Volume XXX, Number XLII December 24, 2020 - January 6, 2021 Seeking to end the ‘Slavery Loophole’ - See Page 3 Black nurse takes the first vaccine Visit us online at www.northdallasgazette.com - See Page 4 COVID-19 won’t stop toy giveaway - See Page 5 Advocating for education in Washington, DC - See Page 6 Black women fill top posts under Biden - See Page 8 Cowboys stun the 49ers - See Page 9 A look back at the best films of 2020 - See Page 11 Sister Tarpley: New Year, New Attitude Background: OC Gonzalez / Unsplash, Pride: Republic Country Club / Wikimedia, Harris: Official Portrait, OC Gonzalez / Unsplash, Pride: Republic Country Club Wikimedia, Background: - See Page 15 Inside... See Page 2 People In The News ... People in the News ........................................ 2 Op/Ed ............................................................ 3 Health ............................................................ 4 Community .................................................... 5 Education ...................................................... 6 Features ........................................................ 8 Dallas Cowboys ............................................. 9 NDG Bookshelf ............................................ 11 Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett Gen. Lloyd Austin Rashida Jones Marketplace ................................................ 12 Career / Notices .......................................... 13 NDG Quote of the Week: ““The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Church Directory .................................... 13-15 — Malcolm X Cadillac ........................................................ 16 People in the News www.NorthDallasGazette.com recognize the U.S.’s history stated. She then enrolled at the activities, Dr. Corbett is Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett of racism that’s led to great Dr. Corbett, 34, is an ac- University of North Caro- an active member of the By Stacy M. Brown mistrust from the Black complished research fellow lina at Chapel Hill, where NIH Fellows Committee NNPA Senior community. and the scientific lead for she obtained her Ph.D. in and an avid advocator of National Correspondent Dr. Fauci exclaimed that the Coronavirus Vaccines Microbiology and Immu- STEM education and vac- the vaccine is safe. & Immunopathogenesis nology in 2014. cine awareness in the com- Dr. Anthony Fauci, the “The very vaccine that’s Team at the National Insti- A viral immunologist munity. leading infectious disease one of the two that has ab- tutes of Health (NIH), Na- by training, Dr. Corbett is “History books will cele- doctor and director of the solutely exquisite levels tional Institute of Allergy known for using her exper- brate the name and achieve- National Institute of Al- – 94 to 95 percent efficacy and Infectious Diseases, tise to propel novel vaccine ments of Dr. Kizzmekia lergy and Infectious Dis- against clinical disease and Vaccine Research Center development for pandemic Corbett, the Black Woman eases, addressed the Afri- almost 100 percent efficacy (VRC). preparedness. who was the leader in de- can American community’s against serious disease that According to her biogra- Appointed to the VRC in veloping the COVID-19 fears of accepting the new are shown to be clearly safe phy, Dr. Corbett received a 2014, her work focuses on Vaccine,” Barbara Arn- coronavirus vaccine. claimed during a recent Na- – that vaccine was actually B.S. in Biological Scienc- developing novel coronavi- wine, president and founder “To my African Ameri- tional Urban League event. developed in my institute’s es, with a secondary major rus vaccines. of Transformative Justice can brothers and sisters Dr. Fauci noted that vaccine research center in Sociology, in 2008 from Dr. Corbett has 15 years Coalition, wrote on Twitter. … this vaccine that you’re Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, a by a team of scientists led the University of Mary- of expertise studying den- “She developed the spe- gonna be taking was devel- Black woman, has been at by Dr. Barney Graham land – Baltimore County, gue virus, respiratory syn- cific scientific approach to oped by an African Ameri- the forefront of the vaccine and his close colleague, where she was a Meyerhoff cytial virus, influenza virus, mitigating the coronavi- can woman. And that is process. Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, or Scholar and an NIH under- and coronaviruses. See CORBETT, Page 4 just a fact,” Dr. Fauci pro- He added that it is vital to Kizzy Corbett,” Dr. Fauci graduate scholar. Along with her research cabinet that reflects Ameri- valor in combat; and two mander for the 3rd Infantry responsible for the transi- Gen. Lloyd Austin ca’s diversity. Legions of Merit. Division; and Operation tion of all U.S. and Coali- By Stacy M. Brown, “I know firsthand from According to his biog- Enduring Freedom in Af- tion military forces and NNPA Newswire Senior our time together on the raphy, Gen. Austin began ghanistan as the command- equipment out of the coun- National Correspondent [United Technologies] his career in the U.S. Army er of the 10th Mountain Di- try by the December 2011 @StacyBrownMedia board that General Austin in 1975 as second lieuten- vision (Light). deadline. will be a wonderful choice ant in the infantry and rose In 2008 Gen. Austin re- In 2012 General Aus- President-elect Joe Biden for Secretary of Defense,” through the ranks to com- turned to Iraq as the com- tin served as the 33rd vice has nominated retired former New Jersey Gov. mand troops in combat at manding general of the chief of staff of the Army, Army Gen. Lloyd Austin, Christine Todd Whitman the 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-star Multi-National Corps-Iraq culminating his military ca- the former U.S. Central tweeted. levels. during the period when the reer as the 12th commander Command commander, as The decorated 67-year- Gen. Austin served in nu- surge forces were drawing of U.S. Central Command secretary of defense. old has accumulated many merous command and staff down under Operation Iraqi (CENTCOM) from 2013 to If confirmed by the Sen- awards and decorations, positions in the U.S. and Freedom. 2016. ate, Gen. Austin would be The secretary of defense including five Defense Dis- around the world. In 2009 Gen. Austin was As CENTCOM com- the first Black man to lead controls the country’s larg- tinguished Service Med- These include Opera- named director of the Joint mander, he was responsible the Department of Defense. est government agency, als, the country’s highest tion Safe Haven in Panama Staff at the Pentagon. for military strategy and The selection also would commanding troops world- noncombat-related military with the 82nd Airborne Following that assign- joint operations through- make Gen. Austin one of wide and the Pentagon’s in- honor, and three Distin- Division; Operation Iraqi ment, Gen. Austin served out the Middle East and the most prominent mem- ternal workings. guished Service Medals; Freedom, spearheading the another tour in Iraq as the Central and South Asia. He bers of the incoming Biden- It also keeps with Biden’s the Silver Star, the nation’s 2003 invasion of Iraq as commanding general of See AUSTIN Page 5 Kamala Harris Cabinet. promise to have a staff and third-highest award for the assistant division com- United States Forces-Iraq, History Month, replacing and potential of the brand.” series at the network, “Jus- Jones did not release a Rashida Jones Phil Griffin, who had been Currently serving as tice for All” and “Climate statement, but many of her By Stacy M. Brown at the cable news channel senior vice president for in Crisis.” journalism peers saluted NNPA Senior National for more than 25 years. NBC News and MSNBC, Her promotion is seen as her on social media. Correspondent “Rashida knows and Jones oversees MSNBC’s part of a mandate by NBC “Congratulations to understands MSNBC, in daytime and weekend pro- News to ultimately roll out a wonderful person and In a year plagued by a part because it’s where gramming. a staff comprised of 50 per- Broadcast titan,” April pandemic that has dispro- she started when she first In the past year, the com- cent of women and 50 per- Ryan wrote. “Rashida portionately affected Af- joined NBCU seven years pany noted that Jones has cent of color. Jones is everything! We rican Americans, and one ago,” the company report- helped guide MSNBC’s According to a news re- will be watching with pride rife with racial strife, MS- edly wrote in an email to coverage of the Covid-19 lease, Jones was part of as she becomes President NBC has named Rashida NBC News employees. pandemic, the unrest and the team that helped NBC of MSNBC.” Jones the first Black person “She knows that it is the social justice protests News White House cor- Yamiche Alcindor wrote: and Black woman president people who work here that that broke out over Black respondent Kristen Welker “Congratulations.” of the network. woman in cable news, is make it great, and she un- Americans’ treatment, and prepare for her role as mod- Georgia Dawkins, a pro- Jones, who easily be- scheduled to step into the derstands its culture. She the 2020 election. She also erator in the final presiden- See JONES, Page 6 comes the most prominent top role on Feb. 1, Black also appreciates the impact helped with two influential tial debate of 2020. 2 | December 24, 2020 - January 6, 2021 | North Dallas Gazette For the 411 in the community, go to www.northdallasgazette.com www.NorthDallasGazette.com Op-Ed Sen. Merkley co-sponsors bill to close ‘Slavery Loophole’ in 13th amendment P.O. Box 763866 - Dallas, Texas 75736-3866 The Skanner VID-19. legislation to increase the ishment clause in the 13th “These laws started to carceral population, specifi- Amendment to eliminate Phone: 972-432-5219 - Fax: 972-509-9058 Oregon’s U.S. Sen. Jeff have the state profit di- cally among people of color. the dehumanizing and dis- Merkley and U.S. Rep. Wil- rectly off slavery because Following the ratification criminatory forced labor of “Do what you say you are liam Lacy Clay (D-MO) the state governments who of the 13th Amendment in prisoners for profit and that going to do ..
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