THE PALMETTO PATRIOT Winner of the Grahame T. Smallwood Award at the 120th Annual Congress Best in the National Society for State Societies of more than 500 members with a publication of more than 10 pages. 1775 1783 THE SOUTH CAROLINA SOCIETY of the SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 2011 Issue 4 Winter 2011 Organized April 1889 Kings Mountain: decisive win for America By Jim Livingston hundred feet from where he fell. KINGS MOUNTAIN — Descen- The Gen. James Williams Chap- dants of our Patriot Revolutionary ter honors Gen. Williams, who was War ancestors gathered at Kings wounded at the battle and died the Mountain Oct. 7 for the 231st an- next day. niversary celebration of those who Of the about 1,100 Patriots who gave our nation a victory in one of fought, 30 were killed and 60 were the most important Revolutionary wounded. Supporters of the Crown War battles. had similar losses with between 600 and 700 taken as prisoners, making Revolutionary War battle this a decisive victory for America. The battle commenced at about 3 p.m. on a cold and rainy afternoon of Anniversary celebration Oct. 7, 1780, and slightly more than Among those attending the 231st an hour later it was over. The British anniversary celebration were Com- leader, Major Patrick Ferguson, was patriots whose ancestors fought at killed. Ferguson had declared only the Battle of Kings Mountain. Sev- God could get him off the mountain. He is buried and memorialized a few See Kings Mountain, page 7 From left: Compatriot Jay Guest (Georgia), President General Larry Magerkurth (Califor- nia), Secretary General Steve Leishman (Delaware) and Registrar General Lindsey Brock (Florida) after wreath-laying ceremony. [Photo by Janet Norris] SCSSAR AT KINGS MOUNTAIN— Front row from left: President Mark Anthony, Will Ouvry, From left: SCSSAR President Mark Anthony and Bobby Towns, Jay Guest and Paul Past President Redding I. “Rick” Corbett III, Rev. Clark Wiser (North Carolina), Historian J.D. Prescott of the Georgia Society before ceremony. Norris and Donny Carson. Back row: Secretary Dan Woodruff, Greg Greenawalt, Will Flint (standing in rear), Bill Kivett and Chaplain David Johnson [Photo by Janet Norris] The South Carolina Society BULK RATE Sons of the American Revolution Address Service Requested US POSTAGE PAID WOODRUFF, SC 29388 PERMIT NO 62 CADETS AT KINGS MOUNTAIN — Lt. Col. Sam Wood of the Col. William Bratton Chapter took his cadets from the Lancaster County School District to Kings Mountain Oct. 8. Page 2 Winter 2011 The Palmetto Patriot or event. Your hospitality has been second to none and a testament to From the President’s Desk the camarade- rie that we all I am writing this article on the eve various chapters and members can share. of Thanksgiving, and by the time you Thanksgiving meet others from around the state. For those read this article, Christmas will be on To date, one such social meeting has chapters that I the horizon. Both holidays are times of the American Revolution (Educa- been conducted in the Midlands Re- have not visited to gather with family and friends to tional) to generate a sense of shared gion. Some questions about the SC yet, please be take stock of the successes of the past history (Patriotism). Ours is not ex- Scholarship have been forwarded to sure to contact year and contemplate the blessings pected to be a passive society but an that committee chairman. me so that we to come. Already this year, the SC So- active society. 3) Increasing the participation can coordinate ciety has much to be thankful for and This year, the metrics that have and visibility of the South Carolina a visit. many successes yet to experience. been used are related to the Re-energiz- Society — On going Until next This was the theme of George ing the Society theme. Again, measur- Status: The SC Society has sent issue, I remain Washington’s Thanksgiving Procla- ing against the objectives announced large contingents to two events on your humble Mark C. Anthony mation issued Oct. 3, 1789 where he at the 2011 Annual State meeting: the same day in different states and obedient “recommended to the People of the 1) The chartering of a South Car- (Ramseur’s Mill in North Carolina servant. United States” to gather both pub- olina Ladies Auxiliary — ACCOM- and Breach Inlet in Charleston). The licly and privately and in a true spirit PLISHED SC Society had 10 delegates and an- of thanksgiving acknowledge “the Status: The SC Society has for- other three members attend the Na- beneficent Author” of the blessings mally voted its recognition of this tional Congress — an all-time record. that the new nation had enjoyed in group. The leadership of the Ladies Per the Americanism Update be- Mark C. Anthony the events “experienced in the course Auxiliary now needs to draw up a low, the SC Society is reporting more SCSSAR President and conclusion of the late war — for set of bylaws and objectives in sup- points than recorded in all of 2010. the great degree of tranquility, union, port of the SAR. The Ladies Auxiliary Each chapter is asked to let the State and plenty, which we have since en- complements the SAR by allowing Secretary know about planned meet- joyed — for the civil and religious lib- our wives to contribute alongside us. ings, commemorations and events erty with which we are blessed; and When they are welcomed and are val- so that they can be publicized across The Palmetto Patriot is published four for the means we have of acquiring ued, our work becomes a lot easier. the state so members can attend your times a year by the South Carolina Society and diffusing useful knowledge.” 2) The redefinition of the Region- event if they know about it. Sons of the American Revolution © 2011. That last phrase is interesting. al Vice President’s roles — On-going The success that the SC Society Website www.scssar.org Not only was Washington saying that Status: The Regional Vice Presi- has experienced in 2011 is greatly Subscriptions are sent automatically to the new United States was blessed for dents have been asked to host region- due to your efforts as members. members of the SCSSAR. having the means to acquire knowl- al contests for the various youth pro- Please accept my thanks for all that edge, he also said that the nation was grams — Knight Essay, Rumbaugh each of you as members and chap- President: Mark C. Anthony blessed for having the means to com- Oration and SC Society Scholarship. ters have done and are doing. I am Senior Vice President: John Ramsey municate that knowledge. Deadlines are fast approaching, and sure that every officer of the SC Soci- Low Country Vice President: Francis This statement points to the goals these need to become a priority. ety will also agree in extending their Lachicotte IV of the Sons of the American Revo- They have also been asked to host at thanks as well. Midlands Vice President: Jim Wyrosdick lution — namely to document the least two meetings of the chapters in I want to conclude by extend- Piedmont Vice President: Eric K. Williams contributions of our ancestors (His- their region — a planning meeting ing thanks to every chapter that Pee Dee Vice President: Richard Johnson Upstate Vice President: Stephen L. Blackwell torical) to communicate that history and a social meeting — so that the has already hosted me at a meeting Vice President for Chapter Renewal and Revitalization: Carroll Crowther Vice President for Chapter Formation SCSSAR 2011 Americanism Update and Development: Redding I. “Rick” Corbett III The following are the cumulative Americanism Contest results through Nov. 23. Secretary: Daniel K. Woodruff Treasurer: Greg Ohanesian Chapter Americanism PG Streamer PG Cup Categories Registrar: John T. Smith Col. Robert Anderson 6,083 2,060 186.23 13 Genealogist: Miles Gardner Daniel Morgan 5,626 1,660 148.69 15 Historian: J.D. Norris Gov. Paul Hamilton 2,326 625 51.79 13 Chancellor: Glenn Ohanesian Major Gen. William Moultrie 2,029 615 17.26 12 Auditor: Daniel Patten Jr. Cambridge 1,720 915 79.00 13 Chaplain: David Johnson Gen. James Williams 1,636 595 89.24 13 National Trustee: Ted R. Morton Jr. Lemuel Benton 1,076 445 25.25 10 Alternate National Trustee: Greg Oha- Col. William Bratton 897 510 50.15 11 nesian Endowment Trustee (three years): J. Dr. George Mosse 820 625 37.06 10 Michael Farr Gen. Francis Marion 647 320 65.03 11 Endowment Trustee (two years): Ernest Battle of Eutaw Springs 600 380 30.40 9 J. Sifford Jr. Col. Joseph Kershaw 515 125 69.78 9 Endowment Trustee (one year): William Col. Thomas Taylor 495 1,195 21.56 10 Allgood Matthew Singleton 280 35 8.23 5 Endowment Treasurer: Lawrence Mixson III Gen. Andrew Pickens 258 235 20.94 8 Henry Laurens 200 50 9.38 5 Palmetto Patriot Godfrey Dreher 165 180 13.32 6 South Carolina Society 26,109 9,650 NA NA Publisher * 12 categories must have points for a chapter to be eligible for consideration for the national President General’s Cup contest. Stephen L. Blackwell With one month remaining in the year, two chapters — Col. William Bratton and Gen. Francis Marion — remain on the cusp of qualifying for the President General’s Cup needing only to score points in one additional category to qualify. If one qualifies, then the Editor SC Society will surpass last year’s record number of qualifiers. In 2010, seven chapters scored more than 1,000 points with two scoring more than 4,000 and another just missing the 3,000 point level.
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