July 1998 AA WomanWoman NamedNamed RuthRuth DoDo WeWe NeedNeed thethe Church?Church? NewNew MembersMembers FromFrom NETNET ’95’95 andand NETNET ’96:’96: WhereWhere areare theythey now?now? LETTERS Serious Blooper Since September 1997 LEARN has thing back to their communities.” There is a serious mistake in Alfred worked closely with Elder José Rojas McClure’s “Making Connections” following his visit and challenge to —Josué Rosado (May NAD Edition). He states that Latino Adventist youth at Camp EXECUTIVE SECRETARY/TREASURER his friend had correctly “made certain Cedar Falls, and mobilized more than LEARN RESOURCE CENTER AND the white wires were attached to the 200 Latino youth at the Spanish FOUNDATION positive poles and the black wires American Church and trained them went to the negative.” to become tutors/mentors. Tutoring That is totally backwards. In electri- sites have been launched at the Why Obey? cal wiring, black is always positive Spanish American church, Norwalk In Robert S. Folkenberg’s “Why Obey? (hot), while white is always negative Spanish, and the Baldwin Park Reconciling the Commandments and (common, or ground). Were someone Bilingual church. LEARN will be the Cross” (May NAD Edition), 1 John to hook a black wire to negative or reaching throughout the Pacific 2:3 is used. He explained that this verse white wire to the positive leg of a Union Conference to train Latino helped him put it all together. However, breaker panel, it would cause an imme- youth and professionals to “give some- I am not sure that he understands what diate full short that could badly burn the person, cause an explosion in the electrical panel, or damage appliances Good News for Older Readers connected to the “crossed wires.” “Just a note to ask you to please try to make the Review more readable for us older folks who can’t see to read as well as we used to. We still enjoy reading —Ken Wilbur it, but at times it is almost impossible for us to do so,” wrote Myrtle Cossentine VIA FAX Aldrich, of Avon Park, Florida, in a recent letter. Her request is typical of quite a few that come to my office every year. Some readers, Taking Back the Cities now in their sunset years, have only the I commend you for your excellent Review left in their life, and they plead with me cover story “Taking Back the Cities” to find a way to make it accessible to them. (May NAD Edition). I have wrestled with this problem for However, there is one serious omis- years, as did my predecessor, Kenneth H. sion: the role of the LEARN (Latino Wood. Under his tenure the Review Educational PRINGER launched a large-print edition, but it was Advancement and D. S not financially viable and had to be OEL Research Network) J discontinued. BY Resource Center At last—good news! The Review and HOTO and Foundation in P Herald Publishing Association has obtained training and initiat- supplies of a clear magnifying sheet that you can lay over the page and that will ing the three tutor- enable you to read the print more easily. mentoring sites cur- This sheet has a $5 value, but we will send it to you free if you add a year to rently in operation your current subscription or begin a subscription. To add on a year or begin a in southern California. In fact, it was subscription, call 1-800-456-3991. LEARN that videotaped the Flo And keep reading the Review! McAfee presentation at La Sierra William G. Johnsson, Editor University, which you printed. 2 (882) ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 1998 the verse is saying. It says: “And hereby we do know that we know him, if we Thank you, Bill Knott, for helping to keep his commandments.” draw attention to our need to teach Somehow I got the impression that grace through Bible stories. Grace, the Folkenberg is using this verse in refer- most beautiful and motivating of our ence to the Ten Commandments. It is beliefs, is not easy for us to define. Just COVER STORY important to realize what John explains when we think we have it firmly by these commands to be: “And this is his the tail, we lose our grip on it. So I can 8 A Woman Named Ruth A tribute to all of us ordinary command: to believe in the name of sympathize with the other editor who people. his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one revised the Bible story but failed to BY DENISE DICK HERR another as he commanded us. And find grace in it. Unfortunately, Knott’s this is how we know that he lives in us: editorial raises a false dilemma that We know it by the Spirit he gave us” could further obscure grace. ARTICLES (1 John 3:23, 24, NIV). Abraham shows grace when he Just because the Bible uses the word pleads for unknown righteous citizens 12 Present Hope “command” or “commandment,” it is of Sodom. God shows grace when He Some people know how to live. not necessarily a reference to the Ten assures Abraham that He will not BY LENNARD A. JORGENSEN Commandments. Many Adventists I destroy the city for 10 righteous people. 22 Lasting Impact meet seem genuinely to make this mis- The angels demonstrate grace when NET ’98 is soon upon us. take. I hope they will consider the they go into the city and invite Lot and Whatever happened to those who broader implications. his family to save friends and family, joined the church during NET ’95 and then practically carry out Lot’s at- and NET ’96? —Ron Corson home family. Lot does not deserve to BY MONTE SAHLIN BOISE, IDAHO be saved, but God saves him anyway. Grace is not an excuse for sin; grace DEPARTMENTS is not embarrassed by judgment or the Revising the Past final solution to sin and evildoers. 2 Letters Refreshing indeed are the biblical clar- Grace is God seeking to save us, even 7 Give & Take ity and moral courage of Bill Knott’s when we are not listening. When we 15 Global Mission “Revising the Past” (May NAD focus our attention on grace, we can Edition). He is right to decry any effort better understand the inevitability of 16 On the Home Front on humanity’s part to sanitize the Bible sin’s consequences, as Bill Knott so 18 World News & Perspectives record and make it more palatable to eloquently pointed out. 27 From the Heart modern tastes. In our time (and even in our church) many are trying to mute —Noelene Johnsson, DIRECTOR 28 Children’s Corner the Bible’s teaching on divine justice NAD DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN’S 29 Mystery Visitor because they suppose that this subject MINISTRIES 30 Reflections conflicts with a “grace orientation.” True, God is gracious—infinitely so. Letters Policy But He does not offer grace as a cloak EDITORIALS or license to sinners who barricade The Review welcomes your letters. themselves against the life-transform- Short, specific letters are the most effective 5 The Courage of the ing power of His goodness and law. and have the best chance at being pub- Remnant Meanwhile, the Lord is not asking lished. Letters will be edited for space and us to be astute revisionists, but faithful clarity only. Send correspondence to 6 The Witness Protection witnesses of the truth as it is in Jesus. Letters to the Editor, Adventist Review, Program That truth comprises the “whole coun- 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, USTINEN sel of God,” not just the parts that MD 20904-6600; Internet: J NEXT WEEK readily appeal to us. [email protected] CompuServe ARS L network: 74617,15. BY No Survivors —Brian D. Jones, pastor Is this the way God rewards faithfulness? TION CHARLES TOWN, WEST VIRGINIA ILLUSTRA VER O C ADVENTIST REVIEW, JULY 1998 (883) 3 “Behold, I come quickly . .” Our mission is to uplift Jesus Christ through stories of His matchless love, news of His present workings, help for knowing Him better, and hope in His soon return. The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119), published since 1849, is the general paper of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is published by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is printed by the Review and Herald® Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, Maryland 21740. Standard postage paid at Hagerstown. The North American Edition of the Adventist Review is published 12 times a year on the first Thursday of each month. Copyright © 1998, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Publishing Board: Robert S. Folkenberg, chair; Phil Follett, vice- chair; William G. Johnsson; Lowell Cooper; A. C. McClure; Dorothy Watts; Ted N. C. Wilson; Martin Ytreberg; Robert Nixon, legal advisor Executive Publisher and Editor William G. Johnsson Associate Editors Roy Adams, Bill Knott Managing Editor Myrna Tetz News Editor Carlos Medley Assistant Editors Stephen Chavez, Andy Nash Editorial Assistant Ella Rydzewski Administrative Secretary Chitra Barnabas Editorial Secretaries Mary Maxson, Jean Sequeira Art Director Bill Kirstein Designer Bill Tymeson Design Assistant/Production Stephanie Kaping Ad Sales Melynie Tooley Subscriber Services Steve Hanson Marketing Coordinator Ray Tetz Consulting Editors: Robert S. Folkenberg, Matthew Bediako, Phil Follett, Robert J. Kloosterhuis, A. C. McClure, Jan Paulsen, Leo Ranzolin, R. F. Rawson, Calvin B. Rock, G. Ralph Thompson North American Edition Consulting Editors: Alfred C. McClure, Bjorne Christensen, Kermit Netteburg, Monte Sahlin Special Contributors: Harold Baptiste, George Crumley, Malcolm D. Gordon, Bruce Johnston, Ted Jones, Ralph Martin, Cyril Miller, Thomas J. Mostert, Jr., Orville D. Parchment, Charles Sandefur To Writers: We welcome unsolicited manuscripts.
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