EDITION- TUB WEATHER i ^ Forecast by U. S. Weather BureaiJf NET PRESS RUN Hartford. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION ' Cbijh. State^ l»ibi:^ry-^dm p» for the Month of November, 1929 P i ^ y cloudy, slightly colder to­ night; Wednesday increasing cloudi­ 5,488 ness followed by snow or rain. Members of the Audit Bureau of Circulations____________ F^OURTEEN pages PRICE THREE CEN'TS (Classifled Advertising on Page 12) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1929 VOL. XLIV., NO. 72. HUNTER SHOOTS GOOSE; GOOSE SHOOTS HUNTER SNOWDEN HITS ASSASSIN KILLED BORAH A SiS I San Francisco, Dec. 24.— (AP) j W. F. Speedy of Pittsburgh, kill- 1 ed a goose but the gooce had its ATPROTECnON SOVIETTOAD ; revenge. It shot off Speedy's left AS HE TRIES TO i hand. j Spepdy with a group of com- IN HI^SPEECH U. S. AVIATORS ' panions, hid bagged several i geese and was about to quit the SHOOT PRESIDENT i hunt yesterday when a particu- i larly tempting flock sailed over British Chancellor Tells Senator Jakes Direct Plea i head. Speedy flred and one goose <$>■ i fell. It dropped into a neighbor- NO HERALD ! ing blind, striking the trigger of Commons Silk and Sugar Chief Executive of Argen­ to Russia to Help in 1 another hunter’s gun and dis- TOMORROW j charging it. The charge tore off tina Has Narrow Escape i Speedy’s hand. Duties Will Be Repealed There will be no issue of Search for Eielson and The Herald tomonow, At Earliest Opportunity. Christmas Day. The Heiald from Death; ItaDan An­ His Companion. extends the season’s greet­ ings to its readers. MILLION IN MIND London, Dec. 23— (A P)—Philip archist Fires Three Shots <4 >. <»> Washington, Dec. 24.— (AP)—A Snowden, Labor chancellor, told at Him, Wounds Two and direct request to the Soviet govern­ NOTHING IN CASH the House this afternoon that the ment for aid in escuing Ben Eiel- government would renew none of HARRIS DEMANDS Bon, American aviator, lost for six j the “Tory safeguarding” import Is Himself Slain by the _ of duties after their expiration. He Siberia, has been made Chcmisl HOS Val' added that the McKenna silk and JUDGE’ S REMOVAL Guards. man Borah of the Senate foreign i' sugar duties would be repealed at relations committee. I the earliest practicable opportimity. Mr. Snowden said the govern­ The request was made yesterday j liable Secret But He Is Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dec. 24 in a cablegram to M. Litvinoff, act- | ment would decide when the time ing secretary of foreign affairs, a t ; was ripe for such action and de­ Georgia Senator Says Mc­ — (AP)—An attempt to assassin­ the request of Mrs. Mabel VValker Facing Bleak Christmas. clared he would make no further ate President Hipolito Yrigoyen to­ Willebrandt, former assistant attor­ statement before the April budget day was frustrated by the quick­ came up. ney general in charge of prohibi­ Cormick Remarks Would ness of his guards and the attacker tion enforcement and now council New York, Dec. 24.— (AP.)— Mr. Snowden’s announcement was a direct blow by Labor at the Con­ was shot down within a few min­ for the aviation corporation which Penniless, far from home, and un­ employed Eielson and his mechanic, servative “protectionist” policies. Encourage Lawbreakers. utes, seven bullets being found in Carl Borland. able to speak a word of English, Liberals have been in sympathy on his body. Independent Action. Heinrich Weber, Austrian chemist this issue with the Laborites. Raps Snowden The assailant who was described Senator Borah said today his and engineer, mdped about the Washington, Dec. 24.— (AP) — by police as an Italian Anarchist cablegram w’as sent independently Winston Churchill, former Chan­ home of relatives at Coney Island President Hoover conferred today named Gualberto MarinelU, 44, fired of the action taken yesterday by cellor of the exchequer, enlivened the CHiristmas eve session a vio­ with Senator Harris, Of (ieorgia, at least three shots at the presiden­ Secretary Wilbur, who appealed to today, facing a bleak CJliristmas. In by tial automobile as the president was the Soviet government for aid in his brain he has a $1,000,000 se­ lent attack on Philip Snowden, his who has demanded the removal from en route to the palace from his the rescue work. labor .successor in the post, and on the law enforcement commission of home. cret. In his pockets not a penny. Snowden’s financial methods. Senator Borah, long an advocate Federal Judge Paul J. McCormick. President Unhurt or recognition by the United States Equally bleak were the holiday Mr. Churchill declared Mr. Snow­ of the Soviet Government, sent the prospects of his two erstwhile den was becoming more and more The Georgian, a leader among President Yrigoyen was unhurt, following cablegram: . friends, Moses Rosenthal, who paid “ crapulous and distatorial” in his those who have expressed dissatis­ but an employee of the investiga­ “Two American aviators, Eielson Weber’s expenses to this country attitude. He thought England was faction with the procedure of the tions office was wounded in the and Borland, flying froin 'Teller, from Lemburg, Austria, and Isi­ not celebrating a very cheerful or commission, said he had been called stomach and was taken to a hos­ known to bo down in the vicinity oi dore Thomsebein, who back in the bright Christmas imder the labor to the White House by Mr. Hoover. pital critically injured. Another icebound steamship Nanook witiln old country saved him from mili­ government. He would make no comment on the attendant also was injured. hundred miles of our icebreaker tary service in the World ANar Prices have risen, wages are de­ nature of the discussion. It was reliably reported that the clining, unemployment has risen president’s chauffeur was killed aind Stavrapol. I bring this to your at­ thereby making it possible for him And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock Senator Harris objected to state­ tention believing you will be glad to continue on his scientific labors. and there is a considerable financial the police commissioner injured, but by night. disquiet,” Mr. Churchill went on. ments Judga McCormick made in because of the great excitement at to direct Stavrapol to make such Valuable Formula And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; Los Angeles about prohibition en­ search for them as practicable. Gloomy Prospects the scene and the reticence of the Senator Borah today received Locked in the brain of Weber and they were sore afraid. “In the New Year lies a Vista of forcement. McCormick said that police, it was impossible to obtain from -Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Arctic was a secret—a formula which, he And the angel said unto them. Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which political turmoil and possibly a search of private dwellings without official confirmation. .warrants was an outstanding evii. explorer, thanking him for his inter­ and his former friends say, might shall be to all people; • momentous general election. It is The attack took place on the In­ be worth millions and revolutionize For unto you is bom this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. a black and gloomy prospect for Harris contended that McCormick’s ternational road, Marinelli conceal­ est in the missing flyers. Stefansson lav/- yesterday appealed to the Interior the coal industry. __From the second chapter of the Gospel according to S t Luke (King James Version.) Great Britain, but she has the reme­ utterances would encourage ing himself beside it and then dy In her own hands.” springing out to fire as the presi­ Department to request the Soviet But today neither Weber nor his breakers. former friends were getting any Mr. Snowden in reply said “how­ dent’^ automobile passed. government to search for them. ever strenuous may be the conflict The assailant’s shots had barely The telegram, sent from New benefit out of it, because the chem­ QUINN DEMOTED. ist, afraid lest his precious formula between Mr. Churhill and myself, rimg out when the president’s escort York, follows; I want to assure the House that 1 Washington, Dec. 24.— (AP) — returned the fire, pouring a stream Mrs. Willebrandt has told me of be stolen from him, has refused to CHRSTMAS OFFERS John J. Qulnfi, former deputy pro­ reveal it to anyone or to have it WHITE XMAS THE RULE am very fond of him. I really don’t of bullets at the man and felling your intercession. Best thanks in know how I should get on without hibition administrator at Baltimore, him where he stood. which I am sure all friends of Eie.- patented. He wants to sell it out­ him. Therefore I conclude by wish­ who was suspended after complaints son and Borland join.’’ right. for $1,000,000. ing the right honorable gentleman a against him had been filed with the Rosenthal and Thomschein, how­ President Yrigoyen has long been OVER ALMOST ALL U. S. Merry Christmas and a prosper­ "White House, has been demoted to one of the most powerful figures In ever, had one bit of satisfaction to­ ous New Year. the rank of prohibition agent. day. They obtained a Supreme Argentina. He was first elected to Prohibition Commissioner Doran, the chief executive's post in 1916 Court order enjoining him from who announced Quinn’s demotion to­ PLAN RECEPTION leaving the country or divulging his Home the Center of interest; and was in office until 1922.
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