4 8 Our Backstage Heroes President’s Outstanding Service Award ȶറю݈ዩȷፓපऋσޟᄍࡣ़ Student & Staff to Sit on Council as Members NEWSLETTER - GENESIS ᏰҡЅᙛষਣ٘ਮီོ Celebrating Diversity 10 Questions for New HKUST Shines Bright in In the Eyes of Swire Council Chairman Olympic Torch Relay International Young Fellows Dr Marvin Cheung ऋσᐭ༈ထЬġ ሬҡᄱፙऋσέԑ ࡚ݍкৰ๎ৱҡΪ୰ Our Students - Tears and Triumphs ऋσᏰҡ˕ ഷᅈᇄోӎ Ҭ C o n t e n t s ᓃ ਲ਼ޟঈר˕Front and Center ఼ЫᢊϞে National ઠ IJ HKUST Mourns Sichuan Earthquake Victims ijĹ HKUST Shines Bright in Olympic Torch Relay ఔ݇ұЌԳᏩժ߰ ॊЂᑬఐཇၐѫġ ˭ Roy To - a Short But Meaningful Life ijĺ Pursuing an Interest Across Boundaries In Remembrance of His Distinguished Service to the Needy - Prof Zweig and His China Syndrome ᜃ݇൜ࢥሪ˕ѕຠࡋۖч ௫Ђஈిఱᅰ᎘ҁߞКఐྍຕ ჲޟঈר˕ĵ Celebrating Diversity Global жࣨ In the Eyes of Swire International Young Fellows ਣӯਮಳȃ۶փЙԢ˕ቫӠᅰ᎘ॊЂϬՐ Ĵij Fine Music from London ᚒশկ Ĺ Cantonese Opera - an Exotic Offering for Overseas Students Ĵĵ When Technology Means Business ऎᑟثॻሬᆊ၂ነӹӠ૰ᐍඞ мॊ ĺ Unmanned Mini-helicopter Helps in Sichuan Earthquake Raising the Bar άΰΙቹዂ Recovery Work ұЌԳᏩా෯Ѝ֯ ĴĶ “Very Small” Award for Great Maths TalentsׄஜᐱଝЈߡпᑟġġ ȶྋЈȷߞᄁᔽᄜധዴᐯᇟॻ IJı Fiery Dragon Blazes to Victory in Robocon Contest ѫНᔷᄳᑟౠϠЂᘈࡄক Ĵķ HKUST Biology Research - Published in Science ᖔ˕ȮॊᐯȯᛔራᓴטඡٿुڀॊЂӠߏ IJIJ Bright Student Awarded Fulbright Scholarship Ӡᖔჴනҿપጨᐯࠛġ Ĵĸ HKUST Shines Again in General Research Fundٿु Competition A Taste of the Arctic ࠛġġġॊЂᐯ߰൵ᇍѕٿIJij ߋۤᔹ୨ु ࣋ແ࿂ԳġġॊЂᐯӠۖҔ࿂ւᅅġ ٱIJĵ Engineering Ingenuity Overflows from President’s Cup On Our Green, Green Campus ਮ༪ΙΠ ੭ࠜޓᆕႶЍขዊ ĴĹ President’s Outstanding Service Award IJĶ Backstage with a Music Artist - Our Backstage Heroes - the Complex Art of Teaching How to Stage a Musical ȶ൰ҍއசጨȷ᎒ෳॊЂᅌࢢॻ༯ ˕ᚹ܈գᗏգ֒ġġġ൹ൄ Ĵĺ Student and Staff to Sit on Council as Members রጄᇌЄԴॊЂያدᒊࢥ࢜ൾЀ ੭ၭྻڗᐯӠфᚚ৶ Face to Faceġġᇄ࡚ݍΙৰၗ ĵı Thank You John, Welcome Marvin and Michael ᆇᗏКȶ൘ȷࠓȶ௺ȷ IJĹ 10 Questions for New Council Chairman Dr Marvin Cheung ĵIJ Appointments, Fellowships and Honors ௺࢙ތѹਯຍਰӠϩய ԇȃᅷф୰Ѐ ĵij HKUST Confers Honorary Fellowships In the UST Family σড়৳ϱፙσড় ॊЂჴఱᅷ᠖Ђᐯ୰Ѐᅷ ijij Men are for Science and Women are for Arts ? ĵĴ Gorgeous Garage Sale: for Fun and Charity ੭ཀྵᎱߏྻ˕ڰDebunking the Gender Myths about Engineering җՐϘ࢘ߞ੭ཀྵಽ - Ѣ᠋ంȶЍȷȉ˕ գᝯЃӠளЍᐯߞᚱሱ ĵij Beauty Is More Than Water Deep ग़ដఐߞઔܺѵध ড়ޟঈר˕Local ॷ෫ The Hands That Help ӒᒦԤௌ˕ ਖᝦऋσ ijĵ Environment in June, Environment in Tune ॊЂбѡϘѯᇥ ĵĵ Chiu Chow Merchants Boost Research on Chinese Herbal Medicine ጤٿՍྻຉஜКନु F ront & Center ఼ Ы ᢊ Ϟ HKUST Mourns Sichuan Earthquake Victims ఔ݇ұЌԳᏩժ߰ he May 12 earthquake in Sichuan left more than ՐĶѡ 80,000 people dead and many more homeless. Ϭ IJij џȂ ݑԳ٭TThe earthquake was one of the most serious in Ϙඞ the history of China, and assistance came from all ᏩᓩᣠұЌȂ quarters, domestic and overseas, in support of the ᄳҝϞ Ĺ ေԺ ๑ڹȂۻrescue and reconstruction efforts. ౧ݑ ዴܧӔ๑ਛҞ The earthquake shook the hearts of the HKUST ᙩȄԳᏩൄ community. On the day of national mourning at 2:28 pm ዃ࢙ on 19 May - exactly one week after the earthquake struck Ȃփᚏȃ ڽᕕѽфᛁᖚႤ࿚ൌࠧ௱૿ѻȄഺඞԳᏩ࣏КգҫѽڻHKUST staff and students gathered at the Atrium to ӡࡡ - ෯ׄȂњڻobserve a 3-minute silence in memory of the victims. ൵ទদߞԳᏩНϘȂփаሃઔҳԧඏ֜ൌ૾૾෩ фদ࢙Ѝ֯Ȅ٭෯ా Donations from the campus community kept pouring in, ġġġġ and on 20 May, a cheque of $720,000 was presented to ԳᏩԴॊЂൄ࢝ЂᠩȄԴԳᏩӠߞϘ࣐งࢢȂ Ķ ѡ IJĺ the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in џϭо ij ijĹ жȂॊЂిᚚ৶фᐯӠኅ༰ЂȂᔵࡖ Ĵ жៗ the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The Ԩժ߰७ࡖȄԢȂॊЂӺ՜༰Ϟ੭аϠЀߞภȄ Ķ ѡ ijı ࢢȂЂᐯា᠈՜ۖԧێে ĸij ေЮњೈۖКᗑᓱȄاamount was later topped up to over $1 million with џȂ ภᗁᛝ IJıı ေЮȄێڹsubsequent donations. धภȂ 1 ఼ F ront & Center Ы ᢊ Ϟ Roy To - a Short But Meaningful Life In Remembrance of His Distinguished Service to the Needy eath comes to us all - only before the age of 28, not for his own we don’t know when we will enjoyment, but for cushioning the suf- D be called. When Roy To died, fering of those far less fortunate. he was barely 26. By most standards, he died tragically young. When a life is Roy wasn’t always the serious-minded snuffed out before it reaches its person that he later evolved into. In prime, there is a lingering sense of fact, his early life was rather unremark- loss. able. He came from a family of very modest means. Like most teenagers, Yet curiously, at a memorial service he was a video-game-playing, fun- for Roy, there was an air of lightness, loving type. And like some other stu- even an air of celebration - to dents, he failed his HKCEE once. But celebrate a life lived to the fullness of unlike many youngsters, failure love and care for others. stiffened his resolve to play catch-up. Failure made him grow up fast. By the Those who came to eulogize him did so in thoughtful time he reached HKUST, he began to show signs of calmness. Here and there someone’s voice broke. But leadership, getting elected as Chairman of the Civil there was a pervasive dignified acceptance that what had Engineering Society. happened to Roy happened for a reason known to God. The memorial service took the form of a verbal and musi- He also found his faith, and with it his mission in life - to cal tribute. Someone at the be of service to the poor of the world. He helped raise piano played a melancholy tune, funds to dig wells for villagers in Africa, making a differ- “the Echoes of the Heart”, but ence that is tangible and sweet. He was overawed by the otherwise there was a surpris- physical beauty of Africa, against a background of sheer ing absence of sadness. Roy human neglect and ugliness. He wanted to be close to seems to have entered people’s nature and to God. On his last journey to Inner Mongolia heart and dwells there in peace. to visit the children of the poor, he found both. In his jour- neys of the heart, he was able to weave charity with This spiritual peace may be adventure. In the end, he died in a car crash on a straight buoyed by Roy’s Christian faith. road in remote Inner Mongolia, doing what he loved Religion shows its centrality in most. life when death calls. Even for agnostics, a philosophical justifi- The accident might have truncated his life, but Roy did Roy’s memorial service was held at cation for a seemingly sense- not die in vain. He is a seed from which greater good- a Christian church less tragedy is possible. That afternoon, in a sedate ness grows. His employer, the Prudential Assurance ࢥሪߞୠࢥྻԴϘݙ church, people found solace in the belief that the true Company in Hong Kong and his co-workers there are ရిаᗝ֖ meaning of life is not in its longevity, but in its intensity. setting up the “Roy To Memorial Fund” with one million dollars as the target seed money to realize his dream of Roy had lived the last few years of his life with a restless aiding the poor. They are united with Roy in his belief that energy and intensity. He travelled extensively to third- “heaven dwells in the hearts of those who love”. world countries to taste poverty at its rawest and to alle- viate it in his personal way. He summited Africa’s highest The memorial service ended on a sunny note, with Prof peak when his fellow climbers had fallen short. Setting Roland Chin, our Deputy to the President, awarding Roy his goal in life with great clarity, Roy wanted to contribute posthumously with a Medal for Distinguished Communi- to the world, and shun a life of selfish indulgence. He ty Service. Henceforth, he will be memorialized annual- dreamed of building a modest fortune of $1.5 million ly by the University’s “Roy To Community Service Award”. 2 ᜃ݇൜ࢥሪ˕ ѕຠࡋۖч ে݀݀ӏକჰاӠҟᎡ๑ժȉҪ࣏ ᗜȄ൜ࢥሪҝѵᘘЙۖڽഺчߞڍ Ρ ሲȂҁ࣏ॻՐ՝ീȂڽijķ ࿐ȇᅆЂൊжϠ ҄ϠཋྏȄ ޤߞ࣏ȂԴ൜ࢥሪߞୠࢥྻϯȂઈݎ܈֭ ᆇჵҁߞڽቅ᛫ȂतգዉૡߞྏះȄࡈ ࢝Ӏᔖȇᘵ๒ஊᆬգڽႫߞϠऻڰ ۦϠལҵᗏȂ֭ᑋᢜϯԧϠൌత Ϟࢥሪߞᛓҝ࣏ϯߞ՞ྍȄԴୠ ࢥྻϯȂᆇաሃ७ໟӹฆ་֖Ȅᔀ јࡶҍࢩߞȶѕᢸߞᠩȷȂ ๑ྒྷᇰȄࢥሪ֬Ѽ־୵թНҳࡋ֭ ᔖᔖڭЏ་ϢϞԧϠߞаѕಎȂ ႆȄڤߞ࢞Դ ࢥሪߞڽഺᇟૠϯߞՉᄾҞକ࣏ ిܟᗜȂڽရిࠫԈȄညժϸ ڽߞ੮ѕȄतᅆᜃᆷᎢ߰ۻබऎӠ ሲȂϘܟࠑবϯ๑ޱನႋߞነϵҞѽӡ Ӏ۶ߞిڤৎϭоȂԴڤႋ៖Ȅڽৰᐯ ێࠜȂփԴێߞૌӒྍ၍ЙԴۻϯȂЂਛൌ֬ѼԢྍӠ ݸߞԍȄ ࠧഺዹᜃЂؠȄҁ՝ڭᅁȂࢥሪѽࡈێ Ј௵НਛȇබᄊЂൊжՐࠦϠڽȄҁ܈ߞ൵ࢢවՐࣿҍϞ๑নᇟȄҁۖჅЙьϬѵ ՐߞӠࣿҞᓜӀ๑ۻࢥሪԴҁӠ ᄘႏѽৎϠߞ֖ஜؼຠഺᇌߐȄҁሃ ϘዹȂҁඈᡌȶӇᑟȷȃߕጄȄҁतฅԴКᐯྻւЙфȄ֭ڭളȂڔۦधਛȂྏ ിࠜȄۖ་ϢڝᗝȄ ҵీхփᑬҁߞؠȂ҄ҁࢧߡୠȂ״Ҫգҁ؆ލԺ֜уϠᄘႏᜆࠧࣷ൵ਪȂຕ ᖔᓴऎϿѢЍᐯྻѹڭᢖᠨታഞЖົȂܕॊЂȂҁЏ༟ އߞϠЀקҁߞࠫԈ۶ನྐȂබ࣏ऎѵधϯളۖرᘖֺଉݺ༊ ਯȄҁϵڭࢥሪߞϠӠӫዾ࢝౻˕ ҁঋឥѵधȂ ӔధСȂؼຠҁেߞӠࣿȄҁԴऻمឯภऎࠧࣷߞׄጄȄҁౕؓԴ ijĹ ࿐Нࡈգ IJĶı ေЮಯȄഺຊಯЙ࣏ӡ֯ சȄҁ ႆߞग़ដ֒ȄҁౕؓሃЂڤᎫۖޟڭቅЙܶϠЀߞॴȄ ۖࠧࣷᅝߞԢȂิڽȂփ࣏ӡۦڳৎϠ ߰ൌیຆȂҁۊקऎతࠕȄԴҁ݀аላҟణౕളـ๒۶ϯ ϞȄԴҁߞѕᢸКȂҁᗁ࣏ణᔍݺྎຠȄ൵ࢢȂҁۖر Roy’s sister receives ԴаላҟϘ౧ߡႮߞӹ഼ྍҳКऎҁݙୠِߞឥϞϘӠȄ from Prof Roland Chin the Medal for ٟգڭȂ֭ҁߞಲӠׅϧۻDistinguished ഺըྍҳᘵ๒ᄳҝϞࢥሪߞݑ Community Service ȄҁߞຠѕЏ၃༟ࠅຕލȄҁߞгҦ˕ ॻ࠲႕࠲ᔍգ to commemorate ӲϞ൜ࢥሪ॔݇ࠛȂӫዾ࣏ឯఀڰRoy’s outstanding নгҦ˕ ሃҁߞԢ ളನྐȄҁেൌሮجcommunity service IJıı ေЮȂ֯ऎ੮ѕภ༵Ȃѽᅁࢥሪߞ record Ԣࢥሪߞࠫ݇ȈѕຠࡋۖчȄ ऎ॔݇ࢥሪᅆߤྻއ சߞ൰ҍឥȂॊЂ েߞਯ੭ࠜᓿاȄفКཪᆕຕޤਯ੭ࠜᓿЂ௵પ ୠࢥྻԴϘѯጄᣍߞઈ சࠛ๕ȂԢϫӲϞȶ൜އச Ђ௵ిఱԨ൜ࢥሪୠჴϘৎ൰ҍއୠჴϘৎ൰ҍ־ சКգ൰ҍࠑߞॊЂއசጨȷȂُՐጨᔽԴߤྻއࢥሪߤྻ ێӤڭጨПࢥሪȂ ҃ታ ᐯӠȄ 3 ఼ F ront & Center Ы ᢊ Ϟ Celebrating Diversity In the Eyes of Swire International Young Fellows “While people here have access to a high degree of free- International education has already become the catch word of the day.
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