WP-7 8" LOG CABIN SIDING - - - - - - 2 SHIPLAP Western Wood Products Association Standard Patterns Western Wood Products Association STANDARD PATTERNS CONTENTS STANDARD PATTERNS N1E Nosed one edge LUMBER ABBREVIATIONS N2E Nosed two edges Paneling . 4 OS One side Paneling and Siding . 6 BEV Beveled PAT Pattern Siding . 7 BEV SDG Beveled siding P1E Planed one edge BS Both sides P2E Planed two edges Ceiling . 12 CB Center Beaded P1S Planed one side Ceiling and Partition . 13 CB1S Center bead one side P2S Planed two sides Partition . 14 CB2S Center bead two sides P4S Planed four sides CG Center groove P1S1E Planed one side one edge Shiplap . 15 CG2E Center groove two edges P2S1E Planed two sides one edge Tongued & Grooved . 16 CLG Ceiling P1S2E Planed one side two edges Decking . 16 CM Center matched PAR Planed all 'round CS Caulking seam PART Partition Decking and Flooring . 20 CSG Casing PE Planed edge Flooring . 21 CV Center Vee PPE Planed plain edge Corn Cribbing . 22 CV1S Center vee one side PSE Planed square edge CV2S Center vee two sides PSJ Planed and square jointed Grooved Roofing . 22 D2S Dressed two sides PTG Planed tongued and grooved Patent Lath . 22 D4S Dressed four sides R&B Rabbet & bead Stile . 22 DB CLG Double-beaded ceiling S Side, Surfaced DB PART Double-beaded partition SB1S Single bead one side Sill . 22 DBL T&G Double tongued & grooved SDG Siding Jamb . 22 D&CM Dressed & center matched SG Slash (flat) grain Ogee Batten . 23 DKG Decking S/L, or SL Shiplap D/S,DS Drop Siding SQ Square Casket Stock . 23 D S/L Double shiplap STPG Stepping Beaded Shelving . 23 DVJM Double vee-jointed matching S&E Side & edge (surfaced on) Unseasoned Tongued D&M Dressed and matched S1E Surfaced one edge & Grooved . 24 E Edge S2E Surfaced two edges EB1S Edge bead one side S1S Surfaced one side Unseasoned Shiplap . 24 EB2S Edge bead two sides S4S Surfaced four sides Coverage Estimator . 27 E&CB2S Edge & center bead two sides S1S&CM Surfaced one side & center matched Siding Specification EV1S Edge vee one side S2S&CM Surfaced two sides & center matched Checklist . 27 EV2S Edge vee two sides S4S&CS Surfaced four sides & caulking seam E&CV1S Edge & center vee one side S1S1E Surfaced one side one edge Grade Selector E&CV2S Edge & center vee two sides S1S2E Surfaced one side two edges Chart . back cover EE Eased Edges S2S1E Surfaced two sides one edge EG Edge (vertical) grain S4SEE Surfaced four sides eased edges EM End matched T&G Tongued and grooved EV Edge vee TG&B Tongued, grooved, and beaded All patterns depicted in this FE Feathered edge TG&V Tongued, grooved, and vee-jointed publication are drawn to scale FG Flat (slash) grain T1E Tongued one edge and printed at 70% actual size. FLG Flooring UE Unedged F&G Feathered & grooved VG Vertical grain G1E Grooved one edge VJM Vee-joint matching HB Hollow back MG Mixed Grain N Nosed ©WWPA 2001 3 Paneling --- WP-2 -- - WP-8 - - - WP-10 - -- WP-1 - - - WP-3 -- - WP-5 4 Paneling -- - WP-12 --- WP-14 --- WP-16 - - - WP-18 - - - WP-20 --- WP-13 5 Paneling - - - and Siding WP-2 WP-4 -- - WP-4 - - - WP-6 - - - WP-7 - - - WP-9 - - - WP-11 6 Siding - - BEVELED SIDING -- - COLONIAL (OR BUNGALOW) SIDING - -- DOLLY VARDEN SIDING -- - (THICK) DOLLY VARDEN SIDING - -- CHANNEL RUSTIC SIDING 7 Siding 6" LOG CABIN SIDING 8" LOG CABIN SIDING 10" LOG CABIN SIDING 8 Siding - -- 101 - - - 102 - -- 103 - - - 104 - - - 105 9 Siding - -- 106 --- 109 - -- 110 115 -- - 116 10 Siding 117 118 124 - -- V RUSTIC --- V-CV RUSTIC 11 Ceiling 1x6 EV CEILING (S2S & CM EV1S) 1x6 E & CV CEILING (S2S & CM E&CV1S) 1x6 E & CB CEILING (S2S & CM E & CB1S) 5/8x4 E & CB CEILING 5/8x4 E & CV CEILING 5/8x4 V-CEILING 12 Ceiling and Partition 5/8x4 EB CEILING 1x4 E & CB CEILING 1x4-E & CV CEILING 1x6 E & CV PARTITION (S2S & CM E & CV2S) 1x6 E & CB PARTITION (S2S & CM E & CB2S) 1x4 V-PARTITION 13 Partition 1x4 BEADED PARTITION 5/8x4 E & CV PARTITION 5/8x4 E & CB PARTITION 1x4 E & CV PARTITION 1x4 E & CB PARTITION 1x4 - BOSTON PATTERN 14 Shiplap - - - - SHIPLAP - 3/8 LAP -- - - SHIPLAP - 1/2 LAP - -- - - - 3 SHIPLAP - - - - - - 2 SHIPLAP - - - - - - 2 SHIPLAP EV1S 15 Tongued & Grooved, - --- Decking S2S & CM 1/4 T&G -- -- S2S & CM 3/8 T&G --- SPECIAL D&M FLOORING --- - - - 2 S2S CM EV1S DECKING 2 CHANNEL DECKING 16 Decking 3"x6" WP-305-a 4"x6" WP-405-a 3"x6" WP-305-b 17 Decking 4"x6" WP-405-b 3"x6" WP-305-c 4"x6" WP-405-c 18 Decking 3"x6" WP-305-d 4"x6" WP-405-d 4" DECKING WP-405-e 19 Decking and Flooring 3" DECKING WP-305-e - - - - 1 1/4 FLOORING D&M - --- - - - - 5/4 FLOORING D&M - --- - - - - 6/4 FLOORING D&M 20 Flooring --- - - - 2 FLOORING D&M --- - - - 2 FLOORING S2S & CM -- - -- - 3 FLOORING D&M - -- - - - 3 FLOORING S2S & CM 21 Corn Cribbing CORN CRIBBING - - Grooved Roofing GROOVED ROOFING Patent Lath PATENT LATH Stile 1x5 PULLEY STILE Sill 2x8 SILL Jamb 2x8 JAMB 22 Ogee Batten OGEE BATTEN - Casket Stock - CASKET STOCK S3S T1E - CASKET STOCK S3S G1E - - Beaded Shelving BEADED SHELVING 2 BEAD - - BEADED SHELVING 3 BEAD 23 Unseasoned ---- Tongued & Grooved CM 1/4 T&G - - - - CM 3/8 T&G - -- - 2"x4" -6" -8" -10" -12" CM ---- 3"x4" -6" -8" -10" -12" CM 24 Unseasoned -- - Tongued & Grooved 2"x6" -8" -10" -12" CM EV1S - -- 3'x6" -8" -10" -12" CM EV1S Unseasoned - -- - Shiplap SHIPLAP 3/8 LAP - --- SHIPLAP 1/2 LAP 25 Unseasoned ---- Shiplap 2"x4" -6" -8" -10" -12" SHIPLAP - --- 3"x4" -6" -8" -10" -12" SHIPLAP - -- 2"x6" -8" -10" -12" SHIPLAP EV1S - - - 3"x6" -8" -10" -12" SHIPLAP EV1S 26 Coverage Calculations COVERAGE ESTIMATOR Siding and paneling are usually sold either by the lineal (running) foot or by the board Width Factor for Factor for Nominal Exposed Lineal Board foot. Pattern Width Dressed Face Feet1 Feet2 To simplify cost and cover- age estimations, select the 43¹₂ 2¹₂ 4.8 1.60 appropriate factor from the Bevel & 6 5¹₂ 4¹₂ 2.67 1.33 table at right according to how Bungalow 8 7¹⁄₄ 6¹⁄₄ 1.92 1.28 ¹⁄₄ ¹⁄₄ the material is priced. The fac- 10 9 8 1.45 1.21 tors provided in the table can 43¹₂ 3 4.0 1.33 ¹₂ be used to calculate the Dolly 6 5 5 2.4 1.2 Varden 8 7¹⁄₄ 6³⁄₄ 1.78 1.19 amount of siding required either 10 9¹⁄₄ 8³⁄₄ 1.37 1.14 in lineal feet or in board feet. 12 11¹⁄₄ 10³⁄₄ 1.12 1.12 In either case, the square 43³⁄₈ 3¹⁄₈ 3.84 1.28 footage of the area to be Drop, T&G and 6 5³⁄₈ 5¹⁄₈ 2.34 1.17 covered is calculated first, then Channel Rustic 8 7¹⁄₈ 6⁷⁄₈ 1.75 1.16 multiplied by the appropriate 10 9¹⁄₈ 8⁷⁄₈ 1.35 1.13 factor. 65⁷₁₆ 4¹⁵₁₆ 2.43 2.43 Log Cabin 8 7¹⁄₈ 6⁵₈ 1.81 2.42 Procedure: 10 9¹⁄₈ 8⁵₈ 1.39 2.32 21¹₂ A) Calculate the square footage The exposed face width will vary depending on 43¹₂ in walls: size selected and on how the boards-and-battens Boards 6 5¹₂ or boards-on-boards are applied. Minimum over- length x width = sq. ft. 87¹⁄₄ lap is ¹₂". Determine the exposed face, then refer B) Calculate, and then subtract, 10 9¹⁄₄ to footnotes to calculate factor. the square footage of 1 Lineal Foot Factor is derived by dividing 12" by the exposed face width. openings. Now add 10% for 2 Board Foot Factor is derived by dividing the nominal width by the exposed face width and is based on trim and waste. nominal 1" stock, except log cabin. Log cabin is based on 2" thickness. For nominal 1¹₂" log cabin, multiply by .75. C) Multiply the result by either Note: Factors do not include any allowance for trim or waste and do not apply to diagonal installations. A the factor for lineal feet or 10% allowance (for trim and waste) should be added to the square footage required before the factors are the factor for board feet. used. Refer to Procedure at left. D) Multiply the total footage required by price. Additional Information Checklist for a Siding Material Specification Additional information and I Select species suited to the project. titles referenced in this publica- I List grade names, paragraph numbers and rules-writing agency. (Refer tion are available for purchase to Grade Selector chart on back cover). from WWPA. I Specify surface texture for exposed face. For a full description of tech- I Specify moisture content suited to the project. nical publications available and I a printable order form, go to If gradestamped, specify lumber to be stamped on back or ends. the WWPA Internet site at (WWPA’s Specifying Lumber [A-2] offers additional information.) www.wwpa.org. I Specify VG (vertical grain) if appropriate and available. You also can receive an I Specify pattern and size (WWPA’s Natural Wood Siding [TG-8] and order form via fax through the Paneling Basics [A-3] offer additional information.) WWPA Fax Delivery Service by calling 732-544-2876 and following the instructions. 27 Western Lumber Grades GRADE SELECTOR CHART-ALL SPECIES General GRADES Categories Grade Rule Paragraph (Note that there WESTERN SPECIES CEDAR Numbers for Reference & Specifying are additional Western & grades for bevel 1 2 3 4 pattern.) Selects Finish Canadian WWPA WCLIB NLGA Clear Heart5 20.11 102-b 200a B&Better (IWP Supreme) 10.11 – – A Grade5 20.12 102-c 200b C Select5 (IWP Choice) 10.12 – – Superior 10.51 – – D Select5 (IWP Quality) 10.13 – – All Patterns Prime 10.52 – – Premium Grades B Grade 20.13 102-d 200c Clear VG Heart5 21.11 106-aa 201a A Bevel5 21.12 106-a 201b Superior Bevel 16.11 – – B Bevel 21.13 106-b 201c Premium Rustic – – 201d C Bevel 21.14 106-c 201e Bevel Patterns Prime Bevel 16.12 – – 6 Additional Grades for Select Knotty – – 205a Knotty Quality Knotty6 – – 205b Commons1 Alternate Cedar Boards 1 Common (IWP Colonial) 30.11 2 Common (IWP Sterling) Select Merch.
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