CURRICULUM VITAE October 2013 Dr. Francesca Biagioli (Milano, June 15, 1983) Institution: New Europe College – Institute for Advanced Study, Bucharest Address: Str. Plantelor 21, 203971 Bucharest, Romania Telephone: (+4) 0213079910 Fax: (+4) 0213270774 E-Mail: [email protected] Areas of Specialization Early theories of measurement, Kant, Neo-Kantianism, Philosophy of geometry in the nineteenth century Areas of Competence History of logic and methodology, History of philosophy of science, Logical positivism, Phenomenology, Post-Kantian philosophy of knowledge Education 2012 PhD in Philosophy at the University of Turin, Italy. Dissertation: Spazio, numero e geometria: La sfida di Helmholtz e il neokantismo di Marburgo [Space, Number, and Geometry: Helmholtz’s Challenge and the Marburg Neo-Kantianism]. Supervisor: Prof. Massimo Ferrari 2009-2011 Doctoral grant at the University of Turin 2008 MA in Philosophy at the University of Milan, Italy (laurea summa cum laude). Dissertation: “Logica formale e logica trascendentale nelle ricerche del neokantismo” [Formal and Transcendental Logic in Neo-Kantianism]. Supervisor: Prof. Renato Pettoello 2006-2007 ERASMUS student at the University of Marburg, Germany 2005 BA in Philosophy at the University of Milan (laurea summa cum laude). Dissertation: “La riflessione sull’illuminismo nella Dialettica dell’illuminismo di Max Horkheimer e Theodor W. Adorno e ne La filosofia dell’illuminismo di Ernst Cassirer” [Reflexions on Enlightenment in the Dialectic of Enlightenment by Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno and in The Philosophy of Enlightenment by Ernst Cassirer]. Supervisor: Prof. Renato Pettoello 1 Research 2013-2014 Visiting fellowship offered by the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of Marseille (IMéRA), France, from February to July 2014 Postdoctoral international fellowship offered by the New Europe College – Institute for Advanced Study in Bucharest, Romania, from October 2013 to February 2014 2012-2013 Postdoctoral research fellowship offered by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for the academic year 2012-2013. Research project: “Ordnungs- und Maßbegriff in Cassirers Wissenschaftsphilosophie” [Order and Measure in Cassirer’s Philosophy of Science]. Host institution: University of Paderborn, Germany. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Volker Peckhaus Other Activities 2012 Summer School on Einstein’s Philosophy of Science, with Don Howard, Forum Scientiarum, Tübingen Languages Italian (native speaker), English, German, French, Latin, Ancient Greek Professional Memberships Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsgeschichte [Society for History of Science] SIFA: Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy Publications 1) Edited and Translated Books 2011 Ernst Cassirer – Leonard Nelson: Una controversia sul metodo critico [Ernst Cassirer – Leonard Nelson: A Controversy on Critical Method]. Cassirer-Nelson selected writings translated and edited with an introductory essay by Francesca Biagioli. Brescia: Morcelliana. 2) Articles a) Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals 2013 “What Does It Mean That ‘Space Can Be Transcendental Without the Axioms Being So’? Helmholtz’s Claim in Context” (Online first: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10838-013- 9223-7), Forthcoming in: Journal for General Philosophy of Science. 2 “Between Kantianism and Empiricism: Otto Hölder’s Philosophy of Geometry”, Philosophia Scientiae 17.1: La pensée épistémologique de Otto Hölder, edited by Paola Cantù and Oliver Schlaudt, 71-92. (Forthcoming) “Hermann Cohen and Alois Riehl on Geometrical Empiricism”, HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science. b) Articles in International Proceedings (Forthcoming) “Empirical and Formal Conditions in Helmholtz’s Theory of Measurement”, Limits of Knowledge between Philosophy and the Sciences, edited by Michael Anacker and Nadia Moro. Monza: Polimetrica. 3) Reports 2013 “Limits of Knowledge between Philosophy and the Sciences, 17-18 Novembre 2011, Università degli Studi di Milano”, Rivista di Storia della Filosofia 48:2, 393-398. “Helmholtz in Neo-Kantianism”, Neukantianismus-Forschung Aktuell 2013.1, https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxuZXVrY W50aWFuaXNtdXNmb3JzY2h1bmd8Z3g6Mjg0ZTM4NzM2MzQ2MjQ0Yg, 13-26. 2012 “Ernst Cassirers Wissenschaftsphilosophie: Ordnung, Maß und mathematische Methode” [Ernst Cassirer’s Philosophy of Science: Order, Measure, and Mathematical Method], Heinz Nixdorf Institut Jaresbericht 2012, 148-151. Talks 1) International Conferences 2013 Are There Neo-Kantian Roots of Structural Realism, EPSA13, University of Helsinki, August 28-31, 2013 Empirical and Formal Conditions in Helmholtz’s Theory of Measurement, Dimensions of Measurement, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld, March 14-16, 2013 2012 Facts, Laws, and Theories in Duhem’s Analysis of Scientific Method, Knowledge and Law: Perspectives on the Status of Laws in 19th-Century Philosophy of Science, University of Milan, November 15-16, 2012 Felix Klein’s Structuralism in Mathematics and Epistemology, Structuralism in Physics and Mathematics, University of Bristol, September 21-23, 2012 3 Projective Geometry and the Concept of Space in Felix Klein’s Line of Research, The Answers of Philosophy: SIFA 20th Anniversary Conference, Alghero (University of Sassari, Italy), September 12-15, 2012 2011 Empirical and Formal Conditions in Helmholtz’s Theory of Measurement, Limits of Knowledge between Philosophy and the Sciences, University of Milan Between Kantianism and Empiricism: Otto Hölder’s Philosophy of Geometry, 14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Nancy 2010 Hermann Cohen and Alois Riehl on Geometrical Empiricism, HOPOS Conference, Central European University, Budapest 2) Invited Lecturing 2013 Kant und Helmholtz über die Frage nach der Form des Raumes und die Grundlagen der Geometrie, Kolloquium für Wissenschaftstheorie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Book presentation: E. Cassirer, L’idea di costituzione repubblicana [The Idea of a Republican Constitution], edited with an introductory essay by Renato Pettoello, Morcelliana: Brescia, 2013. Libreria dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia Mathematical Method in Cassirer’s Philosophy of Science, Philosophy and History of Science Seminars 12-13, University of Bristol Philosophie und Mathematik bei Ernst Cassirer, Kolloquium zur Philosophie, Universität Paderborn 3) Research Group Talks 2013 Methodologische und erkenntnistheoretische Aspekte in Felix Kleins Betrachtungen über die projektive Maßbestimmung, Oberseminar zur Geschichte der Mathematik. Coordinator: Prof. David E. Rowe, Universität Mainz Projektive Maßbestimmung und Raumbegriff in Felix Kleins Forschungsprogramm, 5. Rheinisch- Westfälischen Seminar für Geschichte und Philosophie der Mathematik, Universität Siegen 2012 What Does It Mean That “Space can be transcendental without the axioms being so”? Helmholtz’s Claim in Context, Modern Geometry and the Concept of Space. Research Group Director: Dr. Vincenzo De Risi, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin 2010 4 What Does It Mean That “Space can be transcendental without the axioms being so”?, Wissenschaftsphilosophisches Kolloquium. Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Michael Heidelberger. Forum Scientiarum, Tübingen 2009 Cohen und Riehl in der Auseinandersetzung mit Helmholtz’ Schriften zur Geometrie, Wissenschaftsphilosophisches Kolloquium, Forum Scientiarum, Tübingen Geometria ed esperienza nella problematica trascendentale, Seminario congiunto Coordinamento Dottorati in Filosofia-SUM, Palazzo Strozzi, Firenze Teaching 2013 Texte zum Neukantianismus, Seminar conducted by Dr. Francesca Biagioli and Dr. Henning Peucker, Universität Paderborn, Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften: Philosophie 2011 Cooperation with Prof. Renato Pettoello within the course “La Critica della ragion pura di Kant e i destini del criticismo” (4 hours seminar on “Cassirer e Nelson – Una controversia sul metodo critico”), Università degli Studi di Milano, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia 5 .
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