CONTENTS Foreword (to the English Edition) Foreword (to the Fortieth and Forty-Third German Editions) vii Introduction to the Thirty-Seventh Edition 1 Suggestions for the Theological Use of "Denzinger" 7 Reading the Critical Apparatus 11 Part One PROFESSIONS OF FAITH SIMPLE PROFESSIONS 1 Letter of the Apostles (Ethiopian Version) 17 2 Liturgical Papyrus Der-Balyzeh 17 3-5 Constitutions of the Egyptian Church, ca. 500 17 3 a. Coptic Version: Baptismal Creed 18 4 b. Ethiopian Version: Interrogatory Form 18 5 c. Ethiopian Version: Declaratory Form 18 6 Baptismal Creed (Short Version) of the Armenian Church. 18 COMPOSITE PROFESSIONS I. Tripartate Trinitarian Schema A. WESTERN FORMULAS THEAPOSTLES' CREED 10 Hippolytus of Rome: Traditio apostolica (Latin Version) 19 11 Psalter of King Aethelstan 20 12 Codex Laudianus 20 13 Ambrose, Bishop of Milan: Explanatio Symboli 20 14 Augustine: Sermon 213 (= Sermo Guelferbytanus 1) on the Handing on of the Creed 21 15 Peter Chrysologus: Sermons 57-62 21 16 Tyrannius Rufinus: Expositio (or Commentarius) in symbolum 22 17 Florentine Missal and Sacramentary 22 19 Nicetas, Bishop of Remesiana: Explanation of the Creed 22 21 Augustine: Sermon 215 on the Recitation of the Creed 23 22 Pseudo-Augustine [Quodvultdeus of Carthage]: Sermons on the Creed 23 23 Udefonsus of Toledo: De cognitione baptismi 23 25- Fragments of an Older Gallican Creed 24 27 Old Gallican Missal: Sermon [9 of Caesarius of Arles] on the Creed 25 28 Pirminius: Collection of Texts from All the Canonical Books . 25 Bangor Antiphonal 26 Roman Baptismal Ritual 26 BRIEF FORMULAS OF BAPTISMAL CREEDSININTERROGATORY FORM Gelasian Sacramentary 27 V http://d-nb.info/1029485739 Contents SIRICIUS: December 384 (January 12, 385?)-November 26, 399 181-185 Letter Directa ad decessorem to Bishop Himerius of Tarragona, February 10, 385 (Primacy ofthe Bishop of Rome / Baptism ofHeretics/Necessity of Baptism / Clerical Celibacy) ... 71 186 Third Synod of CARTHAGE, August 28, 397 (Canon ofSacred Scripture) 73 ANASTASIUS I: November 27, 399-402 (December 19, 401?) 187-208 First Synod of TOLEDO, September400 (405?) 74 187 a. Chapters (Consecration of Chrism) 74 188-208 b. Symbolum Toletanum I (400) and lts Longer Form, Called Libellus in modum symboli, of Bishop Pastor of Palencia (447) (Profession of Faith in Opposition to the Priscillianists) . 74 209 Letter Dat mihi to Bishop Venerius of Milan, ca. 401 (Question of the Orthodoxy of Pope Liberius) 77 INNOCENT I: December 21 (22?), 402 (401?)-March 12, 417 211 Letter Etsi tibi to Bishop Victricius of Rouen, February 15, 404 (Baptism of Heretics) 77 212-213 Letter Consulenti tibi to Bishop Exsuperius of Toulouse, February 20, 405 (Reconciliation at the Point ofDeath / Canon ofSacred Scripture) 77 214 Letter Magna me gratulatio to Rufus and the Other Bishops of Macedonia, December 13, , • 414 (Baptismal Form) 79 215-216 Letter Si instituta ecclesiastica to Bishop Decentius of Gubbio, March 19, 416 (Minister of Confirmation /Anointing ofthe Sick) . 19 217 Letter In requirendis to the Bishops of the Synod of Carthage, January 27, 417 (Primacy of the Roman See) 80 218-219 Letter Inter ceteras Ecclesiae Romanae to Silvanus and the Other Fathers of the Synod of Milevum, January 27, 417 (Primacy ofthe Roman See /Necessity ofBaptism) 80 ZOSIMUS: March 18, 417-December 26, 418 221 Letter Quctmvis Patrum to the Synod of Carthage, March 21,418 (Doctrinal Authority ofthe Bishop of Rome) 81 222-230 Fifteenth (or Sixteenth) Synod of CARTHAGE, begun May 1, 418 (Original Sin / Grace) . 82 231 Epistula tractoria to the Eastern Churches, between June and August418 (Original Sin) . 85 BONIFACE I: December 29, 418-September 4, 422 232 Letter Retro maioribus to Bishop Rufus of Thessalonica, March 11, 422 (Primacy of the Roman See) 85 233 Letter Institutio to the Bishops of Thessalonica, March 11, 422 (Primacy of the Roman See) 85 234-235 Letter Manet beatum to Rufus and the Other Bishops of Macedonia, etc., March 11, 422 (Primacy of the Roman See) 86 CELESTINE I: September 10,422-July 27,432 236 Letter Cuperemus quidem to the Bishops of the Provinces of Vienne and Narbonne, July 26, 428 (Reconciliation at the Point ofDeath) : - 87 Contents 237 Letter Apostolici verba to the Bishops of Gaul, May 431 (Authority of Augustine) 87 238-249 Pseudo-Celestine Chapters, or Indiculus (Grace) 88 Council of EPHESUS (Third Ecumenical): June 22-September 431 250-264 Session 1 of the Supporters of Cyril, June 22, 431 93 250-251 a. Second Letter of Cyril of Alexandria to Nestorius (Kaiacp^iiapoijot |IEV) (Incarnation of the Son ofGod) 93 251a-251e b. Second Letter of Nestorius to Cyril (Tag |iev raO' f||iwv i5(3pEL5) (Union of the Natures in Christ) 94 252-263 c. Anathemas of Cyril of Alexandria Enclosed with the Letter of the Synod of Alexandria Tov ocoxfjpoi; fi(iwv to Nestorius (= Third Letter of Cyril to Nestorius) (Union ofthe Natures in Christ) 97 264 d. Judgment of the Council against Nestorius (Condemnation ofNestorianism) 98 265-266 Session 6 of the Supporters of Cyril, July 22, 431 (Nicene Creed) 99 267-268 Session 7 of the Supporters of Cyril, August 31 (?), 431: Synodal Letter (Condemnation of Pelagianism) 99 XYSTUS (SIXTUS) III: July 31, 432-August 19 (18?), 440 271-273 Formula of the Union between Cyril of Alexandria and the Bishops of the Church of Antioch, Spring 433 (Natures in Christ) 100 LEO I THE GREAT: Septeinber 29, 440-November 10, 461 280-281 Letter Ut nobis gratulationem to the Bishops of Campania, Picenum, and Tusciam, October 10. 443 (Usurx) 101 282 Letter Quanta fraternitati to Bishop Anastasius of Thessalonica, 446 (?) (Hierarchy and Monarchy ofthe Church) 101 283-286 Letter Quam laudabiliter to Bishop Turribius of Astorga, July 21, 447 (Errors of the Priscillianists / Trinity / Nature of the Human Soul / Nature ofthe Devil) 102 290-295 Letter Lectis dilectionis tuae to Bishop Flavian of Constantinople (Tomus [I] Leonis), June 13, 449 (Incarnation ofthe Word) 104 296-299 Letter Licet per nostros to Julianus of Cos, June 13,449 (Incarnation of the Word) 106 Council of CHALCEDON (Fourth Ecumenical): October 8-early November 451 300-303 Session 5, October 22, 451: The Chalcedonian Creed (Natures in Christ) 108 304-305 Session 7 (15): Canons (Simony / Mixed Marriage / Reception of Baptism in a Heretical Sect) 110 306 Synodal Letter 'Ejt^Tiodri xap3? to Pope Leo I, early November 451 (Primacy ofthe Roman See) 110 308-310 Letter Sollicitudinis quidem tuae to Bishop Theodore of Frejus (Southern France), June 11, 452 (Sacrament of Penance) 111 311-316 Letter Regressus ad nos to Bishop Nicetas of Aquileia, March 21, 458 (Marriage / Baptism) 112 317-318 Letter Promisisse me memini to Emperor Leo I, August 17, 458 (Natures in Christ) 114 319-320 Letter Frequenter quidem to Bishop Neo of Ravenna, October 24, 458 (Baptism of Heretics) 115 321-322 Letter Epistolas fraternitatis to Bishop Rusticus of Narbonne, 458 or 459 (Religious Vows) 116 ix Contents 323 Letter Magna indignatione to All the Bishops of Campania, etc., March 6, 459 (Secret Confession) 116 325-329 Statuta Ecclesiae Antiqua, mid-late fifth century (Examination of Faith for Episcopal Ordination / Ordination by Means of the Imposition of Hands) 117 SIMPLICIUS: March 3, 468-March 10, 483 330-342 Synod of ARLES, 473: Formula of Submission of the Priest Lucidus (Grace and Predestination) 118 343 Letter Quantum presbyterorum to Bishop Acacius of Constantinople,, January 10, 476 • ; (Authority ofthe Bishop ofRome and of Ecumenical Councils) 120 FELIX II (III): March 13,483-March 1,492 345 Letter Quoniam pietas to Emperor Zenon, August 1, 484 (Eiberty ofthe Church) 121 GELASIUS I: March 1, 492-November 21, 496 347 Letter Famuli vestrae pietatis to Emperor Anastasius I, 494 (Twofold Power on Earth).... 121 348 Synod of ROME: Acts of the Absolution of Misenus, May 13, 495 (Power ofthe Chitrch to '' Remit Sins) .'..... 122 349 Treatise Ne forte regarding the Bond of Anathema,, 495 (Remission ofSins). ". ... 123 350-354 Decretum Gelasianum, or the Decretal Letter concerning Books Approved and Not Approved, date uncertain (Primacy of the Roman See / Authority of Ecumenical Councils / Books of Orthodox Believers and Those of Fteretics) 124 355 Treatise Necessarium quoque against Eutyches and Nestorius, date uncertain (Natures in Christ) 127 ANASTASIUS II: November 24, 496-November 17 (19?), 498 356 Letter Exordium pontificatus mei to Emperor Anastasius I, late 496 (Administration of the Sacraments by Schismatics) 127 357-359 Letter In prolixitate epistolae to Bishop Laurence of Lignido (Illyria), 497 (Profession of Faith) ' 127 360-361 Letter Bonum atque iucundum to the Bishops of Gaul, August 23, 498 (Origin of Souls / Original Sin) 129 SYMMACHUS: November 22, 498-July 19, 514 362 Letter Ad augustae memoriae to Emperor Anastasius I, between 506 and 512 (Twofold Power on Earth) 130 HORMISDAS: July 20, 514-August 6, 523 363-365 Libellus fidei of Pope Hormisdas, Sent to Constantinople, Augtist 11, 515 (Profession of Faith against Christological Errors) 131 366 Letter Sicut ratione to the African Bishop Possessor, August 13, 520 (Authority in Questions of the Doctrine of Grace) 132 367-369 Letter Inter ea quae to Emperor Justinian, March 26, 521 (Trinity / Incarnation of the Word) 132 x Contents FELIXIII (IV): July 12, 526-September 22,530 370-397 Second Synod of ORANGE, begun July 3, 529 134 370 a. Preface 134 371-395 b. Canons (Original Sin / Grace) 134 396-397 c. Conclusions Drawn up by Bishop Caesarius of Arles (Grace / Liberty / Predestination) . 139 BONIFACE II:
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