Civil War Diaries and Personal Narratives 1960-1994 Civil War Diaries and Personal Narratives 1960-1994 A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOOKS IN THE GENERAL COLLECTIONS OF THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Compiled By Albert E. Smith, Jr. HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DIVISION LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON. Igg8 Library of Congress Cataloging-In-Publication Data Library of Congress. Ci,il war diaries and personal narratives. 1960-1994 : a selected bibliography of books in the' general collections of the Library of Congress / compiled by Albert E. Smith. Jr. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN" 0-8444-0910-3 -----Copy 3 Z663 .C.S 1997 1. United States-Historv-Ci\il War, 1861-1865-Personal narratives-Bibliography-C;atalogs. 2. Soldiers-United States­ Diaries-Bibliography-Catalogs. 3. Soldiers' writings, Anwrican-Bibliog­ raphy-Catalogs. 4. Library of Congress-Catalogs. I. Smith, Albe'rt E. (Albert Edward), 1943- . II. Title. ZI242.L471997 [E464] 96-42144 016.9737'8-DC20 CIP @iThe paper used in this publication meets the requirements for pennmwnce established by the American N ationa! Standard for Information Sciences "Permanence' of Paper f()r Printed Library }.Iatelials" (ANSI Z39.48-1984). For sale by the United States GO\'ernment Printing Office Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9:328 ISB:\ 0-8c1·!-J,--0910-3 Contents INTRODUCTION t.;ii INDIVIDUAL NARRATIVES 1 COLLECTED NARRATIVES 62 = IS e INDEX 66 Prioate Achille Ferris, Company, H, 8th Texas Cavalry. tAi Introduction o other chapter of American history has been so voluminously recorded as the American Civil War. Even today, more than 130 years after General Robert E. Lee and the remnant of his loyal, starving anny bowed to inevitable defeat at Appomattox, the Civil War continues to fascinate people the world over. What draws us to that terrible conflict is not the struggle over slavery or states' rights, but the human drama it unfolds. The real war was experienced every day by those who fought it and by their families at home. The personal source materials for this conflict include letters, diaries, autobiographies, memoirs, and reports published in books that number into the thousands. Today, more than a century later, thanks to these published letters, memoirs, and documents, we can experience the conflict first hand through the words left us by those who lived through it and by some who died in it. This massive array of materials is invaluable to researchers, Civil War scholars, and others interested in this period of American history. Every war generates a large number of official documents, and the Civil War is no exception. In fact, it prompted many more documents than previous American wars. The Official Records ofthe War ofthe Rebellion, for example, runs to 70 volumes in 127 parts plus general index and atlas. A great number of documents in this series reveal personal accounts of the combatants, often written just after the event. There are also numerous collections of Civil War letters and diaries, many written by prominent officers, men of considerable literacy, who were quite conscious of the historical importance of the conflict. Almost every general seems to have published his "Memoirs" of the events. First-hand accounts from the Civil \Var vary both in form and in reliability. Narratives and letters are most reliable as sources, \vith personal diaries and journals follO\ving closely in descending order. Personal narratives written specifically for publication are for various reasons suspect; they are the least credible of all the genres that report facts and events. Civil \Var Diaries and Personal Narratives is a selective compilation of diaries, letters, memoirs, and personal narratives of the common soldier-many times \vitnessing the conflict on a grand scale-published as books between 1960 and 1994 and held in the general collections of the Library of Congress. Accounts published before 1960, but reissued \vith expanded introductions, are also included. Books that are only reprints of previous publications are not included. This bibliography is arranged by author, and an index is provided which lists the regiments in which the writers served, the battles they described, and the subjects about which they wrote. The compilation supplements these earlier Civil War bibliographies: Ellis Melion Coulter's Travels in the Confederate States, 1st ed. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1948),289 p.; Charles Emil Dornbusch's Military Bibliography ofthe Civil War (New York: New York Public Library, 1971-), v. 2 and Carold Cole's Civil War Eyewitnesses (Columbia, S.c.: University of South Carolina Press, 1988),3.51 p. 1 --------- -------- Individual Narratives 1. JOSEPH ADAMS, 1832-1873 Dear wife: Captain Joseph Adams' letters to his wife, Eliza Ann, 1861-1864/ Jean Anne W Hudder, editor. ­ [S.l.] : J.A.W Hudder, cl985. ­ 170 p., [66] leaves of plates: facsims. E505.5 15th.A33 1985 1861-1864. Bibliography: p. 169-170. 2. HENRY AHSENMACHER, 1829-1907 The Civil War diary of a Minnesota volunteer, Henry Ahsenmacher, 1862-1865. - St. Paul, Minn : Minnesota Genealogical Society, 1990. - ii, 11 p. : maps. E515.5 lOth.A37 1990 1862-1865. 3. EDWARD PORTER ALEXANDER, 1835-1910 Fighting for the Confederacy: the personal recollections of General Edward Porter Alexander / edited by Gary W Gallagher. - Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, cl989. - xxvii, 664 p. : ill. E470.A3725 1989 1861-1865. Bibliography: p. 553-612. 4. HENRY A. ALLEN, 1842-1936 JOHN H. RENICK, d. 1884 Sergeant Allen and Private Renick / edited and \vith an introd. by Martin Litvin. - Galesburg, Ill. : Mother Bickerdyke Historical Collection, 1971. - 295 p. : ports. E505.6 llth.S47 1862-1864. Includes bibliographical references. Contents: Allen, H. A. The boy with the white Panama hat - Renick, J. H. The Civil War diaries of John H. Renick. 2 -- - - -- -- --~----- 5. EDWARD C. ANDERSON, 1815-1883 Confederate foreign agent: the European diary of Major Edward C. Anderson / edited with a prologue and an epilogue by W. Stanley Hoole. - University, Ala. : Confederate Pub. Co., cl976. - viii, 161 p. - (Confederate centennial studies) E545.A56 1861-1865. Bibliography: p. 151-152. Major in the Corps of Artillery, then colonel in command of all fixed forts and batteries about Savannah, supervising the fortifications. 6. JOHN WESLEY ANDES, 1838-1919 WILL A. McTEER Loyal mountain troopers: the Second and Third Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry in the Civil War / reminiscences of John W. Andes and Will A. McTeer. - [Ten­ nessee] : C.S. McCammon, cl992. - xiv, 386 p. : ill., maps. E531.6 2nd.A53 1992 1862-1865. Includes bibliographical references and index. 7. WILLIAM HILL ANDREWS, 1838-1920 Footprints of a regiment: a recollection of the 1st Georgia Regulars, 1861-1865 / W.H. Andrews; annotated and with an introduction by Richard M. McMurray. - Atlanta, Ga. : Longstreet Press, c1992. - xiv, 220 p. : ill., maps. E559.5 1st 1992 1861-1865. Includes bibliographical references (p. [189]-190) and index. 8. HENRY GIESEY ANKENY, 1827-1906 Kiss Josey for me / compiled and edited by Florence Marie Ankeny Cox. - [1st ed.]. - Santa Ana, Calif. : Friis-Pioneer Press, 1974. - 250 p. E601.A6 1974 From July 20, 1861 to November 1, 1864, letters written by Henry Ankeny, Company H, 4th Iowa Infantry, to his wife, Fostina, [Horatia Faustina New­ comb] from the Civil War battlegrounds. 9. HALLOCK ARMSTRONG, 1823-1904 Letters from a Pennsylvania chaplain at the Siege of Petersburg, 1865/ edited by Hallock F. Raup. - [Kent? Ohio, s.n., 1961]. - 47 p. : map. E601.A71865 Most of the letters are addressed to the chaplain's wife, Mary M. Bronson Armstrong. 1865. 3 ----- ---- 10. RUDOLF ASCHMANN, 1841-1909 Memoirs of a Swiss officer in the American Civil \Var : (Three years in the army of the Potomac or A Swiss company of sharpshooters in the North American war / trans. by Hedwig D. Rappolt) / ed. and introd. by Heinz K. Meier. - Bern, FrankfurtiM. : Herbert Lang, 1972. -183 p. : ill. E492.7.A813 1861-1864. Translation of Drei Jahre in der Potomac-Annee; oder Eine Schwei;::,er Schutzen-Compagnie im nordamerikanischen Kriege. 11. WILLIAM WOODS AVERELL, 1832-1900 Ten years in the saddle: the memoir of William Woods Averell / edited by Edward K. Eckert and Nicholas J. Amato. ­ San Rafael, Calif. : Presidio Press, cl978. ­ xiv, 443 p. : ill. E601.A85 1861-1865. Bibliography: p. 421--426. From 1851-1862 in U.S. Mounted Rifles; 16th U.S. Infantry; 3rd Pennsyl­ vania Cavalry. 12. ADA WHITE BACOT, 1832-1911 A Confederate nurse: the diary of Ada W. Bacot, 1860-1863/ edited by Jean V Berlin. - Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, cl994. - xiii, 199 p. - (Women's diaries and letters of the nineteenth-century South) E625.B33 1994 1860-1863. Includes bibliographical references (p. [187]-188) and index. 13. JOHN PETER BAGLEY, 1822-1863 Diary and writings of John Peter Bagley. - [Iowa? : Everett M. Bagley, 198-?]. - 41, [36] p. : ill. E517.5 23rd.B34 1980z 1861-1863. 14. GEORGE W. BAILEY, 1841-1905 The Civil War diary and biography of George W. Bailey: born March 31, 1841, died February 20,1905: served in Company F, Third Regiment, Michigan Vol­ unteer Infantry, June 10, 1861-ApriI14, 1865/ [compiled by Gerald R. Post]. - Colleyville, Tex. : G.R. Post, cl990. - 144 p. : ill., map, ports. E514.B35 1990 1863-1864. Includes bibliographical references (p. 18). 4 --------- - ---- 15. SAMUEL BAIRD, 1841-1923 \Vith Merrill's Cayalry : the Civil \Var experiences of Samuel Baird, 2nd Missouri Cavalry, U.S.A. / with notes and introduction by Charles Annegan. - [1st ed.]. - San Marcos, Calif. : Book Habit, 1981. - 51 p. : ill. E517.6 2d.B34 1981 1861-1865. 16. CHARLES BARBER, 1826-1898 The Civil War letters of Charles Barber, private, 104th New York Volunteer Infantry / edited by Raymond G. Barber & Gary E. Swinson. - Torrance, Calif. : G.E. Swinson, 1991. - Yiii, 248 p.
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