Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 10-14-1967 UA19/17/1/4 Football Program - WKU vs Tennessee Tech WKU Athletic Media Relations Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Recommended Citation WKU Athletic Media Relations, "UA19/17/1/4 Football Program - WKU vs Tennessee Tech" (1967). WKU Archives Records. Paper 806. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/806 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HILL TOPPER KI F ILLUSTRATED WESTERN YMCA CHEERLEADERS SSSEE • OFFICIAL PROGRAM Ol[g/~_~, AFTER THE GAME ••• make it your goal to TOUCH DOWN ae'llllfS at ... RESTAURANTS Hilltopper Kick-off Illustrated Complete OFFICIAL FOOTBALL PROGRAM 1967 Prepared and Edited by the Office of Public Affairs and Public Relations TABLE OF CONTENTS Western in Review __________ __ __________ ____ _____ ____ ________ Page 2 Presidents & Athletic Directors ________ Page 4 Hilftopper Football Staff _________ Page 5 Hilltopper '67 ___________ _ _____________ ____ ___ ____ Page 6-7 & 17 Hilltopper 100 Club ___ ______ ___ _______ __ __ Page 8 Business F OffilS Hilltopper Hot Line ____________________ _____________ _ Page 9 * Western Roster ______ __ __ ____ ______________ ________________ _____________ Page 10 * Stationery Starting Lineups ____ _____ ___ ___ ___ __ __________ __________ __ ________ Page 12-13 Programs Visitor's Roster __ _____________ ________ . __ _______________ ___ _____ . ________ Page 15 * Today's Opponent ________ . ________________________ ____ _______________ Page 16 * Wedding Invitations Hilltopper Football in Review _________________________________ _ Page 18 History of OVC ____ __ __ _____ ______________ ________________ ___ ___ _______ Page 19 We Welcome Westel"n Western Stadium Information _____ __ ________ ___ __________ __ Page 20 Fraternity and Sorority Athletic Complex ____ _____ _ Page 21 Printing 1967-1968 Basketball Schedule Page 22 Cross Co untry _____ _____________ ____ __ __ _______ _______ ____ _ Page 23 Western Alma Mater _________ __ __ __ _________ ____ _ Page 24 330 East Tenth Street HILLTOPPER FOOTBALL ILLUSTRATED is the official program for home football games of Western Kentucky University. Prepared and edited by the Office of Public Affairs and Public Relations, Robert G. PHONE 842-7191 Cochran, Dean, and Program Managers Allen W. Stilley and Larry Dykes. Represented for national advertising by Spencer Advertising Company, 271 Madison Avenue, New York, New York. Western Kentucky University WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY A University Meeting Tomorrow's Challenge With a solid record of service to the Master of Arts for College Teachers, Building Program citizens of Kentucky. Western Kentucky Master of Arts in Education, Master of Currently, the University is engulfed University has continually met the in­ Public Administration, and Master of in the greatest building program in its creasing demands placed upon its edu­ Public Service. history. The new Lawrence W. Weather­ cational resources. In an era of ex· Western offers a joint doctoral pro­ by Administration Building (page 7) ploding knowledge and great population gram in cooperation with the Univers­ and the Kelly Thompson Science Com­ expansion, there has been~and will be ity of Kentucky and George Peabody plex and Hardin Planetarium were -a constant need for development in College for Teachers, Nashville, Ten­ scheduled to open this fall. The new new fields of endeavor, new professions. nessee. Academic-Athletic Building No. 2-L. T. and increased knowledge in existing Smith Stadium (page 23 ) and two new fields. Western has moved with this Undergraduate School dormitories are now under construction. momentum of educational thirst to de· The University's undergraduate school A bid has been approved for the con­ velop its services and facilities to the offers 32 academic majors, 37 academic struction of an Academic Complex for fullest extent minors, and 13 areas of concentration. the Department of Home Economics, Sixty Years Of Progress It cons isis of the Bowling Green Col­ the Department of Nursing, a university Originally created for the purpose of lege of Commerce, the College of Edu­ hospital, and educational television training teachers as a State Normal cation, the Potter C()llege of Liberal studios. An educational complex is plan­ school in 1906. the University has Arts, and the Ogden College of Science, ned to facilitate teacher training and steadily increased the scope of its aca­ the Bachelor of Arts, the Bachelor of also contain a new laboratory school. Music, or the Bachelor of Fine Arts de­ demic program to meet the ever chang­ Crowned by a commanding hill, which grees. Two-year Associate of Arts' de­ ing and growing needs of it3 students. provides the impetus for the "Hilltop­ grees are offered in six fields, and the Sixty years later. as a refleotion of its per" nickname, the 185-acre Western Associate of Science degree is offered rapid rate of development. Western Ken­ campus is one of the most beautiful through an accredited nursing curricu­ tucky State College was granted Uni­ collegiate settings in the nation. Western bm. A one-year Secretarial Science pro­ versity status. is a university that has turned its focus gram is offered. Today, Western Kentucky consists of upon tomorrow with a strengthened, the Graduate School. four colleges, and To keep pace with an increasing en­ progressive curricula, building program other academic divisions. In addition rollment which is estimated at 9,500 to meet future needs, and tile estab­ to the Master of Science and the Master in 1937 a Master Plan has been develop­ lishment of new services to its students of Arts degrees, Western offers the ed to utilize land available to the Uni­ and the community for a better Com­ Master of Science for Collegt' Teachers. versity. monwealth of Kentucky. Coach Jimmy Feix Coach Joe Bugel Coach Nick Denes Coach Turner Elrod q.~ Bad..e~ PROVIDING SAFE TRANSPORTATION FOR ALL HILLTOPPER ATHLETIC TEAMS 651% E. 12th Charter Service Anywhere 843-9893 2 Official Football Program MIke Egan (QB) Jim Garrett (CLB) Jim Sprinkle (HB) Jim Old (SE) Johnny Vance (QB) Jim Vorhees (HB) • CREDIT PLAN 30 Day Charge Account-or longer, with option terms. • TIME PAYMENT ACCOUNT No Down Payment. Many months to pay. • LAY-AWAY Aconvenient way to hold your purchase of the day. DE STORES • CASH - Full satisfaction or your money refunded. AIr£W ~ u.1ttOCibu.~ SHOP 10:00 A.M. - 9:30 P.M. MONDAY thru SATURDAY • CLOSED SUNDAYS Nashville Road & Campbell Lane on 31 W So. Western Kentucky University 3 OCTOBER 14, 1967 A DAY OF COMMEMORATION AND DEDICATION AT WESTERN KENTUCKY Nine Buildings-named for eleven distinguished pel'sons, pictured below, who have made sig­ nificant contributions to the development of the Univel'sity-were dedicated at ceremonies earliel' today. Pictures of the buildings are on page 16. Barnes Campbell Grise Harlin Helm Lawrence SHERIDAN C. BARNES was a memo Board of Regents. ment. In 1959 he was named "Kentucky ber of the Western Board of Regents MISS MARGIE HELM, as a compe­ Man of the Year in Agriculture" by the from 1955 until 1958. He founded the S. tent academic administrator and as an Farm Press and Radio Association of C. Barnes Insurance Agency in 1936, inspirational professor, served Western Kentucky. which he heads today in Elizabethtown. with distinction from 1920 to 1965. Miss HARDIN CHERRY THOMPSON, older He is a past president of the Helm became assistant librarian at son of President and Mrs. Kelly Thomp­ Elizabethtown Rotary Club and of the Western in 1920, librarian in 1923, and son, died October 5, 1963, at the age of Elizabethtown Chamber of Commerce. Director of Library Services in 1956. 25, during his senior year at Western. In 1951 he was elected president of the She served in this capacity, and as pro­ Hardin was an Industrial Arts major, Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. fessor of Library Science, until her re­ a member of the Arts and Craft Club, DON A. CAMPBELL was a member tirement in 1965. Scabbard and Blade, and the Pershing of Western's Board of Regents from The RodeS-Helm Lecture Series is Rifles. He was a College Heights Herald 1955 until 1956. A resident of Lebanon, named in her honor. reporter and was named to Who's Who Ky., Campbell is the Executive Vice­ in American Colleges and Urtiversities. THE HONORABLE H. BEMIS LAW­ During a long and exceedingly pain­ president of the Kentucky Retail Lum­ RENCE was a Vice-Chairman of West­ ber Dealers Association. He is a trustee ful illness, extending over a period of ern's Board of Regents, 1955-1966. From five years, he brought inspiration to all of Centre College, a member of the ad­ 1940 until 1946 Mr. Lawrence served visory board of St. Catherine College, with the Federal Bureau of Investiga­ who knew him through the eourage and and is active with many other civic and tion as a Special Agent. He is now presi­ patience which he demonstrated. business organizations, having served dent of the Society of Former Special DR. KELLY THOMPSON was appoint­ as mayor of Lebanon from 1946 until Agents of the F.B.I. ed president of Western October 17, 1954. He is County Commissioner of Jef­ 1955. Prior to that time he had served DR. FINLEY C. GRISE came to West­ ferson County Fiscal Court and Presi­ 26 years as a member of the admirtistra­ ern in 1913 as a teaching assistant in dent-elect of the Louisville Bar Associa­ tive staff as field representative, direc­ English and Latin. In 1918 he was ap­ tion. tor of public relations, assistant to the pointed head of the Latin department president, and acting president follow­ THE HONORABLE JOHN B.
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