AVERAGE DAILY dRCDLATIOM THE WEATHER .: - .. .. for the Month of July, 1988 For*e**t ol U. a. Weather Bnrann. Hartfor* 5,468 Member of the Andlt Oenerally fair tonight and Thnrs- Bnrean of drcnlnttons I day; not quite oo wairm tonight. iiattrhrBter lEuBninn leralJi Hv VOL. WV., NO. 269. (CUssUed Adrerttslng on Fnge U.) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1935. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Cabinet Members, Take A Cut At Melon Feast ETHIOPIA PROTESTS SUBPOENA OF SENATE ARMS BAN, MASSING SERVED ON UTIUTIES TROOPS ON BORDER Haile Selassie Orders 60,000 MAGNATE AT HEARING STATE POLICE Troops Toward Italian SAYS ETHIOPIA NET CATCHES MERRin HIGHWAY Howard Hopson Ordered to Somaliland Frontier As NEEDS SKUNKS Appear Before the Lobby 18 REEDERS A COSTLY PROJECT Roy Chapman Andrews ScoflFs Italy Continues to Mobi- At Use of Civet Cats As i# Committee; He and Cox Offensive Weapons. lize; Eden and Laval Meet Unprecedented Increase In Compromise Calling for Ex- Threaten Each Other. New 'York, Aug. 14.—(AP)— Loath to advocate sending arms Djibouti, French Somaliland, Aug. Highway Fatalities Results to Ethiopia, Dr. Roy Chapman 14—(AP) —Emperor Halle Selaasie penditure of $20,000,000 Andrews, eminent scientist, b»- BULLETIN! Members of President Roosevelt’s Cabinet were cut in on a good time by Secretary of Commerce Daniel C. Heves nevertheless that Emper- has dispatched 60,000 troopa to posi- in Many Arrests as Cam- ^ p e r when he gave a watermelon party at Washington. D. C. Pitted against each other above are. left Washington, Ang. 14.—(AP) ’ tions behind Ethiopia's eastern Aired at Conference. or Halle Selassie could do much —Howard C.- Hopoon, long miss- to right, Attorney General Homer S. Cummings, Secretary Roper, Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace better by importing some borders, preparatory for a quick and SecrcUry of Interior Harold Ickea. ^ ^ j American ekunks. ing "master mind” of the Aaoo- southward drive on Italian Somali- clatod Gas and Eleetrto systom. "It’s positively ridiculous,’’ land In the event Italy Invades his Bridgeport. Aug. 14.—(API—A he said today of reported Ethi- Invited Senate contempt pro- kingdom.' The troopa will be con- compromise proposal calling for the ceeding* today by failing to re- opian plans to employ civet port to a Senate eubpoens; > to centrated in the Harrar region, it Hartford, Aug. 14.— (AP) —State expenditure of $20,000,006 was of- cats as offensive weapons was learned today. Below the police today responded with 18 reck- MANY HEROIC ACTS against U Duco's warriors. appear Immediately before the Djibouti—Addis Ababa line it is REPORT HIGHER ESTATE fered today as a means of expedit- Senate lobby commlttoe. the native troops composing this less driving arrests to the challenge ing construction of the Merritt "The scent r>t the civet cat la not nearly so strong or dis- A reaointlon etrengthenlng the s forceT African war leaders anti- of unprecedented increase in high- WHEN DAM BURSTS Parkway, a 36-mlle highway con- agreeable as that of our native powera of the lobby oommittaa: cipate an Italian advance from way fatalities during the last week necting southweatern (innecUcut skunk,” Dr. Andrews said. In questioning Hopson and ofiber ' Eritrea toward Adua, to the north TAXES LESS EQUITABLE with the Hutchinson rives parkway witnesses was adopted by of Addis Ababa. This would be end. "I've trapped dozens of civet in Westchester county. New York. cats. Senate. countered by an Ethiopian advance As five more automobile accidents The $20,000,000 figure was agreed went Into the records today, the “Thelra Is a strong odor, but to the south it was pointed out. The 250 Dead and 1,000 Home on tentatively during .a conference Washington, Aug. 14.—(AP)—A’ exodus of foreigners from Addis number of dead stood at IS, with In- Inheritance Tax Reasonably yesterday at Hartford attended by It’s not disagreeable. In fact, Ababa has poured many Europeans jured running to about 100, Lieuten- HUGE TAX BILL I rather like i t The use of Senate subpoena today was served Governor Wilbur L. Ooea and a Into this port city. ant Paul Lavin of Hartford barracks Free from Administrative less as Yast Area Near committee of leglslatori from Fair- civet cats by the Ethiopians on Howard P. Hopson, "master Volunteer For Service reported 18 arrests Tuesday night field county. would be a tremendous failure. mind" of the Associated 'Gas and Among them are Italians, some and early this morning In the first UP FOR DEBATE The civet cat, about the size of whom immediately volunteered May Seek FMeral Grant of an Irish terrier, is domesti- Electric' system, directing hla ap- : day’s campaign against reckless Difficulties Would En- Turin, Italy, Is Devastated The committee waa to submit pearance "forthwith” before the; for service with II Duce’s troops in driving. cated In Ethiopia for Its odor- Eritrea. (Jerman and British and the proposal today to a meeting of ous excretion, widely ueed In Senate lobby committee. -' ' Police Transferred fellow Senators and Representa- A majority of the Senate com- British nationals in Ethiopia have "Every available man has put on counter Numerous Ob- Turin, Ttoly, Aug. 14.—(AP) — tives from the county. If the legis- perfume manufacture. been Instructed to leave the country 250 Milbon Measure Goes mittee Just previously had threaten- on short notice. Long range guns highway patrol,” said (Tolonel An- Thousands of rescue workers toiling lators approve the plan. It la plan- ed to cite him for contempt If he thony Sunderland, commissioner of In the vast area devastated by the ned to apply Immediately for a Fed- failed to appear. have been mounted on the islands state police. stacles, Committee Says. Before Senate; Passage eral grant of 45 per cent of the coat off this coast. bursting of a bydro-elsctric plant Serviqe waa made by Joseph Me- Throughout the state poficemen of the project. The county li em- COL. KNOX OFFERS earthy, agent for the Senate group, The French cruiser Dumont- dam at Ovada, estimated today that Duvllie will arrive August 18 to re- have been transferred from less by Saturday Is Predicted. powered to borrow the balance un- who yesterday was prevented from main indefinitely. pressing duties to work on the cam- Washington, Aug. 14.—(AP)—In the dead would number at least 260. der a recently enacted state law. serving the subpoena after th* Mussolini has taken cognizance of paign. Its formal report on the new tax bill, The total number of victima— For some time the Fairfield coun- G.O.P. PLATFORM House rules committee adjourned. Djibouti’s Importance and appointed Some 30 men were abroad this the Senate finance committee asya dead, injured and homeless—was es- ty legislators have been at odds as McCarthy succeeded In serving it timated at more than 1,000. a full consul general here with a morning In motorcycle cruisers. the Increased surtaxes it proposes Washington, Aug. 14.—(AP)— to whether to spend $27,000,000 for after Hopson testified he had "evad- sizeable staff. Colonel Sunderland explained that Facing a move to postpone sll tax Rescue squads, consisting mostly the parkway or restrict the cost to ed the Senate committee” becaus*. the department is handicapped by on Individual Incomes above $1,000,- legislation until next session when of Fascist troops, found the Orba the original estimate of $15,000,000. It waa "a matter of proteetlag” Ua river valley In northern Italy, scene Governor Cross expressed the be- CALLED TO CXILORS Its limited numbers and by the fact 000 compare os follows with existing the new budget will be before Con- Soggests Immediate and health. cj; • Rome, Aug. 14.—(AP)—Italy that Tercentenary traffic this sum- surtaxes; ef the flood, a sea of mud, the tor- lief $16,000,000 would not be enough "I felt that other employees i)«^ . gress, the $260,000,000 tax bill rents having receded. while $27,000,000 would piece a too called to arms today another exten- mer requires many of the force In Net Income bracket of $1,000,000 Drastic Redaction In AD given them all the testimony I could sive group of officers and soldiers towns where celebrations are being started today through the debate- . Rushing waters swept over -about severe burden on the county. glvo," he added. to $1,300,000, proposed surtax, $838,- Ten Becommendatlone as the government, indifferent to held. 000, present surtax, $826,000. weary Senate. McCarthy was waiting oufa the tripartite conference in Paris, He oareed .. wholeheartedly, be (Cootlnoed on Page Bight) Ten recommendatolns for con- tho door of tho House commit Net income bracket of $1,(100,000 Chairman Harrison of the finance structing the parkway were ap- Goremment Expenditures. continued its preparations for war said, with Motor Vehicles Commis- corppilttee, which completely re- room when Hopson emerged. -HsTl in Eiaat Africa. to $2,000,000, proposed surtiuc, $1,- proved last night by the board of straped forward, held the document sioner Michael A. (Jonnor that reck- 143.000, present surtax, $1,123,000. wrote the House measure and made The new order recalled to service lessness Is the cause of most high- It conform more nearly with Presi- directors of the Fairfield County before him and said: those members of the classes pf Net income bracket of $2,000,000 Planning Aesociation. One of them Hampton Beach, N. H„ Aug. 14. "This is a summona to appear iw,^J way fatalities, and with the belief to $3,000,000, proposed surtax, $1,- dential recommendations, opened $75,555 PROJECTS 1911, 1913 and 1914 who served un- that vigorous enforcement of the debate by explaining the bill.
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