Curriculum vitæ Dr. Jose´ A. Caballero http://exoterrae.eu August 2021 R´esum´e • Current position: { Cient´ıfico Titular (senior staff researcher) of the Instituto Nacional de T´ecnicaAeroes- pacial at the Centro de Astrobiolog´ıa(Madrid) • Publication summary: { 159 refereed articles; 34 as a first or single author and 28 as a second or third author; 145 in first quartile of impact factor (A&A, AJ, ApJ, MNRAS, Nature, Science...) { 232 contributions to international and national meetings: 22 SPIE, 5 refereed, 67 oral (10 invited, 35 plenary, 21 splinter), 131 poster, 7 on-line { 15 main technical documents for instrument design reviews and space mission vali- dation, 2 white papers, 2 RNAAS, 6 circulars, 1 source code, 49 VizieR catalogues, 4 collaborations in books, 21 outreach articles { Total citations Ntotal = 5672, first-author citations N1st = 1182, author-normalised citations Nnorm = 952.6, entries in the Astrophysics Data System nADS = 366, Hirsch index h = 39 • Astronomical instrumentation: { CARMENES Instrument Astronomer (2016+) and co-Project Manager (2009{2015) { GO-IRS/Gran Telescopio Canarias Project Scientist (2010) { Instrument science teams: LIFE, Gaia-NIR, TESS, POLLUX, WSO-UV, J-PLUS... • University: { (Co-)supervisor of 4 PhD, 25 MSc and 3 BSc theses, 7 traineeships { (Co-)lecturer of 3 master, 1 graduate, 4 summer school courses, 1 teacher education course, assistant lecturer of 1 graduate course; 8 years of university academic experience at Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Universidad Aut´onomade Madrid • Principal investigatorship: { Projects: AYA2015{74151{JIN, AYA2011{30147{C03{03, RYC2009{04666, JCI2006{ 3925{2095, #iau100rockastronomy { Total budget: 0.761 MEUR awarded, 0.301 MEUR administered • Awards and honours: { Honorary Citizen of El Escorial (2018) { Honorary Professor at the Departamento de Astrof´ısicay Ciencias de la Atm´osferaof the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2013{2015) { Sociedad Espa~nolade Astronom´ıa award to the best thesis in Astrophysics (2006{2007) { Carrier of the Olympic Torch (1992) 1 • Professional services: { James Webb, Hubble, ESO, IAC, OPTICON time allocation committees { UCM M´asterde Astrof´ısica Board, ESAC Science Faculty Council, DAAD Espa~na scholarship selection committee { Member of 8 contract and 16 PhD thesis review panels, referee of 23 publications { External reviewer of project proposals for 11 regional, national and international bodies { Director, chair of convenors, SOC/LOC chair/co-chair/member of 46 workshops, meet- ings and courses • Communication: { Science consultant of Beyond the Sun (2018), a planetarium full-dome movie for children translated into 21 languages and screened in 60 planetaria in 21 countries; numerous international awards; over 1.30 M viewers { Collaborator of Longitud de onda, a programme of Radio Cl´asicaRTVE (2016{2018) { Conductor of •unitedsoundsofcosmos, a Rock'n'Astronomy outreach project with An- tonio Arias, Lagartija Nick, Sole´aMorente, Fario, P´ajaroJack and artists of Los Plan- etas and Lori Meyers (2008+); 19 astro-concerts { Contributing editor of Ars universalis (2019+) and Musica universalis (2013{2018), sections of Astronom´ıa magazine { Core team member of Cultura con C de Cosmos (C3), a FECYT project (2018{2019) { 31 popular talks (including 1 TEDx); numerous interviews in television, radio, journals and newspapers; other outreach activities • Academic degrees: { Philosophiæ doctor (Ph.D. Astrophysics { Doctorado), Universidad de La Laguna/Ins- tituto de Astrof´ısicade Canarias, Tenerife, Spain, 2006 { Magister scientiæ (M.Sc. Astrophysics { M´aster),Universidad de La Laguna/Instituto de Astrof´ısicade Canarias, Tenerife, Spain, 2003 { Baccalaureus scientiæ (B.Sc. Physics/Astrophysics { Licenciatura), Universidad Com- plutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2000 • Personal and contact data: Passport name Jos´eAntonio Caballero Hern´andez Birth date 24 Feb 1977 Birth site El Escorial, Madrid, Spain Email [email protected] Web http://exoterrae.eu Mobile +34 619 652 011 Postal address Centro de Astrobiolog´ıa(CSIC-INTA) ESAC, camino bajo del castillo s/n E-28692 Villanueva de la Ca~nada,Madrid, Spain ADS name Caballero, J. A. ORCID 0000-0002-7349-1387 ResearcherID C-2819-2017 2 Contents of Jos´eA. Caballero's CV R´esum´e 1 Contents of... 3 1 Current and previous scientific activities 6 2 Excellence 7 2.1 Awards and honours . 7 2.2 Positive evaluations . 7 2.3 Competitive processes . 8 3 Supervision 8 3.1 PhD theses . 8 3.2 MSc theses . 8 3.3 BSc theses . 10 3.4 Professional traineeships . 10 4 Participation in funded research projects 11 4.1 Plan Nacional projects as the principal investigator . 11 4.2 Other projects as the principal investigator . 12 4.3 International projects as a co-investigator . 12 4.4 Plan Nacional projects as a co-investigator . 13 4.5 Other national projects as a co-investigator . 13 4.6 Regional and institutional projects as a co-investigator . 14 5 Professional service 14 5.1 Boards and councils . 14 5.2 International research project proposal panels . 14 5.3 Institutional representative . 14 5.4 Time allocation committees . 15 5.5 Contract panels . 15 5.6 PhD thesis review panels . 15 5.7 External reviewer of research project proposals . 16 5.8 Referee of international publications . 17 6 Academic experience 17 6.1 At the Universidad Complutense de Madrid . 17 6.2 At the Universidad Aut´onoma de Madrid . 18 6.3 In summer schools . 18 6.4 For teachers . 19 6.5 For high-school students . 19 7 Astronomical instrumentation 19 7.1 Membership in instrument and mission groups . 19 7.2 Participation in design reviews . 21 7.3 Observing experience . 21 8 Organisation of events 23 8.1 CARMENES consortium meetings . 23 8.2 Tackling the Complexities of Substellar Objects . 24 8.3 Present and future science with CARMENES (RIA) + 1st meeting of the Spanish exoplanet network (Exonet) . 24 8.4 XII Reuni´onCient´ıficade la Sociedad Espa~nolade Astronom´ıa . 24 8.5 1st Euclid Substellar Object Independent Legacy Science Workshop . 24 3 8.6 Curso de verano El Escorial Universidad Complutense AstroArte . 25 8.7 IV international Pro-Am meeting on binary and multiple stars . 25 8.8 Pathways towards habitable planets . 25 8.9 Amazing science with CARMENES . 25 8.10 Science with the optical{infrared telescopes at CAHA and ORM in the coming decade 25 8.11 Primera reuni´oncient´ıficade la Red de Explotaci´onCient´ıficade Gaia . 25 8.12 AstroCAM school on Young Stellar Objects: from cool stars to exoplanets . 25 8.13 IAC/TNG workshop on ultra low-mass star formation and evolution . 26 9 Other scientific activities 26 9.1 Invited seminars and talks . 26 9.2 Sojourns and secondments . 27 9.3 Membership in professional societies and organisations . 27 9.4 Other duties . 27 10 Popular science 29 10.1 Science consulting of planetarium movie Beyond the Sun . 29 10.2 Collaborator of Radio Cl´asicaRTVE Longitud de Onda programme . 29 10.3 Astro-concerts . 30 10.4 Astro-songs . 31 10.5 •unitedsoundsofcosmos ................................ 32 10.6 Contributing edition . 32 10.7 Cultura con C de Cosmos . 32 10.8 Exhibitions . 33 10.9 Documentary films and videos . 33 10.10Major press releases . 33 10.11Other media . 34 10.12Invited popular talks . 36 10.13Celebrations . 37 11 General knowledge and expertise 37 11.1 Degrees . 37 11.2 Scientific areas of expertise . 37 11.3 Academic training . 38 11.4 Workshops, schools and summer courses . 38 11.5 Software . 38 11.6 Languages . 39 12 Non-scientific activities and merits 39 12.1 Sports . 39 12.2 Miscellanea . 39 A List of publications 40 A.1 Papers in refereed journals . 40 A.2 SPIE conference proceedings . 50 A.3 Refereed contributions to international meetings . 52 A.4 White papers . 52 A.5 Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society . 52 A.6 Technical documentation . 53 A.6.1 Gaia validation . 53 A.6.2 CARMENES . 53 A.6.3 GO-IRS . 53 A.7 Non-refereed contributions to meetings . 54 A.7.1 Invited oral contributions to plenary sessions . 54 A.7.2 Other oral contributions to plenary sessions . 54 4 A.7.3 Oral contributions to splinter sessions . 56 A.7.4 Oral contributions to on-line meetings . 58 A.7.5 Posters . 58 A.8 Circulars . 67 A.9 Software . 67 A.10 VizieR catalogues . 67 A.11 Book chapters . ..
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