THE MICHIGAN REVIEW Volume 16, Number 2 The Campus Affairs Journal of the University of Michigan October 8, 1997 LEADERSHIP-2017: A Conflict of Interest? BY EvAN KNOTT AND lEE BocKHORN VERY SUMMER, THE University of Michigan spon­ E sors and facilitates Leader­ ship 2017, a highly selective summer internship program for students in­ volved in top positions of select stu­ dent organizations on campus. In­ tended to foster a unique collabora­ tive experience for the campus's most involved students to interact with Uni­ versity staff, administrators, and other student organizations, most stu­ dents at U-M know little about the program, its selection process, or how it has affected the University commu­ nityas a whole since its inception in 1994. While administration officials boast about the numerous campus­ oriented services and projects per­ formed during and after each year's sll1tlmer program, a critical analysis of 'the program reveals numerous questionable attributes inherent in CAMPUS Leadership 2017's structure and poli- , ', . Jr . ' "INTEGRITY "_,i, •• , . mea.'.. .... Leadership2017 originated dul-~ . ing a public forum of student leaders in the 1993-94 academic year. The program, under the direction of As­ sistant to the Vice-President of Stu­ dent Affairs Debra Moriarty and ~\\~ DEPT Associate Vice-President and Dean A of Students Royster Harper, is pro­ S'rU " vided as one of the programs ofMichi­ gan Leadership Initiatives (MLI). MLI's Board of Directors, which gives 2017 the "seal of approval" each year, 2017 consists roughly of 22 members, com­ prised in halfby students and in half by faculty, staff, and alumni. Corpo­ rate representation is also present, currently through a U-M alumni working with Proctor and Gamble. The intentions for the program were to allow student leaders to col­ laborate with one another and the administration to build a stronger ogy on page 8 . • Editor-in- Chief Benjamin student voice on campus. Each in­ Kepple examines problems ternship session was designed to fa­ • Managing Editor Matt Buckley INSIDE! with Student Government in his cilitate five goals - to enhance par­ reckless column, Lost in the stares down Bruce Babbitt on page 9. T ticipants' leadership skills, to create Eighties )! • • See our coverage of Leadership and implement a project to improve 2017 - continued on pages 3 and • Sports Editor Rob Wood covers all specific organizations or campus as a I 7 inside. Managing Editor Evan aspects of Michigan football from fu­ • Staff writer Maureen Sirhal whole, to initiate and continue strate­ Knott and Campus Affairs Editor ture games to interviewing the examines the real lessons the gic planning for individual organiza­ Lee Bockhorn collaborated to Superfan. See pages 10 and 11. campus should be learning from tiona, to allow student leaders to build bring you this report. the Tamara Williams tragedy. relationships with their J1eers and I • Music Editor Chris Hayes reviews See page 6. university staff, and to have partici­ albums and shows. His wisdom is I • We examine the IRS and offer pant s work with administrators in nicelXbottled for you on pages 14 and \ our opinion on Lea. dership 2017 on • Staff writer C. J. Carnacchio page 4. debunks environmental myiliol- 15. See LEADERSHIP 2017, Page 3 - ---,--,--- ---~--"- ------'--'....:...;-'--.--~--------'------~-----~...:-:.--'--~...:.---~- -","'._- >"' _<T"<~'<',""" "'''''_~"''"''''''''~ '' '''~'~'' ' ''''~'''' '~ "'~'. '' <_'"''"' '''' >~ '''' ''''''',_" ~", ... ,,,,,<"·,,,,w,,,,,.. .,.,_,,... ,......... 'N"'·"''''__ ;; '"' _WI(;; ....;:;o:;;:::;;:;w 1ifiiiiZKFT7T5777S5'?iF 2 THt MICHIGAN REVIEW October 8, 1997 TIm lVlwHIGA:--': RE\'II<:\\' The Campus Affairs Journal of the o SERPENT'S TOOTH University of Michigan 'Oh my God! They killed Kenny!" EOlIORIAL BOARD EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Benjamin Kepple We couldn't help but notice Paul Spring 1998 Commencement Com­ when their Master Plan is lifted di­ ASSOCIATE PUBUSHER: Sang Lee Serilla's (author of the infamous mittee, however, we're warning you: rectly from the script of The Life of MANAGING EDITOR: Matthew Buckley "SeriIla Warfare" column) latest pu­ Don't get any funny ideas. Brian? MANAGING EDITOR: Evan Knott trid installment in last Friday'sDaily. CAMPUS AFFAIRS EOlIOR: Lee Bockhom ARTS EDITOR: Kristina Curkovic Normally, we'd gleefully begin to tear In the spirit of CBC's "This Hour has Demonstrating their penchant for him apart, but we can't really start a 22 Minutes," the Michigan Review hard-hitting investigative journal­ EOlIORIAl STAFF battle of wits with an unarmed oppo­ would like to sound, as a public ser­ ism, we're proud to congratulate the nent. It would be kind of mean to vice anouncement, a warning to MSA MUSIC EOlIOR: Chris Hayes Daily for their September 30th fea­ SPORTS EDITOR: Rob Wood engage in a battle of wits with some­ President Mike N agrant: ture entitled «Alcohol Common for ., ILLUSTRATOR: Astrid Phinlps one who is not only unanned, but Students Under 21." Keep your eyes COMPUTER CONSULTANT: Jesse Kepple apparently wearing a large, flashing, peeled for future Daily stories, possi­ THE LAW: OffIcer Barbrady target sign that screams "LOOK! I'M DO bly including but by no means limited STAFF WRITERS: Nate Boven, C. J. Camacchio, S. C. A CLASS-A MORON!" on it. SOMETHING! to: Einspahr, Craig Garthwaite, Andrew Golding, Doug • "Class Attendance Common on Hillho"", Jacob Oslick, Maureen SirhaI, Jamie Smith. We here at Serpent's Tooth find it Exam Days." incredibly shocking and extremely Former MSA President Fiona Rose CORRESPONDENTS: Tom Jolliffe (Madrid), Dan Succarde (Los Angeles) disturbing that participants in the was recently featured in Glamour • "Flower Delivery Common on vaunted Leadership 2017 program did magazine as one of their ''Top Ten Valentine's Day." EDITOR EMERITUS: Geoff Brown College Women of the Year." When nothing this summer except get paid The Michigan Review is the independent, studenktln $11 an hour to Party Like It's 1999. asked to name the one item she· • "Michigan Winters Commonly Un-. joumal of conservative and libertarian opinion at the Uni­ couldn't make it through college with- ~ pleasant." versity of Michigan. We neither solicit nor accept monetary In an unparalleled event, the Univer­ out, she replied, "My running shoes. donations from the u-M. Contributions to the Michigan Running is my escape; it's the only WDIV-TV (channel 4, Detroit) hasn't Review are tax-deductible under Section 501 (c)(3) of the sity of Michigan has raised close to Internal Revenue Code. The Review is not affiliated with $1.4 billion dollars over a five year time I'm al<f"ne to think, plan ~d much in the way of local news, but any political party or university political group. period. However, whether President focus." Serpent's Tooth would like to they pointed out that NWROC had Bollinger will use the money to build remind her that a nice $150 Franklin been thrown off their picket line at Ooooooh, Kathie Lee, I wanna lay ya down ... OK, 'Chef, new buildings or focus on what goes planner purchased with MSA money the Detroit newspaper strike for be- we'll stop righttherelThe Reviewstaffare huge fans of that helps one plan and focus, too ... t 'l't t b the rn t ,_, .. N new cult classic, South Park (Comedy Central, lOpm inside those new buildings remains to rng 00 mIl an - y .I. ea~. ers,· Wednesdays) ..Pe&fcakelBEEFCAKEfRememb8rloduck be seen. Look, we don't know about the rest of We'd like to take a moment to encour­ and cover whenever you see lava, or any other potential you guys, but wejust can't respect the age many of our readers who have felt harbingers of sorrow! In addition, we advocate listening to classical music, jazz music, and classical iazz music. How­ As great fans of the Comedy Central Coalition to Defend Mfirmative Ac­ depressed and sadd~ned with the po­ ever, we must admit do not have crazed elementary school show "South Park," we here at the tion By Any Means Necessary, Yadda litical situation here. Believe us when teachers attempting to assassinate annoying television per­ Review thoroughly enjoyed watching Yadda Yadda. What kind of student we tell you that there are so many sonalities. However, Ben Kepple dies every staff meeting. the episode where Kathie Lee Gifford group expects to get anything done, schools even worse off than we are. Irs pretty cool. comes to South Park. As for the much less Save Affirmative Action, So very many ... Unsigned edHorials represent the opinion of the editorial board. Ergo, they are unequivocably correct and just. Signed article~, letters, and cartoons represent the opin­ ions of the author and nol necessarily those of the Review. The opinions presented in this publication are nol neces­ sarily those of the advertisers or of the University of o LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Michigan. We welcome letters, articles, and comments about the joumal. Please address all advertising and subscription inquiries To the Editor: to: Publisher c/o the Michigan Review. Editorial And Business Offiees: I've got to talk to you about your be dismissed with a one-liner, but you Sclwol junior Paul Bhasin, whereas 911 N. University Avenue, Suite One Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1265 article, "For Every Affirmative Ac­ didn't tackle any of them. Next time the second was written by Michigan EMAIL: [email protected] tion, There is a Reaction" in the Sep- . you want a good debate, and want to Student Assembly President Mike URL: http://www.umich.edu/~mrev/ tember 17 issue.' While I disagree foster good, solid discussion of an im­ Nagrant. Tel. (313) 647-8438 Fax (313) 936-2505 with your stance on affirmative ac­ portant topic, frnd someone who knows copyright 01997, by The Michigan Review, Inc. tion, that's not a battle anyone can what they're talking about. (I, unfor­ All rights rese<vod.
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