dozens of deaths, thousands Francis again condemned both the of injuries and serious destruction. use and possession of nuclear Let us pray for the victims, for weapons as “immoral”, as he had their families; and let us pray for stated on 24 November 2019 be- Lebanon so that, through the ded- fore the Peace Memorial erected ication of all its social, political and in the Japanese city to preserve religious elements, it might face the memory of that horror. He this extremely tragic and painful shared these thoughts in a letter moment and, with the help of the written in English and addressed international community, overcome to Hidehiko Yuzaki, Governor of the grave crisis they are experien- Hiroshima Prefecture, on the oc- cing”. These were Pope Francis casion of the annual memorial cel- words at the General Audience on ebrations of the catastrophe. In Wednesday, 5 August, as he ex- his letter, addressing the organi- pressed his solidarity, closeness and zers and participants, and in par- encouragement to the population ticular the hibakusha — survivors — of Beirut in the aftermath of a ter- the Pope solemnly acknowledged rible explosion that occurred in the the suffering of the victims, as he port, devastating the historical had done at the Hypocenter Park centre of the Lebanese capital, leav- in Nagasaki, the second martyred ing at least 157 people dead, some city devastated on 9 August 1945, 5,000 injured and hundreds of to keep alive and ever present the thousands homeless. reflection on “those terrible days Several videos show a series of of war three quarters of a century minor explosions followed by a ago”. more violent and devastating blast “Just as I came to Japan as a which could be heard as far away as Cyprus. According to the Le- pilgrim of peace last year”, the banese government the explosions were likely caused by a fire in a CONTINUED ON PA G E 2 warehouse in the port where some 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate had been stored, confiscated from a ship some years ago. Following an Congregation Doctrine of the Faith emergency meeting of the country's that those responsible would be In a statement Cardinal supreme defense council, President subject to the “harshest punish- Jean-Claude Hollerich, “on behalf On the validity of Baptism Michel Aoun declared Beirut a dis- ments”. The country's Prime Minis- of all Bishops of the European aster zone and announced a ter, Hassan Diab, declared Wednes- Union”, shared in “the shock and PAGE 4 two-week state of emergency, indi- day a day of national mourning. the sadness of the people of cating that the military would have Beirut's governor, Marwan Ab- B e i ru t ”, expressing “deepest con- the authority to maintain security. boud, compared the blast to the dolences to the families of the vic- In a tweet, he stated that the stor- Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear tims and to all those that have lost age of the 2,750 tons in an unsafe attacks that killed an estimated loved ones — friends, neighbours, We d n e s d a y ’s manner was “unacceptable”, and 225,000 people. colleagues”, and praying “for the souls of the deceased and for the speedy recovery of the injured”. General Audience The statement noted in particular that “The Catholic Church in the EU stands with Lebanese people, Francis visits Saint Mary Major including the many refugees who escaped violence and were wel- The Holy Father paid a comed in fraternity by this small visit to Saint Mary Major but generous country with a key on Wednesday afternoon, role for peace in the entire Middle 5 August, feast of the Eastern region”. Dedication of the Papal Cardinal Béchara Boutros Raï, Basilica. Patriarch of Antioch for Maronites, Pope Francis prayed said that “Beirut is a devastated there in silence before the city”. He stated that “the Church, image of Our Lady Salus which has set up a relief network Populi Romani, entrusting throughout Lebanese territory”, is to the Virgin the “many now “faced with a new great duty” situations of sorrow that which she cannot assume on her are close to his heart, in- own. The Church, his statement cluding that of Lebanon” continued, stands “in solidarity particularly in light of the with the afflicted, the families of deadly explosion that oc- the victims, the wounded, and the curred in Beirut on Tues- displaced” whom she “is ready to PAGE 3 day, 4 August. welcome” in her institutions. page 2 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 7-14 August 2020, number 32-33 The Holy Father accepted the resig- nation of Bishop John Marvin Le- Voirl from his office as Bishop of New Ulm, USA (6 Aug.). APOSTOLIC NUNCIO VAT I C A N The Holy Father accepted the resig- nation of Archbishop Giuseppe Pinto, titular Archbishop of The Holy Father appointed Fr Karol Anglona, from his office as Apostol- BULLETIN ic Nuncio (31 July). Kulczycki, SDS, as Bishop of Port Pirie. Until now he has served as Custody of Saint Francis of Assisi in CHANGES IN EP I S C O PAT E Vice-Provincial of the Society of the SE C R E TA R I AT FOR THE Russia and Guardian of the Convent Divine Saviour — the Salvatorian in ECONOMY The Holy Father appointed as Bish- of St Anthony the Miracle Worker Poland (1 Aug.). op of Balsas, Brazil Fr Valentim Fa- in Saint Petersburg. The Holy Father appointed Mr gundes de Meneses, MSC. Until now Bishop-elect Kulczycki, 53, was Maximino Caballero Ledo as Secret- he has served as Provincial Superior The Holy Father accepted the resig- born in Góra, Poland. A member of ary General of the Secretariat for the nation of Bishop Gregory O’Ke l l y, the Society of the Divine Saviour, he of the Missionaries of the Sacred Economy (4 Aug.). Heart of the Province of Rio de sj, from his office as Bishop of Port was ordained a priest on 28 May Janeiro, based in Juiz de Fora-MG Pirie, Australia (1 Aug.). 1994. Mr Caballero Ledo, 60, was born (29 July). in Mérida, Spain. He holds a degree in economics and a Masters in busi- Bishop-elect de Meneses, 67, was ness administration. He has worked born in Agualva, on the Island of for various Spanish and American Açores, Portugal. He completed his Holy Father appoints multinational companies. In 2007 he studies in philosophy and in theo- moved with his family to the United logy. A member of the Congregation States, where he has since resided of the Missionaries of the Sacred new personal secretary and where he has held various posi- Heart of Jesus, he was ordained a The Holy Father appointed as his “turnover of roles” in the Roman tions at a multinational healthcare priest on 2 July 1982. company, including Vice President new personal secretary Fr Fabio Curia desired by the Pope. of Finance for Latin America, Vice Salerno, Official of the Section The Holy Father appointed Fr President of Finance International, Nikolai Gennadevich Dubinin, OFM for Relations with States of the Fr Fabio Salerno, 41, was born in Catanzaro, Italy. He was or- and Vice President of Finance of the Conv., as Auxiliary Bishop of the Secretariat of State. Fr Salerno Americas. Archdiocese of Mother of God in will succeed Msgr Yoannis Lahzi dained a priest on 19 March 2011. He holds a doctorate in U t ro q u e Moscow, Russian Federation, assign- Gaid, who has served as the Holy I u re from the Pontifical Lateran ing him the titular episcopal See of Fa t h e r ’s personal secretary since NECROLO GY Acqua in Byzacena (30 July). University in Rome. Following April 2014. Msgr Gaid will con- his studies at the Pontifical Eccle- Archbishop Bernard Mosiuoa Moh- Bishop-elect Dubinin, 47, was tinue working with the Higher siastical Academy, he served as lalisi, OMI, Archbishop emeritus of born in Novoshakhtinsk, Southern Committee of Human Fraternity. secretary of the Apostolic Nunci- Maseru, Lesotho, at age 87 (24 July) Russia. A member of the Order of In a statement on Saturday, 1 Au- ature in Indonesia and of the Per- Friars Minor Conventual, he was or- gust, the Holy See Press Office manent Mission of the Holy See Bishop Rafael Barraza Sánchez, dained a priest on 24 June 2000. Director Matteo Bruni said the to the Council of Europe in Bishop emeritus of Mazatlán, Mex- Until now he has served as General change was part of the routine Strasbourg, France. ico, at age 91 (27 July) Foundation finances 168 projects in 23 countries in Latin America and the Caribb ean Hiroshima bomb The Pope’s charitable gesture in the face of Covid-19 CONTINUED FROM PA G E 1 Holy Father wrote, “so I continue to The complex crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic The meeting was chaired by Bishop Javier del Rio hold in my heart the longing of the did not prevent the annual meeting of the Board of Alba of Arequipa, Peru, President of the Board of Dir- peoples of our time, especially of Directors of the Populorum Progressio Foundation, ectors.
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