H6850 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 4, 2020 but because of the pandemic, we are ex- commitment and determination to bring our the commitment that you have indi- periencing over 1 million cases a week beloved Austin safely home. cated on this letter. It would bring joy and 2,000 deaths a day. Yesterday there was a news story from the unlike any these parents have ever ex- Because of that, we are finding our- region that Austin Tice had been released and was on a plane headed home. Our phones perienced if you would do so. selves in more self-induced economic were going crazy, our email was exploding, So, Mr. President, I salute you. I sa- comas, just like we are seeing in my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram—every kind of lute you for your desire and commit- State of California and my district on social media was buzzing with an outpouring ment to bring Austin home. And I sus- the central coast of California. of high hopes and great joy. Many, many pect that it has a lot to do with the We can’t wait any longer for another news outlets reached out eagerly hoping to fact that he is an American citizen, but economic package. That is why Demo- verify this great news. I also suspect, Mr. President, that it crats and Republicans of the Problem We know you can make this joyful news a has a lot to do with what you know reality. We know the Syrians are ready to Solvers Caucus worked with a bipar- about Austin. tisan group of Senators to come up work with you. Please, please bring Austin home for the Austin is an American hero, a vet- with a targeted and temporary package holidays. eran captain of the Marine Corps. Aus- of close to $1 trillion to meet our most Respectfully, tin loved his country. He was willing to pressing needs. It is a compromise that DEBRA TICE. fight for it and, if necessary, sacrifice can be a way to ‘‘yes’’ for both Houses his life for it. and both sides to come together. Debra—Working so hard on this. Looking for the answer. We want Austin back. I will Austin played by the rules. In col- Mr. Speaker, it is going to be a dark lege, at age 16, he wanted to be a law- winter, so it is our obligation to our never stop— DONALD J. TRUMP. yer. But also, Austin was one of those constituents to come to the table to rare, unique persons who not only negotiate and pass a pandemic relief Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, wants to help, but who is willing to go package to help us get on the road to while they have asked me to extend to great lengths, great extremes to be recovery this spring. their gratitude, I personally would like of service. f to thank the Tice family for their un- wavering commitment to have Austin He was a freelance journalist, as you BRING AUSTIN TICE HOME returned home and allow him to be know, Mr. President, and as such, he The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. with his family and his friends. was willing to go into harm’s way to HARDER of California). Under the They also wished that I would thank places that most of us would never go Speaker’s announced policy of January President Trump on their behalf. I into to be of service, to help people. So 3, 2019, the gentleman from Texas (Mr. have a letter that is the best evidence Austin decided that he would take his GREEN) is recognized for 60 minutes as of why they would have President talents and his desires to Syria. the designee of the majority leader. Trump be thanked for what he has He went to Syria, and he crossed over Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, done. the Syrian border in May of 2012. In and still I rise. The letter reads: ‘‘Friday, 13 Novem- August of 2012, he was detained at a I rise today on behalf of my constitu- ber 2020. checkpoint someplace near Damascus, ents, Marc and Debra Tice, the parents ‘‘Dear President Trump, and he has been missing ever since. of Austin Tice. ‘‘Thank you, from the entire Tice There have been what we call in the Marc and Debra have asked that I ex- family, for your steadfast commitment intelligence agencies, I believe, signs tend their sincerest gratitude to the and determination to bring our beloved and proof of life. We know that he is House of Representatives, all of its Austin safely home. alive, and we know that 8 years of this leadership and membership, for the ‘‘Yesterday there was a news story experience is taking a toll on Austin. passage of H. Res. 17, a resolution that, from the region that Austin Tice had Austin deserves our greatest efforts in effect, supports the President’s de- been released and was on a plane head- to bring him home, because Austin is sire to bring their son home. ed home. Our phones were going crazy, an American hero. His parents are in Hence, Mr. Speaker, pursuant to our email was exploding, Twitter, need of his touch, of his presence. They their request, I thank Speaker PELOSI, Facebook, Instagram—every kind of need to hug their son. because I had a personal conversation social media was buzzing with an out- So the appeal has been made, and, with Speaker PELOSI about this resolu- pouring of high hopes and great joy. Mr. President, you have said that you tion, and I believe that that led to its Many, many news outlets reached out believe that you will do everything coming to the floor. eagerly hoping to verify this great that you can. I am paraphrasing. You I thank Majority Leader HOYER. He, good news. said you will never stop and that you in effect, orchestrated the bringing of ‘‘We know you can make this joyful are looking for the answer. this resolution to the floor. news a reality. We know the Syrians I believe the answer is within your I thank Congressman HILL for his are ready to work with you. power, and I believe the Tice family support of the resolution at the com- ‘‘Please, please bring Austin home will be eternally grateful, as will most mittee level and for his efforts to bring for the holidays.’’ Americans, if you will bring their son his constituent, Dr. Kamalmaz, home. It is signed, ‘‘Respectfully, Debra I thank the outgoing chair of the home and do so before Christmas. Tice,’’ Austin’s mother. On behalf of the Tice family, Mr. Foreign Affairs Committee, Mr. ELIOT The President is known to respond to President, I salute you for your desire ENGEL, for his efforts to bring the reso- letters of this kind by simply writing and your commitment to bring him lution out of committee. on a copy of the letter a message to be I also thank the ranking member, the home. returned to the sender. Texan, Mr. MCCAUL, who is a person Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance I shall read the President’s state- who has worked with me on many en- of my time. ment: deavors. He made this bipartisan early The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- ‘‘Debra—Working so hard on this— bers are reminded to address their re- on, and I thank him for what he has Looking for the answer. We want Aus- done to help us get it through the com- marks to the Chair, not to a perceived tin back. I will never stop.’’ viewing audience. mittee. Mr. President, I salute you for your I thank Senator CORNYN, Senator desire and your commitment to bring f MURRAY, the 41 cosponsors of H. Res. Austin home. And, Mr. President, I 17, the 52 Senators and 152 Representa- b 1430 pray that it will be done before Christ- tives who signed on to a letter to the mas. It would be a wonderful thing, Mr. ISSUES OF THE DAY President. President, for this family that you now The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD a letter from Debra Tice to President know and you have communicated the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- Trump. with, for this family that has suffered uary 3, 2019, the gentleman from Texas FRIDAY, 13 NOVEMBER 2020. for some 8 years without their son. (Mr. GOHMERT) is recognized for 60 min- DEAR PRESIDENT TRUMP, Thank you, from You would do well and serve them utes as the designee of the minority the entire Tice family, for your steadfast well, Mr. President, if you would honor leader. VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:56 Dec 07, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K04DE7.041 H04DEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE December 4, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6851 Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, at this There have also been times to engage at all has impacted me more than time it is an honor to yield to the gen- in a more stern manner, serving on the standing there on the shores there at tleman from North Carolina (Mr. House Oversight Committee with Normandy. And as our guide began to WALKER), my friend that is apparently Chairman Jason Chaffetz. Chairman talk that day, I thought about this for in his last term in this body. Hopefully, Chaffetz did a wonderful job as the the first time. he will be serving in another body.
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