.'ft Books You Must Have Relax on Bright Books — AND — WE HAVE THEM— Books You Would Like Wise and Otherwise ue aU to be had from mpet mtmt • A. McLEOD, A. MdLEOD, "Brisbane's Best Bookstore," "Brisbane's Best Bool<store/' 107 Elizabeth St., BRISBANE 107 Elizabeth St., BRISBANE, Vol. X. — No. 7 Thursday, 24th ADril. 1941 ««K'"ered m G.P.O,, BriHbaae. for J' ^^i".ii, ii7ii trnnsmlBgion by post aa a periodical. Price ?'; ^ '^"""'" BURLESQUE BUaOTIN. Commem. Ball Is On! Howdy, folks! This is your old friend. Tea Banana, the Thinker of We Say This Week: the Theatre, boosting the 1941 bur­ Oyer—oyer—rally, rally! Despite persistent and pernicious rumours '/ // to the contrary—started no doubt, by some Quislingesquc fifth-columnisU- lesque; it's dazzling, gigantic, super- Go to Commem. colossal. All-star cast! Designed to Conun(»n. Ball this year is on—and how! For the last five years the Senate piease the refined, the Rabelaisian fight for a principle. You must at­ of this University has been ti-ying and the rabble—certain to please the tend it, g In case you didn't read the stop IHGH FINANCE. to eliminate Commem. celebrations. last two, at least. Most Freshers are aware by now press in last week's issue—in case (1) Aren't we all? With this (2) So far they have succeeded. There that they are expected to take a .you haven't seen the truly magnifi­ might be answered with profit. Now, let's be serious. Willi his is now no procession, no apprecia­ Varsity woman to Commem. Varsity cent posters—in case you haven't Commem. Ball is the cheapest City hand on his heart, your old friend, tion of our graduates at a special girls have one profound advantage, read the socials in oiu* great city Hall ball of the year—of that cate­ Tea Banana, says "You ought to see ceremony, no holidays for jubilation. whatever their looks or manners— dailies—this will be the latest, At gory, of course. At this juncture, for it." Don't let last year's fiasco pre­ This may serve a useful purpose in they have intelligence or they the last Union Council meeting it those who don't know it, we might judice you! This years show is preventing us from disturbing the wouldn't be here. And there is only was decided to hold a ball in the mention the age old Varsity custom packed with wisecracks, subtle satire, public while the war's on.—at least one quality in a woman more valu­ City Hall without a dinner. The of feminine independence—yes all slapstick, and songs. There's a bevy our objections will take place de­ able than intelligence—that is dancing time was cut down by one our lasses cough up their own half of beautiful choruses, specially corously in the University grounds. charm. The truly charming are in­ hour—altogether a bad thing for guineas. That means, Johnny, my caught in early childhood and trained But the latest aim of the Senate variably intelligent. many reasons—so that now the son, that you may save for for the Big Burlesque of the 20th is to eliminate our farewell to our So make inquiries. If you know "dancing and spriking far into the Cenlury~"ST. LUCIA BLUES." graduates, the Commemoration Ball. a good dancer, well and good. If night" will be restricted (officially) Ticket 10 6 Hear Varsity's prima swinga sing First, they refuse their grant for a not, you will probably be agreeably to between the hours of 9 p.m. and 2 Fares, etc 2 0 "St. Lucia Blues." It's a new tune, dinner, most unjustifiably, smce all surprised by your partner. More­ a.m. The supper^ however, still (Take her there per tram) fascinating, original (a Varsity pro­ their grant stays well in Australia, over, you are not expected to have stays—and will be just as sumptuous Steam-rollers 0 1 duction), it's got rhythm plus. And and goes to our war effort one way more than five or six dances with as ever, although tiie cost will be (Cheaper than cigarettes) can our swinga swing it? Watch her or another; then they exert pressure your partner—there is plenty of op­ lower. And, most imiMrtant of all, hips thrnw left hooks at one another! lo have the ball eliminated—so suc­ portunity for prospecting for future the proceeds are to be given to the 12 7 Oh boy! cessfully that it has been cut from occasions. ' Queensland Patriotic Fund, 10 to 4 a.m. to the level of a Varsity You may not know it yet, but It's not much^ is it? If you forgo Laugh at night-bird Len Culpan, hop—2 a.m. you will find that tlio .nan who tries the pleasure of one G. and S. ses­ the most riotous commedian the Var­ WHY NOT 10/6? to take a share in his social obliga­ sion you, will not detract appreci­ sity has produced! A crime wave This is decidedly crude, but an tions both enjoys himself more, ably from your sum total of culture, sweeps tho University of 2241 A.D., efficient method of putting in the That, you say, is just fine. After and obtains better positions after­ but you will have saved over half and Lennie gets amongst it. All thin end of the wedge. lengthy consideration, your elected wards—because his influence is this sum. Anyway, if you are not your favourite detectives will be on We must stress our personality representatives were inclined to this year, or Commem. has vanish­ more marked. agree with you. But, wait a minute very broke, you can go on some the stage—Skylock Bones, Charlie other nighl. This knocks out (2). Chant, the Four Just Men (they're ed. To the older members of the Commem. this year is a symbol. —are YOU coming? If so, good- University this will be known, but Within it there is a lot of enjoy­ tell your friends and pay your half As for (0) you have the consolation only just men) and a host of others. that you possess a common under­ it is to the Freshers that this note ment, and valuable experience for guineas. If not, why not? Trot out You MUST be there, that's all is written, the future—she rewards her devotees .your reasons and we will endeavour graduate failing—surely this is no there is to it. On the 12th and 13th ' You must realise that Commem. with no niggardly hand, but it is as to knock them on the head one by bar to your attendance. (7) Speaks May; cost only 2/- per person per this year is more than the tradition­ a symbol you must appreciate this •one. for itself—as an excuse, it is as time. Bring everyone you can—it's ally best show of the year, it is a year's Commem. Let us take a hypothetical case of lame as the drowning man who worth seeing, and it's for Red Cross • one John Smith (we will take a man clutches at a straw—or something funds. because men are more susceptible to like that. Your old friend, .reasonable argument than women). As for (3) and (5), these are TEA BANANA. Young, enthusiastic, carefree—in slightly tougher nuts to crack. But NOTICE. .fact, with all the ear marlcs of a to (3), there are, strangely enough, freshman—obviously an ideal poten­ two solutions. An invitation has been extended tial proselyte. We find him during (I) Come down to next Commem. to the Senate, Staff and Under­ donation of at least £30 at the end, a prac. period lazing luxuriously in a prac, survey the possibilities—and graduates ot the University to be we cannot very well refute this ac­ men's lounge arm chair drinking the probabilities, go into a huddle present at a Church Service to be cusation. In fact, if we make a milk (a failure of all the younger and arrive at a unanimous decision^ held in St. John's Cathedral on Sun­ loss, in all fairness to the Queens­ ...generation). We approach him from take your courage in both hands, and day, the 27lh instant, commencing at land Patriotic Fund, the donation behind. pop the question. If you have no 11 a.m. wlil have to come out of Union luck, mutter "Kismet," and try "Aha, John." (Note the personal funds—your money—so it will cost It is desirable that Undergraduates again. Off the_Record .touch—we don't really know him, you something either way. You wishing to attend should arrive not but the chances are ten to one that later than 10.45 a.m., at the Cathe­ DINNA YA BUY A DINNER might as well get good value for Certain lecturer (a former jitter­ .his name is John). dral Hall in Ann Street, where rob­ your money! But, most important of bug enthusiast) gave interesting "Hullo." (This suspiciously.) SUIT. ing accommodation will be provided. all, we must show the public that, sidelight on his "clicking" technique "Going to Commem?" (5) Let us get you one. It is the although we have not joined the Full academic address, i.e., gown at the last debate. "Semper" would "No." (This more suspiciously.) job of the Dinner Committee to fighting forces, we are nevertheless and trencher, will be worn for the like lo hear more about the lite "Why?" whole-heartedly behind the war make the ball a success, and to im­ occasion.
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