HAWAII OLYMPIC SWIMMING HISTORY lst WAVE - KAHANAMOKU ERA t9t2 - 1936 ZnúWAVE- SAKAMOTO ERA 1940 - 1968 3rd WAVE - YET TO BE NAMED 1972 -2016 'ilfl{itirlii" Jeux ffu,'rvr QruEs Dfr 19fi+ EçUIFæ mq¡+'q{wMË,, i1tilii'i ,ldiljl ' l, fi'J'i- hqRr$ Duke Paoa Kahanamoku A Lifetime of Hightights 1890 Boin August 24 in Honolulu to Duke l89l Faniþ moves to 1899 Serves as Kahili l91l Brea*s three world records in freestyle races in Honolulu Harbor. 1912 Stockholm Olympics. Wins gold medal 100-meter freestyle swim. ÌWins silver style relay, l9i3 Inhodues surfing to U.S, Eastorn Seaboa¡d. 1914-19i5 lntroduces surfing 19 15 -1932 Helps populmize surûng 1917 Rides ahuge wave on his Waikikí Beach. 1918 Swims in money for Liber!.y 1920 Antvre¡p Olympics. 1922-f,930 1924 Paris 1925 On ,1932,Los t934 r968 1969 1984 1.986 1990 19s4.ftatué unveíleð.at 20w ,U.8, Postal Service dedicatss Tmreline court€ry SandraKinibedeyHall HAÏ/AII'S OLYMPIANS L}LZ Olympiad V Stoc-kholm, Sweden Duke Paoa Kahanamoku 100 meter Freestyle Gold 800 meter FreestYle RelaY Silver 1916 Olympiad VI Berlir¡ GermanY Cancetled - World War I 1920 Olympiad VII Antwerp, Beigium Wiiliam Haris 100 meter FreestYle Bronze Duke Kahana¡noku 100 meter FreestYle Gold 8O0 meter FreestYle RelaY Gold Fred Kahele 4O0 meter Freestyle 4ttt i5O0 meter FreestYle 4tlt Pua Kealoha 100 meter FreesfYle Silver 800 meter FreestYle RelaY Gold Warren Kealoha 1,OO meter Backstroke Gold Harold "Stubby''Kruger 100 meter Backsroke 5ü Ludy Langer 400 meter FreestYle Silver 1500 meter FreestYle Helen OlneY Moses 400 meter FreestYle 1924 Olympiad VIII Paris, France Duke Kahanamoku 100 meterFreestYle Silver Samuel Kahananoku 100 meter FreestYle Bronze Pua Kealoha 100 meter FreestYle trVarrenKealoha 100 meter Backshoke Gold Bill Kirschbaum 200 meter Breastsfioke Bronze *Stubby''Kruger Harold Water Polo Henry Luning 100 meter Backstroke Charles Pung 100 meter Backsfroke Mariechen Wehselau 100 meter FreestYle Silver 400 meter FreestYie ReiaY Goid lg28 Olyrnpiad D( Amsterdam, The Netherlands o'Bustsr" Bronze Clarence Crabbe 1500 meter Freeslyle 400 meter FreestYle 46 lg32 OlynnpiadX Los Angeles, Califomia U'S'A' o'Buster" Clarence Crabbe 400 meter Freestyie Goid 1500 meter FreestYle 5th 'Water Duke Kahana¡nolu Poio Bronze Silver Maiola Kalili 800 meter Freestyle Relay - ManuellaKaüli 800 meter Freestyle Relay Silver 100 meter FreestYie 4th 1936 Oiympiad XI Berlin" GerrnanY None from Hawaii 1940 Olyrrpiad XII Cancelled due to \Morid War II FujikoKatsutani200meterBreaststroke 1944 Olympiad )üI Cancelled due to World War II 1948 Olympiad XIV London, England V/illiarn Smith 400 meter Freesfyle Gold 800 meter Freestyle Relay Gold 1þslmaKalama 400 meter Freestyle Relay Gold Frank Walton Water Polo 1952 OlympiadXV Helsinki, Finland Richard Cleveland 100 meter Freestyle Ford Konno i500 meter Freestyle Gold 800 meter Freestyle Relay Gold 400 meter Frees$le Silver Yoshi Oyakawa 100 meter Backstroke Gold Williarn Woolsey 800 meter Freestyle Relay Gold 1500 meter Freestyle Evel¡rn Kawamoto 400 meter Freesfyle Bronze 400 meter Freestyle Relay Bronze 1956 Olympiad XVI Melbourne, Australia Ford Konno 800 meter Freestyle Relay Silver George Onekea . 1500 meter Freestyle 400 meter Freestyle Yoshi Oyakawa 100 meter Backstroke gth Richa¡d "Sonny'' Tanabe 800 meter Freestyle Relay \Milliam Woolsey 800 meter Freestyle Relay Silver .lh 100 meter Freestyle o 400 meær Freestyle i960 Olympiad XVII Rome, Italy None from Hawaii 1964 Olympiad XVru Toþo, Japan None from Hawaü 1968 Olympiad XD( Mexico City, Mexico Brent Berk 400 meter Freestyle gtlt Keala O'Sullivan Springboard Diving Bronze t972 Olympiad )O( Munich" Germany None from Hawaii 1976 Olympiad )Oil Montreal, Canada Christopher Woo 100 meter BreastsFoke gûr 1980 Olympiad )Ofl Moscow, Russia U.S. Boycotted the Ga¡rres - r984 Olympiad )OüII Los Angeles, CaliforniaU.S.A. None from Hawaii 1988 Olympiad )O([V Seoul, Korea Cbristopher Dupianty Water Polo Silver 1992 Olympiad )OfV Barcelona, Spain Cbristopher Duplanty Water Polo 4th t996 Olympiad )OfW Atlant4 Georgia U.S.A. Christopher Duplanty Water poio 7th 2000 Olympiad )O(VII Sydney, Austraiia Christopher Duplanty Water polo Silver Assistant Coach Sean Kem 1ùVater polo Silver 2004 Olympiad )O(Vm Athens, Greece Brandon Brooks \tr/æer polo 7b 2008 Olympiad )O(IX Beijing, China Brandon Brooks Water polo Süver 2An Olympiad )OO( Londor¡ England Tumua Anae W'ater polo ' Silver I I I ¿lui lfl¿Kanr? t%ypiæn* t4â,+ , Seænl-{rvn Aelt Cea h atanle4 (h' t' f'#iw d r:l .('1Ërì,ìart- P.l{a}ala- i.l. !...¡. la:r L, i i l)..[bhìpal,: :! I I --l{,D¡-a:ic'.. -. Èr li ¡f: *-i" : I: '"1' ,tì I \¡ It -t-Èi I t(l / d'' i ti '.i j* '¡ I \.\, ri*r /, \," 'l?.-4.g,."- 1,,.',¡ ,, \ Íi ''ì.' ) i! I 1. i i: ,ì .t :, -. t \ 'i; \'/ N,apÐlcór:i- 4)-.tr Õlh¡nklirÞ.-- -- t 't-c,:..Lr lãtherìneIl[unria-" - * Il-¿]ï-i-lirî- -î/-Pre.g- - €oaa'Lr* --(-v-I¿-5ùner-gor]-Æ--^\ n a¡l -\ÃT¿-alcha- - uqHU- jJ'ffi - Se.Õ- -cJ-îoLoy'- S,$& ffi ffid# F*F'* ti $\3 ffir ij* i - l"K¿akirnaka- Il'Lunin! *?J-i{anc¡a- -dNapolcon , -'llll . d:ñÀlson- J lPuffuri- !¡:.i.,.:ri:cr'r.-. -'Þ'Darnali '_- C¡rsìr:r * rquþz rldi ytz^kaxi þ,,ùtin {U¿b 'l- COACH SOCHI SAKAMOTO 1937 to 1966 Contributions, Accomplishments, and Recognition 1937 to 1966 Winner of 6 NationalA.A.U. Team Swimming Championships Men's Team: 1939, 1940, 1941 , & 1946 Women's Team: 1950 & 1951 1952 & 1956 1957 1 957 awail .'1 ., .:. 1966 . .q 1967 ,...1 1 eå2 Circle 1 985 I 9s7 f ri 1e98 the Hawaii Sports Hall 1,,998 to Coach Sochi Sakamoto: 'lA Swim Coach forAll-Tme" fÌ ,î Fondly'reEarded by his swimmerp as a , and an innovator. l-lis ,!t È and books have film was made - ,'*t . re. A movie prod :# "Maui Ditch Kids" but 2€ß2 of 201å # m stagg through ay written by Lee and Galifornia. 2014 The Håwaiian Journal of History, Volume Æiian Historical Society printed an arti and the Three Year Swim Club - "The World's Greatest Swimming Coach," by Kelli Nakamura. 201 5 Author Julie Checkoway from Utah has authored a book honoring Coach Sochi Sakamoto entitled "The Three Year Swim Club - The Untold Story of the Maui Ditch Kids." 201 5 lnducted into the outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Foundation Hawaii Waterman Hall of Fame. lndividual and Relay Swimming Champions, A.A. U. All-Americans. NCAA All-Americans Alexander House Settlement and the Three Year Swimming Club, Maui 1. Keo Nakama - lnd, Relay, AAU & NCAAA|I-American 2. Bunmei Nakama - lnd, Relay, AAU & NCAAA|I-American 3. Bill Smlth - lnd, Relay, AAU & NCAAA|I-American 4. Jose Balmores - lnd, Relay, AAU, & NCAAA|I-American 5. Halo Hirose - lnd, Relay, AAU & NCAAA|I-American 6. Charlie Oda - Relay 7. Chic Minamoto - lnd, AAU All-American 8. Fujiko Katsutani - lnd, AAU All-American Hawaii Swimming Club, Honolulu, Oahu 1. Dick Cleveland - lnd, Relay, AAU & NCAAA|I-American 2. William Woolsey - lnd, Relay, AAU & NCAA All-American 3. George Onekea - lnd, AAU All-American 4. Jerry Miki - Relay, NCAA All-American 5. Thelma Kalama - lnd, & Relay, AAU All-American 6. Evelyn Kawamoto -lnd, & Relay, AAU All-American 7. lvanelle Hoe - lnd, & Relay, AAU All-American 8. Katherine Kleinschmidt - lnd, Relay, AAU All-American L Julia Murakami - Relay 10. Sonny Tanabe - AAU & NCAAAI|-American Olympic and Pan American Games Swimming Team Olympic Swimmers 1. Bill Smith - '48 - 2 Gold 2. William Woolsey - "52,'56 - 1 Gold, 1 Silver 3. Dick Cleveland - '52 4. Ford Konno - '52,'56 - 2 Gold, 2 Silver 5. Yoshi Oyakawa - '52,'56 - 1 Gold 6. George Onekea - '56 7. Sonny Tanabe - '56 8. Ed Townsend - '64 9. Thelma Kalama -'48, - 1 Gold 10. Evelyn Kawamoto - '52 - 2Bronze 11. Fujiko Katsutani -'40 Pan American Swimmers 1. Dick Cleveland - '51 2. William Woolsey - '59 Justification for the Hå¡vai'i Swimmine Hall ofFarne Medallion Centered on the Hawai'i Swimming Hall of Fame Medallion is Hawai'i's first Olympic Swimrning Champion, the internationally famous, Duke Paoa Kahanamoku. Duke competed in four Olympiads (1912,1920, 1924, and 1932.) This outstanding swimmer won I total of three gold medals, two silver medals, and a bronze medal. His amazing competitive record would have been extended had the 1916 Olympics not been cancelled due to World War I, and his illness in 1928. Behind Duke on the Medallion is The WaitifWar Memorial Natarorium which was dedicated in 1927. Appropriately, ?trke dedicated the opening of the Natatorium with an exhibition swim. Until the 1960's The Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium was the setting for many swimming and diving competitions. This landmark hosted numerous swimmers and divers from around thã world. Several lVorld, American and Hawaiian records were set in this tropical environment. In the background of the medallion is Hawai'i's famous landmarh Diamond Head, which is surrounded by swaying palm trees. Thus, Duke Kahanamoku, The Wa¡tJlãWar Memorial Natatorium, and Diamond Head are representative of the devotion, the honor, and the spirit of Hawai'i's Swimming HaIl of Fame recipients. I b€ bt <a"it¡¡ c¡et+ Y1/? a¡d+rv4vç \ axm4vQt Ø>4 l Y ry ,rl*, \,otÇ"{vah^\t,, f tl i al bt 4/{o2+ hrya-d atarzøa) x%p'^r Ø$ çfr ?a$.tfi ?ç^"L .:ffi ISHOF HONOREES THAT PARTICIPATED IN THE WAIKIKI WAR MEMORIAL NATATORIUM FROM t927 - 1960 1. Duke Kahanamoku 1927 '65 Induction year 2. Johnny V/eissmueller 1927 '65 Induction year J. Clarence "Buster" Crabbe 1927 '65 Induction year 4. Loraine Crapp '72 Australia 5. Dawn Fraser '65 Australia 6. Jon Henricks '73 Australia 7. Hironoshin Furuhashi '67 Japan 8. Masaru Furukawa '81 Japan 9.
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