BELL ATLANTIC PRACTICE SECTION 000-000·000CP ) C&P Telephone· Cos. Standard Issue A, January 1984 DIVISION 000 NUMERICAL INDEX OF CP ISSUED PRACTICES CONTENTS PAGE 1. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 2. INDEX ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1. GENERAL 1.01 This section provides a numerical index of all C&P issued practices. 1.02 This section is reissued to provide a current list of all available C&P Telephone Company practices. 1.03 A bullet(•) indicates an Item that has been added or changed since the previous Issue of the index. 1.04 A square (D) indicates a canceled Item. Information relating to the cancelatlon, if necessary, will be shown in a note follow· ing the Item. Canceled Items and related notes will be deleted upon reissue of the index. 1.05 "Add" is the abbreviation for addendum. 1.08 "App" is the abbreviation for appendix. ) 1.07 Coples of CP practices may be obtained by sending a letter of request to: Documentation Coordinator 13100 Columbia Pike Tower Library Silver Spring, Md. 20904 2. INDEX Section Number Issue Subject 000·000·900CP Numerical Index of CP Issued Practices 000·010-012CP E Coded Distribution of Bell System and Company Practices 000·010-012CP A General Practices APP.A 000-010·012CP A Building Supplies and Motor Equipment APP. B 000·010-012CP A Central Office Electromechanical APP.C 000-010·012CP A Teletype, Data & Special Services APP.D 000-010·012CP A Outside Plant Engineering APP. E 000-010-012CP A Engineering (also see APP. V) APP. F 000·010-012CP A Station & Key ') APP.G NOTICE Not for use or disclosure outside the TCI Library www.telephonecollectors.infoBell Atlantic Companies except under written agreement Page 1 SECTION 000-000-000CP ) 2. INDEX (CONTINUED) Section Number Issue Subject 000-010·012CP A Outside Plant Construction APP. H 000·010-012CP A Test Center APP. J 000-010·012CP A Assignment APP. K 000·010-012CP A Transmission (also see APP. U) APP. L \ ) 000-010-012CP A Minicomputer APP.M 000-010·012CP A Common Tools, Test Equipment & Misc. Equipment APP. N 000-010-012CP A PBX Installation and Maintenance APP.P 000-010-012CP A Power Equipment APP.Q 000-010-012CP A Radio APP.A 000·010-012CP A Stored Program Control Central Office ) APP.S 000-010·012CP A Engine Alternator, Gas Turbine, Generators, Ringing & Tone APP. T Equipment 000-010-012CP A Transmission Overflow (also see APP. L) APP.LI 000-010-012CP A Engineering Overflow (also see APP. F) APP.V 000-010·012CP A Network Administration, Network Design APP.W 000-010-012CP A Special Service Center APP.X 000-010·012CP A Safety APP. Y NOTICE Page 2 Not for use or disclosure outside the 2TCI Pages Library www.telephonecollectors.info Bell Atlantic Companies except under written agreement Bell Bellcore Practice t.=l\ Communicadons BR 000-000-000 ~Research Issue 3, February 1986 NUMERICAL INDEX - DIVISION 000 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. GENERAL 3. INDEX 1.01 This Index provides a listing of Bellcore-owned Seedon Practices in Division 000. The prefix ''BR" to Number Issue Subject each Practice number has been omitted in this listing purely for ease of reading the Practice number in a 000-0 INDEXES AND GENERAL INFORMATION two-column format. For ordering purposes specify BR 000-000-000. • 000-000-000 3 Numerical Index - Division 000 - 1.02 A bullet (•) indicates an item that has been General Information added or changed since the previous isrue of the 000-000-001 22 Master Aiphabetical Index Index. - All Divisions 1.03 A square (D) indicates a canceled item. • 000-010-015 4 Bellcore Practices Information relating to the cancellation will be Commenting Procedures shown in a note following the Practice. Canceled Prac­ 000-203-155 1 Common Acronyms tices and related notes will be deleted upon reissue of contained in Bellcore the Index. Practices 1.04 A dagger (t) indicates a Practice SPCS (Stored Program Control System) which contains trade secret information and which is available to authorized addresses only. 1.05 An infinity symbol (co) indicates a Task Oriented Practice (TOP). These Practices, because of their limited need, will have selective distribution. Addi­ tional copies may be obtained by placing regular (one­ time) orders. 1.06 A box (•) indicates a Practice is available on microfiche. This index indicates the latest issue for hard-copy Practices. In some cases, the microfiche Practice will reflect the next higher issue as a result of the reduced distribution interval of the microfiche ver­ sion. 1.07 "Add" is the abbreviation for Addendum. "App" is the abbreviation for Appendix. 2. LAYERS 2.01 This division is arranged in layers as follows: 000-0XX Indexes and General Information PROPRIETARY -BELLCORE AND AUTHORIZED aJENTS ONLY This document contains propric:tary information that shall be distributed or routed only within Bell Communications Research (Bellcorc) and its authorized clients, except with written permission of Bcllcon:. Page 1of1 TCI Library www.telephonecollectors.info BELL ATLANTIC PRACTICES BR 000-000-00lBA Bell Atlantic Standard Issue A, August 1985 MASTER ALPHABETICAL INDEX ALL DIVISIONS 1. GENERAL Adninistrative Information Alann Centers ..... 190 1.01 This practice provides an alphabetically Autanatic Trouble Analysis 190 arranged list of the subjects covered in Central Office .•.... 201 fonner Bell System Practices (BSPs), the present Coordination Methods ... 010 Bellcore Practices (BRs) and Bell Atlantic Data Security (for C<J11>uter Systems) 007 Practices (BAs). Each subject is cross­ Designed Services .. 010 referenced to the various divisions in which Engineering ............ 190 information pertaining to that subject can be Maintenance Methods. 010,218 found. Only the first three digits of the Management Organizing-Outside Plant. .. 935 9-cligit division nlllber are shown. Network (See specific systems) Radio . • . 400 Records and Reports. 010, 756 1. 02 Whenever this practice is reissued, the Aerial Cable . 627. 917 reason(s) for reissue will be provided in Air Blowers ... 161 this paragraph. Air Conditioning 770 Air Defense. 201 1.03 Recannendations for changes to this prac­ Air Dryers . 161 tice should be submitted in writing to: Air-Ground Radio . 406 A1 ann Contro 1 . 201 Bell Atlantic, MSI General Descriptive Information. 951 TIRM Alann Systems. 201 13100 Collllbia Pike, Pod 815 Alann Systems; crash (CUstaner Equipment). 480 Silver Spring, MD 20904 Alerting Network; Calmand Post (mPAN) . 310 Alerting Network; Joint Chief of Staff (JCSAN) 310 Alerting Systems A Central Office . 201 Group (Custaner Equipment)·. 480 SUBJECT DIV Group (Nonswitched Special Services) 310 Abbreviations Code No. lOA. 480 No. llA. 480 Circuit Drawings ..•.... 005 Alternators. 155 Cannon Language. • • . 751 MA Recording Center (MARC) 201 Drawings and Product Markings. 005 MA Tape Reels . o.~4 Input/Output Messages (Electronic ,,..,lifiers ........ 024 Switching) • • . 005,400 Program ...•...... 320 Letter S)tlt>ols 005 Analog Data Transm1ssion Systans • 314 Radio Log. 400 Analog lll!ltiplex Tenninal Equipment. 356 Tables .••• 005 Ancillary Systans. 255 Wiring •••• 005 Equipment. ..• 409 Al>norml Conditions. 002 Announc:enent sets. 514 Access Services. • 660,751 Announcanent Systans 201,514 Access Tariffs • . 850 General Descriptive Information. 951 Adjuncts . • . ... 529 Announcer ttachi nes; ca 11 • . • • • . 161 NOTICE Not for use or disclosure outside the Bell Atlantic Companies except under written agreement Printed in U.S.A. Page 1 TCI Library www.telephonecollectors.info SR 000···000·-001 SA Anootmcing Madrilil'e; Tape . 034 Autanatic NllN>er Identification (ANI). - . 216 ) Answering Sets; Telephooo. 514 Autanatic Protection Switching . 'l'F.0·,412 Answeri~g SystEfll!&; Telephone 473 Autanatic Repair Service Bureau (ARSB) . &0,662 Antennas .. 402 Autanatic Reporting on Trunks; Arrangerm:11 ~. ·; 411 Centralized (CAROT) ... 1119, 190 Dup h~:id l'l'J. 410 Autanatic Transmission Pleasuring >ppar,at~!'i Systems (AT"S) . 103 Blanks 501 Autanatic Trouble Analysis 212 Cable. 626 AUTOPLEX 100 .. 231 carrier. 640 Autotransformers 028 Cases for Inductors and Fi lters. 643 Autovan-PBX Access Lines . 480 Oisconnect~d 500 Auxiliary Channel; Narrowband "icrowave "°unt1ngs. 463 Radio ... • - . 408 Outs;de Plant. 626 Auxiliary Panel Offices, Elevator. 026 Equipment 410 Specially Engineered Lines 529 Service Positions 821 Units. 504 Teletypewriter .. 570 Wire . 626 Appliances 065 B Assignment 680 Plant .. 682 Backboards . 463 Asynchronous Tenninal. 230 Balancing Networks; Precision. 332 Attendant 5el"Vices 533 Banks; Channel Attenuators. 103, 104 A Type. 356 A-Type Channel Bank. 356 0 Type. 365 Autanatic tall Distributing (ACD) Systems Banks-Panel Offices. • ••. 026 (CUstaner Equipment)-See Call Distributing Systems Bases; Telephone ••. 502 Autamltic Data Test Circuits . 205 Batteries Autcnatic Data Test Systans (ADTS) 668 Air Cells . 157 Autcmatic Dialers. • . • 512 Countercells. 157 Autanatic Intercept Systan . 250 Ory Cells and Dry Batteries 157 Autcmatic Ressage Accounting (AM) 216,220,227 Storage ......... 157 NOTICE - Not To Be Disclosed Outside Bell Atlantic Cos. Without Written Agrmt. Page 2 Printed in U.S.A. TCI Library www.telephonecollectors.info ISS A, BR 000-000-00lBA Battery Feeders Bridge; lA ~site
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