CURRICULUM VITAE Personal information Family name : Kiikeri First name : Markku Nationality : Finnish Date of birth : 1.9.1964 Gender : Male Professional address : Telephone number : +358-(0)54-4844010 (Fin), +32474924612 (Bel) Fax : E-mail : [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] Education and training Institution (Date) Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained 2005-2009, University of Helsinki University pedagogy I-III, 50 university credits (final thesis not completed) 1999, European University Institute, Florence, Italy Doctor of Law, dr.iur. 1992, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium Master of International and Comparative Law, LLM 1991, University of Turku, Finland Master of Law, LLM 1990, Institute of Human Rights, Äbo Akademi, Certificate Turku, Finland 1989, Hague Institute for International Law Certificate Professional experience Date from – Location Employer Position Description Date to 2015 UNAM/Mexico city Lecturer European law 2014/2015 La Salle university/Mexico Lecturer European law, human city rights 2013 Universite de Montpellier/ Lecturer European law, Basics of France, Faculty of Law, Law Tallinn University/Estonia, Faculty of Law 2012 Universita degli Studi, Lecturer European law, Legal Milan/Italy, Faculty of theory Political and social sciences, Tallinn University/Estonia, Faculty of Law 2011 Vytautas Magnus Lecturer European law, visiting University/Kaunas, Faculty professor of Law, University of Oulu/Technology 2009-2010 Dundee Business Lecturer, teacher Visiting lecturer, School/UK, University of exchange European law, legal Montpellier/France, reasoning, research University of cooperation Nottingham/UK, University of Middlesex London/UK 2009-2013 Master Européen www.mastere Lecturer, permanent Lecturer, research Droit et Politiques de u.com l’Integration Européenne: droit constitutionnel européenne et “multilevel constitutionalism”, University of Milan, University of Montpellier 2008- University of Lapland, Senior lecturer in Lecturer, research, Rovaniemi/Finland European law administration, member (permanent), of pedagogical planning Philosophy of law board, etc. 2007-2008 Tampere, Helsinki, Vaasa, Lecturer Lecturer in law Rovaniemi/Finland (University) 2005-2006 Helsinki, Espoo, Joensuu, Lecturer Lecturer in law Turku, Vaasa (University) 2005- Brussels/Helsinki European Legal expert Expert opinions of Union implementation of (Commission) various EC-directives 2006- University of Lapland, Docent (adjunct Teaching, research Rovaniemi/Finland professor) 2005- University of Turku/Finland Docent (adjunct Teaching, research professor) 2005-2007 University of Helsinki, Acting professor of Teaching, research, Faculty of Law European Law administration 2005 Helsinki Ministry of Expert of legal Legal translator’s exam Education language (Finnish-Italian) 2004 Helsinki Finnish Director of the Finnish-Italian Legal Cultural research group Dictionary Foundation 2001- Helsinki/Milan/Rome, Morini & Lawyer Commercial Law, family Finland/Italy Kiikeri Int. law, etc (see below) Law Firm 2000- Helsinki, Finland Kiikeri Law Lawyer/Managing Various fields of law Firm Director 2002 Helsinki, Finland, Rome, Ministry of External researcher Book on Freedom of Italy Trade and Establishment, European Industry, Patent system Finland 1999-2000 University of Turku, Finland Acting professor of Teaching and research International and European Law 1998 Florence, Italy, Helsinki, Emil Aaltonen Researcher Book and article Finland Foundation publication 1993-1999 Florence, Italy European Researcher Book (Doctoral thesis) University Institute/ Finnish Academy 1990- Turku/Kuopio, Finland Lecturer Lectures on International Florence, Italy (University) and European law 1992 University of Turku/Finland Nordic Tax Researcher Book on European and Research Nordic direct taxation Institute 1992 Brussels, Belgium European Trainee (salaried) Report on Nordic direct Commission, and indirect taxation to DG IV and Commission for XXI accession of Finland to European Communities 1991 University of Turku/Finland Assistant of Administrative and Constitutional law research work 1990 University of Turku/Finland Research assistant Labour law field study 1989-1990 Kalanti, Finland State of Acting Head of the Leading police Finland police district and investigation, prosecution public prosecutor of criminal cases in courts, county administration 1985-1989 Helsinki/Finland Nordea Bank, Investment Dealing with trade in OP-Pohjola department shares, administration of (Nordea), Legal legal insurance insurance department applications (OP-Pohjola) Publications and research works Publications: Scientific (referee mentioned): - Article: Quality of legal decisions: the criteria established by the Finnish judiciary. In: in Ius Gentium, Vol. 69, Mátyás Bencze and Gar Yein Ng (Eds): HOW TO MEASURE THE QUALITY OF JUDICIAL REASONING, 978-3-319-97315-9, Springer, 2018 - Article: Cooperation between law schools and courts, comparative analysis. In: Legal education and judicial training in Europe, (Eleven) 2013 (with 2 other authors) - Article: Recommendations for policy makers and course development in legal and judicial training. In: In: Legal education and judicial training in Europe, (Eleven) 2013 (with 3 other authors) - Article: Second renewed edition, Euroopan Unionin ja Euroopan yhteisön oikeusjärjestelmästä. Kirjassa Suomen oikeusjärjestys), [On the European Union and European Community legal system. In the book: Finnish Legal System], Rovaniemi, 2009 (40 p.) - Article (referee), Eurooppaoikeuden positivistinen oikeusteoria [Positivistische Theorie im Europarecht/Positivist theory of European law], Defensor Legis N:o 4/2012 (17 pages) - Article (referee), Kiikeri, Markku, Legal-Cultural Approach to European Law, in Kirste, Stephan – van Aaken, Anne – Anderheiden, Michael – Policastro, Pasquale (edit.), Interdisciplinary research in jurisprudence and constitutionalism, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 2011 - Article: Euroopan Unionin ja Euroopan yhteisön oikeusjärjestelmästä. Kirjassa Suomen oikeusjärjestys), [On the European Union and European Community legal system. In the book: Finnish Legal System], Rovaniemi, 2009 (40 p.) - Article (referee), Kiikeri, M., Itsenäiset ammatinharjoittajat Euroopan Unionissa [Self-employed persons in the European Union] Juhlakirja/Festschrift, Judge Allan Rosas, 2008 (14 p.) - Article, Kiikeri, M., Eurooppaoikeuden opetuksesta [Teaching European law], Juhlakirja/Festschrift Ilkka Saraviita, 2008 (14 p.) - Article, Raitio, J., Kiikeri M., (referee), Finnish report to the FIDE. Congress Linz 2008. General topic 1: Preparing the European Union for the Future? – Necessary Revisions of Primary Law after the non-ratification of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, 2008 (30 p.) - Article, Kiikeri, M., (referee), Employees in companies in Scandinavian countries. In: European Commission, Employment & Social Affairs: Employee representatives in Europe and their economic prerogatives, 2007 (20 p) - Article, Kiikeri, M., (referee), Employee representations in Finnish Undertakings. In: European Commission, Employment & Social Affairs: Employee representatives in Europe and their economic prerogatives, 2007 (20 p) - Article, Kiikeri, M., European law and internal market [Eurooppaoikeus ja sisämarkkinat]. Book review, Lakimies, 3/2007 (6 p.) - Article, Kiikeri, M., Äimä, K., European taxation: the fundamental problems. Defensor Legis 3/2007 (11 p.) - Article, Kiikeri, M, Äimä, K., (referee), European taxation and Finland. Finnish national report 2006. FIDE publications 2006 (10 p.) - Article, Kiikeri, M., Missä ollaan ja missä ei? Hannu Tapani Klamin käsityksiä oikeuskulttuurin ja oikeusteorian suhteesta. Muistokirja professor Hannu Tapani Klami [Where we are and where we are not? Legal theory and legal culture according to prof. Hannu Tapani Klami. In: Hannu Tapani Klami in Memoriam]. Turun yliopisto 2003 (20 p) - Small Book, Kiikeri, M., (c. 50 p): European Community Patent and the Reform of the European Community Legal Institutions. Publications of the Finnish Ministry of Trade and Industry, Autumn 2001. - Book: (205 + xxv p.) “The freedom of establishment in the Community Union”. Publications of the Finnish Ministry of Trade and Industry, Studies and Reports 1/2003 (downloadable in http://www.kiikerilaw.com/tietoja.htm ) - Article: The “Ulysses” of a European company; A European legal pseudoinstitution in the polycentric European legal order”. In: Yritys eurooppalaisessa oikeusyhteisössä (for Kari Joutsamo) Turun yliopisto [University of Turku) Jyväskylä 2002 - Article: Jean Bodin as a comparative lawyer. In: Jubilee publication of the Faculty of Law of University of Turku 2000 (15 p.) - Book: Comparative Legal Reasoning and European Law (Kluwer) February 2001 (230 p.). Can be found (some parts) in http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/0-7923-6884-3?view=Appendices - Book: Doctoral thesis: The Theory and Practice of Comparative Legal Reasoning. From Inspiration to Rational Legal Justification European University Institute, 1999 (550 p.) - Book: (Ed.) European Community and Finnish Laws. Publications of The Faculty of Law, University of Turku, nro 17, Turku 1992 - Book: International mergers and taxation. Effects of the EC taxation directives [kansainväliset fuusiot ja verotus. Euroopan yhteisön verodirektiivien vaikutuksista] Europe-Institute, Turku,1993 Other: - Article: [Legal Status of a person helping in an accident situation [Auttajan oikeusturva]. Lääkärilehti 1/2001) together with Kangasniemi, I. (Ph.D)
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