- I SEP II 1961 I ' -- I• e 20 September, 1961 Number 9 .. ------------------------------------------------------------------- tEAKDOWN AT THE DUCK FACTORY J im ieh \\ u Ct•rfun 1 IJiol ogl't 'A DEER OUTLOOK Amonfl t11c troubles of our -1961 time is a dt[ficulty overshad­ Eldie W. :\lu tard owed by rarious economic and G ame D lo l o~ l<.t political dct·olopmcmts. As in • deer, more permtts, more tlw utltirtics," our wate1 fowl Iowans- this is the thumb- may be in cw acute position 1 etch of the Iowa deer situa­ altholtrtll frillqe l>enefits could is year. In keeping with its help a ,,real deal : of allowing maximum recre- • opportunity wherever pos­ CtiSIS to the w1ld duck means ne Conservation Commission drought-scorched prairies. In the d that 8,000 shotgun per­ Canadian pothole country of south­ ould be issued for a three­ ern Alberta, Saskatchewan, and er season commencmg De- Manitoba, late summer water lev­ 16. This is an increase of els have been at an extreme low. permits over 1960 and is Th1s area IS called the "duck fac­ tory" of North America by water­ C reater than the 6 000 issued fowl experts because most of the 1. In essence, more' Iowans • allowed to participate in Central and Mississippi Fly,vay me hunting in their home ducks are hatched there. In ''let .,. his year. years the Fish and Wildlife Serv­ forgotten were the Iowa ice tallies about five million water 1ters, a group which makes a reas in this region by aerial sur­ .. 1t recreational use of one of veys. This summet the number , ..·as reduced to 900,000 and part s most splendid game spe­ Jim Sllerman Photo. l le white-tailed deer. Bow­ Amon!J our most beaut if ul wat erfowl, wood d ucks are ma king a tre me ndous come·back. of these were outside the pothole Though found mainly a lon!J the Mississippi, t his one was banded on a centra l Iowa lake. country. l 1 gained a few days exten­ er last year's season for a With their nesting grounds period running from Octo­ 1961 HUNTING AND TRAPPING SEASON turned to dust, ducks have had to to November 30. PHEA ANT- Open season: No­ Tama, Taylor, Union, Van Buren, range mto the fringe areas to sat­ P.l onger bow season can easily vember 11-December 15, 1961, both Wapello, Warren, Washington, isfy the nesting urge. These al­ i ified if one considers the dates inclusive. Shooting hours Wayne, Winneshiek, Woodbury. ternate nesting sites extend north­ umber of hunting hours re­ 9:00 a.m. to 4 :30 p.m . Bag limit H UNGARIAN PARTRIDGE ­ ward in to bush and tundra and for each deer bagged, the three cock birds, possession limit Open season: November 11-De­ south to a belt oC glacially-built lUmber of deer harvested, six cock birds. All counties open ccmber 15, 1961, both dates in­ ponds m the Nebraska sand hills "' low hunter success ratio EXCEPT: Davis, Des Moines, clusive. Shooting hours 9 :00 a.m. through northwest I owa, southeast at ed to that of the gun hunt- Henry, J efferson, Lee, Van Buren, to 4:30 p.m. Bag limit two birds, South Dakola, southern Minnesota and Wapello. possession limit four birds. Open and parts of Wisconsin and Michi­ run>: nore detailed summary of QUA.ll..--Open Season: Novem­ counties: Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, gan. During normal times the pro­ ~ ~ rt~lations applying to deer ber 4-December 15, 1Ml, both Hancock, Kossuth, Lyon, O'Brien, duction in frmge areas is very ea nt: ~ are found elsewhere in dates inclusive. Shooting hours Osceola, P alo Alto, Plymouth, small compared to the potholes, ue and m leaflets available 9:00 a.m . to 4:30 p.m. Bag limit Sioux, Winnebago. but with ducks driven from the at llJ:i ounty recorders, Conserva- five birds, possession limit ten SQUIRRE L - Open season for primary sites the fringes can help to 11 .I 'leers, and license depositors birds. Open counties: Adair, gray and fox squirrels: September the situation help, but not cure. ;l them.) Adams, Allamakee, Appanoose, 16-December 15, 1961, both dates Fortunately, Iowa's first state­ l r Popula tion E <>timat.e., Audubon, Black Hawk, Benton, inclusive. Bag limit six per day, wide duck banding attempt coin­ n population estimates were Boone, Bremer, Buchanan, Carroll, possession limit twelve. cided with the extensive nesting in ' lSt winter after most of the Cass, Cedar, Chickasaw, Clarke, RABBIT- Open season for cot­ the fringe areas. Never before - due to hunting, accidents, Clayton, Clinton, Crawford, Dal­ tontail and jack: September 16, could we assay the value of out e 1unting, and other decimat­ las, Davis, Decatur, Delaware, Des 1961 to F ebruary 18, 1962, both wellands to duck production. And cel'l' g ' nts had reduced the Iowa Moines, Dubuque, Fayette, Fre­ dates inclusive. Shooting hours though total numbers of ducks are ere· ~ the lowest point of its an­ mont, Greene, Guthrie, Harrison, 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Bag limit always estimates, our guesses will ere >pulation cycle. They indi- Henry, Howard, Iowa, J ackson, len per day, no possession limit. be much more accurate this year. 00t. ·t~ hat about 14,155 deer were Jasper, J efferson, J ohnson, Jones, RACCOON- Open season (hunt­ Up and down every creek suit­ ell. Data from our deer Keokuk, Lee, Linn, Louisa, Lucas, ing only): 12:00 noon, October 21, able for nesllng, and in Iowa's ·ee ~le e- g stations indicate that Madison, Mahaska, Marion, Mar­ 1961 to midnight, February 28, limited marshes and potholes, blue­ ,b, ~ ~E r, 3 fawns are produced for shall, Mills, Monona, Monroe, 1962. No daily bag limit or pos­ winged teal were nesting this l stotl' ~ r ' 00 adult deer, which means Montgomery, Muscatine, Page, session limit. summer. From a few thousand 1J] >wa 11 leer hunters will have at P olk, P ottawattamie, Poweshtek, WliJA E L, RE D FOX, GRAY blue-wings in our poorest years to 31'S tc (Continued on l!Bite lGG) Ringgold, Scott, Shelby, Story, (Continued on page 166) (Continued on page 164) Page 162 IOWA CONSERVATIONIST Iowa Conservationist COMMISSION MINUTES ug1..rr ( nt Agreement with the city I DO ANIMALS TALK of \Vest Dt>.!'l Moines was tcrmi- Publish ho Roh£>rls '\fa llll and August 2, 1961 J d STATE CONSERVATION COMMISSION I> cL~id H Thomp,on <• <'lH' r a l Standard h•t'l" lot' US<' of equip- . East 7th and Court, Dos Moines, Iowa Tt'H\'l'l '' !l!-. aut horiZl'<l to the uwnt on rl'ntal hoals, such as Amateur btrd fans arf' not (No Rl~hts R ervodl Intemnlionnl Association of Game, lights and ht c extinguishet s, were hird watcht•!·s. Some of us NORMAN A. ERBE, Governor npprowd bird listeners. In the. forest GLEN G. POWERS. Director I•' ish a nct Conset\ n lion Comm is­ MALCOLM K. JOHNSON, Ed1tor s tons nnd thl An cl'icnn l"ishl•ries New rules for Boat Inspection I serves a~d rural r:giOns the ST • rol ~. • N 'Y l c- Societ \ n.t. d mg 1 t :\I~mphis . Ten­ for artillcial lakes were approved. black nOisy crow ~~ a cont nessee Sepll'tnbcr 10-15, for four .A n•port was gin•n on the Slate challenge. At firs~ hght of d MEMBERS O F THE COMMISSION 1 ~ t. • "") • comn 1 s otwrs and six staff mem­ Park Hoads Progmm tor 1g61 _62 an evenly spaced caw, caw, ca A . .. l. 1-.......... JS.-... , V.- _.a_ ............ ................... ........ ........ .. ... ... Codar Rapids bers. fiscal year by the Superintendent seems to say "~e~lo! Is any~ R. E. BEEBE........ ....... ........ .... .Sioux City Permission ''as also given for ot Engineering. awake?" Soon 1~ 1s answered SHERRY R. FISHER. •.. .. Des Moines EARL E. JARVIS ........ .Wilton Junction t1 n t I to tlu :'\"' tional Conference A request was authorized to the sleepy crow votces. They I GEORGE H. MEYER ........................Elkader on Stale Pat ks at Texoma. Okla­ Htghwa. \' Commtssion. for the ex- 1ood. calls • assemblv· call:-• co Pn '·VEJMqEI~PA .Fontanelle . · . sh1p calls alarm calls and a homa on September 24-28 for two tens10n of a pcrmtt for lhe camp- . bb• . ' t' . ot squa 1mg over roos mg S! C lRCtJLATIO N THIS ISSUE ....... 50.000 staff m(mbus. mg area road at Lake Darlmg. th ttl d f th One staff member was given per­ . as ey se e own or e mg Two Year~ Sl .00 Approval was .gtvcn . to Hanlm Th e a d u lts are very qme· t near 1 Entered as •a - Iter at the mission to nttentl the National County for tlw \nderung of a roarl . t post off1ce m Des Motne.. , •vwu, September Conservation Education Associa- a t P .me L a k c Sta t c p nrk o 18 nest but. the fledglmgs make 22, 1947, under the Act of March 24, 1912. garglmg sounds as they are f teet to allo\\ surl tcing Subscriptions received at Iowa Conser· tion Conference at l\Iissoula, :\1on­ The discovery of an 0\\'1 or valion Commission, East Seventh Street tnna. •md Court Avenue. Des Moines 8, Iowa. A del ega lion of se\'cn people " att·r... sC'ts off a sort of mob hyst Send cash, check or money order. ConslniCtiOn pu·rmls for two By hiding n microphone am -~ from Storm Lake asked the Com- boathouses on North Twin Lake a flock of crows it has been fo ..-------~~------,------.
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