a m p s f j i r e VOLUME NO. 46 ISSUE 2 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, N. H. — Feb. 16, 1956 PRICE — SEVEN CENTS Senate Changes Women’s Rules; Carnival Spirit Sweeps Campus In Seeks Action On Madbury Bridge Freshman and Sophomore women will have Friday 12 o’clocks effective immediately, and all women will have 2 :30 permission to the Annual Round O f Colorful Activity big campus balls, and 1 :30 permission for Pan Hellenic Ball. Students Flaming torches and musical fanfare wishing to leave campus mid-week must secure permission from the will usher in the 1956 Winter Carnival House Director as well as of Dean Margaret McKoane, Associate Dean tonight. Heading the torch-light pa­ of Students. rade will be a float, entitled “Winter W onderland” , which will carry the Student Senate voted the revision of pretty Queen and her aides. The UNH Women’s hours at their last meeting, ROTC Drill Team, acting as guard of Monday. The 2 :30 permissions include Debators Test Wits honor, will escort the float as they Military Arts Ball, Carnival Ball, Junior march to the music of the U N H Band; Prom, and Commencement Dance. Old Man Weather permitting! Step­ Pending approval by Faculty Senate, In National Contest ping lightly before the band and a host Women’s Rules Committee will include UN H debaters, in their first national of students will be our majorettes. all women members of Student Senate debate tournament of the season, won The parade will form immediately and will have the power to draw up all seven of their twelve contests last week following the program at the Franklin rules applying to women students end at William and Mary College. Theatre which begins at 6:30. The fea­ campus. The affirmative team, consisting of ture movie is “ Scotch on Rocks” , a de­ A request for adequate lighting and Donald Whittum and William Quimby lightful English comedy. Also included sidewalks on Garrison Avenue was pre­ broke even with a three and three record will be the short subjects, “ Ski Saga” , sented before sending to Durham select­ they defeated negative teams from Co “Here’s Hockey”, “Winter Jamboree”, men for their Town Meeting. Action was lumibia, Johns Hopkins, and New York and cartoons for the young at heart, also requested on the dangerous B#ston University, and lost to Morris Harvey “Lumberjack Rabbitt and “Destination and Maine Railroad tracks on Madbury Rutgers, and Georgetown. M agoo” . Road where five accidents have occured Lawrence O ’Connell and Donald Stod­ Coronation since September. dard of the UNH negative team won The procession will end at the Uni­ Before any action will be taken, Presi­ four of their six debates. They were de­ versity Central Snow Sculpture. Be­ dent James R. Perry appointed a three- feated by the Dartmouth affirmative, the fore the modernistic desisn of the G man committee to consult with university only team to win all of its debates, and Clef and the Bass Clef, President El­ officials, President Johnson and the News by St. Joseph’s College of Philadelphia don E. Johnson will present the queen, Bureau. The four U N H negative victories were Miss Betty Ann Clark, with the scep­ Next year’s Rolling Ridge Conference over affirmative teams from Loyola tre, to reign over our 35th Winter Car­ on campus affairs is tentatively planned Ohio State, the University of Florida nival. for October. Sandra Willand was elected and the University of South Carolina The design of the Central Snow to the Executive Council of Student Sen­ The tournament was won by the team Sculpture, in keeping with the theme, ate to fill a vacancy created by John Hill. from the United States Military Acad­ Photo Service “Rhapsody in White”, was designed Appointments made in committees emy, which won nine of its twelve de­ by Jack Hill. It represents a sym­ were: Nancy Mudge, transfer students, bates. Pictured above are the newly-elected Queen and her aides. From left to phonic trend, beginning slowly, reach­ Orientation Week Committee; Linnea The next item on the schedule of the right are: Betty Ann Clark, Scott; Lorraine Smith, Sawyer; Norma Russell, ing a climax, and slowly taper-^ off. Bulford, Pan Hellenic Council, and Rob debating society is one of a series of Phi Mu; Ginny Paulu, McLaughlin; Diane Howe, South Congreve. The Queen The sculpture is the largest built on art Narkis, Inter Fraternity Council, nationally publicized debates being held and her aides were chosen by the male students last Wednesday and Thursday campus in recent years. Under the di­ Housing Committee; John Lawler and at the Massachusetts Correctional In­ by popular vote and the announcement of the winners was made simultane­ rection of George Ribar the idea of Patricia Herman, Mother’s Day Com­ stitute at Norfolk, Mass. The clash with ously over T V and radio. The girls appeared in person on Jerry Kearney’s this central snow sculpture has mater­ mittee; Emile Parent, Student Union the Norfolk debaters is scheduled for “Guesthouse” show over W M U R -T V last Friday, Feb. 10, while a recorded ialized. George and Pete Hood acted Board; and Gerald Arsenault, Chairman Feb. 25. interview with the royal group was aired over W M D R . as chairman of the sculpture commit­ of the Publicity Committee. tee, constituted of students and fac­ Campus Chest Extends A ulty. Its purpose is to stimulate unity within the student body through-a co­ Counselors Chosen Helping Hand to Charities Art Exhibit Features operative effort, a spirit which should typify every campus event. The snow "Storm Of Colors" What is the Campus Chest? Every For Freshman Camp year, hundreds of appeals for aid reach Contemporary Works sculpture, is a step in that direction. the University from charitable organi­ Queen Presents Trophy Adds Effect To Ball 68 Freshman Camp counselors have zations all over the world. Through the An exhibition attempting to answer the Following the installation, the New Hampshire Hall may well meta­ been selected to serve on the 1956 camp Campus Chest, many of these local, na­ question “What is modern painting?” Queen and her aides will lead the pro­ morphose into “ The Rainbow Room” to­ staff. The Freshman Camp Executive tional, and international organizations is now at the^ Hamilton Smith Art Gal­ cession to the winning men’s snow morrow night, with 500,000 slowly re­ Board chose these students on the basis can be helped with one consolidated con­ lery, and will run for two weeks. This sculpture, where the Queen will pre­ volving mirrors and 28 different color of their applications and interviews. The tribution. exhibition, which features American and sent the trophy to the deserving house. new counsellors are members of the European sculpture, original paintings, The other trophies will be awarded at combinations. The 35th Annual Winter The Campus Chest Committee care- Carnival Ball, to be held from 9-2 a.m., freshman, sophomore, and junior classes and reproductions was arranged by the the Jazz Concert, the next event o f the Weekly camp meetings, which are de­ fullv screens all the applications and Department of The Arts in cooperation night. features a spectacular lighting effect allots the drive funds so that the contri­ signed to prepare the camp program for with the Museum of Modern Art in New The “Downbeat in the Snow” will called “ The Storm of Colors.” To butions do more work. This article, and the frosh in the fall, will start Tuesday, York. The display shows some of the feature The Bowdoin Meddiebemp- heighten the atmosphere, no white lights those to follow, will tell where each do­ Feb. 14, at 8:00 p.m. in the Alumni most important approaches to painting in sters, the Dartmouth Injunaires, the will be used throughout the dance. The nation will go and to what use it will Room in New Hampshire Hall. In addi­ our time. Bowdoin Emanons, Walt Jackson’s music of Vin Capone will provide a be put. smooth accompaniment. tion, a weekend retreat and workshop The pictures do not attempt to repre­ Blue and Rhythm Kings, the Sala­ Noble work is done by the American Decorations this year are the most will be held at Rolling Ridge, Andover, sent a history or survey of the last manders, and Ray LaCouture and his Friends Service Committee (AFSC), unusual — and the heaviest. One ton of Mass., on March 10 and 11. seventy-five years which 'they cover, but International Dixieland Band. extending to the limits of the world, equipment is required to create the dis­ The members of the class of ’57 who are grouped according to the different Meddiebempsters from Germany to Korea, and from Israel play and nine hours for installation. were chosen as counselors are: Alison ideas which they express. Well-traveled and well-liked, the to Mexico. The principle of the AFSC Special lighting is being arranged for Akins, Shirley Asper, Elizabeth Aucoin, A text is provided to accompany each Meddiebempsters come to us fresh is to “ relieve suffering, to build dignity, the Queen, her aides, and the band. Judy Brown, Julius Butler, Judith Co­ panel, and serves to point out certain from their performance at Bowdoin’s to create understanding,” and to help Miss Betty Ann Clark, Queen of the chrane, David Dickenson, Ann Gassaway, aspects of the pictures Which might be own Winter Carnival two weeks ago. the war-ridden people of other nations Ball, will be crowned by President John­ Peter Jennette, Arden Jones, Irene La- overlooked. They are considered by many to be to help themselves.
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