Southington High School KnightNews 720 Pleasant St Southington, CT 06489 DECEMBER 2010/JANUARY 2011 www.southingtonschools.org 860.628.3229 Our Mission- CONNECTICUT ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC Engagement SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS’ The mission of the Southington 2010-2011 SUPERINTENDENT/STUDENT AWARD Public Schools is to engage students in a range of educa- Katherine Lainas, a senior, has been selected as one tional experiences to become of this year’s recipients of the Connecticut Association of informed, adaptive problem Public School Superintendents’ (CAPSS) Superintendent/ solvers who effectively com- Student Recognition award for leadership service to the municate, rise to challenges, school, academic prowess relative to ability, and service to and are committed to improve others in the community. A special luncheon was held at themselves and their communi- the Farmington Country Club on November 5th. ties. This program was designed by school administrators to When we ask administrators, teachers and students what they recognize students who have served their schools and think is the most important word in the mission the overwhelm- communities while maintaining exceptional progress. ing response is “engage”. Numerous research studies point to engagement as the key to effective teaching and learning. Katherine is an intelligent, hard-working, and enthusiastic Instructional design needs to engage students and grant them young lady. She has surpassed all academic, extracurricu- ownership over their learning. Inquiry based science lessons, lar and social expectations at Southington High School. math applications and problem solving, student choice in read- What distinguishes Katherine from other successful and ing and writing, student designed projects in unified arts and accomplished students is that she has consistently main- many other instructional strategies are implemented across the tained academic excellence while participating in numerous district to engage students in daily learning. The job of better extracurricular, enrichment and civic oriented activities. She engaging students is one that requires the school district to be is a member of National Honor Society, Future Business committed to constant improvement, creativity and commitment Leaders of America (FBLA), French Club, Environmental to better instructional practices that capture students interest, Club, STEPS, Track, and Soccer. Future Business Leaders passion and engagement. This year every administrator in the of America (FBLA) is one of many areas in which she has district will shadow a student for one half of a school day three demonstrated tremendous leadership and talent. She is times during the year. Engagement will be one of the mission Southington High School’s FBLA President and is Vice goals that the administrators will be watching for. Tonight at the President of the State of Connecticut chapter. Katherine dinner table ask your child the following questions: has helped her FBLA teammates win numerous team awards at the state and national levels as well as earning What do you find engaging about school? Is there a subject, a individual awards at state competitions: 1st place in Intro to nd unit, a lesson, a teacher? What makes that engaging? Business Communications; 2 place in a Public Speaking II and received a Leadership and Commitment award for We all need to better understand these answers to achieve FBLA . Katherine has actively participated in community mission success for every child. service and has accumulated several hundred hours of ser- vice. Katherine’s parents are Gregory and Mary Ann Lainas. Howard Thiery Assistant Superintendent of Schools The Board of Education will be recognizing Katherine at the December 9th Board of Education meeting to be held at CONCERTS CHANGED Thalberg Elementary School at 7:00pm. Congratulations Katie! The ORCHESTRA/JAZZ and BAND CONCERTS will be performed on Wednesday, December 22, Find out what’s happening at SHS everyday by 2010 at 7:00pm in the SHS Auditorium. reading the morning announcements which are posted on our home page ... (The individual concerts originally scheduled for Dec 16 & 21 have been changed.) www.southingtonschools.org Volume 9, Issue 2 Page 2 The Industrial Careers (steel framing, carpentry, masonry, HVAC, electrical, plumbing). Other topics include Preparation Program soil and site work concerns, floor and wall systems, estimating, print read- The School to Career Committee would ing, structural walls, rigging, manage- like to inform you of the Industrial Careers ment and OSHA. Students will also have Preparation Program offered by the Tech- KNIGHTVERTISING the opportunities to work with human re- nology Education Department! This com- by Lindsay Clavette sources professional at semester's end and mittee consists of community members, Attention: Parents of practice important interview and resume' business partners, teachers, and adminis- SHS Athletes skills. trators and has been at the forefront of pio- Knightvertising is a student-run busi- neering the vision for education in Connect- ness that offers advertising opportuni- For more information, please contact: icut. On December 7th, several committee ties for businesses. Business owners Justin Mirante, Technology Education De- members presented to the State Depart- have the option of purchasing banners partment Chair. that will be hung on our athletic fields ment of Education its successes and future over a period of time. endeavors. Southington Public Schools Booster clubs of our different sports This program is designed to identify and teams are also allowed to participate. support students interested in pursuing a Companies with supporters of a certain career in a trade oriented career. The pro- Bus Safety athletic team can purchase a sign. This gram is intended for students that would purchase gives the booster club of that Initiative team 25% of the sale based on which not traditionally have the desire or means type of sign is purchased. The applica- to enroll in a two or four year college direct- tion process to purchase a sign will be ly after graduating high school. Upon suc- November Tips For Children distributed twice a year. cessful completion of core focus courses and graduation from high school, the stu- Get to the bus stop at least five minutes Contact Information is as follows for dent will have an increased opportunity to before the bus is scheduled to arrive. any questions about this offer: be employed by the career industry and When the bus approaches, stand at least Aurora Pedrolini, SHS, (860) 628- placed into an internship/training program 3229 Extension 247 or E-mail: three giant steps (6 feet) away from the that can lead to full employment in that [email protected] curb, and line up away from the street. specific trade career. Students are encour- aged to enroll in post-secondary schools Wait until the bus stops, the door opens, and take classes to further their under- and the driver says that it’s okay before standing of their career choice as desired stepping onto the bus. UNIFIED THEATER... or required. is an organization that strives to If you have to cross the street in front of make a theatre experience available To date, the School to Career Commit- the bus, walk on the sidewalk or along to all students. Founded at Conard tee has helped make a student’s education the side of the road to a point at least five more meaningful by providing authentic giant steps (10 feet) ahead of the bus High School, this program was the before you cross. Be sure that the bus brain-child of Micaela Connery. learning opportunities. These opportunities driver can see you, and you can see the Through personal experience, include job shadows, in-depth career explo- bus driver. ration, and courses that introduce students Micaela saw friendship, feelings of to the many facets of the trades industry. Never walk behind the bus. accomplishment and success Come check out the Industrial Careers Ex- fostered by this inclusive theatre po on April 28th at 6:30pm in the high Walk at least three giant steps away from activity. school cafeteria! Also, talk to your school the side of the bus. Southington High School has counselor about our revised Commercial joined the Unified Theater family. Construction class! This course is de- If you drop something near the bus, tell the bus driver. Never try to pick it up be- Four students and three advisors signed to develop an understanding of what cause the driver may not be able to see attended the training workshop. Our commercial construction structures are and you. first unified performance to include what types of processes and materials are a series of skits will be on March 4, used to construct them. Students will have hands on laboratory experience building a 2011. The advisors and the seventy commercial structure using various tools, (70) participating students are very methods, and materials discussed in class excited about this coming event. ...continues in next column Volume 9, Issue 2 Page 3 GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT NEWS HIGH SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM EXPANDS VARIETY SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION - Did you miss “Financial Aid Night, Paying for College …What Every Parent Needs to The school lunch program at Southington Know?” This program will be aired continuously on Public High School will be diversifying its offerings Access TV (channel 16) every Wednesday (7pm) and Friday to students and staff come January. Students (5pm) throughout December. FAFSA forms should be ad- can look
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