_ lE±!± A.D. 1929 r JO,urnal of Proceedi~gs OF THE NINTH. SESSION OF 'PHE .. f.t. Synod of the Mi~sionary Diocese of Algoma / ! HANSON Be EDGAR, PRINTERS KINGSTON, ONTARIO , ' ( ( , \ • -A Prayer for the Diocese 111\ MERCIFUL GOD, let Thine especial blessing rest upon the W -- Diocese in which Thou hast cast our .lot, .and upon all the' congregations/ within its bounds. .Bless Thy servant, the Bishop, and those, who minist~r amon·gst us. Bless also the members of Thy Church and daily increase their number... Make us sound in the Faith and holy in our lives. Pou:r out more largely upon us the gifts of Thy Holy Spirit. 'Revive ·Thy work in the midst of us; awaken the 'careless; arouse the impenitent, and lead many souls to Christ. Build up Thy people in their most Holy Faith. Make us as a people to be more earnest, more holy, more heavenly-minded. Grant that a spirit of harmony and gogd will1l1ay ever prevjlil among us. May we live together in brotherly peace and concord, and show '-' by the c'onsistency' of our lives that we desire to glorify Thee. And, o Lord, do Thou enable us so to serve Thee nere that we may at length be received into Thy Kingdom above, for !he sake and through the merits of Jesus Christ our blessed and,only Redeemer. Amen. THE INCORPORATED SYNOD OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND IN THE MISSIONARY DIOCESE OF ALGOMA Journal of Proceedings NINTH SESSION' Held in the City of Sault Ste. Marie~ Ontario, from May 28th to May 30th, inclusive, A.D., 1929. WITH APPENDICES , " CLERGY AND OFFICERS OF THE MISSIONARY DIOCESE OF ALGOMA The Bishop The Right Reverend Rocksborough Remington Smith, M.A., D.D., Bishop­ hurst, Sa,llit ~te. M1:\rie, Ontario. The Most Reverend George Thorneloe, M.A., D.D. D.C.L., (Retired) 169 East Street, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Archdeaco~s The Yen. C. W. Balfour, M.A., Archdeacon of Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. The Yen. W. A. J. Burt, L.Th., Archdeacon of Muskoka, Espanola, Ont. Ho,norary Canons The Rev. A. J. Young (superannuated) .......................... Toronto .. Charles Piercy ................................ Sturgeon Falls A. H. Alhnan, B.Sc...... : .............., ... , ..... Gravenhurst , F. H. HiQcks, M.A................................ Haileybury D. A. Johnston .................................. Garden River F. W. Colloton, B.A., B.D . ........... .I ••••••• • Sault Ste. Marie J. c. Pop'ey ..................... ~ ..................Fort William W. H. Hunter ........................................... Korah " C. C. Simpson, L. Th. ................................. Coniston Examining Chaplains The Yen. C;. W. Balfour, M.A., Sault Ste. Marie The Rev. F. W. Coltoton, B.A., B.D., Sault Ste. Marie. Rural Deans The Rev. S. F. Yeomans, Massey, " ~ ............... '..... Deanery of Algoma' " J. B. Lindsell, Gravenhurst .................. Deanery of Muskoka H. A. Sims, North Bay .. : . : .... .......... Deanery of Nipissing " Canon Hincks, M.A., Haileybury ........ Deanery of Temiskaming Thomas Lloyd, L.S.T., Fort William ...... Deanery of Thunder Bay l:Ionorary Clerical Secretar;y of the Synod, The Rev. Canon Piercy ....................... Sturgeon Falls, Ontario Honorary Lay Secretary of the Synod HartY J. Rogers, Esq~ ................. 28 Ray Boulevard, Port Arthur, Onto ChanceUor A. C. Boyce, Esq., K.C., D.C.L. ......... Trusts Building, Ottawa, Ont Treasurer of the Synod The Rev. Canon Colloton, B.A., B.D. ........... Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Registrar C. S. McGaughey, Esq., ~.i\., .. '.,........ ~ ...., ............ North Bay, Onto Auditor Edpr T. R¢ad, Esq. • 'I ~ ~ ~ r I r I I , , , , ••••••••• , I I I • , 1 , ! • ! ~~\llt Ste. Marie Clergy and Officers of the Diocese of Algoma 3 The Executive Committee i The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Algoma, Chairman Yen. Archdeacon Balfour Dr. A. C. Boyce, K.C., Ch(!,ncellor. Ven. Archdeacon Burt Mr. C. S. McGaughey, Registrar Rev. Canon Piercy, Secretary Mr. H. J. Rogers, Lay Sec. of Synod Rev. Canon Colloton, Treas. of Synod Mr. F. W. Major Rev. Canon Hincks Mr. H. Reg. Brooks Rev. John Tate Mr. C. H. E. Rounthwaite Rev. Richard Haines Mr. A. V. Bliss Rev. Thomas Lloyd Mr. P. S. Burton Rev. W. F. Smith Mr. D. T. Hodgson Rev. W. C. Turney, S.S.J.E. Dr. E. H. Niebel Members of the Board of Management of the M.S.C.C. Rev. Canon Piercy l' Mr. Chancellor Boyce. Rev. Canon Colloton. Mr. F. W. Major Delegates to 'th~ GeneraPSynod - , j . Rev. Canon Colloton Mr. F. W. Major Yen. Archdeacon Burt Dr. E. H. Niebel Rev. Canon Hincks Mr. E. W. Shell Yen. Archdeacon Balfour Mr. Andrew Elliot Rev. Canon Piercy Mr. W. J. Thompson Rev. R. F. Palmer, S.S.J.E. Mr. J. B. Way , Substitutes Rev. Canon Popey Mr. H. Reg. Brooks Rev. W. A. Hankinson Mr. A. M. Church Rev. Canon Simpson Mr. C. H. E. Rounthwaite Rev. H. A. Sims Mr. L. Chapman Rev. A. P. Banks Mr. T. J. Foster Rev. W ,. C. Turney, S.S.].E. Mr. E. J. Vincent Delegates to. Provincial Synod/\ -' Ven. Archdeacon Burt Mr. F. W. Major , Rev. Canori. Colloton I . Mr. H. J. Rogers Yen. Archdeacon Balfour Dr. E. H. Niebel Rev. Canon Hincks Mr. J. B. Way Rev. Canon Popey Mr. H. Reg. Brooks Rev. Canon Piercy Mr. T. J. Foster Rev. W. A. Hankinson Mr. C. H. E. Rounthwaite Rev. T. V. L'Estrange Mr. E. W. Shell Substitutes Rev. Canon Simpson Mr. L. Chapman Rev. H. A. Sims Mr. Oswald Davies Rev. Richard Haines Mr. A. M. Church Rev. A. P. Banks Mr. W. H. Latham Rev. R. F. Palmer, S.S.J.E. Mr. E. J. Vincent Rev. W. C. Turney, S.S.J.E. Mr. George Atkinson Rev. Cyril Goodier Mr. C. F. Rothera Rev. Thomas Lloyd Maj or E. Wrightson The Bishop's Commissaries in England Rev. Chancellor Dimont, M.A., D.D., Salisbur.y Rev. Canon Freer, M.A., Gussage All Saints' Vicarage, Salisbury. / 4 Ninth Synod of the Missionary Diocese of Algoma Diocesan Board of Religious Education Rev. Canon Popey Dr. E. H. Niebel Rev. W. A. Hankinson Mr. T. J. Foster Rev. P. F. Bull Mr. J. B. Willis Representatives on the General Board of Religious Education Rev. Canon Popey Mr. J. B. Willis Rev. P. F. Bull Dr. E. H. Niebel Council for Social Service for the Diocese of Algoma Rev. H. A. Sims Mr.F. W. Major Rev. J. B. Lindsell Mr. A. Elliot Rev. J. Norman Mr. A. V. Bliss (Since deceased) Diocesan Representatives on Council for Social Service Rev. H. A. Sims Mr. F . W. Major Rev. J. Norman Mr. A. Elliot (Since deceased) Representatives of Diocese of Algoma on Corporation of Trinity College, Toronto. Ven. Archdeacon Burt Rev. A. P. Banks Rev. Canon Hincks Rev. Canon Colloton Association in England for Union ~n Prayer and Work With the Church in Algoma I President-The Right Reverend the Bishop of Algoma Hon. Central Officers Organizing Secretary........ Rev. F. Hall, Ashley Rectory, Market Harborough Central Treasurer ............................ Lieut.-Col. Trevor C. W. Molony, D.S.O. , 20E Collingham Gardens, London S. W. Central Secretary........ Miss Eda Green, la Sheffield Terrace, 97 Church Street, Kensington, London W 8 Secretary of Unattached Associates ................ Miss L. Rooper, 33 Queen's Road, Richmond, Surrey. Registrar for Periodicals ...................... 1 ..... Mrs. Cullin, 28 Bullingham Mansions, Kensington, London W 8 Secretary for Church Embroidery................ Miss C. G. Corrie, Broad Green, . Millmead, Guildford Bankers ................ Canadian Bank of Commerce, LOPlp.ilrd Street, London E. C. THE CLERGY AND LAY DELEGATES OF THE NINTH SYNOD OF THE MISSIONARY DIOCESE OF ALGOMA, 1929. Parish or Mission Incumbent Lay Delegate Aspdin .. .•.........•... Rev. R. F. Palmer, B.A., S.S.J.E. Brace· Tom Lakeman Allensville .. ......... bridge. Wm. Shane (s) Lancelot .. ........ Bala .. .... ............ Rev. James Hutton, Bala *Sidney J . Perry MacTier ............. Albert Sammons (s) Southwood .......... Baysville .. ............. Rev. R. C. Warder, Baysville *Robert Ellis Dorset .. .......... Richard Piper (s) Norway Point ........ Beaumaris .• . ........•.• Rev. Cyril Goodier, Milford Bay "John Cocks Milford Bay ......... Biscotasing ........••...... (Vacant) H. Reg. Brooks Levack .............. New Cobden ......... .' Blind River .. • ......... Rev. Richard Haines, Blind River George F . Dill Algoma ............. Spragge ............ Dean Lake .......... Bracebridge .............. Rev. J. S. Smedley, L.Th., Bracebridge D. Io gson *H. C. Minett Harry Lltherford (s) Bruce Mines .......••.•.• Rev. Henry Peeling, Bruce Mines *Wm. ,,'hite Desbarats ........... tT. J. Foster (s) Rydal Bank .......... Burk's Fans .............. Rev. G. H. Phillips, Burk's Falls *Chancellor Boyce Midlothian .. ....... Byng Inlet .. ........... Rev. A. W. Stump, Depot Harbour. Depot Harbour ...... Callander .. .....•..•.•. Rev. T . W. Daniel, Callander C. H. E. Rounihwaite Capreol .. ...•......•... Rev. E . J. G. Tucker, L.Th., Capreol. Dr. E. H. Niebel Milnet ..........•.... J ames Marshall (s) ' Cobalt ................... Rev. H. F. Cocks, Cobalt Coniston .. ............. Rev. Canon C. C Simpson, L. Th., Coniston C. H. R. Crampton Markstay ............. Garson Mine ........ Warren ............••• Copper Cliff ............... Rev. A. J. ~ruce, L.Th., Copper Cliff A. O. Davies Burwash ..........•.. W. G. Hyland (s) Elk J,.ake . ............... *(Vacant) E. H . Rudge Gowganda ........... Emsdale .. ............. *(Vacant) *H. R. Hayward Kearney . ........... J. T. Shaw (s) Novar ....•.......•... Sand Lake .........• . Englehart .. ............ *Rev. C. B. Harris, Engl ~ hart Charlton ............. *E. J. Wagner Heaslip ............•.. Krugerdorf ........... Espanola . ........ , . .... Rev H. F. Hutton, Espanola Webbwood . ......... Nairn ............... Falkenburg
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