F IV E C E N T S £ % * UNDED .. • • Published every FRIDAY at M 1LLBU R N, N,J. 0 FOUR SHORT courses of two MISS MARGARET FRIED*. weeks duration have been MANN, daughter of Dr. and Bond Drive Students ^ianned by the New Jersey Col­ JJrSi' LudWlg lTleamahn, 43 cy­ lege of Agriculture, Rutgers Uni­ press street, has just been pro­ versity, for city dwellers and moted to Corporal in the Pem- Sales Heavy Honor Roll others who have had little or brook Auxiliary War Service at no farm experience but who Fembroke College in Brown Millburn’s Second War Loan je hundred and eighteen drive to sell the Township’s . WQiil^uike to help produce food University, Providence, Rl I. dents. mad£ .the Ji0hQf-5PU share of the 13 billion dollars this year. The courses ■ will be­ Miss Friedmann is a graduate the fourth marking per- in bonds asked by the Feder­ gin April 26', May 17, June 7 and of Millburn High School. at the High School. The al Treasury Department at this, June 28. jhomores led with thirty time, gat off to a good start iripnts. while th e j uniors Monday and the week to date close behind them, shows men and women buying rhe fourth marking period Gardens Wait both more bonds and larger nor roll Is as follows: April 28 th ones. Seniors: Jane Achenbach, On Weather • Robert F. Smith of the First argaret Allison, Doris Berg, Millburn’s p a p e r collection National Bank of Millburn, a t­ ordon Blaslus, Adele Hado, Palms that long have itched Wednesday netted 52 tons of tended a meeting of bankers rraine La Tourette, Ralph to get going In the calous mara­ paper of all kinds. This will soon in Newark last week at which ■onard. Raymond Lyons,. thon known this year as Vic­ be on its way to the front, as it was stressed this offering is tory Gardening, won’t have entirely outside purchases on | Meier, Phoebe Nyqujst, JOSHUA GOLIGHTLY, Rotary fast as mills can turn it into imes Phillips, Bob Reese, long to wait. containers for. shipment of the payroll deduction plan and Plowing and harrowing of Club district governor. th a t all. should subscribe now iil Rose, Barbara Skinner,. jnunMauL________ _—— ------■ Millburn’s two-community pints— ...........................*• .... - in addition to previous commit­ Stfoffl, Gisela Weidner. Next comes the House Clean- ’ ments. Juniors: Bill Baxter, Bar­ began Wednesday and the end irtg -Scrap Collection, Wednes­ of the week will see dirt farm-' Mr. Smith says emphasis is ra Betsch, Muriel Boehm, G olightly Rotary day, April 28, stressing metals being placed on Treasury UBifllB ’ ers at work on finishing and rags. Most wanted are cop­ udrey Browe, Frank Chia- . of the 1964-1969 maturity. These kvallo, Doris Creter, Joan Touches. per, brass and bronze but iron Any who have feared precious Dist. Governor are a long term security bear­ mikes, Esther Hershey, Ro- and all manner of metals aside ing 2V2'/, interest, that will be time was being lost can forget from cans, can be used. These ilie Hoke, Poppy Hulsebosch, Members of Millburn Rotary listed. They also carry a clause uth Jegerlehner/ Enid that worry, for subfreezing latter will be taken at a spe­ nights and arctic winds of Club are jubilant over the elec­ to the effect th at they will be unge, Mary Kern, Florence cial collection M a/T2. accepted at par. in payment of reitler, Gladys Kurtz, Doris April’s first half, have been tion Monday of Joshua Go­ Many residents have called conducive only to rotted seed federal estate taxes. lacMlllan, Joyce Marrison, lightly of the local club, as the Salvage Committee of OCD All of the other bond series and wasted effort. Soli tem­ asking that collectors visit their d w a r d McGrath, Mary district governor of the area are offered at this time also and peratures have a(| no time been homes for heavy metal scrap, litchell, Marjorie Monaco, embracing all of North Jersey. these are available at booths of high, .enough to stimulate ger­ too massive for ' the average iarol Muntz, Dorothy Par- This is a coveted post and AWVS, Investors Savings and mination of even the earliest householder to handle. A spe­ Louis Peloubet, Walter past incumbents have frequent­ Loan Association Jersey Central varieties. ilbersack, Charles Walker. ly been honored by later elec­ cial effort will be made to ob­ and post offices as well as at Old gardeners recognize the lige in such cases and any Sophomores: Helen Abel- tion to Rotary international the bank. present spring as one of the others having like trouble, can ig, Mary Booth, Jean Broad- General Chairman Harvey J. latest on record and any who office. call Chairman Trowbridge at jot. Leonard Cardone. Dick will Take time out to scan their Mr. Golightly js a charter Tiger states that the contest ornell, Dick C o u n i h a n, Town Hall. between Millburn Rotary Club plots, will note that these ex­ member of the local club and How much metal will be heresa D’Andrea, Dick Edg- and the Kiwanis Club, is get­ perienced- hands— have —as -yet.. -has -served- -it -as president- and 'forthcoming is unknown but )mb John ElliOtf, M arilyn scarcely scratched the surface. as delegate to the International ting away to a good start, collectors will handle all th at is_lit, members buying for their own llwanger, -Helen- Fracken— One unfortunate incident has convention. placed at the curb, beginning accounts and for friends and Dhl, Matthew Galbraith, marred community gardening He was named to the district their rounds at 7 A. M. neighbors. am Gill, George Bamberger, this week, R. Carlisle Craig, governorship at a district con­ Women of AWVS say present arbara Hobbis, Paul Jeynes, originator of the local project, ference of club delegates in public interest ant| purchasing ieltrant Laskowski, .. Don lias been takeii seriously ill and Newark and it is the first time power seem evenly balanced and iaveety,- Bernice Maul, Wai- at the i'nsistance of his doctor, such high honor has come to Adult Education that sales are no trick at all. ir Mellen, Jeanne Miller, has resigned' as garden chair­ Millburn and the local club. larjory P ennell, Montel Reminded of the. need, the sale man. ★ "Bows To Rations is m ade, aside from determin- ursley, Helen Seager, Wil- This is the second resignation _ ating the amount. am Sharpe, Phyllis Tiger, bearing on the garden effort as It is announced this week that lan Watson, Lois Weber, Victor Traub, OGD chairman of Slack-out Lapse Millburn Adult Education School ★ eorge Wilson, Mary O’ Will- nonprotective defense activities, will suspend for the duration m. also resigned following an- at- Leads To Fine and that'no plans will be made Planning Board (Continued on Page 13) - jack of pneumonia................- ter afattcourse. ★ i Both men Hqve been active Charges growing out of a Directors and officers dis­ in promoting t?he war garden violation of black-out , regula­ cussed conditions and an­ Regulations effort and Gefteralissimo Her­ tions during last Friday’s sur­ nounced their decision after a nail Ration bert Woolley will name a suc­ study of transportation difficul­ Millburn Planning Board at a prise blacir-out, led to a fine of mppting Tuejsday.ev enJng cessor to Mr. Traub and he m $5 as a disorderly person being ties, fuel shortage possibilities., 1 retailers shnijlrl have regis- adopted regulations for stand-. turn will name a new garden imposed on Joseph Carella of and other matters facing both d their processed foods- by the Board of Education and arids' of procedure for develop­ '! chairman. 37 Mechanic street. The fine -High: School...boys worked Imposed Wednesday night students, ... ers, and development projects (sHtutidnal users in group 3 was Wednesday at the South Moun­ The school had grown stead­ in the Township. It also recom­ (i apply for allotment for in Millburn Recorder’s Court. tain tract, clearing it in pre­ ily in. size and interest up to mended the TOwnship Com­ I) period when they need Charges were brought by air mittee adopt ordinances-giving paration for plowing. They the time rationing took over • AH should apply between raid warden John Catullo, of did a swell job and showed last year. The 1942-1943 school efiecLM^Jja/e regulations. «19 and May 5th. No O. P. 27 Mechanic street, who met Township Engineer Price is they will be a material addition was the first to ShoWinp gain form is required but applica- opposition when he* ordered now at work oh the master plan to the land army, come sum­ in registration. i should be made in writing, Carella to put out his lights. and map of the township as m e r . - The ensuing argument -brought ■ . S - ★ etailers are required to regis- FREE SAFEKEEPING for your required by ■ the planning law. tetween May 3 and May 14; ★ .. a Millburn police officer to the This will entail considerable LET US FINANCE or refin­ War Bonds. Inquire Investors O P. A. form 12-16Q1 which scene, and all concerned were work, all of which is being done ance your hofne. Investors Sav­ brought to police headquarters. Savings and Loan -Association, kid include their inventory 64 Main Street. — Adv. by the Engineering Department, of close of business on May ings and Loan Association, 64 +i ■ This covers m eats a n d fa ts. M ain Street. — Adv. Tfitm m ib SPJfnmlBllts l A p r i l . i J > 0 0 0 0 0 * and declined to accept the loin A UNITED Thank Offering or part with the number of Service will be held In St.
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