•JA 9 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1967 A new set of Federal guidelines governing the renting of public housing units on a more uniform basis has been adopt­ 'd as policy by the Meniphis Housing Authority, Walter M. Sim- mon«, MHA executive director, announced this week. When an applicant's name ap­ pears at the top of the eligible applicant list, presently containing more than 1,000, the new policy will Graveside give him the opportunity to con­ sider as many as three apartments offered by MHA. If he rejects all three, his name will again be placed at the bottom of the waiting list In distributing the new guide­ lines, the Department of Housing Mrs. Thomas and Urban Development said the requirements were established to help housing authorities "meet their responsibilities pursuant to ... the Civil Rights Act .. and in the interest of efficiency and economy required by the .... Housing Act of 1837.” Mr. Simmons explaine dthat the new policy will work as follows: If there is a suitable vacant unit in more than one location, the ap­ plicant shall be offered the unit at the location containing the largest number of vacancies. It PROUD WINNER - Alice Holman, a sophomore at Booker T. the applicant rejects the first va­ Washington High School and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie cancy offered, he shall be offered Holman, Is the winqer of the 1967 citywide Safety Oratorical a suitable unit at the location con­ Contest sponsored jointly by the Memphis Park Commission and taining the next highest number the Kiwanls Club. She represented LeMoyne Park and won a of vacancies. If the applicant re­ jects three such offers,' he shall be $25 Savings Bond for her efforts. Representatives fom 78 parks placed at the bottom of the eligible participated in the contest conducted in the Overton Park Shell. applicant list. The Housing Authority will make Registration for the fall semes- must be g rejection of a prior offer Wat thè local-college will beglh before the applicant may be offered Thursday, Aug. 31,’ with treshmeh Another location. registering or. that day. Sophomores will register the morning of Sept. 1 and Juniors will J be enrolled that afternoon. Sen­ Physical Education and Recreation at Tennessee iors are due to enroll the morning State has sponsored basketball clinics for young- '< pf Sept. 2, with transfer and un* sters age 4 to 14 years. Shown here are (left ,., classified studente registering that "What is your position on open occupancy as fo housing?" 1 afternoon. to right) Harold Hunter, Jr., 4; Jock Richard:.? Greater Hyde .Park Baptist This is one of 26 questions the Shelby County Democratic Club son, 6; Wallace Taylor, Jr., 6; Coach Hunter and ; Church, 875 Miss. Blvd., honored at 588 Vance is asking candidates in the Oct. 5 City Election to its pastor, the Rev. A. B. Suggs, Charles Evans, 6. answer. with a musical program in which several visiting choirs participated. A questionnaire containing the Master of ceremonies was B, questions has been mailed to all of Professor In Crash Jones of Pleasant Green Baptist the candidates. Answers to these Church. Mrs. Emily Dandridge was questions will be studied by the Mrs. Barbara Buehler of the pianist. club’s screening committee headed The Rev. L. 0. Taylor, pastor - by Jesse H. Turner, Sr. emeritus of Hyde Park, gave re­ marks which were encouraging and The club will announce its en­ inspirational. dorsements at a future date. Dr. Master Sgt. George David Tay­ Choirs and representatives were Vasco A. Smith Jr. is president of lor, a career soldier since hks Zion Hill and Union Baptist, Harps the political organization. graduation from Manassas High of Melody, Pleasant Green and Oli­ Candidates seeking the club’s en­ School in 1950, became the ¿3rd vet Baptist churches. dorsement must also answer ques­ Shelby County soldier to die-id Rev. Mr. Suggs wishes to express tions such as these: action in Vietnam. WASHINGTON, D.C. - Negro Democrats voting heavily in his appreciation to all. "What is your attitude regard­ Chairmen were Mrs. W. C. Qray the Mississippi Democratic primary election racked up historic He was killed last week while ing appointing Negroes to every and Mrs. Lillian Jones. victories as 16 of their candidates won public offices never held leading a 25th Infantry Division board or commission in the city, platoon near Cu Chi. A fragment before by Negroes in this century. Several close contests put where possible?” ■ from a booby trap caused his death. “Do you propose to appoint a Ne­ other Negro candidates in a position to win in run-off elections. gro to head any of the city’s de- He was last in MemphlB in No­ partmente?" The winners in the primary who der Collins vember 1966 for his mother’s fun­ will take office are: Chancery Clerk — Mrs. Geneva eral. Six of his eight brothenj About 75 teenagers met at the "Would you favor a Human Re­ CLAIBORNE COUNTY Collins and sisters live in Memphis, Taylor Mt. Vernon Baptist Church and lations Council for this city ade­ Supervisor — William Matt Ross COAHOMA COUNTY was 36. spent about three hours tossing quately staffed and financed with Constable — Leander Monroe ’ Justice of the Peace — Rev. Dan The dead soldier’s widow, Mr». questions and citing incidents to sufficientauthority to act?” Justice of the Peace — Alexan- Ferguson Roxie Taylor, lives in Columbia, “Are you in favor of an inde­ Detective E. E. Redditt and Pa­ JEFFERSON COUNTY S. c. They were married in March trolman H. E. Seaborn. pendent civilian review board to Justie of the Peae — Mrs. Mar­ 1966. Mrs. Taylor said the body review complaints against the Po­ Rev. J. L. Netters, pastor and tha Lee will be buried in Arlington Na­ lice Department?” also, a candidate for councilman Justice of the Peace — Willie tional/Cemetery in. Washington, from District 6, served as master “Are you in favor of increasing Thompson this city’s appropriation to the of ceremonies. Constable — Earlie Lott, Sr. War Against Poverty and Depart­ Rev. Netters said the meeting Supervisor — Sylvester Gaines' ment of Welfare?' was planned in an effort to bring MARSHALL COUNTY about a better relation between Coroner—'Osborn Bell The Memphis NAACP this week the police force and the community. Constable — McEwen Walker turned its probing spotlight upon The teenagers were so Impressed Justice of the Peace — James local finance and loan companies. with the meeting that they asked Malone In a letter to managers of 30 such for another within the next two Justice of the Peace — Robert firms, Mrs. Maxine A. Smith, ex­ weeks in order to meet some of Jones. ecutive secretary of the civil rights the other policemen on the force. ADAMS COUNTY unit wrote: Justice pf the Peace — Rev. W. "The Memphis Branch NAACP is S. Scott very much concerned about the high percentage of unemployment Constable — Sandy Nealey Excelsior Grand Chapter, Order among Negroes as well as the dis­ WILKINSON COUNTY of Eastern Star, Prince Hall Affil­ criminatory policies of many em­ iation, Jurisdiction of Tennessee, Supervisor — James Jollff, Jr. ployers that bar Negroes from nu­ held its 85th Annual Communica­ Among Negro Democratic candi­ merous job categories. tion at the Emmanuel United Pres­ dates seeking victories in run-off elections are: POLITICAL PICKUPS — Look for the Rev. James M. Lawson byterian Church, in Knoxvlle, Aug. “A survey of finance and loan 7-8-9. CLAIBORNE COUNTY Jt, the "action" pastor, of Centenary Methodist Church, to file companies in Memphis reveals that The East Tennessee districts en­ Negroes hold no white collar po­ Sheriff — Calvin Williams for the City-School Board before deadline time this weekend tertained the delegation with a sitions with these institutions de­ COAHOMA COUNTY j ... The popular young attorney, Russell Sugarmon, Jr., is ex­ banquet. More than 500 were pre­ spite the fact that a large per­ Supervisor — R. L. Drew pected to file for the City Council race (he'll run at large)........ sent. centage of the business done by Justice of the Peace — J. W. Judge B. L. Hooks of Memphis these companies is with indigent Wright and Atty. H. T. Lockard, adminis­ One of the first contributors to mayoralty candidate A. W. Willis' Negroes. COPIAH COUNTY trative assistant to Governor El­ Supervisor — John L. Chase, Sr. campaign' was Llewellyn Johnson, one of LeMoyne'» football "We hereby strongly urge that lington, were, the speakers of the JEFFERSON COUNTY greats of the 30's (he presented a $100 check) .... Midtown you will , take immediate, steps to was accused 'of slayi evening. Sheriff — Will T. Turner talk says Mayor Ingram and City Commissioner Hunter Lane Jr. hire Negrpes in numbers propor­ A "Four Seasons” fashion show, Supervisor — Claudie Bailey will pull slices of fhe Negro vote in the mayoralty race despite with musical interludes, was pre­ (Continued on Page Four) tionate to the population arid the volume of loans made th Negroes. WILKINSON COUNTY 1hj» fact that Willi» is in the running .... Charlie F. Morris Sr. sented by the Ways and Means Sheriff — Mon C. Allen We will1 not be satisfied with tok­ Committee, for the benefit of the Supt. of Education — Anselm J. (» campaigning night pnd day now that State Representative enism, but are interested in as­ educational program (scholarship pinch J. 0. Patterson Jr, is one of his opponents in the race for a surance that race' is not a factor awards) of Excelsior. , Grand Chap­ Supervisor — Tom Griffin »bat on the new City Council from the 7th District, ln! your hiring or promotional ter. The committee reported do­ MADISON COUNTY nations of more than a thousand policies.
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