J. W. POST Elevated Railway. No. 206,385. Patented July 23, 1878. SEE--Ste-A-SEE- - -A-C-E- N 2- to sa, 4. YYl 2%a.SSSSSSS-412 A. 22 2 22 o a. WITNESSES Ze w A NVENTOR 2% ATORNEY . N. PerERs, Photo-LTHOGRAPHER, washington, D. c. ga, as UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. - JOIN W. POST, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. IMPROVEMENT IN ELEVATED RALWAYS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 206, 3S-5, lated July 23, 1S7s; application filed July 11, 1878. To all chon it may concern: foundlation-plate of suitable size, which is Be it known that I, JoHN W. POST, of New firmly laid on bed-rock or other substantial York city, in the county of New York and base in a suitable excavation, and securely State of New York, have invented certain new embedded in proper position by cement or oth and useful Improvements in Elevated Rail erwise. Upon the top of said plate is laid roads; and I do hereby declare that the fol some indestructible non-conducting and non lowing is a full, clear, and exact description vibrating substance B. thereof, which will enable others skilled in The letter C represents the columns, stand the art to which it appertains to make and use ards, or posts which support the superstruc the same, reference being had to the accompa ture. These are made hollow, and each are inying drawings, and to letters of reference provided with a flanged base, D, which rests lmarked thereon, which form a part of this upon the top of the base-plate and its packing, specification. and is secured thereto by substantial iron This invention relates to certain improve bolts E passing upward through the bed ments in elevated railroads or tramways, its plates, the packing, and the flange of the post, object being to provide a structure light and standard, or column. The excavation is then cheap in construction, neat in design, and filled with a packing of any kind, and a suit possessing great strength and durability, and able cap-plate or wheel-guard may be put on which Will not be liable to get out of order, above the surface of the ground, the non and which will in the greatest possible degree vibrating packing between the plate and col obviate the noisy reverberations common to umn serving to materially lessen the vibration other structures for the purpose. of the same, and consequent reverberations, In Order that others skilled in the art to when a train is passing over the SuperStruc which my invention pertains may readily un ture. derstand the same, I will now proceed to de To still further prevent noisy reverbera scribe my invention, reference being had to tions, the columns, which are in all cases made the accompanying drawings and the letters of hollow, may be packed wholly or in part with reference marked thereon. fragments of cork. It is well known that the In the drawings, Figure 1 represents a side longitudinal fibers of wood will conduct vibra elevation of my improved elevated railroad or tions producing sound. The object of my in tramway, showing one of the supporting vention is to deadlen or destroy this conveying standards or posts in section. Fig.2 repre tendency. To this end I employ cork as a sents a transverse section of railroad or tram packing, the atoms of which are so discon Way, taken between the posts. Fig. 3 repre nected as to preclude the possibility of vibra Sents a horizontal section of one of the posts tion, and there are no longitudinal fibers tend or standards. Fig. 4 represents a view of the ing to convey the same, as shown at F, Figs, top of One of the posts or standards and a and 3. collar mounted thereon, to which the sections Near the top of each column or standal'd is of the road-bed are secured. Fig. 5 represents a small supporting-fange, G, on which is placed a transverse sectional view of one of the side a non-vibrating collar, H., of lead, asbestlls, or beams of the road-bed. Fig. 6 represents a other equivalent material, and the portion of transverse section of one of the rails and the the column extending above this flange is chair in which it is supported. Fig. 7 repre closely wound with felting K or other suita Sents a transverse section of the road-bed and le material, and over this is sprung a strong beam provided at each end with bumpers, and metallic collar, L, made preferably of mallea which may be supported from or attached to ble iron, and provided with a series of lugs or one of the cross-ties. Fig. 8 represents a de ears, M M, between which the lateral and tached view of one of the chairs in which the transverse girders of the superstructure are rails are supported, and Fig. 9 represents my secured, a suitable packing of felting or other improved manner of fastening the tie on the material being interposed between said lugs girder or truss, or ears and the girdel's. The letter A represents a stone or metal The collar is split between two of the lugs 2 206,3S5 ill older that it may be sprung upon its seat, are then forced down upon the lower flanges and the girdle's are secured between the lugs or base of the rail and snugly tamped down by means of substantial screw-bolts O. It around the lead of each spike-the rails, in will be perceived that by this construction, all cases, to break joints with the chairs. also, this collar, after being sprung upon its The advantages of this construction of the seat, is closedl tightly upon the packing by track are fourfold: First, it makes, in effect, a the bolts, rendering it impossible for the pack continuous Tail. Second, it secures from dis- . ing to get out of place, and providing for talk placement the packing under the rail. Third, ing up any subsequent looseness. it securely locks the spikes holding the rail in The lateral and transverse girders PIR may position; and, fourth, it strengthens the track, be of like material, preferably of iron, and of rendering fish-plates unlnecessary, and abso any suitable design which the builder's fancy lutely prevents any accidental displacement or judgment may suggest, though I prefer to of the railroad-track. - use doubly-flanged metallic plates SS, placed Having thus fully described my invention, back to back, with felting, T, or other non-Yi What I claim is brating packing firmly secured between them. 1. In combination with the supe'structule The columns and girders are further strength of an elevated railway, the hollow columns for ened by braces, with suitable packing placed supporting the same and the cork packing between each collecting part, within said columns, substantially as and for The cross-ties. A? are bolted in position on the purposes specified. the lateral girders, and I employ for the pur 2. In combination with the columns or pose a U-shaped staple, B', screw-threaded at standards of an elevated railway and the girl its ends, which is inverted and placed diago ers thereof, the split collars and their lugs for inally over the end of the tie, and passed securing the girders to the columns, substan through the flanges on opposite sides of the tially as specified. girdel's, and secured thereto by suitable screw 3. In combination with the columns, the huts, as clearly shown in Fig. 9 of the draw collars, and the girders, the packing inter lings. posed between the surfaces of the same, sub IBetween the gilders and the ties may be stantially as specified. placed one or more layers of asbestus, C', or 4. In combination with the girder, the pack othel unon-vibrating substances, which will ing at the sides of the same and plates and answer the double purpose of lessening the strips for confining it in place, substantially vibrations and the wealing away of the wood. as specified. Rubber belting or like material also may be 5. In combination with an elevated-railroad clamped against the sides or Web of the gird structure, the continuous chair, having the ers, as shown at D', and held firmly in place upturned edges thereof bent down in such a by strips of wood or metal E', in order to fur manner as to form a perfect lock for the spike tlel lessen the Viloration of the structure. lholding the rail. In Fig. 7, the letter IF represents a trans 6. In combination with the superstructure verse beam, a series of any number of which of an elevated railway, the continuous rail may be employed, each supported from (or chair provided with longitudinal slots at in attached to) a cross-tie, and held in position tervals throughout its length, as and for the by pin G', and provided at each end by purpose specified. bumpel's H', of rubber or other suitable mate rial, which are held lightly against the gird 7. The combination in an elevated railway, ers, and which will materially lessen the vibra veningof the rail,packing, its continuous substantially chair, as and specified. the inter tion of the same. S. In combination with the cross-ties and the The letter I represents the track, which con longitudinal girders, the U-shaped staples sists of an iron chair, K', and rail I', the chair passing diagonally over the ties and through extending the whole length of the rail, and the flanges of said girders, on opposite sides being provided with upturned sides, forming thereof, substantially as and for the purposes a trough, in which the rail rests.
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