Serving the State The Weather · University of Iowa Inc:reuiDI eloudlDtw aDd warmer todaJ. 8eaUered Campus and .bowen aDd 11llDiDl eoId Saiurday. IliIh IGdaJ, 1%: Iowa City low, 3%. Hlda Tln.nuJ: 5': low, S2. Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, Oct. 3, 1952 - VoL 87. No.7 16 Students Win Prizes in Open House Drawing ~ ~n he , , Ii- !fi. 51. Ike Pledges To Slash Spending; Ilt et. lka ike ss. lP. ion Tfuman Cans Idea"'Sheer F'olly' 11_ be !en nal S UI General C'iliis tie. tel! Goodrich To Lecture At tric :m .. For More ·Help , :er. Ex-La.w Dean 1st TV Program Set Ike 'Citizens' From . Koreans 'PI! SUl's lirst television program of the season will be seen on WOC­ rice :ing TV. Davenport at 12 noon Sunday, Oct. 5, Prof. John Winnle. chief ot By The A_1a.&ed. Preas ,. To Deliver 2d television ptoduetion. announced Thursday . Seek Money Dwight D. Eisenhower said The program will be statt' department film of an interview are a Thursday nilbt that if the cold with Prol. R. G. Whitesel of the SUI political science dtpartment. He ,der war gets no worse. his goal is to any Murray Talk recently returned from a yea. in Korea as chief of stah in the fifth For TV 'Drive pay army headquarters. cut federal spendin, to something I it Judge Herbert F. Ooodrich. past Later programs of the series will include dramatic shows. music. NEW YORK (JP}-A Citizens lor like 60 billion dollars within tour ar· dean of the SUI college of law and interviews with foreign students and portrayals 01 the work of various Eisenhower committee o!!lcial years. said Thursday the group Is "try­ )ro. present member of the U.S. Cir­ SUI departments. President Truman accused tl}e tion cuit Court of Appeals a t Philadel­ IDrlch, instructor in television teaching, is production director ing to rai.';e as much money as we ted, rETER VAN METRE. M, WATERLOO. PRESIDENT OF THE SUI STUDENT COUNCIL, teamed forces phia. will speak at the Iowa of the series. can" for a last-minute radio and general of playing irresponsible with reccee Lutz, At, Des Moines. lIresldent 01 the Unlversliy Women'S assoelau.n Thuraday to draw Union at 8 p.m. October 9. television campaign for the GOP politics with the nation's security. the winners' namea for $500 worth of CoUece Nlte Open House prizes. The drawlnc was held In ahe The Goodrich address will be candidate. Eisenhower. speaking at Peoria. Cltamber 01 Commerce oertet, 104 S. Linn at. Names of the winners are 00 the blackboard behind them. the second of the John F. Murray Walter Williams, co-chairman Ill.. said the economy of the foundation lectures. It is entitled. Mercer Added to SUI ·Faculty of the national org\lnizatlon, said United States for years has been Sixteen *"C ollege-Nite* * Open "Law Has Its Growing Pains Too." It doesn't have any hopes of ob­ propped up by "war and the House prize winners were an­ Engineers 'H.olding The judge was a member of the taining the $2 million originally threat of war." Stalin Asserts nounced after drawings held at SUI college of 13 w faculty lr0n:t recommended for the project but Economic planning by the Dem­ the Chambc, of Commerce office 1914 to 1922. He served as dean of As Cinematography Instrudor wishes it could get that much. ocrats. he said. has not raised liv­ Thursday. Convention at SUI the law college during his last "!low much we actually will Inll standards. increased wages not year here. He has also served on Prot John Mercer, former writ­ spend depends, of course, on what abolished unemploymeht. A committee of five conducted money we are able to raise for this Capitalist War the drawings for prizes from a the faculty of the Unlverslty of er and producer 01 tilms at the ing both semesters for the bene­ -I-Year P.... For First Time vital purpose," WiIliam$ said. fund contributed jointly by 70 Michigan and., was dean of the audio visual center of the Um­ fit of those students who are un­ "My goa!," Eisenhower said, Iowa City merchants. law school at the University of versity ot Nebraska. has been able to enroll in the' first semes­ And, he added: "Thanks to the The Engineering College Mag­ Stevenson camp's claimed 'ex­ "assuming that the cold war gets MemBers were Peter Van Me­ azines Associated convention is Pennsylvania. named an Instructor of cinemato­ ter beginning course. no worse. Is to cut federal spend­ graphy at SUI. pose' of an erroneously la beled To Break Out tre, L4, Waterloo, SUI student being held Oct. 2. 3. 4 for the first He was the first faculty edltor­ Includes Wide Variety in, to something like 80 billion in-chief of the Iowa Law Review. He will assist Prof. John Win­ 'secret plan' we now are getting MOSCOW ,(.4") - J()Seph Stalin. council representative; Peggee time on the SUI campus in over The course Includes fundament­ dollan wil~ln lour years. The lecture here will be attend­ nie. administrative assistant and more donatie>ns ... " Lutz, A4. Des Moines. president of 20 years of existance. als of film expression. including Such a cut would .ellm~nate the il) a long message to Communists ed by la wyers and members of the chief ol television production in Wednesday in Springfield. Ill., published ' Thursday, pictures war the University Women's associa­ Two guest speakers leatured optics. film directing. script writ­ Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson's Demo­ defldt in the budget and would law laculty at which President the new radio-televiSion-lilm di­ Ing, film editing and sound record­ tion; William Holland. mayor of are Prof. John Paustian of the cratic presidential campai!lT\ head­ make way for substantial tax re­ as inevitable among the capitalist Iowa City; William Welt, Junior UniversitY of Nebraska. also pres­ Hlancher wUl make a brief wel­ vision of the speech and dramatic ing. All students enrolled in the duction." coming, address. arts department. quarters referred to the plan as a countries. He asserts one has to Chamber of Commerce president, Ident ol the ECMA and Lltell of course wlll learn to use motion Truman said in a Seattle speeeh nean Mason Ladd ot the college Mercer received his Ph. D. de­ pictures for the cxpresslon of "super-colossal, multi-million dol­ believe In miracles to think Japan and J. K. Schaaf, chairman of the Litell. Murray, Barnhill advertis­ that much of the reduction Eisen­ ing agency of New York city. of ' law said Thursday that the gree from the University of Ne­ ideas, Mercer said. , lar" program of spot radio and and Germany will not "break out Chamber of Commerce retail TV announcements. hower advocates would come out trade division. Litell is in charge ot the na­ Goodrich lecture was "designed to braska this summer. The course will not go into the of American slavery" and rise catch the popular Interest" and Compara.Uvely New Coune Williams. commenting on this in of the delense program, and tbat The two students were chosen tional advertising for all maga­ engineering aspectS of TV filmin g. would be "sheer folly ' in the face anew in an elfort to smash the highly recommended it to the pub­ Cinematography is a compar­ but will deal with special filmlng a prepared statement, said: "We to draw the grand prizes. zines published by ECMA mem­ of the known dangers of Soviet United. States. bers. lic. atively new course at SUI. having problems. wish It could live to Its Stevenson Winners were Shirley. King, Students and faculty members billing .•. We are now trying to aggression." At . the same time. he pictures typewriter; Freda Bcrry. record Prof. Donald B. Johnson 01 the been otfered here only two yeats. Mercer emphasizes that all are invited. Tickets wlll not be Prof. Winnie previously had been raise as milch money as we can The Pre.ldent said Eisenhower Communist nations as growing player; Harold Vaughn, wrist political science department will seniors and graduate students re­ necessary. the only instructor. but this year gardless of their major, are el­ to give the spots the widest pos­ is trying to get the support of Sen. stronger. Soon. he says, they can watch; Eugene Houk, wrist watcb; speak at a banquet at 6 p.m. ·Fri­ sible circulation." day at the Elks Lodge clubhouse. The John F. Murray foundation Is joined by Prof. Mercer. with Igible for the course. Previously Robert A. Taft and "other Repub­ cease importing goods and instead Mary Davis, wrist watch; Robert was established by Mrs. Bessie John Ulrich and Lawrence Mc­ held in the University thcatre. The spots arc planned for the lican isolationists." export surplus merchandisc. Swanson, pen set; Suzanne Faw­ Awards will be presented at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at a general Dunton Murray in her husband's Kune as assistants. cinematography courses now will tinal two weeks ot the ca mpaign. Trum... Dismayed Stalin Declares Views cett. pen set; John Field, pen set: business meeting in the new li­ namc. The foundation provides Cinematography is a six-hour be tau,ht in the new SUI televi­ At the outset. Williams said, the "I am dismayed and disheart­ Stalin made his views known in Delsle Harman. cashmere sweater; scholarships for outstanding stu­ course open to all seniors and sion studio .. Citizens asked an advertising ened." Truman declared. "that a Delmar Gingerich, cashmere brary for the "best issue of the dents in the law, commeree and graduate stud~nts.
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