================================== August 1944 our • n erna·lOna- TROTSI{Y MEMORIAL NUMBER • Containing Two Articles by Leon Trotsky: Tasks of COI'nlllunist Education and Five Yellrs ofthe Comintern as well as COIDDlelllora.tive Articles, ReDliniscences ~u~ 7'7 Q and Appreciations of Leon Trotsky November 7, 1879 - August 21, 1940 Trotsky's Work by Charles Cornell, William Simmons, Li Fu-JeTt, A. J7incellt and others - The Month in Review . • • by the Editors cePt my sincere congratulations IManager's Column -, and appreciation. 'Forward to Victory'." Correspondence from our VOLUME V--August 1944 No.8 (Whole No. 47) • * * agents during the m'Onth records -------·---P;blished------------.---------- monthly by the BristoJ, Eng.: ''I'm under a continuous expansion in eternal Obllgation ,for receipt of FOURTH ImERNAT[ONAL PO'Ul'th International Publishing Association 116 Universiity Place, New York 3, N. Y. Telephone: Algon· FOURTH INTERNATIONAL sales. We quote from Bome 'Of quin 4·8547. Subscription rat,es: $2.00 per year; bundles, 15c and THE MILITANT. Am un. the letters: for 5 copies and up. 'Canada and Foreign: $2.50 per year; BIble to get permit to send bundles, l~ for 5 copies and up. Detroit: "We have a. new money out of the country. 18 carrier for the F.I., Cass News­ Entered as second-class matter May 20, 1940, at the post o1'fi~e a.t New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. tb.ere a commission I can do stand at Cass and Michigan Editor: FELIX MORROW for you? Avenues ... By the 'way, the F.I. "See enclosed note from sales in two places have been llbrary showing what I've done steadily rising each month. The CONTENTS with copies of th~ macazine." magazine is constantly im.prov­ lng." The Month in Review (The note trom the library Toledo: "There are now two Crisis in the German Ruling Class........................ 227 states: "In reply to your lnqui,ry I shall !be very pleased places carrying the F.I.­ Dangers and Tasks Facing the Polish Workers.... 228 Athletic Sport ~nter and M & to accept the issues of FOURTH M Drugstore. We are going to Leon Trotsky: 1879.1940 ...................... By the Editors 229 INTERNATIONAL which you try to place t'hem in some other Leon Trotsky, Revolutionary Teacher of the kindly offer to present to this U:brary. Perhaps you will be stores in town. Vle tried, to sell Colonial Peoples .................................... By Li Fu,·len 232 good enough to bring the period. a subscription to the PubUc Trotsky on America's Role in Europe Li'brary. They said they got icals to the Ulbrary at your most of su:ch publications free By William Simmons 237 convenience, and an official and wanted to know if they can Leon Trotsky, Organizer of Victory.... By Karl Radek 239 acknowledgement of your gitt Will be sent to you in due get a fr,ee sUlb to the F.I." Tasks of Communist Education........ By Leon Trotsky 242 (We are placing the Toledo course. Your specimen copy is How the Fourth International Was Conceived returned herewith.") Pn'bUc Library on our malling list and will do so with any By Ann Vincent 243 London, Eng.: "Li'ke most of Ubrary that has a call for With Trotsky in Mexico ................ By Charles Cornell 246 the letters you get from Britain FOURTH INTERNATIONAL.) From the Arsenal 0/ Marxism nowadays this is a begging one. Akron: "The magazine is sold I'd appreciate if you could send Five Years of the Comintern...... By Leon Trotsky 249 in Akron at the News Exchange. me a fUe of FOURTH INTER­ We sell around ten copies there ..... 11. NATIONAL for the period May ,per month. Please increase our to ~ember 1943. You were kind enough to let me have a F.I. bundle 'Order by five-we a supply on hand. Our agent in terent issues with a f-riend of ,,111 try to -put them on another number of copies last year to her latest report asks: "Will you mine. Sh~ has mentioned sev· make up some bound volumes, Q6wsstand." 5 please send us co-pies of the eral Umes that she likes the and I am hO!ping you wiU be LOB Angeles,' "From reports I December FOURTH INTERNA­ becaus,e Manager's ColUlJIln it able t'O cOIDJplete ~ 1943 get it looks as if the F.I. is TIONAL. W~'re all out of them." gives her a 'better picture of having a good m'Onth on the volume.... I send greetings * * * what the F.I. suppo.rters are both to those of you who ar,e stands. This means our news· Inquiries have been received doing." stand, circulation at the present ca'rrying on the work outside ae t'O whether we have indexes F.D., Sand8tone: "Readin-g the time is a regular minimum 'Of the prison walls and to those for the various volumes of F.I. from this distance from fifty and In another month or who have been jailed 'by Ameri­ FOURTH INTERNATIONAL. the center, I 81m more than can imperia1ism." so I should be alble to give Indexes are avai1abl~ for the eyer impressed, with its impor­ sixty as our newsstand mini­ London, Eng.: "A friend of last few years and wew1ll be tance to our movement. It is a mum with the advent of the mine said he has found in his glad to send them to anyone powerful supplement to the San Pedro stand sales. factory that the workers are who wishes to have loose copies weekly paper in presenting a ·'An'Other point I want to of FOURTH INTERNATIONAL very much interested in the F.I. rounded picture of major world He distributes the magazines as bring up is the advertising of bound. events, not to mention its own our newsstands. We are trying well as THE MILITANT there * * • ind~ndent role as a theoretic­ regularly. They especially Uke t'O Ibuild up one or two regular Readers of FOURTH INTER· al organ. The June issue is well articles deaUng with trad\, routes and such an ad would NATIONAL comment about the balanced, interestin'g and in· be an inducement to the shop­ magazine: union situations in the United formative fro.m cover to cover." Stat,es-they are very interested keepers to carry the magazine Ohicago: ''The article on the and, PBJPer as well as help us in Cuban elections was good. More * * * in those. Just to show what building up the lroutes." material on American colonies C 'O m men t s from readers kind of arUcles they like best, they were very inter~ted in De­ The above report of progress should appear. I believe an anal· abroad: Lorenzo's case. from. Los Angeles was followed ysis of events in South America War Zone: "Very many thanks by a telegram stating, "SOLD during the past year would, !be tor t~e first iparcel which ar­ "His impression of the F.I. OUT. EXPRESS FIFTEEN informative." (The article reo rtved last week. The magR.zine is that it should have greater ADDITIONAL COPIES JULY ferred to, ",Significance Ott the 18 well up to the usual standard diversity of articles in different ISSUE FOR TROTSKY MEMO· Cuban Elections" by J. B. and that's saying a lat. fields and all the articles should RIAL MEE'DING.'" Stua.rt, a'ppears in the July 1944 ·'1 w'ould like to buy a sub­ be short. So far as quality is San Francisco is utiUzing issue of FOURTH INTERNA· scription tor 1944 as well as a concerned, it is absolutely the their back issues of FOURTH TIONAL.) copy of tbe Old Man's 'In De­ best thing in the whole political INTERNATIONAL in contact New York: uI otten discuS8 fense of Manis'm' ... field, nothing to compare with work and is desirous of keeping different arti'oles in t~ dif· "In the meantime please &C- it at all." FOURTH INTERNATIONAL VOLUME 5 AUGUST 1944 NUMBER 8 l'he Month in Review By THE EDITORS Crisis of the German Ruling Class: to reports, are roaming the countryside in the Reich itself. Rumors persist of mutinous actions in the navy, of strikes in The Nazi· Junker Rift the factories, even of the formation of soldiers' councils in the After the July 20 attempt on Hitler's life, reserves. Under the clouds of the ~double censorship of the Nazis WHAT EVENTS OF the rift between the Nazi politicians and and the Allies, little light on the actual statte of affairs among JULY 20 SIGNIFY the Junker generals cannot be questioned the German masses is reaching us. any longer. The crisis in the German Yet there cannot be any doubt that the conflict at the top ruling class has begun. is only a reflection of the deep·going unrest at the bottom. If the defeat at Stalingrad was decisive in turning the tide That it will further stimulate the tendencies toward civil war against German militarism in the East; if ~e defeat in North all the way down the rungs of the social ladder. Already there Africa foreshadowed the demise of Nazi imperialist power in are signs that point unmistakably in this direction. William the West; the split between Hitler and the Junkers is no less Philip Simms, Scripps. Howard foreign expert, reports on decisive for the fortunes of the capitalists at home, in Germany August 2: itself. "United Nations officials in London are convince'd that the In that sense it constitutes the prelude to the inevitable out­ revolt against Hitler was not only 'genuine, but far IJ'lrom 'being break of the proletarian revolution within the Third Reich.
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