News AdvertiserSERVING PICKERING SINCE 1965 PRESSRUN 47,600 ✦ 60 PAGES ✦ WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 2004 ✦ durhamregion.com ✦ OPTIONAL DELIVERY $6/$1 NEWSSTAND THE ELANTRA GT ONTARIO’S BEST Don’t judge a car Ajax High hosts badminton’s just by its price tag brightest stars at OFSAA Wheels, pullout Sports, B1 Briefly... Pickering: Local entertainment is needed for Pickering’s Canada Day celebrations. Pickering wants a vote The City is looking for quality cided the regional chairman The Region last month sent rect election and I feel this say from the people besides family-oriented talent to perform ‘People deserve should be elected. the issue to Durham’s eight council should take a posi- the learned wisdom of 28 during the annual event, July 1 at a say’ on regional Despite a recommenda- municipalities for input, tion on the issue,” he said. councillors,” Coun. Ashe Kinsmen Park. The live entertainment runs chairman tion to elect the chairman with Pickering’s decision He added he felt current said. from 7 to 10 p.m. being defeated at an April 13 coming only two days before regional Chairman Roger Ward 3 Regional Council- Anyone interested in perform- By Danielle Milley City executive committee it returned to regional coun- Anderson (who was ap- lor Rick Johnson disagreed. ing should send an application form Staff Writer meeting, Ward 1 City Coun- cillors. pointed by regional council) “My colleague makes a along with a non-returnable tape or PICKERING – Pickering cillor Kevin Ashe brought “A number of councils was doing a good job. very good case and if the Re- CD to the City. The deadline for ap- council finally took a posi- forward a new motion to across the region have made “The job itself, earning up- plications is Friday, May 14. tion Monday night and de- Monday’s council meeting. a decision for or against di- wards of $150,000, deserves a ✦ See Elected page A5 Application forms can be picked up at a variety of City facilities or printed off the Internet at www.city- ofpickering.com. Mom For more information, call Marisa Carpino at 905-420-4660 ext. 2099. wishes Pickering: Pine Ridge Cemetery is hosting another free seminar on wills and estate planning. she was The seminar is Saturday, May 8 at the Pickering Public Library’s central branch from 2 to 3 p.m. ‘wrong’ Guest speaker Doug Carroll re- turns to offer advice and answer questions. Testifies accused Learn how to protect those you love from financial and emotional called twice night strain, the 87 decisions that must of Jones murder be made within 72 hours of a death, how to receive a free will kit and es- By Keith Gilligan tate planner registry, and more. Staff Writer Also, donations are accepted DURHAM – Within minutes for the local food bank. of Roy Jones being murdered For more information, call 905- outside his Ajax home, one of 427-5416. the accused called his moth- er’s house on a cellphone, What’s On... asking her to let him in. Laura Mundy, mother of Ajax: The Pickering Village Senior’s accused Avi Mundy, also Centre is celebrating 40 years of known as Cosmo Jacobson, recreation. testified Tuesday during the This week is the 40th anniver- Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo first-degree murder trial that sary for the centre, 29 Linton Ave., her son called around 11 p.m. in Ajax. Residents are invited to visit Sunday, Feb. 4, 2001, asking an open house Saturday, May 8 her to unlock the front door, from 1 to 4 p.m. Taken to the woodshed as he had left his keys with Centre members will be singing PICKERING –– Shaun Summerfield, left, of the Ajax-Pickering Rock gives chase after Lindsay Plunkett in Pickering Sunday night, as the home O Canada with the accompaniment Sean Hall, the co-accused in side got off to a rough start to the Ontario Lacrosse Association Senior B league season. Facing the defending champion Owen Sound Woods- of pianist, Muriel Hughes, followed the crime. men, the Rock dropped a 10-3 decision. See story, Page B1. by a special presentation and the Under cross-examination planting of a tree. Refreshments in Superior Court of Justice and entertainment will be provided, in Whitby by one of her son’s with the band, Beyond Reason, play- lawyers, Ms. Mundy said, ing bluegrass music. ‘No’ to blackout compensation “Nothing would please me Crafts, quilting, aerobics, more” than to have the day bridge, euchre, shuffleboard and an Large debt won’t money, but they didn’t set nance committee, where a a commitment that should wrong when her son called. annual bazaar in October are just a aside money for it,” said An- fax stating the above was cir- have been kept by the provin- At the time, Mr. Jones was few activities that seniors can par- allow Province to drea Kelly, legislative assis- culated. cial government. to testify against Mr. Mundy ticipate in. fulfil Tory promise tant to Municipal Affairs and “You can say that one gov- “They (the Province) know and Mr. Hall in relation to a For more information, call the Housing Minister John Ger- ernment’s promise is not an- that the only way to tack- home invasion case. He was centre at 905-683-8460. By Carly Foster retson. “In light of the $5.6- other’s, but when it comes to le...these funds is to tax the murdered around 10:30 p.m. Staff Writer billion debt we inherited, the financial commitments from taxpayers.” Feb. 4, as he returned home Index... DURHAM – The Province has government has decided not a premier, they must be The Region had submitted from his job as a security backed out of a promise to to go ahead with blackout kept,” said Durham Region a bill for $200,000 for expens- guard at the since-demol- compensate municipalities compensation program.” Chairman Roger Anderson, es during the Aug. 14, 2003 ished Metro East Trade Cen- Editorial Page, A6 for the blackout last year. The news was not well-re- using the Tories’ seniors tax Sports, B1 ✦ ✦ Entertainment, B5 “The Tories promised the ceived at the Region’s fi- credit as another example of See Durham page A2 See Accused’s page A2 Classified, B6 Give us a call... MADD Durham sets General 905-683-5110 Distribution 905-683-5117 General FAX 905-683-7363 Newsroom FAX 905-683-0386 down safe roots New memorial dent of the Durham chapter. sumed alcohol,” warned tree planting “I can’t really imagine why Mrs. Codlin. “There isn’t a INCOME TAX in this day and age, people community exempt from campaign raising still take the chance of hurt- this.” PERSONAL INCOME TAX RETURNS ing themselves, hurting To remember the victims $ awareness only 39.95* their family or hurting and their families who lost •most returns *GST INCLUDED Stephanie Mason someone else.” their lives and loved ones ALL-CANADIAN TAX SERVICE Special to the News Advertiser MADD’s mission is to stop due to drinking and driving, offices open year round drinking and driving and MADD, Durham Regional 100 Westney Rd. S. ( @ 401) AJAX – Durham motorists support victims’ families Police, families, and volun- at Ajax Station are being told there are no “I want tougher laws,” teers launched a new cam- (905) 426-4860 exceptions to the rules when said Ms. Marcott. paign with an official memo- it comes to drinking and MADD wants the federal rial tree-planting ceremony getting behind the wheel of government to reduce the April 28 at the Sportsplex a car. legal drinking limit from 80 baseball diamonds in Ajax. “We will do whatever we milligrams of alcohol per 100 “We are here to remind GLASSES FOR THE WHOLE have to do to get them millilitres of blood to 50 mil- people not to drive under FAMILY (drunk drivers) off the ligrams and increase police the influence of alcohol,” 2 for 1 roads,” said Kristine Mar- enforcement powers. said Ajax Mayor Steve Bill direct to Most Insurances and cott, Ontario youth advo- According to the MADD Parish. Social Services cate for Mothers Against spokesmen, each day more A silver maple tree was Stephanie Mason/ News Advertiser photo 3 LOCATIONS FOR QUALITY & CHOICE Drunk Driving (MADD). than four Canadians die and planted at the park and a AJAX OPTICAL DURHAM CENTRE Bethany Mawbey, right, helped Durham Region Police and other volun- 135 Harwood Ave. N. Harwood & Hwy. 2 683-7235 “To consume alcohol is a 125 are seriously injured by granite rock was also placed teers tie Mothers Against Drunk Driving red ribbons on a tree at the AJAX OPTICAL personal matter, but to con- drunk drivers. beside the tree to remind Sportsplex on Audley Road in Ajax. It’s one of eight being planted 56 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax Plaza 683-2888 sume alcohol and drink and “One in 25 vehicles on the people to think twice before around the region by the Durham group. The granite rock serves as a PICKERING OPTICAL 1360 Kingston Rd. Pickering (Hub Plaza) 839-9244 drive is a public matter,” road at night are being con- reminder to think before getting behind the wheel. Ms. Mawbey had a added Nancy Codlin, presi- trolled by someone who con- ✦ See MADD page A4 cousin killed by a drunk driver. A/P PAGE A2 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, May 5, 2004 www.durhamregion.com Accused’s mom ‘agitated’ by call ✦ Accused’s from page A1 called around 11 p.m., saying he back to bed. Tuesday after the murder, her was in the Brock Road and Her son didn’t seem agitated son contacted her at work to tell tre in Pickering.
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