INSTYTUT FIZYKI JĄDROWEJ INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS l/lHCTl/mdT FUXEPHOl/1 <=P\A3[AKIA RAPORT No 1348/B GROUND DEPOSITION OF LONG-LIVED GAMMA EMITTERS IN POLAND FROM THE CHERNOBYL ACCIDENT K. KROLAS, M. KUBALA, T. SCIĘŹOR KRAKOW 1986 GROUND CEPCSITIC;; OF LG!:G-L1VED GAT.: A EMTTERS it; POLA:;D FRO;-1. THE CHERtiOBYL ACCIDENT. K.KnJlas.I'.Kubala ;.nd T. JegelIonian University Institute of Physics Decaiiber 1985 % •'•> WYDANO NAKŁADEM INSTYTUTU FIZYKI JĄDROWEJ W KRAKOWIE UL RADZIKOWSKIEGO 152 NA PRAWACH RĘKOPISU ' Kopią kserograficzną, druk i oprawę wykonano w IFJ Kraków Wydanie I Zam. 17/87 Nakład 105 egz. Activity composition was measured for the soil contaminated with the fallout from the Chernobyl accident. Soil samples were collected at various areas of Poland. A map showing the 137Cs deposit distribution was drawn for the most contaminated southern part of Poland. Przedstawione zostały porr.i ary aktywności gleby skażonej pyłem radioaktywnym po wypadku elektrowni jądrowej w Czernobylu. Skład aktywności dfugożyciowych izotopów emitujących promieniowanie gamma ?ostaf wyznaczony dla próbek ziemi zbieranych w różnych rejonach Polski. Wyniki ilustruje mapa skażenia obszaru Polski południowej przez izotop 137Cs. PenopT coaepiHT peayjiŁTaru HsiiepeHHtt BKTHBHOCTH B aTuoc$epy nocjie aBapwn B A3C. OOpasQi 36IUIH cofiHpaaacB B paaHtac ocJjuaciHx nojiBma. PesyxBiaTu Buxaetcn B BRAO Kapra pacnpocTpoHeaKH aKTHBHOCiK Cs B nraott n<MLbDIH. I.U;TRCDUCTIO;J The radioactive emission from in.-1 Chernobyl accident was spread over large areas locotao up to thousands of kilometers fro,-,i the place cf the event. Soon aftar the accident it appeared thd the fiiiout deposit wcs ,'clher nonjiifo'wi and strongly de.je^de^ ^n ntieorologicai conditions at the period of the rad i onuc i i de release. First maps summarizing ground-level radiation measurements ,vsre completed and published in some countries in ;.ay,1»oó [i>2]. Long-term exposure and transfer of radioactive substances in the ,'iuian oocy is determined by the anount of lon'j-livea isotopes deposi-'d on the qround. The information on t.vc level 21x1 distribution of 137Cs deposit is particularly ; .-.portart s;ice 137Cs •ios a long nalf-ti.Tie (T1 /2=3C.2y) and it enters vc-jetajles :na other plants via the root-uptake. In the present work tho -leasurenants of VVJ ^ro'i.id-lsvol deposits were performed for savorai isotopes. Sa.:..;l:-s ci' soil ..'ere collected in ^iany locations in PolanJ and wa are ajie to co'.flet.o a ,nop of gr'ound contamination, /-t tne ti..v; of ..leasjr:-.ent, a f.?,. monms after the Chernobyl accident, the bulk of sr!^rt-iivod isotopes was oeyond tne detection level but tiie activity of the long-lived ones remained significant. Fro;:, snono about 20 isotopes observed soon after the accident [I], we couic ^t nor ,a;.ion on the jround-level distribution of 7 lone-lived "isoto, -;s Decaying with gaiama ray emission. 2.iiEASUR£MEf<TS AfiD ANALYSIS. Samples of soil were collected in about 15C locations in Poland oy a few students during tlieir holidays in Jjly ana August. As a rule, the soil was taken from open and flat areas preferably not coverad with vegetation. A "c;.*> tnick upp^r layer of scil was cut from a surface of aoout 50cm , corresponding to aoout i5Cg of the soil. From svary location 1 to 5 samples .yere taken and at SO.VK3 places the soil was additionally taken from various depths. For the 137Cs activity determination, a 3"x3" riaO(Tl) scintillator with \\% energy resolution was applied. Soil samples were placed in a standard container and were measured for at least 100 minutes each. The absolute efficiency calibration was performed using the non-radioactive soil sample contaminated with a 137Cs source of known activity. Later, 40 selected samples were examined using a 50ccm Ge(U) detector with the energy resolution 4.5 keV for 662 keV. Each spectrum was recorded for 16 hours. A typical example of the gamma obtained spectrum is displayed in Fig.1. The gamma lines of 4 isotopes: 103Ru, 106Ru, 134Cs and 137Cs are very well seen. Besides, for 7 samples, the gamma rays of 95Zr, 95Hb and 144Ce were also observed. For activity determination the following gamm2 lines were used: 497 keV for 103Ru, 512keV for 106Ru, 662keV for 137Cs, 724keV for 95Zr, 766keV for 95Ub and 796keV for 134Cs. They are indicated in Fig. 1. '. 862 u ; • "*Cs 2000 • •| BOO 912 .'I • ."6 (97 • ł 7T * • * WOO . ". »Nb • '"Rj • •Zr '^ '$ '*t .•*•'• •'. * • m ł 900- ******* •00 TOO ENERGY ChtVJ Fig.1. Garana spectrum of the soil samples taken at Skawina. The activity values were determined Dasing on intensities of the lines denoted with the gamma ray energy. \ As indicated above tha efficiency calibration takes into account the selfabsorption of 137Cs S62keV garnna rays. The effect for other lines used is estimated to be similar within 3%. The only exception is the 134keV line of H4Ce for which the absorption is rcuch serious. Altnough we clearly observe a small activity of K4Ce tii. .-aningful activity value could not be determinated. • The measured activity was corrected for decay which took place since Hay 1 till the time of measurement. The activity values obtained for 12 samples coining from different regions of Poland are listed in Table.1. 3.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. 134Cs(T1/2=2.06y) and.137Cs(T1/2=30.2y) The most complete data were obtained for the 137Cs activity and its distribution over different areas in Poland. The 137Cs conte.it in tne upper layer of soil varied in a broad range from 0.05 Bq/g to 2.55 Bq/g. It appears that the most important factor was a rainfall, which deposited activity on the ground at the end of April. Fig.2. shows the activity of 137Cs in the soil taken from areas with dry and wet fallout depositions, Tre activity of 137Cs is relatively low and it varies from 0.05 Bq/g to O.?1 Bq/g for all the 16 locations at which no rain occured frora April 28 to Kay 2 [4j i.e. in the time when the radioactive cloud was passing aoove Poland [5j. On the contrary, the ground level activity due to the wet deposition, as a rule, is rather high. From among 150' samples, 14 samples were collected at tne places where the stations of the State Hydro-lieteorological Institute registered a rainfall during 24 hours since 7a.m. on April 30 to 7a.m. on May 1 ranging from 0.5 mm to 10 ram. The activity of 137Cs for these locations is drawn in Fig.2 as a function of the rainfall amount. The general tendency is an increase in activity with increasing rainfall. Obviously, the rainfall played a very important part in depositing radioactive isotopes on the ground. All results of the activity measurements may be used for constructing a map of the ground level activity of 137Cs in Poland. 1.6. DRY DEPOSITION WET 1.4 DEPOSITION *-> 1.0 U) B as • • Q • • • • * RAIN FALL Cmm] 8 K> /\ I MS (M iifiiiiifli n iiiil Hi Fig.2. Tfie 137Cs activity in soil samples from different locations in Poland. First part: the locations with dry fallout deposition ordered with respect to decreasing geographical altitucie.*Data from R5f.[cJ. Second part: activity against the amount of the rainfall since 7 a.m. on April 30 to 7 a.m. on May 1 £i]. The average activity value is drawn for each location except Balice (rainfall 7cn) for which 4 points denote the activities of 4 different samples to show the irregularity of activity value. In view of a rather limited number of the locations examined two additional indications were taken into account. Firstly,a closer inspection of the maps of the rainfall [_4] helped us to determine the borders of the rainfall zones and therefore, we beliava, Uie borders of highly contaminated areas. Secondly, some information was obtained from the first rough measurements of total ground deposition in early Kay. An example of such measurements is presented in Fig.3 which shows the ground level contamination measured on May 2 at the successive railway stations along the railway from Cracow to the east direction. Fig.4 shows a nap of southern Poland only because here tne radioactive deposits were the highest. In the nortnern- and the central part of Poland the 137Cs activity did not exceed 0.22 3q/g .and the average value was equal to 0.12 Oq/g. Thus we found that about 801 of the area of Poland was rather weakly contaminated with 137Cs and that nost of it was deposited in the South. In southern Poland the activity is rather nonuniform, relatively high, and reaches up to 2.55 Bq/g in the Beskidy Mountains. Two characteristic elongated zones of the highest activity extent to the south-west from the points situated 30 km East and 10 km West from Cracow. Isolated areas of the high activity were also found in the Tatra and the Bieszczady Mountains. In view of the limited number of sampling points it is not certain whether all heavily contaminated areas have been recorded and included in the nap. i Fitj.3. Total ground activity measured on liay 2 at ths successiv? raiLway stations along the railway fran Cracow to east, units) Fig.4. l-ia? of 137Cs activity in the upper layer of soil In Southern! Poland. Activity for the whole remaining ore.i of Poland is lovar thai" 0.2 Uq/g or, in limited areas, it slightly exceeds 0.2 Bq/g Nevertheless, we believe that the map depicts the real situation since the meteorological stations do not report heavy rainfall at noninvestigated places.
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