4yy A new dwarf pseudosquillid of the genus Raoulserenea from French Polynesia i (Crustacea, Stomatopoda) Roy L. CALDWELL Department of Integrative Biology, University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720-3140 (USA) [email protected] Raymond B. MANNING (deceased 18.01.2000) Department of Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. 20560-0163 (USA) Caldwell R. L. & Manning R. B. 2000. — A new dwarf pseudosquillid of the genus Raoulserenea from French Polynesia (Crustacea, Stomatopoda). Zoosystema 22 (1) : 101- 105. ABSTRACT Raoulserenea pygmaea, the fifth species of the genus ro be recognized, is KEYWORDS Crustacea, described from specimens found from inshore habitats in French Polynesia. Sromaropoda, The combination of the small size of adults, total length less than 35 mm, and Pseudosquillidae, Raoulserenea, the unarmed, broad, cordiform rostral plate distinguish this species from its new species. congeners. A key to the species of Raoulserenea is given. R£SUM£ Un nouveau Pseudosquillidae nain du genre Raoulserenea de Polynesie francaise (Crustacea, Stomatopoda). Raoulserenea pygmaea a. sp., la cinquieme espece du genre, est dectite a parcir de specimens recoltes dans des habitats coders en Polynesie francaise. La com- MOTS CUES Crustacea, binaison des caracteres suivants : petite tat He des adultes, longueur rorale infe- Sromaropoda, rieure a 35 mm er plaque rostraJe cordiforme, large et sans processus, Pseudosquillidae, Raoulserenea, distingue I'espece de ses congeneres. Line cle des especes du genre nouvelle espece. Raoulserenea est proposee. ZOOSYSTEMA • 2000 • 22(1) lOl Caldwell R. L. & Manning R. B. INTRODUCTION 15.XI.1992, leg. R. L. Caldwell, 1 9 33 mm (USNM 260953). In 1995, Manning established a new genus PARATYPES. — French Polynesia. Same data as holo- within the Pseudosquillidae, Raoulserenea. The type, 5 <5 d" 20-26 mm, 2 9 9 21 and 27 mm genus was named to honor the late Raoul Serene (USNM 260954), 2 6" 6M 9 (MNHN-SU978). — , 1 m, rubble, V.1980, 1 3 22 mm, 2 9 9 22 and who in 1951 pointed out the differences between 24 mm (USNM 260955). — 25 m, rubble, V.1980, the type species of Raoulserenea, R. ornata (Miers, ) cT 15 mm (USNM 260956). — no date, 1 3 1880), and the type species of Pseudosquilla 22 mm, 1 9 25 mm (USNM 260957). — 1991, 1 3 f Dana, 1852, P. ciliata (Fabricius, 1787). Four 25 mm, 1 9 22 mm (USNM 260958). — Cook's * species were originally included in Raoulserenea, Bay, Moorea, Society Islands, 0.5 m, rubble, VII. 1988, 7 3 3 18-28 mm, 2 3 3 postlarvae 17 R. hieroglypbica (Manning, 1972), R. komaii and 18 mm, 2 9 9 19 and 21 mm, 1 9 postlarva (Moosa, 1991), R. ornata, and R. oxyrhyncha 18 mm (USNM 260959). (Borradaile, 1898). All occur in the central and Tuamotu Archipelago. Monihi, low intertidal, western Indo-Pacific. 19°00'S, 142°00'W, rubble, V.1980, leg. R. L. In 1980, Caldwell began collecting stomatopods Caldwell, 1 damaged 9 26 mm (USNM 260958). — Mataiva Atoll, 1 9 22 mm (MNHN-Stl979). from coral rubble in shallow water habitats around the island of Moorea, French Polynesia. ETYMOLOGY. — From the Latin, pygmaeus, dwarf or Among the species found was a Raoulserenea that pygmy, alluding to the diminutive size of the species. could be distinguished from other species in the MEASUREMENTS. — Males (n = 18), tl 15-28 mm; genus on the basis of size alone. The four species male postlarvae (n = 2), tl 17 and 18 mm; females (n = 12), 19-33 mm; female postlarva (n = 1), tl 18 mm. of Raoulserenea currently recognized all attain Other measurements of holotype, in mm: carapace maximum total body lengths of between 65 and length 6.7; rostral plate length 1.5, width 2.2; cornea 85 mm. The largest individual of this previously width 1.9; length ol propodus of raptorial claw 8.0; unrecognized diminutive species was 33 mm fifth abdominal somite width 5.0; telson length 5.1, long, and females, with eggs, as small as 22 mm width 4.2. were collected. Below, we describe this new DISTRIBUTION. — Known only from Moorea and species and briefly discuss its biology. Tahiti, Society Islands and Manihi and Mataiva A roll, The holotype and para types are in the collections Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia. of the National Museum of Natural History, DIAGNOSIS. — Size small, maximum total length Smithsonian Institution, Washington (USNM). 33 mm. Rostral plate broad, lacking anterior spinule, Paratypes also are in the collections of the apex obtusely pointed. Eyespots on carapace surround- ed by white ring. Propodus of raptorial claw spotted. Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN). In the section on material, below, the number fol- DESCRIPTION lowing the number of specimens is total length Total length of adults to 33 mm. Eye large, cornea (tl), measured on the midline from the anterior distinctly broadened, not extending beyond seg- margin of the rostral plate to the apices of the ment 2 of antennular peduncle. Antennal scale submedian teeth of the telson. slender, entire margin setose. Rostral plate broader than long, obtusely pointed anteriorly, lacking apical spine. Carapace dorsum with pair of dark SYSTEMATIC^ circles surrounded by uninterrupted white ring. , Raptorial claw propodus with three movable Family PSEUDOSQUILLIDAE Manning, 1977 spines proximally. Lateral matgin of thoracic Raoulserenea Manning, 1995 somite 6 broader than that of somite 7. Abdominal somite 5 only with posterolateral spine. Sternal Raoulsereneapygmaea n. sp. keel acutely pointed on abdominal somites 1-3, (Fig. 1) sharper, spiniform on somites 4 and 5. Uropodal HOLOTYPE. — French Polynesia. Moorea, Society exopod with 10 graded spines, distalmost over- Islands, 17°32'N, H9°50'W, 1 m, rubble, 10- reaching distal segment. Uropodal protopod with 102 ZOOSYSTEMA • 2000 • 22(1) New dwarf Rpoukercnea (Cmsracca, Scomaropoda) FIG;. 1. — Raoulserenea pygmaea, n. sp. Female holotype, tl 33 mm; A, anterior part of body and raptorial claw; B, sixth abdominal somite,mite, telsotelson, and uropod; C, endopod of first pleopod of male paratype, tl 25 mm. Scale bar: A, B,1 mm; C, 0.5 mm. with tiny salmon spots on each segment. The mal to base of inner spine. Endopod of male pleo- antenna! scales are clear with pink to salmon pod with tube process longer than hook process. margins and setae. The raptorial second maxil- lipeds are lighr green with tiny dark spots with Color in life the dactyl margins tinged with salmon. Body fairly uniform olive green made up of tiny Maxillipeds 3-5 are greenish yellow with salmon stellate chromatophores with only a trace of the setae. The margins of the thoracic and abdomi- network of light and dark spots forming the pat- nal segments are dull red. The pleopods are tern seen on the rostral plate, carapace and greenish yellow with salmon setae. The telson is merus and propodus of rhe raptorial appendages green with transverse white stripes and the mar- of preserved specimens. The antennules are clear gins of teeth and spines salmon. The uropods are with a bluish green tint and the flagella have blue-green with clear bands, setae salmon, and salmon-colored spots. The antennae are clear spines slightly purple. ZOOSYSTEMA • 2000 • 22(1) 103 Caldwell R. L. & Mannine R. B. REMARKS somite has a dark posterior margin. The abdomi- Manning (1995) recognized the genus Raoulse- nal plate is dark and abdominal somites 1-5 each renea for four species previously assigned to have a dark spot posterolaterally, delimited ante- Pseudosquilla Fabricius, 1787 that are character- riorly by a clear space. In R. hieroglyphica, tho- ized by broad eyes, eyespots on the carapace, and racic somites 6-8 are crossed by a single band of ~- three pairs of dorsal carinae on the telson. Raoul- dark spots. Abdominal somites 1-5 have two sereneapygmaea is the fifth species of the genus to similar bands, one across the middle, the other be recognized. Four of these species have now been posteriorly. These somites also have a dark spot found in Moorea. In addition to R.pygmaea, R. ko- on each side at the posterolateral angle. Both maii (Moosa, 1991) and R. ornata (Miers, 1880) species have a prominent dark spot on the ster- are found in shallow water (depth less than 4 m) num at the base of each walking leg. and R. hieroglyphica (Manning, 1972) is found Between 1988 and 1998, one of us (R. L. C.) col- deeper than 15m (Caldwell personal observa- lected 230 adult R. pygmaea on Moorea. He also tion). Only R, oxyrhyncha (Borradaile, 1898) has collected numerous postlarvae night-lighting in not been found in French Polynesia. Cook's Bay. Larvae, while still in the water col- Raoulsereneapygmaea could be mistaken for R. or- umn, molt to postlarvae, which settle into rubble nata and R. hieroglyphica, which share the unarmed while they are still totally clear, except for their rostral plate and eyespots on the carapace sur- eyes, and are 17-19 mm in total length. Within rounded by a white ring, but differs in being much three to five days they begin to develop some smaller than either of those species. Adults of body coloration in the form of tiny speckles and R. pygmaea are not known to attain 35 mm in total by seven days the two eyespots on the carapace length, whereas members of R. ornata may exceed are clearly visible. Newly settled males have par- 80 mm in length (Manning 1995) and adults of tially formed gonopods and after the first post- R. hieroglyphica may reach 83 mm in length settlement molt the female gonopores are visible. (Manning 1977). The rostral plate of R. pygmaea Like Pseudosquilla ciliata, adults will mate at any has a broadly obtuse point on its anterior margin, stage in their reproductive cycle (Hatziolos & as does R.
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