• A merica 4 Cl.. e:J:J n ew:Jl'aper CoPy rill1'll 1960 by Unlt. d 'Utel ch.n~':C'O':'"""'~":''-________________,,,r:;;;;;-_ Vol . XV, No. 4 Thursday, October 20, 1960 15 Cents New USCF Officers Elected; Fred Cramer Is President USCF President for the next three years will be Fred Cramer of Milwaukee National Membership Chairman, who was elected to the presidency' by the Board of Directors at St. Louis. Elected along with him as Vice·Presidents Cor three years were Henry Gross of San Francisco, Eva Aronson of Chicago, Jack O'Keefe of Ann Arbor, and Harold Bone of Baytown, Texas, and, as Secretary, Ma rshall Rohland of Milwaukee. Together with the carry-over officers and a number of old and new appointees, they make up a slate of some fifty-odd volunteer w.orkers who will head up the USCF Ilush toward a stronger more effectwe or­ ganization of chess in America during the next three years. The "mast­ head" carrying all thcse nameS and addresses appears on an inside page of this issue of Chess Life. " Never before h",'. so momy . clive people been working together in chess Or9Inil. ' ion," Crlmer decl.red, in c:o mmenting on the new sl.t. of offit.rs. "This is • m. gnific:e nt team, representative of . 11 parts of thlt country and of . 11 seclors of c: hess activity. The tremendous work of the put three years, bringi ng harmony . nd plellsure into USCF, is p.ying big dividends now, lIS we see leaders from .11 p.rts volunteering for the new Vic:e-Prllidenc:i.s and the m. ny c:ommittee ISsignments on the lid. is EL MER MEPNI" ANTHONY SAIOY, AND RAYMOND WEINST EIN BOARD. "It indeed an inspiration and a privilege," the new President' I NG TNI!IR PLANIi AT NEW YORK BOUNP FOR THE WORLD STUDENT eontinued, "to wor k with so many fine public-spirited people, wbo are T I!AM CHAMP IO NSH' P T OU RNAMENT IN LENIN GRAD, USSII, W .H. RE jolning this effort to put chess onto the high status it deserves. All T HEY PLAYED ON TH E U NITEP STATES T EAM W HICH W ON THE WORLD these people need help themselves: their names and addresses appear TITLE. TWO M ONTHS L A TER SAIDY TOOK THE CA NADIA N OPEN TITLE AFTER PLACING AMONG THE PRIZE WINNERS IN THE U. S. OPEN AT in this Chess Life, so that any reader who wants to lend a hand can ST. LOU IS. promptly get in touch with his nearest Vice President, who will be most happy to sign him to a useful post." MARCHAND WINS NEW YORK STATE Cramer, who is a lighting fixture manufacturer, has been trying to make expert fo r almost ten years, but never pushed his USCF Rat­ CHAMPIONSHIP ing over 1980. (Presently it is down to 1930.) Gross, an attorney, O'Keefe, a college instructor, Aronson, a housewife, and Rohland, a Dr. Erich W. Marchand of Roc hester , N.Y. made history over Labor chemical techniCian, all have had USCF Expert Ratings; Gross, in fact, is Day weekend by becoming Ihe first player living outside of New York City to win the State Championship in over 50 years of continuous play. an ex-USCF Master. Bone, a mettalurgist, has been President of the The event was conducted at Cazenovia 'Junior College, Cazenovia, N.Y. Texas Chess Association, and plays good Class A chess. All of the newly elected officers have long records of activity in local, regional, and His score of 8·1 recorded wins over defending Champion August national chess organizational work. Rankis. and Masters Mengarini and Kaufman, while his only loss WaS to Sidney Bernstein who placed second at 6'h·2lh. Three players scored 6·3. and after tie-breaking placed in the following order: Allen Kauf­ man, 3rd. Rhys Hays 4th, August Rankis 5th. All three are from New BERLINER WINS SOUTHWEST OPEN York City. Ha ns Berli ner of Littleton, Colorado, scored 61h·~ to win the 1960 Southwest Open. played at Albuquerque, N.M., Sept. 3·5. Ronald J. In the Slate Speed Championship, Dr. MengariDi and MitcheU Saltz­ Gross of Co mpton, California also scored 6'h_lh, but took 2nd place on berg tied for 1st place wit h a score of 9-1. tie-breaking. Rudolf Pellers of Dacono, Colorado, and Charles T. Mor. The Genesee Cup matches also conducted over Labor Day Weekend, gan, Phoenix, Arizona, placed 3rd and 4th, respectively, after their 5'h. saw Erie Coun ty as winner by taking four straight matches without a Ph tie had been broken. Stephen Jones of Austin, Texas, placed 5th, defeat. The counties of Schenectady, Rome, Ontario, Oneida, Onondaga with 5-2. Class A honors won by A. E, Edmondson; Class B, l..oyd Kile; and Queens competed. Junior, Stephen J ones; Women, Ma be l Burlingame. The event was directed by Frank Brady and marks the 75th year Sponsored by the Albuquerque CC and the TCA, the event attracted of activity 01 the New York State Chess Association. a strong and large entry list, with 65 pJayers {rom 8 states competing for the honors and prizes. RESHEVSKY TOPS BENKO IN MATCH Loyd Kile of Grants, New Mex ico, was the featured dark-horse of the event. Coming into the tournament with a USCF rating of 1565 The Old Maestro, Samuel Reshevsky. dropped the first game of he scored 5·2, sharing a 5th place prize with Texas co-champion Stephen his ten·game match with Pal Benko in New York, and again the experts Jones. and Colorado champion Petei' Gould, although placing below wondered if he hadn't slipped. He roared back, however, scoring three them on median point tie·breaking. wi ns and live draws in the next eight games, and went into the final game two up and one to go. It was fortunate for him that he had the Act ing on a facetious suggestion made by the editor of CHESS LlFE extra point to play wit h, for Benko won the last game. Final score: in the May 5, 1960 editorial, tournament authorities presented an lndian Reshevsky, three wi ns, two losses and five draws, for 5% points. Benko: rug to the pl ayer traveli ng the longest distance to compcte. This prize won two. lost t1m~e . and drew live, for 4 lh points, Reshevsky won one went to USCF Master Emeritus William Ruth of COllingswood, New Jersey. game wIth White and tw o with Black. Benko also split. scoring once with each color. Only two of the games could fall into the grandmaster The outstanding Sllceess of the event, which was directed by George draw category, both with Reshe\'sky playing White, the 6th drawn in Koltanowski. leads the promoters to predict that the Southwest Open 14 moves and the 8th drawn in 16. At! ten games will appear in the will take its place among the major annual regional chess events of next issue, thanks to .Mr. Hermann Helms, who sent the scores along the United States. to CHESS LlFE as soon as the games were finished. NEW JERSEY USCF NATIONAL RATING LIST (United States Junior Championship listed under NATIONAL at top) Supplement No. 5 New J ersey Slate Junior Championship-Atlantic City ........ J une. 1960 by Frank R. Br.dy and J . F. Reinh.rdt NEW YORK By the lime this last supplement or 1960 is in the hands of OUf Greatcr Ncw York Open ............... ............................................... June, 1960 readers we shall be hard at work on the annual magnum opus.--Ihc Ma rshall Chess Club Amateur Championship............ April·June, 1960 complete Na tional Rating List lor all players who participated in rated Ivy Leasue Individual Ch3mpionship-New York City events during the past yea r. We expect to include all tournamenlS played OHIO between November 1959 and November 10. 1960 and solicit the Cinci nnati Open ........................................................................ August. J960 C()opcration DC all tournament direelors and organ izers to get the PENNSYLVANIA results or their evenls to us as quickly as possibJe_ The annual list will Pitlsburgh Chess Cluh Championship .................... February-June, 1960 appear in the December 20th issue of "Chess Life." RHODE ISLAND As fa r as the present list is concerned. it con tains almost 1300 names and includes 9 Senior Masters. 40 !\lasters, 2 Masters Emeritus. 219 Ex­ Hh ode Island State Tournaml'nl ("A" and " B")........ Ma rch.May. 1960 perts and 1016 Class A, B. (lnd C players. Rather than jinx the new TEXAS masters by mentioning them by name. we'll just poi nt out that this Dallas Championship Finals ............ June·October, 1959 (reported laic) supplement contains quite a few players who ha\'c im'adcd the charmed Bayou City Open- Houston ....................................................... July. 1960 2200 circle for the first time. May they continue to climb! Yucca Regional Tournament- EI Paso............. ....................... July. 1960 ( It almost goes without saying that we welcome any questions {rom San Antonio City Championship.. .... .................... ......................July. 1960 members who have played in the ('vents listed here. and whose names Dallas City Qu alifying Tournament. .......................................July. 1960 were either omitted or bear ratings which are honestly thought 10 be Dallas City Championship Fb].als ..... ............ .. ...... ....... July·August. 1960 inaccurate. Such letters should prefcrably not begin with "Dear Cur" or. Handoiph Club Tournament. ... ..................................... ........... August, 1960 end with "drop dead." A chess player wbo shows a lack of imagination Matches: H. Davis-E. Edmondson; C. Jewell-E. Edmondson and originality in choosing ~i s epithets of abuse arouses the suspicion VIR GINIA that his rating is no lower than it should be.
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