• m * •ryr'ry'^^^^or PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Tues., Aig. 29, 1978 The Weather Increasing cloudiness today with highs near 80, f around 27 Ceisius. Cioudy with chance of oc­ casional raid tonight and Thursday. Lows toni^t lianrhf atpr iEwpmng Bpralh W to 65 and highs Thursday in the 70s. Probability of rain 20 percent today, 50 percent tonight and A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 Thursday. Outlook; clearing Friday; generally fair Saturday and Sunday. National weather map; Home delivered copy 15 cents page IS. Vol. XCVII, No. 281 — Manchester, Conn., Wednesday, August 30,1,978 Newsstand copy 20 cents Inside today ] Manchester Carter May The Board of Directors has changed its stand and approved a charter amendment regarding conflicts of interest of town of­ ficials. Sre page 2,' SendTroops National East Hartford A Woman who tried to walk to the state welfare office last week- has a new appointment today. She To Mideast couldn't get a ride and was told to walk eight miles. See page 6 . GRAND TETON NATIONAL emerge victorious in a last-ditch PARK, Wyo. (UPI) - President attempt to rescue his energy In the Area Carter is considering an offer to sta­ package. “ I think we will win but it’s going Complete school bus route tion American troops on the West to be a tough fight,” Powell told schedules for Hebron schools and Bank to break the Middle East Rham High School are published negotiating stalemate, his reporters. in today's Herald. See page 7. spokesman said today. Carter will be battling for Senate Carter, sunburned and relaxed, passage of the natural gas com­ Connecticut wound up his 12-day vacation in Idaho promise, the crux of his energy and Wyoming apparently eager to program that faces opposition from The two state legislators from tackle major problems awaiting him both liberal Democrats and conser­ Smoter Stam ford still shudder when at the White House — among them vative Republicans, who Would remembering their efforts to have his deadlocked energy package and prefer a simple bill giving the presi­ a grand jury and special U.S. options to propose at the Camp dent authority to allocate natural gas prosecutor appointed to in­ David summit on the Middle East in times of a national emergency. vestigate government corruption that begins Sept. 5. Carter invited a delegation from in their town. See page 14. Press Secretary Jody Powell said the National Governors Association, New England when Israeli Prime Minister headed by Kentucky Gov. Julian Campaigning in Manchester Men'ahem Begin and Egyptian Presi­ Carroll, to meet with him at 10 a.m. A federal advisory board on dent Anwar Sadat sit down at the Thursday to rally their support for the compromise, which calls for development of the Outer Con­ presidential retreat next week. plaza at Burr Comers. Thursday, Rome will eventual deregulation of natural gas tinental Shelf votes against Lewis B. Rome, Republican candidate for Carter may propose the American prices. placing any restrictions on oil and lieutenant governor, chats with a shopper at visit the Glen Lochen Mall and Fox Run Mall, presence as one of the options to "The enactment of a national gas exploration near ocean ship­ both in Glastonbury. (Herald jfihoto by Chas­ bring about a settlement. the Manchester Parkade Tuesday afternoon energy plan is critical to every state, ping lanes. See page 15. tain) “ That has always been a while he hit the campaign trail in possibility,” Powell said, “ but it is and I look forward to this opportunity The Nation Manchester. He also visited the shopping still in the speculative stage.” to discuss pending energy legislation The Washington Post reported with some of the nation’s gover­ The nation’s governors tell today the proposal included es­ nors,” Carter said in the statement. Washington the best way to hold tablishing an American air base on As for his vacation. Carter and his down taxes and government spen­ the Sinai Peninsula, but there was no familv clearly enjoyed the outdoor ding is to cut the red tape in the Gas Shortage Looms, immediate confirmation by the life. He went fishing nearly every day, bureaucracy. See page 20. White House. took a three-day raft trip down the The White House has maintained primitive Salmon River, sailed on The World all along that Carter would make Lake Jackson and attended a rodeo. On the final full day of vacation. U.N. Secretary General Kurt suggestions for breaking the According to Report deadlock but would have no firm U.S. Carter went fishing again, took his Waldheim unveils his peace plan position to propose. Presumably the family on a horseback ride along the for South West Africa —the com­ WA^GTON (UPI) A ,,,,, ;e report bo ..the. dwartment’s first was suggested in early 1977 by idea of American troops would be Jackson Hole trail and hosted a mitment of 7,500 troops and 1,200 nihcommltUle diargeif''toddy-.1 lustiflcatibn for decontrol. only in the nature of such a sugges­ reception for Wyoming Democratic 4 the Federal Energy Administration, officials to the terriloi? known s Department nf Bnoigr has kept from' Oil and-its prodBOtS wercrottcelin:— wflHcH lS ter wKMffew’ the plab’for tion, rather thdn a firm offer. politicians and early Carter sup­ Namibia. See page 2. .ib e public indicatiods of a possible der strict federal controls, which further consideration. Federal Powell also predicted Carter would porters. In Sports major gasoline shortage In the have gradually been lifted from some energy officials compiled data sup­ United States by 1980. products such as heavy fuel oil, porting the plan, and the in­ Jaycees and North End The charge was made by the in­ heating oil and some others. Gasoline vestigations subcommittee began an Firemen in Class. B Softball Tour­ vestigations subcommittee of the is one of the few major oil products inquiry into the adequacy of the of­ nament finals ... Most valuable House Commerce Committee, as left under price controls. ficial justification for lifting the con­ Town Counters Hails Merit player with Red Sox. See Herald part of a report concluding the Under a 1975 law, the Department trols. Angle. See Page 11. department’s case for lifting gas­ of Energy must submit decontrol to “ Unless the Department of Energy Jim Uhrig wins Elast Hartford oline price controls is “ unlearned, Congress for approval. Either house can correct the defects in their road race ... Bjorn Borg im­ disingenuous, and unpersuasive.’’ can turn down the plan. published analysis, it is difficult to pressive in U.S.Tennis Open while ’The subcommittee released a 134- The decontrol plan for gasoline Police Protest see how the House could accept a Manuel Orantes wins at decontrol proposal,” said Rep. John By SUSAN VAUGHN salary of a police officer, including TjirKhedFl»^ Brookline. See page 12. Moss, D-Calif., chairman of the sub­ patrolmen, sergeants, detectives and Stock Market committee. Herald. Reporter lieutenants is $14,925. On top of that Gaming Unit Orders ’The subcommittee report said the Assistant Town Manager Charles figure was added the various NEW YORK (UPI) - Prices department had withheld informa­ McCarthy released information on medical, insurance, disability and opened lower today in active tion from the public “ that indicates a police officers’ salaries and other pension benefits paid by the town trading of New York Stock potential major gasoline shortage by benefits paid by the town Tuesday which add up to $5,739, according to maiks in five bey areas Exchange issues. Fronton Staff Boost 1980.” afternoon in response to what the town figures. The Dow Jones industrial Internal documents in the agency McCarthy termed “scare material” The officers are also eligible to average average, which fell 4.68 forecast a potential shortage of 400,- distributed to the public by work overtime and receive special WETHERSFIELD (UPI) - The week. points Tuesday, was off 1.38 000 barrels a day, the subcommittee .policemen and others during service duty compensation at an state gaming commission today One of the recommendations ap­ Can MERIT deliver the flavor of leading high C o n firm ed : 85% of MERIT smokers say it was points to 878.80 shortly after the said. picketing Tuesday. average cost of $776, the information voted unanimously to beef up staff at proved by the commission today opening. It has fallen 17.15 points “ The failure of the department to The material he referred to in­ stated. The town must also outfit the the state’s three jai alai frontons to would set up three-member boards of an “easy switch” from high tar brands. the past three sessions. discuss this potentially grave cluded a collage of newspaper police officers according to the union tar brands? make sure professional gamblers do judges at the frontons in Bridgeport, problem in their published headlines and other material relating contract at a cost of $900 per year, it not break the law. Milford and Hartford to hold timely Index assessments of the impact of decon­ to criminal incidents in Manchester. said. Does MERIT satisfy smokers over a long period C o n firm ed : Overwhelming majority of MERIT Recent reports have indicated that hearings when violations were trol raises serious questions as to the McCarthy said, “The citizens The total cost to the town for the Area towns ................................7-8 a group of gamblers, known as the alleged. credibility of the department,” it deserve better than that.” The page police officers including salary, smokers say their former high tar brands Business..................................28-29 Miami syndicate, have been betting Another recommendation would —or are MERIT smokers slipping back to old added.
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