International Human Rights Year By Michael Sosnowsky and Walter Dushnyck diasporiana.org.ua CZECHOSLOVAKIA IN 1968! UKRAINE IN 1918-1920! ~ Fifty years have not changed the aggressive character of RUS81.a. The invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 is an exact replica of the Soviet Russian invasion of Ukraine in 1917-1918. Then and now Soviet Russian totalitarians brought "freedom" and "liberation" to the peoples of these countries, on the blades of their bayonets! To understand the essence of Russian imperialism and colonialism, and to comprehend the tragic events happening in Czechoslovakia, read UKRAINE AND RUSSIA AN OUTLINE OF HISTORY OF POLITICAL AND MILITARY RELATIONS (December 1917 -April 1918) By MATTHEW STACHIW, L. L. D. TRANSLATED FROM UKRAINIAN AND EDITED n By WALTER DUSHNYCK Preface by PROF. CLARENCE A. MANNING TABLE OF CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION - By Author; PREFACE - By Clarence A. Manning; ~ CHAPTER ONE: "Preparation of Soviet Russia for Milltary Aggression Against Ukraine"; CHAPTER TWO: "The War of Soviet Russia Against Ukraine"; n CHAPTER THREE: "The System of Soviet Authority During the First Russian Invasion of Ukraine"; CHAPTER FOUR: "The Brest Litovsk Treaty Negotiations and Soviet Russia's Stand on the Nationalities of Eastern Europe"; CHAPTER FIVE: "Russia and the Nationality Problem in Brest Lltovsk" n CHAPTER SIX: "The Effective Offensive of the Ukrainian Armies and Their Allies"; CHAPTER SEVEN: "Bolshevik Policy with Respect to Peace and Ukraine" n CHAPTER EIGHT: "ProclamaUon of Independence of Soviet Power in Ukraine"; CHAPTER NINE: "The End of the First 'Ukrainian Soviet Republic' "; CHAPTER TEN: "Review of the Development of Soviet Power in the Occupied Parts of Ukraine and the First Soviet Ukrainian Government." APPENDIX: "Text of the Treaty of Brest Litovsk." Published by THE UKRAINIAN CONGRESS COMMITI'EE OF AMERICA; INC. New York, N. Y. 1966 ~ $3.00 - A COPY ...:::::::::::- :::::::~ c:::=::=i::r::--=:. i::::::::=-=:. ::::=:::::::::: _::;__ :::::~_c: __ :::::_ ,c___ :::.-...c.:_ BOOKS ON IJKBAINE AND THE IJKBAINIAN PEOPLE THE VULNERABLE RUSSIANS By Lev E. Do'briansky Introduction by Hon. Edward J. DerwiDskl c ------------------------- $5.95 AN INTRODUCTION TO RUSSIAN HISTORY By Nicholas ll'r.-Chirovsky c ------------------------- $4.50 UKRAINE AND RUSSIA: An Outline of History Of Political and Military Relations By Pro/. Matthew Btachiw, LL.D. Preface by Prof. Clarence A. Manning a ------------------------- $4.oo THE UKRAINIAN-RITE CATHOLIC CHURCH AT THE ECUMENICAL COUNcn., 1962-1965 By Walter Dushnyck a ------------------------~- $3.oo UKRAINIANS AND JEWS: A Symposium a ------------------------- $3.oo IN QUEST OF FREEDOM, 1918-1958 By Walter Dushnyck a ------------------------- $2.oo PERSECUTION AND DESTRUCTION OF THE UKRAINIAN CHURCH BY THE RUSSIAN BOLSHEVIKS By Gregory Lu:i:nycky a ------------------------- $2.oo IVAN MAZEPA, HETMAN OF UKRAINE: Collection of Articles and Essays a ------------------------- $2.oo THE UKRAINIAN QUARTERLY: CUMULATIVE INDEX - 1944-1964 (Subscribers to The Ukrainian Quarterly only $LOO) a ------------------------- $2.oo CAPTIVE UKRAINE: Challenge to the World's Conscience World Congress of Free Ukrainians a ------------------------- $1.00 UKRAINIANS IN THE FREE WORLD World Congress of Free Ukrainians a ------------------------- $1.00 Order from: Ulaainian Congress Committee of America 302 West 13th Street New York, N.Y. 10014 Chec.1<.s or money orders payable to: Ukrainian Congreaa Commtff•• of America The Ukrainian uarter~ A JOURNAL OF EAST EUROPEAN AND ASIAN AFFAIRS Published by the UKRAINIAN CONGRESS CoMMITEE OF .AMERICA, INC. WINTER, 1968 VOLUME :x'.XIV - No. 4 $1.50 A CoPY ":"""" - llQUNllAAIU Of SOVIET l<LPY6LI(;$ AHO 5ATlLUTi~ AU article8 published in th.fa Journal and signed by the author de Mt nec88Bari1y reflect the vtetos of the UkramiCJn OongrtJBs OommitttJtJ of AmericG. EDITORIAL BOARD FOR THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE UKRAINIAN CONGRESS COMMITl'EE OF AMERICA: Chairman of the Board: Prof. Loo E. Dobriansky Editor: Dr. Walter Dushnyck Members: Anthony Dragan, Walter DUBhnyck and Matthew 8tac11Aw EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD: Prof. Adolfo Munoa Alonso University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain Prof. AUBtm J. App LaSalle College ( Ret.) , Philadelphia, Pa. Prof. Jsmea D. Atkinson Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Prof. Anthony '1'. Bouscaren LeMoyne College, Syracuse, N.Y. Prof. Ralf~le Owca University of Rome, Rome, Italy Prof. Jose F6't"tUMUles BU1'a DiCJs University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugai Prof. Kurt G'ZGser South Illinois University, Alton, DI,. Prof• .Tm'Zy Hauptmatm Park College, Parkville, Missouri Prof. Jan Karaki Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Pr11/. Wat8on Kirkconnell Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S., Canada Prof. Jun-Yop Kim Korea University, Seoul, Korea Prof. Ymtang Koo Taiwan University, Taipei, quna Prof. Peter LejN · University of Maryland, College Park, Md. Prof. Kenneth a. Lottich Montana State University, Missoula, Montana Prof. Clarmce A. Manning Columbia University, (Ret.), New York, N.Y. Prof. Birger Nerman State Historical Museum, Stockholm, Sweden Pro/. Mic~Z 8. Pap John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio Prof. Ste/an '1'. Poasony Hoover Institution, Stanford, California Prof. Joseph 8. Roucek Queensborough Community Colle~. Bayside, N."Y. Pro/. Roman Bmal-Btocki Catholic University, Washington, D.C. Prof. Georg BtacltmueUer University of Munich, Munich, Germany Prof. Franco ValaeccM University of Rome, Rome, Italy Subscription: Yearly $ 6.00; Single Copy $1.50 OMcks payable to: UKR.AINIAN CONGRESS COMMI'M'EE OF AMERICA, INC. 1!1ditori<JZ and Managmg Office: THE UKRAINIAN QUARTERLY 302-304 West 13th Street, New York, N.Y. 10014 Tel.: WAtkins 4-5617 ·!."!' CONTENTS . , .;. ~ - .. .... "Socialist Commonwealth" - Alias Russian Prison House of Nations .:_f#d~torfu.l ..-.:.~_-·.:..:. _· ~ __ "'. _:_.:. _..: ___ .:.. ~:.. ___ :_· _______ .:. .:..:. __ .:.""._ - __:.~ :..:.. '293 International Human Rights Year . .· . .- . ·By Michael Sosnowsky·and Walter Dusronyck ----'"'..;.---,...--~- 301 Some Bas.· JC Thoughts f'or.. the New NixoJ;i Adniinistratio~. ··. · · 321 .}Jy ~ev E. Dobriansky -----,---:--,----,...-,-"'.---.,..--;-.--:--:-"'.:---::.. __ The "Sophistication" of Soviet Nationality Policy in Ukraine ·· By Roman Sokhanyk ------------------------------------ 332 :D~stri.ic_tj9n .of Uk~a,irii~ ffist~ric.~1. :Mo~lrm.ents by Mo!cow ·· ·· ~eonid Po.ltava _:_ _______ :_ ___ _.:_:_ ___ .., __________ _:._..:. ___ ...; ____ 346 '. ... Memorandum to the International Conference On Human Rights in Teheran· · · · · · · ·· By ·the· Ukrainian Congress Committee of America ____ ...;;... __ ....;_ 351 R~~iiii.n'. ~h:iguistff:! Policies· toward· the Uzbek i:>eople And Other .Muslims .of the U.S,S.R, · . · .. By Wasyl Skimoniak ---------,-------,..,---.:.-...,-------:-.,..-:--:::- 361 BoOK .REVIEWS E~tion in Soviet Ukraine. By John Kolasky Fr_<JJnk .. Sysyn. · -~-.:....:.;..._·...:::._..:. __ '-'-"'--·-"----.'-~------·--- ... -----·------ 369 Fifty Years oi C"ommunt.Sm. in ~U&Bia. Milol'ad M. Drachkovitch, Ed.· Lev E. Dobriansky ----------------------------------------- 371 Along ·the Roads df the· New· Rwsfa. By Ha.riS Koningsbetge'r Walter :nushnyck .:_ ____ _:. ______________ .:. _______ :_ _________ ...; ___ 373 ~t1niic-_Min~rltie8 in. th.e Bovret Union. Erich Goldhagen, Ed. Alex~~ ~ok.olyszyn --'--------""-----,-------------------.,..,...- 375 The Slavic Community on Strike: Immigrant Labor .·In J>ermsylvania A~thracite._By Victor. E. Greene.-----------------:-, 37~ 'l'he· Communt8t··Regimes·in Eastern Europe: An·Introduction. ·By Richard F. Staar ___ :_ _____________ :_ _________________ ;... ___ 377 T~e. }lussia~. By Leonid vtadimirOv --------------~--:-:---:_·_~ __ :__: __ 378 TJir,e.~ cib.o.v.e rev_iews by Joseph B~ Rotw~k UCRAINICA'·IN AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PERIODICALS---------.;.-- 379 CONTRIBUTORS ro THIS ISSUE LEV E. DOBRIANSKY, Professor of Economics at Georgetown University; in October, 1966, he was elected President of the Ukralnian Congress Committee of America for the sixth consecutive term; chairm&n, National Captive Nations Committee in Washington; author and lecturer; his latest book, 'l''l&e Vumerabl6 Ruamna, was published by Pageant Presa in Novem­ ber, 19&7; in December, 1968 he attended the Second Conference of the World Anti-Communist League, held in Saigon, South Vietnam. WALTER DUSHNYCK, holds, B. A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from the Univer~ sity of Louvaln, Belgium, Columbia University and the Free Ukrainian University in Munich, respectively; author of articles, pamphlets and books on Ukraine and the USSR; his latest book, T'l&e Ukrainian-Rite Cath­ olic Church at the Ecumenical Council, 1962-1965, was published in the fall of 1967; as editor of this review he attended the U.N. International Conference on Human Rights, held April 22 to May 13, 1968 in Teheran, Iran. LEONID POLTAVA, a noted Ukrainian writer and journalist, who was botn in 1921 in Nlzhyn, Ukraine, where he graduated from a pedagogical col­ lege; during World War Il he was deported by the Nazis to Germany, and remained there afterwards; he also lived In France and Spain; former scriptwriter for "Radio Liberty," the National Spanlah Radio in Madrid and the "Voice of America"; at present ls associate editor of Svoboda, oldest Ukrainian daily in the U.S.; ls author of 5 collectiona of poetry, 7 plays, 12 books for children, a historical novel on Hetman Ivan Mazepa, and a libretto Anna Yaroslavna, an opera to be presented on May 24, 1969 at C&rnegle Hall
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