REV ARGENT COLOPROCT | 2021 | VOL. 32, N° 1: 28-30 EXPERT OPINION DOI: 10.46768/racp.v32i01.122 Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy. Indications in 2021 Pablo Piccinini, Nicolas Avellaneda, Augusto Carrie Instituto Universitario CEMIC (Unidad Patología Orificial). CABA, Argentina. As a historical review, Antonio Longo in 1998 was the tle external component, although the latter is not an ab- first surgeon who made reference to the stapled hemor- solute contraindication since the procedure itself often rhoidopexy, describing it at that time as "an ideal solution ends up reducing said component. with minimal postoperative pain, without anal wound Second, some studies have emphasized that this tech- and with minimal operative time".1 The objective of the nique has a higher risk of major complications compared surgery was not excising the hemorrhoidal tissue, but to to conventional hemorroidectomy. Profuse bleeding from restore the anatomy and physiology of the hemorrhoid- the suture line, hematomas, rectal vaginal fistulas, peri- al plexuses. anal fistulas, perineal sepsis, rectal perforation, rectal ste- In 2003, a consensus of experts on this technique met nosis (often due to high sutures that generate the well- and determined the indications for this surgery:2 known hourglass defect), anal stenosis and anal sphincter • Grade III hemorrhoids. injuries (due to too low sutures) are described in the liter- • Uncomplicated grade IV hemorrhoids that can be ature.6-9 reduced during surgery. However, other studies postulate that stapled hemor- • Grade II hemorrhoids (selected cases). rhoidopexy has a lower complication rate. A recent me- • Failure of other surgical techniques (eg, rubber band ta-analysis with at least 2000 patients found that the ligation) to relieve symptoms associated with hemor- percentage of complications was 20.2% for stapled hem- rhoids. orrhoidopexy vs. 25.2% for conventional hemorrhoidec- In turn, this consensus established the contraindications tomy (statistically significant result).10 for this surgery (abscess, gangrene, anal stenosis, full- Our opinion is that major complications arise from de- thickness rectal prolapse). fects in the surgical technique. This is why mentoring During the first years after the first publication, many during the short learning curve is important. published studies concluded in favor of this technique, Out of a total of 822 operated patients, our morbidity highlighting among its advantages the significant reduc- includes: tion in postoperative pain, the reduction in hospital stay Hemorrhoidal thrombosis 2.5%. and bleeding, in addition to the rapid return to normal Anal fissure 1%. activities in comparison with conventional hemorrhoid- Bleeding from the suture line 1% (2 patients required ectomy.3 Some studies even postulated suture hemor- reoperation, progressing well in the postoperative period). rhoidopexy as the “most effective and safest technique in Hematoma of the suture line 0.5%, which did not re- the treatment of hemorrhoids”.4 quire reoperation. Today, 22 years after Dr. Longo's manuscript, this tech- One patient presented a mild stenosis at the suture line nique has spread throughout the world in many cas- that resolved with outpatient office dilations. es (such as the undersigned) thanks to Dr. Longo's own No patient had anal incontinence, moderate/severe ste- personal teaching and also from surgeon to surgeon. Al- nosis, fistulas of any kind, or other serious complications. though the technique itself has not undergone major The most frequent postoperative symptoms were tenes- changes, some considerations that have been made since mus and pain, both manageable with medical treatment. then should be taken into account. Some tips to prevent these types of complications: First, although the indications are officially similar, to- • Carry out a series of cases accompanied by an experi- day there seems to be a certain consensus in not indi- enced surgeon (applies to any surgery). cating this surgery for grade II hemorrhoids that can be • Place the drawstring strip 3-4 cm above the dentate resolved mostly with rubber band ligation.5 It is still in- line (as described in the technique), taking only mucosa dicated for grade III-IV hemorrhoids. It is ideal in cases and submucosa. Performing it more proximally for fear of with a circumferential component and preferably with lit- sphincter injury can lead to rectal complications (already described) and performing it lower to excise more tissue Pablo Piccinini [email protected] can cause injuries or pain in the anal sphincter (remember Received: March 2020. Accepted: May 2020 that the purpose of this surgery is not to excise tissue, but The authors declare no conflict of interest. rather dearterialize and correct the prolapse, so the bene- Pablo Piccinini - https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6866-942X ; Nicolas Avellaneda - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6802-7125; Augusto Carrie - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4226-7240 28 REV ARGENT COLOPROCT | 2021 | VOL. 32, N° 1: 28-30 EXPERT OPINION DOI: 10.46768/racp.v32i01.122 fits will be secondary to the latter). However, it should be the Cochrane database showed a recurrence rate of 6% noted that, in experienced hands, achieving a lower purs- for stapled hemorrhoidopexy versus 3% for conventional estring could improve outcomes and decrease the recur- hemorrhoidectomy,11 and other studies published similar rence rate. results.12 • To prevent postoperative bleeding (the most com- In our experience, 3% of patients complained of recur- mon complication), hemostatic stitches can be per- rent hemorrhoidal prolapse. However, most had a single formed at the level of the suture line with absorb- hemorrhoid recurrence, not a circumferential prolapse, able suture, both to reinforce the entire line (this and were successfully treated with rubber band ligation would also aim to ligation any residual hemorrhoid- on an outpatient basis. Two patients required reoperation al tissue) and at the sites where there is active bleed- for major hemorrhoidal prolapse and progressed satisfac- ing after firing the stapling device. Take into con- torily after the second stapled hemorrhoidopexy, remain- sideration that if the entire line is reinforced, the ing asymptomatic to date. running suture must be adjusted with the anoscope A technique first described by Morinaga et al.,13 Dop- inside, since otherwise it could lead to stenosis of pler-guided transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization, the suture line. Our recommendation, however, is has been compared to that proposed by Longo and some to only perform hemostatic stitches at active bleed- studies have shown that it is associated with less postop- ing sites and not to reinforce the entire suture line. erative pain and fewer serious complications.14,15 How- • An analgesic regimen in the postoperative period ever, others found no differences between the two may be adequate to reduce the symptoms associat- methods.14 We believe that studies are still lacking to de- ed with rectal and anal inflammation. Also a semi- termine the superiority of one technique over the other. solid diet, abundant fluid intake and some natural In conclusion, 22 years after Antonio Longo's work, sta- laxative to improve the quality of the stool, since pled hemorrhoidopexy continues to be used for the treat- constipation motivated in many cases by fear of ment of grade III-IV and circumferential hemorrhoids, in post-evacuation pain is frequent after surgery. which case in our opinion it is the first option. It may be One last mention, although not minor, since most of that in the near future new techniques will arrive to re- the detractors of this technique emphasize it, is the fact place it, but today we do not have enough evidence to set that stapled hemorrhoidopexy seems to be associat- aside a technique that greatly reduces immediate postop- ed with a greater number of long-term recurrences and erative pain and has good results in the short, medium a greater need for retreatment. 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