* THE DIRECTORY OF DELTa SIGMa PI Founded at New York University,* School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance, on November 7, 1907, by Alexander F. Makay, Alfred Moysello, Harold V. Jacobs and H. Albert Tienken. -»)*(Go A fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affilia· tion between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a high standard of commercial ethics and culture, and the civic and commercial welfare of the community. THE CENTRAL OFFICE OF DELTA SIGMA PI 222 W. Adams Street, Chicago, Illinois Telephone, Franklin 3476 -»)*(Go THE GRAND COUNCIL E. L. Schujahn, Psi, Grand President. ....... 1200 Marine Trust Bldg., Bufialo, N.Y. H. G. Wright, Beta, Grand Secretary·Treasurer .•.... 222 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill. A. Keate Cook, 'Sigma .................. • 35 W. 1st South St., Salt Lake City, Utah John L. McKewen, Chi .............. 4405 Harcourt Road, Beverly, Baltimore, Md. Eugene D. Milener, Chi .........•........•.. 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y. Rudolph C. Schmidt, Theta ................... 350 E. Congress St., Detroit, Mich. Herbert W. Wehe, Lambda . ... : .............. 1750 Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Kenneth B. White, Gamma ...•..............• . 1114 Magnolia Bldg., Dallas, Tex. Clarence B. Wingert, Omega .................. 1100 S. 52nd St., Philadelphia, Pa. -»)*(Go THE DELTASIG OF DELTA SIGMA PI Editor, H. G. Wright, 222 W. Adams Street, Chicago, ill. Arthur Neelley, 3551 University Park, Los Angeles, Calif. Assistant Editors: Frank A. Pellegrin, Creighton University, Omaha, Neb. ]. Hugh Taylor, 3 Cat8lpa Rd., Linthicum Heights, Md. Roben M. Rewick, 785 Cook St., Denver, Colo. Denton A. Fuller, Jr., M. & T. Trust Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Frank C. Brandes, P. 0. Box 1723, Atlanta, Ga. STANDING NATIONAL COMMITTEES COMMI'ITEE ON FINANCE COMMI'ITEE ON ALUMNI ACTIVITIES R. C. Schmidt, Chaii'TTIIJn, 350 E. Congresa St., Detroit, George J. Dierker, Chairman, 715 Maytide St., Overbrook Mich.; Eugene D. Milener, 420 Lexington Ave., New York, StatiOJ!t Pittsburgh, Pa.; Denton A. Fuller, Jr.{. Viet-Cha!"man, N.Y.; E. L. Schujahn, 1200 Marine Trust Bldg., Buffalo, N.Y M. & T. Trost Co.~ ~ufi'alo, N.Y.; Jaek F. Colina, Huntington Woods, 8121 Henarie Blvd., Royal Oak, Mich.; Werner W. COMMI'ITEE ON PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Gholson, 4920 Beech Ave., Norwood, Ohio; Albert Guggedahl, Hotel Fort D'"' Moib,.., n ... Moin,.., Iowa; Waldo E. Herdell, William D. Courtri_ght, Chairman, Bank of Amerioa, San 5054 Drew Ave. S., MhmeaJIOlis, Minn.· Rudolph Janzen, Franciooo, Calif.; Ralph B. Alspaugh, 8407 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 2803 N. 32nd St., Milwaukee._W•s.; J. Joseph Keane, 598 Madison ID.; Leelie W. Baker, 601 Anneelie Rd., Baltimore, Md.; Jean Ave., New York, N.Y.; L u. Kerber, Jr. 4032 N. Springfield F. Carroll\ 1137 36th St., Dee Moines, Iowa; Jam'"' R. Hawkin· Ave., Chicago, Ill.; Earl A. Nash, 72513thSt. N.W., Washington, eon'-Schoo of Commerce, Northw... tem Univerl!ity, Evanston, m.; D.C.; Norman W. Pettys, Retail Credit Co., 90 Fairlee St., H. 1:1. Maynard, Ohio State Univerl!ity, School of Commerce and Atlanta, Ga.; Edgar B. Pius, 525 Boylston St., Boston, M888.; Administration, Columbus, Ohio; Chester A. PhilliJlS, College Raymond J. Stubbs.~, 1227 Redondo Blvd., Loa Angeles, Calif.; of Commerce, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa; Thomas W. J. Hugh Taylor, ~,;atalpa Road, Linthicum Hei_ghts, Md.1 Roprs, Indiana Univenity, School of Commerce and Finance, J . Meredith w ... tover, 1506 AmbaBBador Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.; Bloomington, llld. Gerry L. White, 342 W. Mt. Airy Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. THE DELTSSIG The Editor's Foreword • DELTA SIGMA PI THE Membership Directory which appeared as the November issue of The DELTASIG was re­ ceived with popular acclaim throughout fraternity • circles. The Central Office has received many let­ ters commenting favorably on its publication, the Contents for January, 1935 arrangement of material, and also its being pub­ lished as a regular issue of the fraternity maga­ zine, thus enabling its free distribution to Life • Members and annual dues-paying members. There PAGE is a very definite value to such a membership di­ THE GRAND PRESIDENT's PAGE • • . 98 rectory and this value increases with the growth THE PROFESSIONAL ScHOOLs oF CoMMERCE oF 1934 of the fraternity. It is hoped that we will he able to publish a membership directory every two or .......................... By H. G. Wright 99 three years, instead of only once every six or FIFTY-NINTH CHAPTER INSTALLED . • . • • • . • • . • . 111 seven years. It is all a question of financial sup­ port. The current membership directory cost over DELTA SIGMA PI ScHOLARSHIP WINNERS FOR 1934 . 113 $1,800.00 not including the time of the regular WITH THE ALUMNI • . • . 114 employees of The Central Office. It is a huge clerical undertaking. With continued alumni sup­ AMONG THE CHAPTERS . .... _ .. _ . 118 port there will he no question about its more fre­ DIRECTORY OF DELTA SIGMA PI •••. •. •• inside covers quent publication in future years. MANY interesting facts are revealed through • H. G. Wright, Editor an examination of the pages of this directory. A total of 9,800 members have been initiated since the founding of Delta Sigma Pi; Alpha chapter • has the largest number of initiates, of course, with 533; Beta chapter is second with 429. The state -»> Volume XXVII, Number 2 «<- of Illinois is the most thickly populated Deltasig state, with 908 members residing within its boun­ PUBLICATION OFFICE-450 AHNAIP STREET, MENASHA, WISCONSIN. daries; Pennsylvania has 665, Ohio 527, New York 521, California 412. There are 164 deceased EDITORIAL OFFICE-222 W. ADAMS STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. members; 150 have been expelled; and no mail­ The DELTASIG of Delta Sigma Pi is published four times annually in ing address is on file for about 850 members. the months of November, January, March, and May. Material intended Since the appearance of this directory, however, for publication should reach the editorial office not later than the correct addresses are being reported for many of fifteenth of the month previous to publication. those "lost brothers." All members are urged to help report correct addresses for these members, Subscription price: $3 per year. and also to report promptly any changes in their own addresses. Entered as second class matter, December 24, 1931, at the post office at Menasha, Wisconsin, under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance THE sixth biennial survey of universities off­ for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of ering organized courses in commerce and business February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, Section 538, P. L. & R., administration is presented in this issue. This 1932 edition. biennial survey, which first appeared in 1924, has become the recognized authority in its par­ DELTA SIGMA PI is a charter senior member of the Professional In­ ticular field. We hope all members of Delta Sigma terfraternity Conference, organized in 1928 to encourage high scholar· Pi will keep familiar with current developments ship, professional research, advancement of professional ethics, and in our field through a careful perusal of this the promotion of a spirit of comity among the professional fraterni­ article and the accompanying tables. ties in the advancement of fraternity ideals. I WISH to take this opportunity of express­ The members of the Conferenct: are: ing publicly my appreciation to the many members ARCHITECTURE, Alpha Rho Chi, Scarab. and chapters of the fraternity for the cheerful CHEMISTRY, Alpha Chi Sigma. COM· letters and telegrams and Aowers sent me during MERCE, Alpha Kappa Psi, Delta Sigma my recent long illness and hospitalization. And Pi. DENTISTRY, Delta Sigma Delta, Pei also the numerous visits from local alumni, when Omega, Xi Psi Phi. EDUCATION, Kappa my doctors would permit such visits. These all Phi Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa, Phi Epsilon helped a lot to pass the time during the three Kappa, Phi Sigma Pi. ENGINEERING, months I was confined to bed and the following Theta Tau, Sigma Phi Delta. LAW, Gam­ weeks of convalescence. While I have not fully ma Eta Gamma, Delta Theta Phi, Phi Beta recovered I am making rapid progress, am grad­ Gamma, Sigma Nu Phi, Sigma Delta Kap­ ually resuming my normal activities although on pa. MEDICINE, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Nu a somewhat limited scale at present, and I hope Sigma Nu, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Epsilon, Phi it won't he much longer before I can announce Rho Sigma, Theta Kappa Psi. PHARMACY, 100 per cent recovery. Kappa Psi. PRINTED IN U.S.A. THE GRAND PRESIDENT'S PAGE • E. L. ScHUJAHN, Wisconsin Grand President of Delta Sigma Pi AVE YOU browsed through your copy of the Mem­ H bership Directory which was published as the No­ vember issue of The DELTASIG? If not, you've missed something for that November issue is something far more than a mere list of names and addresses! It is, first of all, a statistical summary of the Delta Sigma Pi membership as of November 15, 1934---so many chapters, so many members, so many Life Members, etc., etc. But that is not all. This directory is also a story of the growth of the realm of Deltasig. I wonder what thoughts went through the minds of our founders, Alex Makay, Alfred Moysello, Harold Jacobs, and Albert Tienken, when they paged through these pages. Did their thoughts wander back to the days, 27 years ago, when they founded Delta Sigma Pi at New York University? Surely they had little idea then that their creation would ever grow to its present international size, with 9800 initiated members scattered throughout every state in the United States, every province in Canada, and 28 foreign lands! The directory may well be regarded as a tribute to our founders, fo.r they builded well.
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