Some Plays A list compiled for the National Theatre by Kenneth Tynan (1927 - 1980, Literary Manager of the NT from 1963 to 1972) As of November 2015 the National has produced all the plays (or adaptations of plays) marked with an asterisk. Categories: French Golden Age Other Foreign Victorian French and Greek English Restoration Shaw Mediterranean Roman English 18th Century Edwardian English (1920-1950) Mediaeval to 1550 Foreign 18th Century (1900-1920) Other European Jacobethan (except Romantic Period Edwardian Foreign (1920-1950) Shakespeare) Victorian English (1900-1920) American (1920-1950) Shakespeare (except Shaw) Irish to 1950 Since 1950 Spanish and Italian Victorian Russian and English (1920-1950) Oriental (all periods) Golden Age Scandinavian Greek Trojan Women* Seneca Aeschylus Iphigenia in Taurus Hercules Furens Suppliants Electra Medea Persians Helen Phaedra Seven Against Thebes Orestes Oedipus* Prometheus Bound Ighigenia in Aulis* Thyestes Oresteia* Cyclops Troades Bacchae* Agamemnon Aristophanes Acharnians Sophocles Terence Knights Antigone* Eunuchus Clouds Electra Andria Wasps Oedipus Rex* Adelphi Peace Women of Trachis Hecyra Birds* Philoctetes* Phormio Lysistrata Oedipus at Colonus* Frogs* Mediaeval to 1550 Thesmophoriazusae Roman English Ecclesiazusae Plautus Cornish Cycle (4 plays) Plutus Miles Gloriosus Chester Cycle (25 plays)* Menaechmi York Cycle (48 plays)* Euripides Pseudolus Wakefield or Towneley Alcestis Bacchides Cycle (32 plays)* Medea* Trinummus Coventry Cycle (42 plays)* Hippolytus Amphitruo Mankind Hecuba Captivi Castle of Perseverance Andromache Aulularia Everyman Hercules Furens Truculentus Mind, Will and Understanding Ion* Nice Wanton Jacobethan (except Fair Maid of the West Gammer Gurton’s Needle Shakespeare) English Traveller Arden of Faversham Skelton Yorkshire Tragedy Jonson Magnificence Sir Thomas More Every Man in his Humour Two Noble Kinsmen Every Man out of his Humour Lindsay Locrine Poetaster Satire of 3 Estates Merry Devil of Edmonton Sejanus Edward III Volpone* Lupton Birth of Merlin Silent Woman All for Money Alchemist* Beaumont and Fletcher Bartholomew Fair* John Heywood Philaster Catiline Four P’s Maid’s Tragedy Cynthia’s Revels Play of the Weather King and No King Devil is an Ass Scornful Lady Sad Shepherd Udall Wild Goose Chase Staple of News Ralph Roister Doister Faithful Shepherdess New Inn Knight of the Burning Pestle Tale of a Tub Medwall Rule a Wife and Have a Wife Magnetic Lady Fulgens and Lucrece Chances Kyd Medieval (Foreign) Chapman Spanish Tragedy* Gengenbach Bussy d’Ambois Totenfresser Revenge of Bussy d’Ambois Lyly Conspiracy of Byron Campaspe Hroswitha All Fools 6 plays based on Terence Eastward Ho (with Jonson Marlowe and Marston) Tamburlaine* Ariosto Jew of Malta Suppositi Dekker Edward II* Shoemaker’s Holiday* Doctor Faustus Boiardo Honest Whore Massacre at Paris Timone Roaring Girl Dido Queen of Carthage* Witch of Edmonton (with Ford Machiavelli and Shirley) Marston Mandragola* Old Fortunatus Antonio and Mellida Dutch Courtesan* De Rojas Ford Malcontent Celestina Broken Heart Sophonisba Tis Pity She’s a Whore* Insatiate Countess Gil Vicente Lover’s Melancholy Amadis de Gaula Perkin Warbeck Massinger New Way to Pay Old Debts De La Halle Gascoigne City Madam Jeu de la Feuillée Supposes Roman Actor Jeu de Robin et de Marion Great Duke of Florence Greene Fatal Dowry Gringoire Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay Virgin Martyr (with Dekker) Jeu du Prince des Sots James IV MIddleton Thomas Heywood Trick to Catch the Old One Woman Killed with Kindness* Chaste Maid of Cheapside Game at Chess Richard III* Dama Boba Women Beware Women* Henry IV (1,2)* Amar Sin Saber a Quien Changeling* Henry V* Fianza Satisfecha Mad World, My Masters Merry Wives of Windsor* Fair Quarrel* Measure for Measure* Aretino Much Ado About Nothing* Orazio Milton As You Like It* Cortigiana Comus Twelfth Night* Marescalco Samson Agonistes Troilus and Cressida* Talanta Winter’s Tale* Ipocrito Nashe Henry VIII Filosofo Summer’s Last Will and Timon of Athens* Testament Julius Caesar* Bruno Coriolanus* Candelaio Peele Antony and Cleopatra* Old Wives Tale Pericles* Della Porta David and Bathsheba Hamlet* Due Fratelli Rivali Macbeth* Olimpia Preston Othello* Carbonaria Cambyses King Lear* Cintia Cymbeline* Sackville and Norton Tempest* Tasso Gorboduc Torrismondo Spanish and Italian Aminta Shirley Golden Age Traitor Calderon Bibbiena Cardinal Alcade de Zalamea* Follies of Calandro Lady of Pleasure Vida Es Sueño (Life’s a Dream) Witty Fair One Magico Prodigioso French Golden Age Hyde Park Medico de su Honra Corneille Dama Duende Medée Tourneur Gran Teatro del Mundo Cid* Revenger’s Tragedy* Cena de Baltasar Horace Atheist’s Tragedy Cinna Cervantes Polyeucte Webster Siege of Numantia Oedipe White Devil* Menteur Duchess of Malfi* Tirso de Molina Devil’s Law Case Burlador de Sevilla (Trickster Molière of Seville) Précieuses Ridicules Shakespeare Don Gil de las Calzas Verdes Ecole des Maris Comedy of Errors* Prudencia en la Mujer Ecole des Femmes* Titus Andronicus* Critique de L’Ecole des Love’s Labour’s Lost* Lope de Vega Femmes Two Gentlemen of Verona* Fuente Ovejuna* Impromptu de Versailles All’s Well That Ends Well* Perro del Hortelano Sganarelle Taming of the Shrew (Gardener’s Dog) Fâcheux Romeo and Juliet* Caballero de Olmedo (Knight Tartuffe* Midsummer Night’s Dream* of Olmedo) Don Juan* Merchant of Venice* Peribañez Misanthrope* Henry VI (1,2,3) Mejor Alcalde El Rey Médecin Malgré Lui Richard II* Acero de Madrid Amphitryon King John Moza de Cantaro Avare Georges Dandin Etherege English 18th Century Amants Magnifiques She Wou’d if She Cou’d Addison Bourgeois Gentilhomme* Man of Mode* Cato Fourberies de Scapin Love in a Tub Femmes Savantes Burgoyne Malade Imaginaire* Farquhar Heiress Love and a Bottle Racine Constant Couple Carey Andromaque Recruiting Officer* Chrononhotonthologos Plaideurs Beaux’ Stratagem* Britannicus* Twin Rivals Centlivre Bérénice* Bold Stroke for a Wife Bejazet Lee Mithridate Rival Queens Colman (Elder) Iphigénie Jealous Wife Phèdre* Otway Clandestine Marriage Esther Orphan (with Garrick) Athalie Venice Preserv’d* Soldier’s Fortune Hannah Cowley English Restoration Cheats of Scapin Belle’s Stratagem Aphra Behn Titus and Berenice Bold Stroke for a Husband Rover Feign’d Courtesans Rowe Fielding Emperor of the Moon Fair Penitent Tom Thumb Jane Shore Rape upon Rape George Villiers, Intriguing Chambermaid Duke of Buckingham Shadwell Don Quixote in England Rehearsal Sullen Lovers Libertine Foote Cibber Squire of Alsatia Mayor of Garret Love’s Last Shift Southerne Garrick Congreve Fatal Marriage Lying Valet Old Bachelor Oroonoko Miss in her Teens Double Dealer* Love for Love* Vanbrugh Gay Mourning Bride Relapse* Beggar’s Opera* Way of the World* Provok’d Wife* Polly Confederacy Dryden Goldsmith Marriage à la Mode John Wilson Goodnatur’d Man* Limberham (King Keeper) Cheats She Stoops to Conquer* Amphitryon Projectors Rival Ladies Holcroft Spanish Friar Wycherley Road to Ruin Indian Queen Love in a Wood Deserted Daughter Indian Emperor (Conquest Gentleman Dancing-Master of Mexico) Country Wife* Home Conquest of Granada Plain Dealer Douglas All for Love Aureng-Zebe Inchbald Sir Martin Mar-All Such Things Are Johnson Préjugé Vaincu Gozzi Irene Sincères Amore delle Tre Melarance Lillo Regnard Corvo George Barnwell Joueur Augellin del Verde Fatal Curiosity Légataire Universel Turandot Edward Moore Le Sage Romantic Period Foundling Turcaret Beddoes Gamester Death’s Jest-Book Thomas Morton Voltaire Speed the Plough Oedipe Byron School of Reform Brutus Manfred Zaïre Cain Arthur Murphy Mérope Sardanapalus Way to Keep Him Coleridge Lenz Remorse O’Keefe Hofmeister (Tutor) Wild Oats* Soldaten Keats Otho the Great Sheridan Lessing Rivals* Miss Sara Sampson Shelley St Patrick’s Day Emilia Galotti Cenci Duenna Minna von Bernhelm Trip to Scarborough Nathan der Weise Wordsworth School for Scandal* Borderers Critic* Alfieri Saul Dumas Pere Steele Mirra Tour de Nesle Conscious Lovers Antony Goldoni Foreign 18th Century Amante Militare Hugo Baron Curioso Accidente Hernani Homme à Bonne Fortune Teatro Comico Ruy Blas Bottega del Caffe Beaumarchais Vero Amico De Musset Barbier de Séville Locandiera (Mirandolina) Lorenzaccio* Mariage de Figaro* Donne Curiose Fantasio Rusteghi (Boors) On Ne Badine Pas Avec Crebillon Innamorati l’Amour Rhadamiste et Zénobie Servitore di Due Padroni Caprices de Marianne (Servant of Two Masters)* Diderot Baruffe Chiozzotte (visit)* De Vigny Père de Famille Una della Ultime Sere di Chatterton Fils Naturel Carnevale (One of the Last Nights of Carnival) Buchner Marivaux Bottega dell’Antiquario Wozzeck Double Inconstance Vedora Scaltra Danton’s Death* Jeu de l’Amour et du Hasard* Bugiardo (Liar) Leonce and Lena Fausses Confidences Avaro Fastoso Surprise de l’Amour Burbero Benefico Goethe Seconde Surprise de l’Amour Ventaglio Götz von Berlichingen Legs Il Campiello * Clavigo Egmont Victorian English Mid-Channel Torquato Tasso (except Shaw) Trelawny of the ‘Wells’* Iphigenie auf Tauris Albery Gay Lord Quex Faust Two Roses Potter Grabbe Boucicault Trilby Don Juan und Faust Colleen Bawn* Comedy, Satire, Irony and London Assurance* Robertson Deeper Meaning Sidewalks of New York (Streets Caste of London) School Grillparzer Octoroon Society Sappho Rip Van Winkle M.P. Goldene Vliess (Golden Fleece) The Shaughrain* Des Meeres und der Tom Taylor Liebe Wellen H J Byron Masks and Faces Our Boys Ticket-of-Leave Man* Kleist Penthesilea Jerrold Tennyson Zerbrochene Krug Black-ey’d Susan Becket (Broken
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