~ruct~ • the '" Serving the State The Weather I h-ospit.! University of Iowa Cloudy. rather cold and l a publ1t now today. Friday fair 29. Campus and and not so cold. Blch iO­ to be Itt Iowa City day. 38; low. 32. Bich odeJillgor owan Wednesda.y, 54; low, 30. Irs o~ tbt !ry otfi~ Eat. 1868 - AP Leased Wile, AP Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, April la, 1952- Vol. SS, No. 135 , and ~ lh flOOr. ------------~----------, -~----~---- ~ Nature Also Unleashes Earthquake, Tornadoes- .. , 00 , ers oser owa Drop in Enrollment Iowa National Guard Steel Seizure Called Forcing Officials To Close Commons Summoned To Help By The Al oelated Press It appeared W dnesday that the Corrupt Political Deal Law Commons would be shut Nature loosed an earthquake, floods and tornado weather on the down for the 1952-53 school year. UnIted StDtes Wednesday. WASHINGTON (.4') - A steel University of tic ill Is said the One of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded In the midwest company pl'esident Wednesday dormitory may be forced to close cracked buildings and broke windows lind jarred scct10ns of seven night called the seizure of thc * * * unless there is a siteablc increase slates. -.- steel Industry by the President of Senate Shelves in the number or male students. Severlll tornado funnels swung Some 1,600 persons fled from !the United States n "corrupt po­ Al present thcre are lID stu­ harmles ly out o( Oklahoma kles, Pierre homes us the river level dents living in the dormitory, I Iitlcal deal" which "discharges a having faill'd to reach ground. rose lo 23 feet, eight feet above whIch hilS a capacity 157. Male ~ pollti ca l debt to the cro." ot A history-making Missouri rlv- flood stage. Water in the business Clarence D. Randall, head of Controls Action . tud nt enrollment was reported er flood crest steamrollered Its dlstl'ict alrcady was a foot deep, at the first of this semester 10 way through South Dakota while and the flood Isn't expected to TAX 'IInland steel, spoke on all four be 5,035. major radio Dnd four television downstream points - Sioux City crest until sometime loday. The PAID Resldl'nts ot the dormitory have and Omaha - girded for what weather bureau predicted a 25- networks in making the steel in­ During Crisis b en noUIied thot !her must be could be the most monstrous flood foot crest. dustry's reply to President Tru­ a su ffJcient demand for non­ bnslaught pn record in those riv- All of Ft. Pierre and about 30 man. WASHINGTON (JP) - The sen~ boarding accommodations over ate banking committee put orr ac­ er cities. blocks of Pierre were under W:J- LOSH lit BatUe and above the capacity of both the wollen Above t. Joe ter ranging up to housetop level. tion on extension of the economic Quadrangle and the South Quad­ The steel industry has already For tully 1,000 of Its mlles above Sioux City's Mayor Ralph Hen- controls law. Wednesday with an rangle, if the Law Commons is lost Its first legal 'battle In its explanation from chairman Bur~ derson proclaimed a s ta te of fight against the seizure order, to remain open. St. Joseph, Mo .• the river was emergency. An alert was issued net Maybank (D-Se) that It Otlicials said the dormitory swollen to flood stage and above. tor evacuation Friday 01 an area which President Truman an­ would be "a dreadful mistake" nounced in a nation-wide TV and will be closed this summer, except The crest, unprecedented In tne containing some 200 homes, tbe to make decisions unller the pres­ for special university events for record books, neared Pierre, S. D. stockyards and the Swilt & Co. radio broadcast Tuesday nIght. sures of the steel crisis. 'Phil Murray (Pl'esident of thl' which extra room Is needed. Wednesday night and promised to packinlt plant. Iowa national The postponement was an­ reach Sioux City about Monday guard units were mobilized for CIO and the United Steelworkers) Harry S. Truman nounced after a 20-minute closed RAIL LINE RIPPED or Tuesday and Omaha about rescue work. now gives Harry S. Truman a re­ Charged 10-;1/1 'Deal' meeting which had been called to SEOUL, Korea (THURSDA Y) Thursday or Friday of next wee!e. At Omaha, the weather bureau ceipt marked 'paId in full'," Ran­ (AP llflrepbole) seek agreement on the form of an rJP) -Allied fighter-bombcrs con­ Fioodwaters caved in the base- predlcted a crest reading of 28~ dall said. actual bill. A MOTORBOAT VISITED TIll FLOODED FARM HOME near tinued Wednesday their incessant ment walls of two business places teet, six feet above the level Randall called the wage stablli­ This action made one fact clear Fort Calhoult, Neb. Wedhesday. The flU1Jl, about 10 miles upstream pounding or Communist supply in Pierre, washing away the achieved during the disastrous !aHon board one of the actors. Final Testing - that the dispute over pay and on the r~n&' Missouri rlver from Omahlt., ls one of many covered arteries In North Korea, ripping foundations or both structures. It 1943 Omaha floods and four teet with Murray and tQe WhIte House prices In the steel industry WIll by water. The weather bureau foreca.sts that. the worst Is yet to apart a vital link in the main rail was feared the buildings may over the all-time known high in the "corrupt deaJ." turn the contest over continuation come. line. topple. mark established in 1881. The board had recommended a of the defense production act into --- -------- ------ I11h cent an hour wage boost for Of No-Cut Ban a major battle. Levee Built In '43 ~O ,O OO CIO steelworkers. This the Without new legislation, the All hopes of averting disaster industry would not accept without basic act law with its authority in Omaha and 1Is across-the-river a price boost of $12 a ton to go Begins Today (or controls on wages and prices, neighbor, Council Bluffs, la., were with It. aids to production and other such Picket Lines ' Tighten Telephone Strike pinned on a syslem of tlood walls In an angry speech, Randall The suspension of SUI's con- measures, will eXpire June 30. and levees which army engineers termed public members or the troversial no-cui rule begins what The wage-price sections alrearly WASHINGTON (JP) _ The tele-I with supervisory personnel and Iround-the-clock sessions W ~ l C in Minneapolis. constructed a fter the 1943 disaster. WSB panel "public in name only may be its finlll test today as had their bitter enemies. Govern- phone strike bec~mc nation-wide other non-union company em- scheduled. No Break in Telegraph trike But the protection system W<lS -for Harry Truman knew in ad- E'aster vacation begins- at 12:20 ment backing lor a steel pay rllise, In sco,P6 W~nesda.Y a WOrk~$tPIOyeS. The CWA seeks wage boosts Meanwhile, the week-long stril;e designed to cope with a crest of vance that they would not let Phil p.m. opposition to a pI'ice b6Q8t r and not 'technlcafly Oil' strike - ~d Local phone service Wtls main- from 19 to 23 cents an hour, plus of 30,000 Western Union telegraph 26.6 (eet - nearly two feci under Murray down. Nor dId they. ThIs will be the third tr'ial sus- seizure or the steel mills did noth- sympathy mass meetings and were talned because of the automalic improved pensions and inter-city the antlcipatcd high. "In the name of stabilization pension of the rule, which in the ing to molUfy them. ordered not to cross picket lines dialing. The CIO's Commw)icd- wage rate relationships. The com- "We'vc got somc dirt and con~ they gave h 1m twice as much as past has required class attendance "We felt it would be a dread- of striking Western Electric work- lions Workers ot America (CWA) panies have o!fered a $4 to $7 No Local Picketing crctc above 26.6 Ieet," Brig. Gen. he had ever secured by collective just before and after vacation ful mistake to try to legislate or ers. Western Electrjc strikers wt're claimed that about 300,000 work- weekly raise, 01' about 12]" cents Don G. Shingler, Missouri rivet There was no Immedl~te dIed bargaining before stabilization had periods. hold hearings now," Maybank told ordered Wednesday to establbh ers would refuse to cross picket l,n hour. Workers presently av- division engineer, said Wednes­ a news conference after today's picket lines for the first tIme sin<: e lines and stay away from jobs. erage about $1.53 an hour. on telephone service In the Iowa day. But once the riuer gets thal been attempted. The rule was tested at Thanks- City area lVedncsday and most high - ufor my money, I'm on 'Fa.ir and Reasonable' giving and Christmas vacations. committee session. their strilee began early this week. Delrolt Talks Are Hopeful Phone cables were reported cUl "It would not be lair to man- The net result was to halt at The government, for the mo- at Akron and Minneapolis, for lonK-dlst.ance calls were belnl' re­ borrowed time," the general said. "In the face of that amazing but univerSity officials wanted agement, the workers, and above least some long distance pho:le ment, pinned its hopes tor a Bel\ which the union denIed res pons i­ layed on cbedule. 24 Foot Crest Ex p ec~ed fact," Randall continued, ~'h ow one more look at attendance fig­ ail the public," Maybank said.
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