THE -;OL. 87 NO. 27 UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWARK, DELAWARE #APRIL 22, 1966 Jomorrow .Set Fall Registration Set for Draft Test scream and Yell more of an uproa; Ahead To M,id-May the basket, Whiz final Deadline Ex- Mayor Wagner breakfasts with students during a pre­ the most trytllg of Deadline for filing draft Undergraduates will reg­ vious vis it to the campus. (U of D Photo) get worse. test applications is tomorrow ister for the fall semester computerized in a system pat-­ owel, and offer Up a at midn ight, according to Lt. the week of May 9 this year, terned after that of the Uni­ Lewis B. Hershey, director of according to Robert Gebhart­ versity of Maryland. the Nation al Selective Serv­ bauer, Registrar. Taking into consideration summer session if essen­ ice. The purpose of this switch tial, students ·will fill out their Registration forms, which is to eliminate the confusion To fall schedules on the usual trail Wagner must be mailed by that time, Cite of past registrations and to roster to make certain no may be obtained from the local insure that students have a conflicts exist. After the draft boards or Counseling better chance of getting the schedule is approved by thE and Testing in Hullihen Hall, cours.es they desire, said Geb-· adviser students will re­ said John Kelso, from that hartsbauer. Programs will be 1 office. ceive an official roster and red grid card to fill out. Problems Students with low grade City I standings in the university The red grid will be con- Problems of municipal gov- time he stated, "The prob­ Honorary Society ' siderably simplified from that can boost their chances ~rnment will be discussed . bv lems of the cities are heavy for getting a s,tudent de­ of last February. Also, stu­ Robert F. Wagner, former and difficult but they are ferment by doing well on the ODK S81ects 12 dents will fill them out in order mayor of New York City in neither unbearable · nor insol­ test. Col. Clifford E. Hall, of priority of choice rather Mitchell Hall tonight at 8 uble.'' In tonight's lecture he director of the Delaware Sel­ than numerical order. Thus, in p.m. will be concerned with the ective Service, pointed out that For Membership case any course does have to be This is the second in a problems of the cities. the tes t will not guarantee a dropped, students will get the series of four lectures and According to John A. Per­ Omicron Delta Kappa presi­ release from draft obligations most essential. course. is open to the public without kins, president of the uni­ deP.t . James Wright AS6 has for the poor students. 1 By this system, departments charge. Wagner served as versity, the purpose of the annpunced the election of twelve The Selective Service Col­ can know how many students mayor of the nation's largest urban series is to help grad­ men to membershipintheBeta lege Qualification Test covers are signing up for a course city for 12 years and is uates who will live and work the areas of reading compre­ Sigma Circle of Omicron Delt_a and can add or drop sec- Kappa. one of the foremost spokes­ in urban communities "to hension, verbal relations, ari­ tions as necessary. In August understand some of the stag­ The new members are: Jo­ men on the subject of urban thmetic reasoning, and data in­ students will be sent final in-, life. gering problems which face seph A. Cavalier, Jr., AE7; terpretation. Manuals to aid struction, including those per­ our cities." Girard s. Clothier, BE7; Thom­ The politics of municipal preparation can be purchased. taining to switch if a conflict as J. Collins, EG7; Donald government was discussed by The undergraduate program at local bookstores. The test should arise in the schedule. Coram, As6; J, Martin Glau­ Wagner on March 24. At that for understanding our urban so­ is completely optional. bitz, AS6; David Hutton, EG7; ciety is sponsored by the divi­ Hall pointed out that, a stu­ J. Patrick Kelly, As7; Paul sion of urban affairs. dent wit h a score of 70 or Mueller, As6; Christ9pher s. Elected as chairman of the higher will probably he helped Co-ed Seeks Mate City Planning Commission in Roosevelt, AD7; Harris T. by the test, which is similar to Shore, EG7; Jeffrey c. Weil, 1948 1 and president of the Bor.::.. the one used during the Korean ME7; and Steven Weinberg, ough of Manhattan from 1949- cenflict, It will be adminis­ EG7. 1953. Wagner served as mayor tered on the Saturdays of To Escape Dorms of the city from 1953-1965. OD K is an honorary society May 14 and 21; and Friday, established for recognition of by KATHIE MINTON campus? A Radcliffe girl has June 3, (Continued to Page 2) Looking for a way to beat discovered the answer to this 'Hayride, Picnic that university regulation which universal problem and the Acfive In Community Affairs states that only married co­ Harvard boys are forming a eds are allowed to live off line for interviews with her. Dance Highlight concerned about She placed the following ad­ can remedy the vertisement in the Harvard a class of res· Crimson: "One-year mar­ Women's Weekend cations that riage? seems to be the only way A trip to Philadelphia, a can bring .in the ~ew Mayor Stresses Participation for a Cliffe to get out of the hayride with approximately 18 dorm. Pll share expenses, am by GAYLE THOMPSON politics, on a strictly non­ to a lack of time, confesses wagons, and "The Trial" at a good cook. other details: partisan level, began when she the campus flick are tonight's "I'm always going to get we can work it out. Contact "If liberty and equality, as is realized that government was back to it next .week." activities marking the be­ thought by some, are chiefly €rimson Box 2000." "we" not "they." Since Mrs. Handloff says of her ginning of Women's Weekend. to be found in democra..:y, they To date, the Cliffe has re­ The annual event is spon­ then she has devoted much domestic interests, "Oh, my ceived 13 eager offers for her will be best attained when all of her time to encouraging shelves are stacked with sored by the Association of Back Persons alike share in the gov­ proposal. Richard Applby, 20, Women Students and is under citizens toward participation cookbooks!" What Newark'·s Great Neck, N.Y., replied by ernment to the utmost." Aris­ in community activities. new mayor enjoys most the direction of Paula Lance, totle's feelings of so long ago mail stating, "You sound very AS7, chairman of the Women's Swing Her channels have been thoroughly, though, is work­ interesting. Maybe we can are much like those of New­ Coordinating Social Co{Ilmit­ many: first president of ing with people. Currently, she work something out." Furth­ ark's newly elected mayor, League of Women Voters of has been involved with citi­ tee. Mrs. Norma B. Handloff. ermore, he stated that he-would Delaware, past president ofthe zens of foreign . countries wait until he had a chance to The Faculty Club Dining Mrs, Handloff' s interest in Newark branch of the A{Ileri­ who are visiting in this area. meet her before deciding to Room is offering a chateau- can Association of Univer­ Much effort has been offered accept the offer. briand special tonight and . sity Women, member of the in educating these people in He added, "The trouble with tomorrow night from 6-9 p.m. Newark Recreation Associa­ the responsibility of gov­ American marriages is that The cost for the dinner is $3 tion, board member of local ernment participation. we don't have enough practical per single order and $5.75 . television station WHYY- TV, experience •• .Maybe this sortof per couple. and local PTA participant. PROUD FAMILY · thing is just what we need." ''I Left My Heart ~ . San Of her family's reaction Refusing to identify herself Francisco" will· be the theme LITTLE SPARE TIME of her new position, the city's b~cause she dosen't want a of a dance to b~ held to­ Hobbies? Mrs. Handloff's gracious new mayor ex­ "bunch of nuts" calling her,:­ morrow night in the Dover vibrant enthusiasm for com­ claims, "My husband is ter­ the Cliffe stated that she just Room from 8;30 p.m. 12 p.m. munity work offers 'little time ribly proud." She attributes wanted to live off campus and The dress is "dinner jacket" for the pursuit of personal in­ much of her success to his earn her history degree be­ formal. terests. However, she and encouragement and mutual cause it would be quieter and On Sunday, a picnic will be her husband, aWilmington law­ convictions about the com­ she could get more work done. held at Elk Neck State Park. yer, are devoted t~eater-goers mt,mity and the responsibility Eric Tomb, 20, of Clevland, Bus transportation will be Ohio, a junior, commented in and one-time participant in of its members. available and lunches will be the University Theater Group. Two daugJ:lters complete the his answer to the aid, "I've proVided by the food service to been planning to put an ad in She modestly claims an in­ Handloff family. The elder, those students holding meal myself for a female roommate. terest in the piano but, due (Continued to Page 13) tickets. PAG& 2 UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, FRIDAY, APR'IL 22, 1966 Campus Chest Slates Carnival Activities - "Speaking for the Campus Vinyard, As7, co-chairman of Chest Committee as a whole, the Campus Chest Steering we are all excited that the Committee.
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